The Cure

by Jules

Once upon a time was a lady named Gina.  She lived in a small cottage by a lake.  It was pretty quiet around there.  She had her garden and sheep.  She raised sheep for their wool.  That's how she supported herself by selling the wool in town. 

One day she was sitting on a bench watching the sunset over the lake and she heard someone at her door.  Puzzled because she got few visitors, she went to see who it was.  Standing in the doorway was a customer.

Now remember Gina is one hot chick.  So this guy fell for her the minute he saw her.  When his brain finally arrived back to his head, he found her to be a very sweet and kind person.  She sold him some wool and told him she's in town every Tuesday.  That way he wouldn't have to make such a long trip if he needed more.  He assured her the trip was worth it. (Following this so far?)

Well soon the customer became Gary and became a regular at Gina’s cottage.  They enjoyed each other’s company very much.  But there was one problem.  Gina smoked.  Gary did not and he did not approve of smoking.   At first Gary said nothing.  But little by little he started speaking up.  He’d tell her about the smell.  The wool she sold smelled of smoke.  She’d make a bigger profit if she didn’t smoke.  Gina shrugged it off and said she was fine with what she made.

So he tried another tack.  He’d kiss her and tell her he could taste them.  Then he actually refused to kiss her.  But that lasted only 5 minutes because her kisses always tasted sweet to him. 

Then he tried the health issue.  They went on a picnic and he wanted to race her to the top of the hill.  Gina agreed and they were off.  Halfway up the hill, Gina started running out of speed.  She was gasping for breath when she finally made it to the top.  Gary was sitting unruffled by the run and waiting for her.  That’s when he hit her with the health risks involved.

All this seemed to have little effect on Gina.  Gary sat and thought.   Her smoking bothered him.  Not enough to never see her again.  But he wanted to help her.  They went to the county fair together and were having a great afternoon.  Gary even overlooked the occasional cigarette.  They were standing by the pies when Gina in a sassy mood mentioned shoving one of those pies in Gary’s face.  Gary not finding it humorous gave her a hard SWAT! on her bottom.  The reaction each had left them puzzled.  Gary felt a sense of satisfaction.  Gina felt a sense of awe at how he had the nerve to do that. 

Gary started speculating on this.  Then he started experimenting.  Whenever Gina got to be a smart mouth, he’d give her a SWAT!  After he’d swatted her 6 times Gina did give him any lip the rest of the day. 

Now Gary got it into his head he could cure Gina of smoking.  If 6 swats could cure a smart mouth for a day, just imagine what a whole slew of them could do.  It just might make her quit smoking.  He planned on putting this into action as soon as possible.

Now at this precise time, Gina was getting tired of being out of breath and coughing.  Gary thought she wasn’t paying attention but she was.  And something about those swats made her want to please Gary.  She wasn’t sure why but decided not to question it.  So she came to the decision to quit smoking.   She didn’t like how it made her feel anymore.

So they’re walking along together through the garden.  Gary stops and has them sit on a bench.  He looks into Gina’s eyes and tells her his plan.  Gina laughs.  She knows a spanking won’t make her quit.  She explains this to a crestfallen Gary.  But he didn’t stay that way for long when she told him she was quitting.  Plus she told him maybe a spanking could help since she was ready to quit.  Being one not to procrastinate, Gary takes her over his knee and spanks her soundly. 

From that day on, Gina never smoked again.  Whenever she got the urge to smoke she went to Gary and he spanked her.  Some days were better than others.  Some days she had the urge 3 times.    Whether she went to him because she had an urge to smoke or an urge to be spanked still remains a mystery.  Gary almost had the answer and decided not to bother.  They both were having too much fun. 

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