The Tattoo

by Katy

Becky was excitedly talking on the phone to her friend Anne about their plans for the coming Saturday. Their husbands Rob and John both loved fishing and were planning an all day salmon-fishing trip on the Columbia for Saturday. That left Becky and Anne to do whatever they wanted.

Rob and John were great friends and the couples had grown even closer since their vacation together at Cannon Beach in the fall. It was then the women found that though their husbands’ temperaments might seem different they were both definitely in charge in their homes.

A little forbidden escapade to visit a Lighthouse had left them both with very sore bottoms. Since that time they had a few adventures but none that had resulted in the trouble their Lighthouse trip did.

Even though Becky was on a tight budget, Rob usually would allow her some leeway in shopping with Anne, when he and John spent the day together fishing. Rob Townsend walked in the door as Becky was still chattering away with Anne. “I don’t know about that Anne, I’ll have to think about it. I’ve never talked to Rob about it, but didn’t John tell you that tattoos were out?”

Before Anne could reply Rob cleared his throat to let Becky know he was home.

“Oh Anne, Rob’s here, I’ll talk to you later.” Becky hung up the phone and nervously greeted Rob.

“You scared me, I didn’t hear you come in.”

“Rebecca Ellen, what were you and Anne talking about?” Rob had that no nonsense look on his face.

“Oh just some girl talk, nothing much. How was your day? Let me fix you a drink.” Becky made herself busy in the bar area off the kitchen.

Rob came up behind her and took the bottle and glass out of her hand. “I believe I asked you a question, and I don’t think you answered it quite truthfully. Shall we try again?”

Becky turned around and looked at Rob. “Really it was just talk about what we want to do this Saturday. If you really want the gory details, I’ll explain over cocktails on the deck. I have stuff in the oven to attend to, and then I’m all yours.” Becky eased past him into the kitchen.

“Why don’t you make the cocktails while I take care of this?”

“All right, but I want the truth. Understand?” Rob did not like Becky’s evasive attitude. The word ‘tattoo’ just set his teeth on edge.

A few minutes later Becky came out with some hot appetizers and sat down on the chair opposite Rob. She took the glass he offered her and sat back in her chair. “Isn’t this a beautiful evening?”

Their home was on a hill overlooking the Willamette River and also had a view of Mt. Hood. Since it was a warm clear evening the view was spectacular of both. “Oh Rob, don’t you just love to see the boats back in the river?”

“Yes, Rebecca I love to see all these things, but right now I want to know what you and Anne were talking about tattoos for.” Rob wasn’t pleased at her evasive attitude.

Becky knew there was no getting around Rob now. He had heard too much. “Rob, Anne has been wanting to get a tattoo. John doesn’t like the idea, and said no, but she feels he will like it if he sees it.”

Rob picked up one of the appetizers and popped it in his mouth. “How do you think I feel about them?”

Becky blushed and tried to avoid the question. “Oh it’s time to light the fire. Could you do that and I’ll get the steaks.” She jumped up and went to the kitchen.

Rob sighed and prepared the barbeque. One way or the other, he would have the truth from her yet.

Becky chatted away through dinner, hoping to get Rob’s mind off the tattoos. For his part he knew exactly what she was doing but decided to play along with her. He didn’t bring up the topic the rest of the evening.

Later as they were about ready to climb into bed, Rob sat on the end of the bed and watched Becky brushing her hair. “Rebecca Ellen, come here please.”

Becky spun around in alarm, her eyes wide. Cautiously she walked over to Rob. “Yes?”

Rob pulled her onto his lap. “I believe I asked you a question several hours ago, and have still not received an answer. You have attempted this entire evening to get my attention elsewhere, however it didn’t work. Are you ready to answer it now?”

“Rob, this isn’t fair! You were eavesdropping and weren’t supposed to hear that conversation. Anyway, I told you John said no.” Beck was pouting.

“Fine, I think I’ll answer the question myself then.” Rob flipped her over his knee and before Becky knew what was happening her bottom was bare and Rob’s hand was smacking it hard.

“This is what *I* think about tattoos. The only tattoo you are going to have is my handprint on your bottom. Don’t even think about getting one. Now, have I made myself clear?” Rob stopped spanking and waited for an answer.

“Yes, Yes, I won’t get a tattoo.” Becky was trying to wipe the tears from her eyes.

Rob picked her up and held her. “Wouldn’t it have been a lot easier to just answer the question the first time?”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t want to get Anne in trouble.” Becky snuggled into his arms.

