pizza stories leila

leila stories 2 and 3
From: "leila
hmm... wonder if there's a pizza man in my area who offers delivery *and* a
pizza paddle?!! ;)From: "Ron J"

From: "leila
pizza for Monday night would be most excellent!Id appreciate a 6:00
delivery time, of a large supreme pizza with extra cheese!
ohh! and just deliver it to the lil house on the corner of fannyhill and
bumparump rd in spankbottom heaven! :) and i would be the one with bending
over.. exercising of course! ;))

you sent your order at 2:44 AM EDT but it arrived to me at via one list at
12.33 PM
but I didn't get back till 3 PM so BOTTOM line . I start it right away but
it may be late and will be cold if it take me as long in cyberspace to get
back to you as it did to receive the

also stop exercising I won't be able to recognize you if your passed out on
the floor.
I'll just try to look for that white cheeky smile when I enter.

I'll bring along the sausage, but it will be kept wrapped and will not be
opened unless YOU ask me to and that's a promise. The PIZZA is fantastic on
its own and I have designed the process so even a large pizza won't cause
heart burn it will just bottom out instead to a hot end result.

checking my cybermap I found town Spankbottom heaven easily, as I ran my
finger along i suddenly felt a hot glow in my fingertip. That was it
alright. right "smack" in the middle of Bumburn county. Now ,blowing up the
computer map, now where's bumparump road. well its a small town I just try
to find it myself when I'm there
I see Foot path, I proceed to Ankle Bend and make a left onto calfway. I
see some joint at the knee as the road turns into a thighway. I see a very
large hill ahead.
boy I hope I can make it up it. The view is nice from here but it must be
spectacular up on top. WoW, what a town as I take a minute to look around.
I now see the sign "fannyhill" I'm close. Off in the distance is another
white mound. I see the street now. but wonder what's in that valley. maybe
another time, its late
Bumparump Rd there it is, and I proceed to the little house on the corner.
The front door is open ,no note, so I proceed inward yelling it's Ron J,
PIZZA here.
No answer, I look at my note ... one with the bending over...
AS I turn, into the next room "WOW, magnificent" escapes involuntarily from
my lips, as my eyes feast on that beautiful white bottom proudly bent up
over the table. I nearly drop the pizza and the paddle, when you flex those
cheeks still bent over and say "HELLO", I'm Leila
my internal voice say " boy and I am sure I "Lamont" more.
"I'm Ron J ,ready for your pizza deliver"
"yes, I been waiting a long time, and when I saw your specials and a free
pizza paddle, I had to call you". As you get up your skirt fall back into
I grab you hand firmly but kindly, and ask where's the kitchen.
Following your eyes I hand you the paddle from atop the pizza box. Your
eyes deepen to large saucers as you first hold it. I, then drag you gently to
the kitchen, spot a table and drop the pizza onto it. Grabbing a straight
back chair, I reverse it, I sit down on it pull you right up to me against
my thigh so that you are standing facing me. still holding your hand I
explain your order

I will take you over my knee and bare your bottom
as the pizza is cold as I told you t would be.

I will hand deliver a bare bottom spanking, to you, Leila, till your bare bum
is so hot, I can't touch it anymore, and my mustache curls from the heat. I
will make sure every inch of your beautiful bum get uniformly brought up
slowly, from warm, to toasty, to stingy, to burning, to roasting, to a red hot
fire. This will provide you a set of cherry red underpants since you weren't
wearing any when I arrived.

I will take one slice from the table, and place it on your bare bottom for
one minute.

I will then hand you that slice to eat.
Until you finished eating that slice I am going to apply the free pizza
paddle to keep your bare bottom at proper heating temperature with firm hard
strokes at 5-10 second intervals. Be assured the fire in your bottom will be
maintained so you be able to nice hot pizza for every slice.

when you finish a slice I will stop paddling and reheat the next slice as
before on your personal bum burner.
repeating the process till each slice was consumed
you order large the 8 slice version and extra cheese.

For cheese it's the same payment as saucy with the last slice, with full
strengh paddling, but for extra cheese that the last 2 slices and 10 accross
your thighs.

well Leila still holding eye and hand contact are you ready for taste of
pizza heaven.
Maybe you'd like to tell the rest of the story......"happy tales to you,
until we meet again"
or if you want I can add more "Pizza"zz and carry on.
or you can say no, I lost my appetite but it does look delicious, I'll
e -mail you when I'm ready
or can propose an alteration or substitution or extra. my taste now is for

IT's up to you, the pizza's in your home court now.
Don't take too long we wouldn't want the pizza to get even colder sitting
there, or we'll need a even larger fire... and we wouldn't want all the
fireman to come busting in the middle a good old fashioned butt burning, now
would we.

have fun, bottoming out

Anyone else for pizza menu items,"personal pep",custom made,hand delivered
and free pizza paddle
Glowing results and hot reviews

Hope you enjoyed it
Ron J

story 3
looking around for a paddle-wielding spankerman! did anyone hear what
kaitie just called me???? she called me a *BLOND HEADED BIMBO*!!! I AM
DEEPLY OFFENDED!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! she needs a bottom burning of
gargantuan proportions!!

