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Susie Cornered
By Don A. Landhill
Copyright (c) 2001, all rights reserved.
Do not transmit, post, copy, archive, or share this story without explicit
permission from the author. Retaining one copy for personal use only is

This story was originally posted in connection with the 2001 soc.sexuality.spanking SSC.

Susie Cornered



"Susie? Where are you? Come on to the swimming hole."

[Whispered] "Can't."


[Louder] "I said, I can't. I didn't want to do the dishes, and I argued about it, and
he said I was sassy, and now I'm stuck here in the corner."

"Oh boy, you really got it this time. Your bottom is *so* red."

"Go Away! I'll see you tomorrow. If he catches me talking to you, I'll be in worse
trouble. Go on now, before he comes downstairs."

"Aw, Susie, it's no fun without you. Come on, how much more trouble can you
get in, anyhow?"

"Well, I guess--"

"Susan Thacher, what is going on here? You are supposed to be in the Corner!"

"Well, Daddy --

"I see. Johnny, you know better than to talk to Susie while she is doing corner
time. Now scoot, before I call your Father."

"Yes, Sir"

"Susan Thatcher {Smack} I'm surprised at you. {Smack} You know perfectly
well {Smack} that corner time {Smack} means nose in the corner {Smack},
hands folded in front {Smack}, and mouth closed {Smack}. Since you didn't follow the
rules {Smack}, your time just started over {Smack}. And as a reminder {Smack}
you will do an extra half-hour {Smack}. After that, you will write 'I must accept
my punishments properly. I must not move or speak during corner time' two
hundred times. Now, what have you to say to me?"

"I'm very sorry, Daddy. Thank you for correcting me. I'll do my corner time
properly now."

"That's right. Very well, you have an hour to do, starting now. {Smack} I'll let
you know when you may come out of the corner and start on your lines."

[Later] "All right, Susan. You may come out of the corner and get started on your
lines now. Write carefully, but no dawdling."

[Much Later] "Daddy, here are my lines, all done. I'm so sorry for having
misbehaved today."

"Good Girl! Now finish the rest of your chores, and then get ready for bed. Come
get me when you are ready."

"But Daddy! It's only 4:30 in the afternoon. It's way too early for bed. And what
about dinner?"

"You will be going to bed early today, without diner, young lady. Keep arguing,
or misbehave again today, and you can expect a bedtime spanking, too. Clear?"

"Yes, Daddy. I'm sorry."

"That's better. Tomorrow I trust you will be a better-behaved girl. I love you too
much to let you misbehave like this. Now scoot, and I'll see you when your
chores are done and you're ready for bed."

"Yes, Daddy."

[Later yet] "Daddy"
"Yes, Susan?"

"I've finished all my chores and I'm ready for bed. And I'm so sorry for my
behavior today. Please forgive me."

"That's my good girl. I forgive you, and tomorrow will be a much happier day,
I'm sure. Now off to bed with you, and think about how you will behave
tomorrow. I love you, Susan."

"Yes, Daddy, I love you, too."

_The End_

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