“You know I don’t like evasion Becky, that is the same as lying. So whatever you two do this Saturday, it won’t involve tattoos, right?”

“Yes Sir, no tattoos.”

The next day Anne and Becky met for lunch. Anne again started talking about tattoos.

“I don’t think it’s a good idea Anne, Rob overheard us yesterday and demonstrated what would happen if I got one, or even thought about getting one.” Becky shifted a bit uncomfortably in her chair.

“I know John would probably spank me till it disappeared anyway.” Anne smiled. “But I still think it would be cute.”

“So what are we going to do Saturday? I think John said they would be home late afternoon, so we will have most of the day. I thought we could have dinner at our house, just throw something on the barbeque.” Anne sipped her iced tea waiting for Becky to think.

“I think it’s supposed to be nice, we could drive up to Mount Hood and have lunch. The spring flowers should be blooming and it will be pretty. They’re still skiing so we can watch some of that too. Then on the way back there’s that neat little antique town we can stop and see what’s new.”

“Okay, sounds good to me. I love the drive to Mount Hood too, it’s so pretty.”

That settled they finished their lunch and planned on meeting at 8:00 a.m. Saturday.

Rob came home early Friday afternoon to get all his gear ready. “Honestly Rob, I can’t believe it takes all this stuff just to catch a poor fish.” Becky sat and watched him packing everything.

“That’s cause you don’t know anything about fishing. They are smart and it takes talent to catch them.” Rob checked over one of his poles and picked out a few more lures. “By the way what have you and Anne decided to do?”

Becky smiled; she was wondering when he would ask. “We’re driving up to Mount Hood for lunch, and then do some shopping in the cute little town on the way down. I haven’t been there in a while and I bet they have some great new stuff.”

Rob laughed. “They probably have about starved since your last visit. Just don’t go overboard, okay? You’ve been right on budget lately and it’s great.”

“I won’t, but a little splurge is in order for having to miss a whole Saturday without you.” Becky stood behind him and gently massaged his shoulders. “Are you almost done there? Maybe we could make up for a little lost time tonight?”

“Go on up and I’ll be there in a few minutes.” Rob swatted her bottom as she walked by. He laughed as she stuck her tongue out at him as she went. “You’ll pay for that in a minute imp.”

Rob quietly rose the next morning at 5:00 a.m. He tried not to wake Becky. Needless to say, they hadn’t gotten as much sleep, as he would have liked to last night. He smiled looking at her sleeping form and remembering the evening before. ‘Oh well, I can sleep in tomorrow.’

He was ready to leave and bent over to give Becky a kiss. She woke and smiled at him. “Have a good day Rob, see you tonight at John and Anne’s.”

“You too and behave.” Rob kissed her once more and left humming.

Becky slept for another hour and then showered and had a quick bite to eat. She was at Anne’s promptly at 8:00 a.m. Anne answered the bell and ushered her into the house.

“Have some coffee while I finish dressing and we’ll be on our way.”

The day was clear and sunny with the temperatures in the 70’s a perfect day for going up the mountain. Several times they pulled off to admire the wildflowers that were blooming along with the azaleas and rhododendrons.

“Oh Becky, this is the prettiest time of the year up here.”

“Yes, other than autumn when it is ablaze with oranges, red and yellows all mixed with the green fir trees.” Becky giggled. “I guess it’s pretty up here all the time. Summer and winter aren’t bad either.”

The air was sharp and clear when they reached the lodge. Anne reached back for her jacket. “I’m glad you reminded me to bring this, it is a bit chilly yet up here. Let’s explore around a bit before lunch.”

They walked up to the base of the ski lift and watched the skiers going up the hill and then watched them come down. On the top of the hill they looked like little ants, gradually taking form as humans when they reached the end of the run. The gift shops were always fun and they explored them and wandered around the lodge a bit. It was a huge stone building built during the depression by the WPA to provide jobs. The main sitting area had the largest fireplace that either of them had ever seen. Even now there was a fire blazing in it. The warmth felt good from the chill outside. The dining room was immediately adjacent and that also had a huge fireplace and floor to ceiling windows to view the mountain and the distant view of other mountain ranges.

Becky walked up to the receptionist. “Could we have a table for two please near the fireplace?”

They were early so seating wasn’t a problem and they had a table in front of the fireplace with a great view of the mountain.

Anne looked at the menu and sighed. “Everything is so good here. I think I’m going to have the House Special Salad. I love it and it’s filled with so many good things.”

