The Little Angel Jules
Once upon a time there was a little angel trying vainly not to fall off her cloud for the 100th time that day. She was frustrated. She wanted to do good deeds like everyone else. But she always messed them up.

There was the man whose car wouldn't start. She pointed at the engine and it turned into a hot air balloon. A kid was praying to pass his English test the next day. But she didn't select a language. Consequently he wrote it all in Latin. He would have gotten an A+ but his teacher didn't know Latin. The little angel zapped the teacher but she wound up speaking pig Latin instead.

She knew she was hopeless. But suddenly one day she came across a goose with its little webbed foot stuck in a bear trap. Her heart went out to the poor animal and she sped down to earth. She ran into a tree but she made it.

Well she comes up to the animal and can see he's in agony. She decides to do this one by hand. None of that pointing or waving of the hand. She walks up to the goose speaking in soft tones to reassure it. Pulling the jaws of the trap apart, the goose quickly pulls it's little webbed foot out. Unable to hold it any longer the jaws SNAP shut!

The little angel checked herself and the goose to make sure they each had all their parts. Relieved she sits down on the ground to rest and the goose runs off. She suddenly she's flying through the air. Something has a hold of her wings. Frightened now she looks at what has her as she is set down on the ground. Uh Oh! It was the man she'd helped with his car.

He was obviously angry and DID remember her. It seems the goose was eating his garden, scaring his dogs and terrorizing his horses. If the little angel had bothered to look, she would have seen the Wanted posters for that goose. The man had planned on taking it then to the zoo and donating it. But now the goose was loose again.

The man stood looking down at the little angel who just smiled at him. He took her hand, sat down on a log and pulled her face down across his knee. The little angel was dumbfounded. What was he doing?

He careful moved her wings, lifted her white, silk dress, pulled down her white panties and brought his hand down on her bare bottom. The little angel immediately reacted by kicking and yelling. But the man continued with smack after smack after smack. When the little angel's bottom was a nice crimson red, he stood her up in front of him.

The little angel wanted to rub her bottom but the man held her arms. He told her this was a lesson so she'd be more careful of what she was doing. He gave her a hug and she headed back to her cloud.

That night she slept on her stomach while her hot bottom tried to cool down in the night breeze. The next morning she went about her business as usual. She'd forget sometimes and try to sit, only to jump up from the pain in her bottom.

She helped a woman get to work on time and the woman WAS going to work. She quieted a fussy baby whose mother was over tired and needed her rest. A man was playing golf and never gotten a hole-in-one and she did it! She even managed to help an old lady cross the street. Everything the little angel did turned out as it should.

After about a week, she started messing up again. She sat down on her cloud to think and almost fell off. Why was she able to do things the right way after she had been spanked? Why couldn't she do it now?

Heading to earth she spotted the man in his garden. He had found the goose where she'd left it for him. Then he saw how bewildered she was. He chuckled and took her over to the bench and pulled her across his lap. After spanking her soundly, he hugged her and she was on her way.

After that the little angel visited the man every week and got her bottom blistered.

The moral of the story is "Even Angels need to be spanked."

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