The Nag

by Ron J

We are driving along and I've had about all I can take
You don't seem to realize it, as I say for heaven's sake
Young lady I have had enough of your attitude.
In fact right now you are just being plain rude.

You better just be quiet or else I'll stop the car
For young lady you have pushed me too far.
Not another word about the subject at hand
Or your going to get something you don't have planned

Well things remain pleasantly quiet for a change
The music plays, but you look over at me strange.
I think for the first time, I have caught you off balance
And you play it safe for a while, with a safety allowance.

You continue to stare and study me for a while
But being cautiously patient is not your style.
So after a long stretch of silence, you finally say
"You would dare or there will be hell to pay."

Well you larch forward surprised as I hit the brake
Pulling over to the curb right beside the lake.
Okay young lady you and I are going to be started
But you jump out the door and suddenly departed

Well I decide it's time that your attitude gets corrected
So I get out and follow the bent shrubs as directed.
Well I finally find you in a heap in a grass clearing.
As you seemed to have lost an expensive earring

You shout help me find it! See what you have done!
"I will look now, before its time for the setting sun
But my dear when I find it you're coming with me
Because I am going to take over there across my knee."

I point to a stump that's at the edge of the clearing
As I look from that way I see the glistening earring
"Well you young lady it looks like I found it"
"Now for something that'll put you in my debt"

"Let me have it you say, holding out your hand"
"I certainly will, my dear, just not as you planned."
I drop the earring in my pocket and take your arm
"Don't worry my dear this won't do you any harm."

You been needing a spanking for quite a while
And you can bet you're going to get it in style.
I drag you along. You shout don't be such a chump
But this setting is perfect, as I sit down on a stump

You sudden realize that you're about to get a spanking
So you switch tactics and start to begin thanking
"Well this is a nice spot to sit down for a chat.
"I'll sit on the ground here, where its nice and flat."

This certain is a lovely spot you picked out
Very beautiful place Ron, without a doubt
I let you carry on for just a little bit longer
Until my poor mind begins again to wonder

"Young lady you are getting a spanking from me."
Now get yourself, right now across my knee."
Seeing you hesitation, I pull you across with force
You scream, "don't you dare" as a matter of course

"Now that I have you settled across my knee right
There are just a few things I need to say tonight."
"I really care for you and want you to have fun,
But when you nag all time nothing gets done."

"so now that you in a good position to listen
I am going prepare your bottom to christen."
"You are going to get a spanking now from me
Then after we'll see just how good you can be."

You protest, "it's not fair, I don't nag at all"
"Well that is not correct my dear as I recall"
"that's the problem, you don't seem to know
That you get onto a subject and wont let go."

As I grab for your skirt and start its upward climb
You yell "no", but I am not listening at all this time.
So with your panties finally exposed to my view
I say, "okay, now it time for the spanking you are due."

You yell back in one last desperate attempt
Pleading that at your age you should be exempt.
"Well my dear when you act like a child to me
From now on a spanking it is what it's going to be.

As I pat your pantied bottom ready to spank
There is something that just hits me now point-blank
Spankings, my dear are just what you really do need
Your first is now, no matter how much you plead

As I lift my hand you say "stop Ron, one last chance"
"My dear I just told you know already in advance"
"You are getting a spanking every time you act naughty
Only then will you not act high and mighty and haughty."

I begin to spank and right away you start yelling
"Do what everyone to come see you bottom swelling"
You tone down a bit not wanting to cause a scene
I initiate each cheek to where a hand had never been.

You start to cry pretty quickly as your bum turns red
I stop. You say, "I'm glad you're starting to use your head."
"Well my dear, this is not over by a long shot, I laugh."
"In fact your and my thoughts are following a different path."

"Those panties are now going to be taken right down."
"You getting a bare bottom spanking before we get to town"
"Oh no Ron, you can't do that to me. Please I'll be good."
"You got to trust me Ron. You known that you should."