“I think I’ll join you, that’s one of my favorites too.” Anne placed the menu down on the table and they chatted until lunch was served. An hour later they were ready to continue on their explorations.

“Let’s walk around a bit and see the St. Bernards, then we can head back down.” Becky just loved the big dogs they still used in rescue missions on the mountain. The trainer was with them and taking two of them through a mock rescue for the entertainment of a group of children watching. They watched for a bit and then went back to the car.

“I’m ready to hit the stores.” Anne buckled up her seatbelt.

About an hour later they pulled into town. Both were amazed at the change. Some of the antique stores were gone and it was more of a tourist haven. Becky looked at Anne, “What happened here? I can’t believe it.”

“I don’t know. I haven’t read a thing about it. Let’s investigate and see what’s left. Maybe some of them relocated and we can find them.” Anne pointed out a parking place and Becky pulled in.

They entered the oldest store in the town, one they had frequented a lot in the past two years. “Hi, how have you been?” Becky greeted the owner.

“Well, well, if it isn’t my favorite city people. Have you been hibernating?” The gray haired lady laughed and welcomed them.

“I guess we didn’t make it up here this winter. This is our first trip, but what happened here? Looks so touristy.” Beck pointed to some of the stores across the narrow street.

“Oh I know. Business was so bad in the fall after 9-11 that some of the old-timers just closed up or sold out. I’m not giving in just yet, figured you would be back and get me in the black again.” She laughed heartily. “Just look around and I’ll fix us a nice cup of tea and fill you in on the rest of the gossip.”

Becky and Anne laughed with her. Betty Tyler was their favorite shop keep. She was motherly and jovial no matter what. While Betty was busy in the back, Anne and Becky looked around.

“Oh Becky, look at this! Wouldn’t this be perfect in my front hall?” Becky was pointing to a narrow table.

Becky walked over and examined it. “Yes, it would. I can see it with that wonderful print you got over it and some of the glass pieces you collect on it. I think it is priced quite reasonably too. With our preferred discount, not even the guys can complain. Oh take it Anne.”

Becky looked over some other furniture pieces and then her eye was caught by a beautiful set of cut crystal stemware. “Anne, look at this. I think this is exactly what I have been looking for. It’s a bit over budget, but hopefully Rob will love it as much as I do. He really does appreciate my finds.”

“Oh Becky, it’s beautiful and with the red stems just made for your dinner ware.” Anne picked up a piece and held it to the light. “This is great crystal.”

They each picked up a few more miscellaneous things and Betty arrived with tea and scones. “Well ladies, was I gone long enough?”

Becky laughed and hugged her. “Oh yeah, we have so much picked out.” They sat at her ‘customer’ table and arranged for delivery of the table and crystal. The other smaller pieces they could take. The scones were excellent and they enjoyed the tea.

“Okay, tell all what has happened here, and who are the new shop owners.” Beck could hardly wait to hear the gossip.

“Well dears, that shop across the street…. He is a pervert. Sells smut, that’s what he sells. I went in there and was shocked. I don’t know what this world is coming to. I really don’t.” Betty was shaking her head.

Anne and Becky looked at each other. Becky gently asked. “Uh, what kind of things?”
“Welllll! You are decent married women, and I think you would be shocked. But you should go and check it out. Maybe if you write the town council of your outrage as frequent shoppers here they will close it.” Betty Tyler was really worked up now.

“You wouldn’t believe the filthy sex things he has. He even has whips and paddles. Says it’s not wrong. Well, I’ll tell you, if my Hubert had ever suggested using something like that, I would have died. Check it out and let me know what you think. He even has these tattoo things that you paste on and peel off later or wash off. SMUT, that’s all it is.”

“Oh Betty, calm down. We’ll check it out and write the letter for you. I don’t think this town is the place for that kind of store.” Anne was patting her hand but had a twinkle in her eye.

Betty sniffed. “Well those hot shot skiers going up to ski thrives on it. Oh well they aren’t the kind that appreciate my wares anyway. Enough complaining, let’s get you two settled and on your way.” Betty finished filling out the bills of sale and arranged for the deliveries the following week.

“Bye Betty, take care, we will be back soon.” Becky hugged her as they left. They put their purchases they were carrying in the car and immediately headed across the street.

“Anne, you better be careful. I saw your face when she mentioned tattoos. We can’t get them understand?” Becky was trying to be stern, but she was just as curious as Anne.

