update on Pizza exploits 5 And 6

pizza sub menu 5
From: "Ron J"
Request to Ron J
First just let me add about your pizza stories that I kind of agree
with Kaitlyn. It isn't my cup of tea. Probably because sometimes it
gets too abstract and I lose where you are going. So you can take that
and figure I probably don't have the right intellect for figuring out
challenges and puzzles. I don't enjoy brain teasers and crossword
puzzles either. I like everything spelled out and given to me. No
wonder I fit the Brat Category. Even so, I do have a sense of humor and
still have found myself laughing at parts of your pizza deliveries. So
they are never in vain.

services rendered

okay Sannde
for you i'll bring you over a cup of tea and a hot buns for a quick visit
no build up puzzles to follow I'll keep the crossword puzzle book at home

you said "I like everything spelled out and given to me."
we'll start with a little spelling lesson
i'll say the word and if you makes a mistake in spelling it back
well then you'll repeat the spelling correctly this letter by letter
to the cadence of a well place spank given to you after each letter.
of course this is done OTK, the best position for your thinking powers, as
the most blood rushes to your brain when the head is the low point. But I'll
try make it not too much of an overload by spanking your bottom enough to
pull the blood back to its favorite spot.

I'll give you a hint they'll be words associated with PiZZA

the buns
remaining OTK
Then we'll see wether both types of buns need rewarming further before you
get to eat them.
there's one hot cross bun there so when you get to eating that one
I have a little surpirise

the tea
well just to lay the strap on hard in 2 places on each cheek ( T ! T ) to
get it down to a "tee"
then I'll "cup" each cheek in my hand till the you've finished drinking the
real cup of rtea

hope that's more to "your cup of tea now"

let me know
(short and sweetly hot)
we have places here called the Bun Master, I wonder what there special of
the day is
Ron J



That was more like it I have a lot of English blood in me. I guess
I just needed my "Spot of Tea" to settle myself! But only one cup?
I'm a 2 cup drinker, at least! The first cup "felt" especially
delicious------I mean, "tasted" delicious. I love the way you serve it!

Thanks for the personal service! I haven't had tea that has warmed
me like that in I don't know how long!!!

Signing off with a deep contented Sigh,

pizza story 6

From: Margie

> I took the time to add MHO so obviously I'm supportive overall. just
> I'd add my 3 cents Canadian to the overview for what its worth (2 cents
> Ron J

Ron...just want you to know that I, too, enjoy the pizza stories. Thanks for
taking the time to post them :)

From: "Ron J"

thanks Marge for replying, it means a lot to me not in a selfish way, but
that I am able to accomplish what I trying to do and provide a little
spanking fun and entertainment without offending anyone i hope
I try to be a little imaginatively wild in the pizza stories and fear in the
uniqueness I may be thought of as degrading to women. The events are playful
fiction for fun. I would never even given the opportunity in real life to DO
ANYTHING degrading,embarassing,belittling unless I was 150% sure that the
woman REALLY wanted it.(Out of love only , to provide her pleasure,desires
and fantasies would I ever do anything even borderline.)
I respect people too much and don't want hurt anyone here if its taken too
humor and fantasy with a real person name attached makes it a challenge. I
shudder after posting till I see the response that they did enjoy it and it
pushed the right not the wrong buttons for them since their name is

By your comemnts Marge I know you understand that and enjoy the
fantasy,thats why in a long winded way I appreciate your feedback and others
so much, (even for you to take the time to do it)

if you'd like to order something from the pizza menu yourself I 'll try to
do my best to make it
fun for you directly. its totally up to you.

thanks again
Ron J
From: Margie
> if you'd like to order something from the pizza menu yourself I 'll try
> do my best to make it
> fun for you directly. its totally up to you.

Well Ron....I am kinda in the mood for pizza...lol. Ummmmm how about plain

From: "Ron J"

for all pizza lovers
new to the list of ingredients is sugar cane a cut above the rest .