"No way my dear, you're not sweet-talking your way out'"
"A bare bottom spanking is coming that you will learn all about."
"So you can complain if you want and just lie there and pout,
But your panties are still coming down, have no doubt."

As I grab for the waistband your hand meets me there
"Remove your hand from your bottom, it is going to be bare."
"If your hand stays there, I will get up and remove every stitch
Then without any clothes we'll go the woods to get you a switch."

"I am sure that a thin branch will hurt much more than my hand,
So I suggest young lady you comply with my stated demand."
You slowly remove you hand just out of the way in the nick of time
And your panties then descend, revealing a bare bum that's sublime

"With my breath taken away by uncovering your red fanny,
I say to you well my dear isn't life itself so very uncanny."
"For a girl like you who needs to have her bottom well spanked
Is endowed with a pretty bottom, let the spanking gods be thanked."

My comments don't seem to cheer you up at this moment
For you know that it is really a back handed compliment.
But not wanting to spoil the occasion I start to smack you bum
Thinking to myself again, boy mother nature isn't so dumb

The firmness of your bum tells me it needs a good workout
So I spank quite hard one cheek at a time as you begin to shout.
But nothing now can deter me from spanking your bum
As I move to the lower summits with a lot more to come.

Well to say you took your spanking well would not be right
As everyone for miles around was soon aware of your plight
I remind you again to have better control over your voice.
You reply "Ron you're spanking me too hard, I got no choice"

Then you better get ready to begin to entertain company
With your bum so red and bare for everyone to come see
It will be nice for them to see you getting it smacked
For as they will see it is something you have sorely lacked

"Well that's enough talk now, the rest is up to you"
"Now I'll give you the rest of your spanking your due."
"No Ron, that's not necessary I've learned my lesson"
"I'll be so good, there will never be another session."

"Sorry my dear, but your not getting off this light today."
"You need to learn how a real spanking feels, my way
Without further delay I start to spank hard once again
To the accompaniment more "ows" as you feel the pain

I build up a nice tempo that gets you crying for real
A discipline spanking has to be something you feel
I ward on your flaying hands folding them behind your back
Then begin again with full force, my very best attack

With you legs kicking and your bum bouncing to my pace
I finally decide to take a look at your tear stained face
You plead with me to stop but I land a final volley of spanks
Then I stop, lift your head up and say "okay, now say thanks."

I lift you up on your feet letting you dress fall into place
"Now my dear pull up your panties then about face."
You look at me rubbing your bum, but quickly comply
As you look at me in the eye, you see it's no time to defy

We march back through the field not letting you stop
Until we finally reach the car only to suddenly face a cop
It seems I have parked the car in an illegal zone.
But the cop looks first at us in an uneasy tone

He looks at your tear stained face you try to hide
Then to me, but I look at him and take things in stride
"When I stopped for your car I heard some sound.
So I walked into the woods to see who was around.

As I walked to the follow the sound through the trees
It got louder and then a women's voice yells out "please"
The type of sound was unmistakable when I got close
A girl getting spanked where she needed it the most

My dear, your face turned as red as the cheeks on your rear
As the cop then looked squarely at you as he got very near
Then he turned towards me and shook my startled hand
"We need more men like you." " I saw more than I had planned"

It was a delight to see you dealing out those hard spanks
Just for the role model you are, getting no ticket is my thanks
You, young lady have finally met the right man for you
As you as he turned to me, "my daughter had become a shrew."

You look at your dad and said you should have come to save me."
"When I got there and saw you I thought your life was saved you see"
"Oh dad how could you stand there and watch him spank my bare bum."
"Let me put it this way my daughter, I hope you have a lot more to come."

So the day turned out actually well, once I took things into hand
Now I even had the parental support in more ways than I planned
I reach into my pocket and hand you back your shiny earring
Then I reach into the other pocket and present you a wedding ring.

Ron J