The name on the shop door said Sam’s Sexy Sundries. Anne looked at Becky and giggled. “I think we are entering an adult theme store. I’ve never been in one before.”

Becky was a little nervous and embarrassed to be going into a store of this nature, but followed behind Anne. Her face grew redder as she saw the variety of things he carried. Nothing in her imagination would ever have prepared her for this.

The thirtyish man behind lounging behind the counter smiled at the two women. “Something special I can help you ladies with?”

Before Becky could say ‘no’, Anne blurted out, “Yes, I understand you have Temporary Tattoos?

“Sure do, let me show you the selection.” He pulled a book out from behind the counter and Anne and Becky went up to look. “Any particular theme you were looking for?”

This time Becky was able to get the first word in. “No, we are just curious is all.”

The man smiled cockily at them. “They all say that.” He flipped the book over to the two women. “Have a ball, call me if you see anything you want.”

Part 2

Becky could have killed Anne as she started thumbing through it. “Anne! What are you doing? You know we can’t get those, we would get slaughtered and not sit for the rest of the month.”

The man heard her and chuckled. “There is a nice assortment of spanking ones starting on page thirty.”

Anne quickly flipped there and both were caught up in looking at them. There were so many of them and so cute too. Becky pointed to one. “Oh look, at this one, an angel saying ‘Butt I’m not naughty’, and this one a target, I wonder what Rob would think if he were to spank me playfully and I had some of these on. I bet even then he would think it was funny.”

Anne giggled along with her, “Yes, they couldn’t be mad when they found out they were temporary and could peel them off. Oh, let’s get some.”

Becky caved in and they wound up ordering two sheets each of them. They had enough tattoos to last for a long while. When they were back in the car on the way home they discussed how they would use them.

“I think it would be better to try and coordinate the first time, otherwise one will tell the other. We will have to think of some way to do that, and make it a playful one, nothing serious.” Becky was deep in thought trying to think of how they would accomplish that.

They didn’t have much more time to discuss it, because the men were already home when they reached Anne’s. They quickly hid the tattoos in their purses and went into the house. The odor of salmon hit them the minute they turned the corner to the kitchen.

Rob and John were relaxing on the deck and a huge fish was sitting in water in the sink.
Anne poked at it with a fork. “They cleaned it at least. I’d say that we are having grilled salmon for dinner.”

Becky walked out and wrapped her arms around Rob. “So I see fishing was successful. Is there more spoils from the day other than the monster in the sink?”

Rob pulled her onto his lap and kissed her. “Sure is, we got five, so two each to freeze and one for tonight. How was your day? Did you clean out my checking account?”

“Nope, charged it all.” Becky looked up at him innocently.

Rob gave her a look so she promptly added. “We just bought a few things and you will love them. Just a wee bit over budget.”

Anne joined them with wine for Becky and herself. “Oh John, you should see how our favorite little town has changed. Most of the stores have closed and some really touristy places opened.”

Becky shot her a warning glance before she said anymore about a certain shop. Anne caught it and stopped just in time.

Rob and John however also noticed and Rob decided a bit of investigation was in order. Nothing more was said about the shopping trip. Conversation centered on the fishing trip and how great it was, and when they should plan the next one.

Anne and Becky retired to the kitchen and when they were finished putting the rest of the salmon away and cleaning up the kitchen sat down with coffee at the table talk. Anne pulled her tattoos out of her purse and put them on the table. “Keep watch for me, make sure they don’t come in here.”

Becky watched but hissed at Anne, “Put those away, it is far too risky!” Anne finally got up and took them into her bedroom and hid them in a drawer. She returned smiling, “Oh Becky this is going to be so much fun.”

“Yes it will if we play our cards right. If you get reckless and John finds them, we will be in big trouble.”

John and Rob finally came in and joined them for a bit. After a cup of coffee Rob stood up and announced it was time to go. “It’s been a long day. I’ll give you a call Monday.”

Becky and Anne were talking constantly the next week trying to figure out the best time to spring their surprise. There didn’t seem to be one night in the near future that their calendars coordinated. They were about to give up in exasperation, when Rob came home one night and asked Becky if she was up for a long weekend at the beach. “I thought John and I could get a day of fishing in and you and Becky could amuse yourselves for one day. John’s all for it and we can go in two weeks.”

Becky hugged Rob. “Oh that’s perfect! I can’t wait. I’ll call Anne right now.” Becky started for the kitchen to all Anne.

