Skating Dating but no berating

By Ron


There once was a young lass named Kate

Who took her boyfriend out for a skate.

Now you’d think that that would be great

But his skating she did continually berate


Poor Ted tried and listened to all that she said

But when she said he skated like he was dead,

His face immediately turned to a vivid red,

And her short skating skirt got lifted instead


I’ll show you what life I’ve got in my hand

Even if my ice-skating isn’t all that grand.

I at least made the effort to come out today

But not to see your conduct, in this way.


The next thing I knew, as I skated nearby

Her riled boyfriend let his right hand fly.

Solid spanks smacked each round cheek.

I decide then to take a  much closer peek.


All that was heard was the sound of spanks.

It seemed he had at high limit for her pranks.

“You can quell your red bum in the snow banks

Only after she promised to behave and said thanks.”


Kate didn’t skate too smoothly herself after that

And winced whenever he gave her bum a little pat

But now poor Kate knows now to be a good sport

With her skating skirt being too conveniently short.