From: "leila

you are absolutely right, Ron!!! i think you need to deliver the double
paddle special to kaitlyn!!! make it a party size pizza with all the
toppings, lotsa extra sauce, and double cheese!! all the spankbottom folk
will want to be in attendance to watch kaitie get what's due!! and I'll
serve drinks! he he :)
well its time to start
let's see that was 2 paddles lella requested
must be case the one gets too much use and wears out or breaks
...........I retrace my route and arrive at your front door
leila greets me at door and takes the pizza and check the ingredients and
grabs one of the paddles
you leila say " this is the one you brought last time right"
you lovely let your fingers slide along the smooth surface that your bottom
helped create
you then plan a warm kiss on the paddle then my cheek and say "come on in"
where's katie, how will I know her
oh by the way I brought along a little extra pizza too
the bimbo special
yellow blonde cheese
extra hot spice, "pine" apple, whipped cream and cherry tomatoes

you grab it plant another quick kiss on my other cheek and lead me by the
hand into the main room

katie, she must be the woman standing in the corner
dress pinned up, panties at half mast and a bottom that staring at me,saying
spank me

everyone seems to be here, so i gentle reveal the extra bag I have hidden in
my shirt. I hand the blond wig to leila smiling she walk over to kaitie and
sets the blond wig in place. Katie groans loudly as leila fusses with it

I sit down in the straight back chair in the center of the room and wait as
leila bring katie over to me and introduces her. I look into those sad eyes
but their a gleam hidden in those eyes to as I look more deeply.
as katie stand next to my thigh waiting the inevitable, leila is still brush
out that blond wig much to your shagrin
i announce as a hush fills the room the menu for today
we'll start with the bimbo special
leila leaves and returns with the pizza and opens the box for all to see as
i contine my scolding
this is for a bad girl who hurt leila saying she must be a blond bimbo.
we will proceed wihe the usual heating technique for the pizza. However
since Leila is the one you offend while you are over my knee your rump red
hot and the first slice in position accross our cheeks i will hand each
warmed up piece to leila, she will sit on the floor right in front of your
face and feed you the pizza while I start the paddling. While I continue to
paddle you bare bum leila is allowed to hold back the next bite for you
until she is satified with your apologies
and serenity. she is permitted to hold back the next bite as often as she
feels is necessary to reinforce that you are sincere and repentant. Leila
will monitoring your progress looking right into your face from 6 inches
away. She will see the effect on each stroke of the paddle echoed in your
face. She can wipe away the tears they develop and believe me they will, as
we would want to stain her new carpet. after it all over you panties will be
hung with your name and the blond wig to Leila mantle piece with your written
apology to leila. As well as the 200 lines "I will never call Leila a blond
Bimbo again as she is a nice person and deserves my respect. My bare bottom
has been spanked hard by Ron J till you, Leila felt my apology was truly
which you will spend the rest of the party writing while the rest of us have

leila maybe you want to describe the events from your perspective till you
felt that Katie was sincere in her apology.....happy writing its you who was
called the Blond Bimbo prove them wrong forever with a well written account

hopes its tasty and spicey enough for all spankbottom
still waiting for new orders LADIES

Ron J


From: "leila

ohhh gooodie!!! this party's sure to be a big *hit*!!! kaitie's sure to get
her just desserts!! speaking of dessert, Ron... umm.... suthin with whipped
cream, ya think? ;)


>From: "Ron J"
>well glad to be of service
>I'll have to dust off my pizza service
>actually a few people off line wondered why I stopped
>but Leila your good name will be recovered
>I see you've ordered for kaitlyn for her and everyone from spankbottom will
>be at your place
>so I start "whipping" up the request and try to deliver it personally
>kaitlyn, been pretty quiet are you sure she's ready
>have you confirmed she'll be there
>who else is coming from spankbottom confirm your presence for the kaitlyn "
>Bimbo" pizza bash at leila's, I include you in the story as witnesses or
>you know the route just follow my post for leila delivery request
post script
From: leila

lol! that's the truth, Ron!! i'll never look at pizza the same way again! i
really do think it'd be a blast to have a spanking pizza party though!