“Hold on there. Let John talk to her about it first.” Rob held her and looked into her eyes. “Why so anxious, you usually complaining about the fishing trips there? Are you two up to something?”

“No, I just think it will be a lot of fun. We haven’t been there since fall.” Becky was trying to smile innocently.

Rob kissed her and said nothing more. He was plenty suspicious though. Becky hadn’t really been herself since the day she and Anne had gone to Mt. Hood. As he sipped his drink waiting for Becky to join him, he remembered the conversation that night about the change in their favorite town. He called his answering machine at work and left a message to check property transfers there the next day.
Rob hung up the phone the next day after talking to the County Assessors Office. He couldn’t wait to call John. “Hi John, I think I know what has our gal’s all jumpy and nervous. That town they like in the mountains has changed. Instead of all antique stores there is an adult porno shop there. I bet they bought some XXX rated film and have been trying to find a way to get us together to watch it. The Beach gave them the perfect opportunity.”

John laughed. “We can act surprised, but you’re probably right. I was afraid that day Anne had gone ahead and gotten a tattoo but I was wrong there.”

Finally the weekend of the beach trip arrived. Becky and Rob arrived a few minutes before Anne and John on Thursday night. The fishing trip was scheduled for Friday, so the girls made their plans for the day as the guys put together their fishing tackle. When they were finished they joined Becky and Anne on the deck.

Rob leaned against the railing and looked at Becky. She still had the same excited look she had been wearing for two weeks. “What are you girls planning for tomorrow?”

“Just the usual, shopping, lunch and a trip to the Lighthouse.” Becky threw that out to see what reaction it would get.

Rob and John laughed, and then Rob added, “Yes and if you do, I have a nice belt all ready for your bottom.”

“Oh you know I was kidding, I don’t think they would rent us a boat for any reason.”

John looked at his watch. “It’s getting late, I think it’s time to hit the sack, we have to be up early tomorrow.” Anne stood up and they said their goodnights and went downstairs to their bedroom.

Rob pulled Becky up and held her. “I guess we should follow suit.” He picked her up and carried her into the bedroom.

Becky giggled. “I thought you were tired?”

“Hmmm, not that tired.” Rob dumped her on the bed and started slowly undressing her. Once again he didn’t get quite the amount of sleep he had planned.

Rob and John were up and gone by sunup. Becky and Anne slept in for several hours. They had until probably 5:00 and in truth didn’t really have too much planned at all.

After a leisurely breakfast they brought out the tattoos. Anne was looking at hers and frowning. “I can’t decide which one I want to use first.”

“I know I can’t either, but I think I like this one.” Becky pointed to one that said, ‘Spank Here’ and was written around a target.


Anne decided on a Rose that said ‘Bottoms Up’. “Oh I’m so excited, this is going to be so much fun.”

They read the instructions and headed for the bathroom to put them on. When they were done they were in a fit of giggles, the tattoos looked so life like. “Oh I wonder what their initial reaction will be? Remember we have to be really bratty tonight so they will both discover them.” Becky already had her attitude planned, one that worked every time.

Shortly before noon they headed out to their favorite restaurant for lunch. They relaxed and enjoyed the scenery, their table overlooked the beach and it was a nice sunny day. The water was smooth and their wasn’t a cloud in the sky. Both of their thoughts jumped back to the fall and their little adventure.

Becky shuddered when she spotted the lighthouse. “I think they should tear that thing down, it gives me the creeps now to look at it.”

Anne agreed. “Yes, that was sure a scary day. I’ll never forget it.”

After lunch they prowled around the shops in town and purchased a few items they liked.

“How about we take a drive up the coast to some of the other towns. It’s only 3:30 we have plenty of time.” Becky pulled Anne along to the car.

They scouted out two more towns and decided they had enough for the day. It was 4:30 and they would just have enough time to make it back to the cottage by the time the guys got home. Becky was laughing and joking with Anne, when all of a sudden there was a car headed straight for her. Quickly she turned the wheel and the car swerved off, but her car went right into the side of the hill. Anne screamed as the air bags popped filling the car.

The next thing they knew people were opening the door and helping them out. The police and ambulance arrived at about the time they got out of the car. Both were shaken so bad they couldn’t stand.

Paramedics started checking them over as the police took a report from the witnesses. Anne had a cut on her arm and Becky had a cut on her head and both were complaining of stomach pain.

The paramedics motioned to a Police Officer. “We’re going to transmit them to ER for an evaluation and possible stitches. You can catch up to us there.”

