To brat or not to brat,

 That is the question...

By  Ron J

She looked his way wanting to play,
But he seemed preoccupied today.
She knew there was a line not to cross,
Other wise she would upset "the boss"

She so desperately wanted to have some fun
But she knew that line was quickly undone
She needed to tease him down to her soul
But to avoid a hard spanking was her goal

Just to be a brat enough to change his mood
To tickle his psyche but not dare to intrude
She played out a few plans in her own mind
To get a few light spanks on her lovely behind

Still his mood made it dangerous to dare
Or her bare bottom would get a full share
She looked at him trying to test the water
It was then that her teeth did almost chatter

For she saw a big glass of ice water very near
And her vision did give her a shudder of fear
She decided right then and there to give it a try
And then concern herself later with the 'why'

She picked up the cold glass without being seen
And crept slowly behind him, her eyes a gleam
She eyed the space between his collar and neck
Hesitated a second and the said 'ah what the heck'

She poured the whole glass down his shirt with glee
Her excuse would be that she tripped if need be
He jumped up with such a yell, it made face glow.
But she had to hide it very soon, for it not to show.

When he came to grips with that chilly cold shock
He then turned very slowly around to take stock.
When our eyes met, I tried my best to look concerned
T'was the moment of truth, to what he would discerned.

It is times like these, that my heart was in my mouth
Should I try my excuse, ere my panties headed south?
Or play it out to get the playful spanking, I so desired
Hoping he'd see it as good fun and get himself inspired.

However the chilling feeling of dread too also was there
Should he be upset at my disturbing him without a care?
Our eyes held fast as if he was scanning my mind.
My thoughts shifted to the future state of my behind

What happened?

Which path did fate take you?

  Choose one and see what would happen to you.   ( Need a thick pillow or a crying towel ?)


     Option 1                  Option 2             Option 3