> Margie
> sorry for the delay
> your pizza may be cold
> but I'll make it up
> may take a couple of days
> so be patientI haven't forgotten you
> Busy......busy .......busy right now
> Ron
Hi Ron,
No problem....I understand busy, believe me :)

For Marge
I ring the bell at your address and wait for Marge to answer.
"Come on in" is all I can here through the door. As I open it you greet me
with a hug and say thanks for making it, I knew you were busy.
You, Marge lead me by the hand to the living room as I try to juggle the
pizza and implements for your acquired tastes. I see you got things all
prepared. The straight back chair is placed right in the center of the
living room with the coffee table pushed aside. I open the bag and drop the
free pop (the small paddle) on the table. I open up the pizza box to show
you its plain cheese with pineapple.
Your eyes sparkle at the sight. I just brought the personal size, sprinkled
with pineapple but I brought along and extra plastic bag of pineapple slices
Marge says "Be a dear and put it in my fridge for me"
I leave the room to return a minute later.
Sitting down on the padded seat of the straight back chair, I feel a gentle
warmth in the cushion thinking your were probable just sitting there before
I arrived my brain ignores it. You are neatly dressed with a flared skirt,
stockings a medium-high heels and of course wearing a beautiful smile.

Well Marge you know the basic procedure.
you nod your head yes

You immediate lift up your dress and crawl over my knee before I get a
chance to explain the procedure. Oh well I'll explain it to you from here
even though I now looking at a different set of cheeks than I'm use to
talking to.
mmmm that cushion under my rear is warm must be the extra weight of you
across my knee I rest my hand on your white silk panties and begin outlining
the procedure.

As usual a fire will be lit in your bare bottom by a vigorous hand spanking

Each slice of the pizza will be warmed.

For each slice of "pine" apple on the pizza you will receive a stroke of
the pine paddle across your rosey red apple bottom every 20 seconds.

If you haven't finished eating the pizza I will then use pizza paddle every
30 seconds till your done.

If you drop any of the pine apple slices. You must get up, go to the fridge
and get 2 slices of pineapple for every one you drop. Eat them in front of
me and ask me the price of the extra pineapple. I will then take you back
across my knee and apply for each piece a stripe across your thighs. The
instrument I'm going to use is what I tell you the price is.
The "Bottom" line be careful.

When you have finished all your personal pizza we will start with the
refreshments. The free pop. I'll place the can in front of you with a large
straw. The pop paddle will the be applied in quick popping spanks till your
all popped out.(finished the can).
If you spill any you will get up ,hand me the straw and retrieve another
pop and straw from the kitchen. You will place the new full pop on the floor
again and get back over my knee.
The old straw will be slightly inserted till it is firmly held upright in an
appropriate round hole that quite handy. If that doesn't work and you spill
more there's a special pizza plug I use in the centre of the box that real
filling if you know what I mean.

Well Marge are you happy with your order or want to change or add anything
before I start. I reach for those panties and proceed to pull them off that
luscious bottom and oh so white bum right now.

The first spank sends you into the dreamland of ecstasy. Now you wish you
had ordered double cheese. As I land another spank you feel the stroke of
genius at work and wonder to yourself "why did I wait so long." "Maybe I
can order the next pizza now. "

Suddenly MY ASS is burning and getting hotter by the second. I reach back
for the paddle and give your ass, a real hard swipe of extra spicy.
The paddle breaks.
I push you off my lap and jump up off the seat, doing a dance with you.
Both of us rubbing our burning bottoms jumping up and down.
Wow, I look back at the chair's smoldering cushion, then I see that gleam in
your eye. (A pressure sensitive heat pad slid in the cushion)
Picking up the paddle, I find I'm in for another shock, its not the one I
brought with me at all.
YOU little MINX, Marge....... while you sent me to the kitchen you were up
to no good. "Now where is my paddle."
You calmly reach under the couch, "oh here it is it must have fallen off."
You smile wickedly , that evil grin and those glowing eyes.

Well I see I am going to have to come back with my Brat Buster kit tomorrow
. But that's another story ……..

From: Margie

> Well I see I am going to have to come back with my Brat Buster kit
> . But that's another story ……..
LOL Ron...loved the story..it's almost as if you knew just exactly what kind
of brat I really am....Just like me to hide the paddle...and the heat
cushion...too funny...I loved it thanks. Can't wait for part two!!!!!
Thanks again,