Becky heard them and protested. “No, I’m fine, just take us home, our husbands will be worried.”

“Sorry, we have to take you in and make sure there are no internal injuries for the air bag. We’ll call your husbands for you.” Without another word they loaded them into the ambulance. The policeman assured them he would bring their packages and arrange for the car to be towed.

The one thing neither Becky nor Anne remembered was their tattoos. As soon as they arrived in ER they were swarmed with nurses and placed in two different cubicles to await a doctor. Their clothes were removed and they were given gowns. Neither one thought anything of it.

Becky was worried about Rob and asked a nurse if she would call him. “The police officer already has dear. They should be here any minute.”

As soon as she left a young doctor came in and started asking questions. He looked at the cut over her eye first. “I think we can just bandage that, it won’t need stitches. Now lets see about your stomach. Lie flat for me.” Becky did as she was told and he probed around her stomach. “I think you’re fine, but you are going to be a bit bruised and sore. I do want to give you a tetanus shot for the cut though. I’ll be right back.”

Anne was undergoing pretty much the same examination as Becky with the same results. No stitches and they would be able to leave as soon as they had their shots.

“Okay, now turn on your side so I can give you the shot.” The doctor instructed Becky. Without thinking she rolled over. He gave her the shot and then started laughing. It was then Becky remembered the tattoo. She could have died, when he called a nurse in to help her dress. The nurse was laughing too. When he went into Anne’s room he really roared. The entire ER was laughing when Rob and John arrived.

The doctor took them aside and explained about the accident and gave them a list of things to watch for. The final clincher was when the doctor told them, “Those are the funniest tattoos I’ve seen in a long time. Tattoos can be dangerous though, I’d watch for signs of infection.”

Rob looked mystified at the young doctor. “What tattoo?”

“You don’t know? I guess you have a surprise coming, they both have some shall we say interesting tattoos on their bottoms.”

Rob and John thanked the doctor and then looked at one another. “I can’t believe they did that. It was bad enough getting the call about the accident, now this.” Rob strode into the examining room where Becky was dressing.

“Not so fast Young Lady, what tattoo was the doctor talking about?”

“Um its nothing Rob, really, I’ll explain later.” Becky just wanted to get dressed and home.

Rob rolled her over and saw the tattoo. “I think you are going to have a lot of explaining to do, and it will be done over my knee. Finishing dressing and let’s go.”

It was a quiet ride on the way home. When they got to the cottage Becky and Anne both sank into chairs. Neither John nor Rob said a word but stood glaring at them.

John finally walked over to Anne. “You and I need to have a discussion in private.” He turned to Rob. “We’ll see you for dinner in a couple of hours.”

Becky had tears in her eyes and looked up at Rob. “You didn’t even ask me how I was. I could have been killed.”

“Rebecca Ellen, you have the ability to scare me half to death!” Rob sat down and pulled her on his lap. “I care a lot, I love you. But you are in big trouble young lady. What ever possessed you to disobey me and get a tattoo? First thing Monday morning you are calling the doctor and arrange to have it removed.”

Before Becky could say another word Rob stood her up and undid her shorts and pulled them and her panties down. Quickly she was over his lap and his hand was clapping off her bottom.

“Ouch, Ouch, Rob, please stop, you don’t understand, it’s a joke!” Becky was trying to get him to stop. Her pleas were ignored.

Rob was spanking away and lecturing when all of a sudden he stopped. The edge of the tattoo was peeling away. One quick pull and off it came.

“Rebecca Ellen, what is this?” He flipped Becky over and showed her the tattoo.

“I was trying to tell you it was a joke, they aren’t real. I got some when we went up to Mt. Hood. It was supposed to be a surprise for you.”

Rob started laughing. “You are going to be the death of me. I’m sorry I spanked you, but you probably had it coming for scaring me like that.”

Becky was laughing with him and they could hear John and Anne laughing as well.

“Do you want to see the rest of them?” Becky righted her clothing and stood in front of Rob.

“You mean you have more?”

“Yes a lot more.” Becky went to get the tattoos and when she returned John and Anne had come back upstairs.

Rob and John laughed and thoroughly enjoyed looking at them. Rob picked up one of the sheets and pointed out a tattoo. “This is the next one I want you to wear, but from now on, don’t put them on until your home and not going anywhere.”

Anne started laughing. “Becky, you should listen to me more often, I told you they’d love them.”