A few weeks later, Taralynn stood on the top of a sand dune, gazing into the distance. Nothing to see but more sand. The caravan had been traveling for almost two weeks now, tempers were getting frayed and everyone was tired of traveling.

Even Vasha, she thought, ruefully rubbing her bottom. Two spankings in one day just for being in the wrong place at the wrong time were more than enough to convince her the hot, dry desert was preferable to any comfort she might get from remaining in the tent.

Hearing a noise behind her, she turned. Jervin was huffing and puffing his way up the dune to stand next to her.

For an apprentice to a blacksmith he wasn’t in very good shape, Taralynn thought, looking at his red, sweaty face as he finally made it to the top.

‘See anything?’ he huffed, trying the catch his breath.

‘Sand.’ Taralynn said, turning to look out over the desert again.

‘Me and the other apprentices were talking, and we were wondering if Vasha knows what he’s doing. I mean, we’ve been out here a while now, with no treasure in sight.’

‘What do you expect?’ Taralynn asked. ‘A big sign in the middle of the desert saying 'this way to the treasure’? Vasha knows what he is doing, don’t worry.’

‘Well, we were thinking maybe you could talk to him? Find out about stopping somewhere for a couple of days, just so we can all rest up.’

‘Why don’t you talk to him yourselves?’ Taralynn asked. ‘And why are the apprentices talking? Talk to your Masters, let them handle it.’

‘We did, they are the ones who want you to talk to Vasha.’ Jervin sat on the sand and wiped his face.

‘So you were picked to talk to me and I’m picked to talk to Vasha?’

‘That’s about it,’ Jervin took a piece of jerky out of his vest. ‘Want one?’

Taralynn waved it away. She looked out in the desert and thought.

If the others were actually getting to the point where they were willing to indirectly confront the Wizard, the time for them to directly confront him wasn’t too far off. Maybe it was time she started hanging around the other tents a little more, seeing what she could hear.

‘I’ll talk to him about stopping, but that’s all I can do,’ she said, finally. ‘I can’t make him stop and I can’t keep him from getting angry at you either.’

Jervin gulped and nodded. ‘We know that. We are all tired of this traveling, we are not seasoned adventurers like Vasha and the mercenaries are. Our Masters thought that maybe he’s forgetting that.’

Taralynn turned to go back to the temporary camp. Jervin sat and ate his jerky. It was apparent that having made the trek out to where Taralynn was, he wasn’t in any hurry to get back to work. Taralynn gave him a wave and started down the dune.

When she got to the encampment, she looked around and saw how tired and worn out everyone looked. They were all hot and sweaty. Their clothes were stained and torn, the seamstress and Celia had more mending to do than they could handle.

She sniffed the air. Dinner didn’t smell too appetizing, again. Fresh meat wasn’t found too often on their traveling, but the mercenaries, with help from Vasha, managed to get some meat at least twice a week.

She ducked in Vasha’s tent and squinted towards the back, trying to see if Vasha was there.

It looked like he was either deep in meditation working some kind of spell or he was asleep. It was hard to tell sometimes.

Vasha was looking a little worn himself. He was not used to dealing with such a large caravan on his adventures.

Usually, judging by the stories he told Taralynn every once in a while, it was four or five other people and him, looking for treasure and taking on monsters. His first experience with a lot of followers and hangers on was not working out too well.

Taralynn decided to walk the camp and see what she could do. She knew people better than Vasha ever would, that was part of what made them such a good team. And she had some small magics that he had taught her; maybe she could do something to help make people a little more comfortable.

A few hours later, an exhausted Taralynn stumbled back into the tent. She fell to her blanket.

Vasha watched from the back of the tent as she dropped off to sleep. He could tell that she had depleted all her energy from using her magic; he wondered what she had been up to.

Putting on one of his clean robes, Vasha strode out of the tent towards the dining tent. Along the way, he accepted many thanks and small tokens of appreciation from the people in camp. Whatever Taralynn had done, it certainly put the people in a good mood.

As he entered the dining tent, Vasha noticed it seemed a little lighter. Upon a closer look, he saw that Taralynn had placed a common glow spell on the inside of the tent, making it bright and cheerful inside, instead of the usual dark, smoky atmosphere it had from the torches.

It also seemed a little cooler that normal. He looked around and detected a few palms attached to the ceiling that seemed to have some kind of motion spell on them.

Vasha was impressed. These were low-level apprentice spells that Taralynn had managed to modify for uses he never would have thought of.

The cook saw him enter and bustled up with a plate of roast and gravy.

Vasha thanked her and took the plate. He wondered what kind of meat it was; he hadn’t helped to get any animals near enough for the mercenaries to hunt for a few days now.

Looking for clues to the treasure was taking all his time and effort lately. He was no closer to finding it here in the desert than he was back at the Liege Lord’s castle.

‘We wish to thank you for sending Taralynn around to help us,’ the cook said.

‘The little things she did really made a difference. You are teaching that girl well. It must be a joy to have such smart apprentice, unlike the lump I’m stuck with,’ the cook said, looking at Kevin as he spilled some gravy at the feet of the Warrior Powell.

‘The girl is doing well,’ Vasha agreed. ‘Better than I had hoped, even.’

The cook patted his arm and went to drag Kevin back to the kitchen by the ear. Vasha sat next to Warrior Powell and started to eat.

Powell grunted and soaked up some gravy with a piece of bread. ‘Nice work your girl did’, he said, pushing the bread into his mouth.

Vasha nodded. Taralynn must have done something extraordinary to get a compliment from his rival.

But he didn’t know how much more praise of her he could listen to, without knowing exactly what she did or why she did it, even. He picked up some bread and put it on his plate. Taking a few more hunks of roast, he stood again.

‘I have some calculations to finish,’ he said. ‘I’m glad the child managed adequately at the tasks I assigned her.’

‘Adequately?’ Powell said, swallowing. ‘The people were about ready to storm your tent and demand that you stop traveling for a month or two. You acted just in time.’ He did not look too unhappy at the thought of Vasha being trampled by the people in camp.

Vasha thoughtfully went back to his tent. He didn’t quite know why the people had been so upset, but when Taralynn woke up, he would be sure to question her. At least everyone was happy now, that was the important thing.

And he could get back to his calculations. They should be near the caves within a matter of days, if only he could find that one missing piece of information that he needed.

Taralynn was still asleep when he got back to the tent. He sat at the table studying the scrolls for the hundredth time. There had to be a clue or something in the scroll somewhere, if only he could see it.

He had the feeling he was glancing right over it. Maybe he should get Taralynn to look it over, she had a different perspective from his. It was possible that she would see something he was missing.

Taralynn woke feeling like a new person. She had gone further with her magic than she ever had before, she had done much more than she believed to be possible.

Vasha was sitting on a stool, watching her. She felt a momentary panic. Would he be upset that she had done what she did? Then anger took over. So what if he was angry? It was his fault. He was the leader around here.

She was so busy defending herself from his unvoiced criticisms; she didn’t notice at first that he was looking at her. Really looking, the way he did when he was measuring her.

All her defiance and justifications drained from her thoughts. Something was up, and she wasn’t sure she wanted to know what it was.

‘I have never seen’, Vasha finally began, sitting back on the stool, ‘someone who could use such a small skill with magic to achieve such great things. Unless I misread your potential.’

The Great and Mighty Vasha make a mistake? When the sun came out at night he would, Taralynn snorted to herself.

‘But that wasn’t likely’, Vasha said, as if reading her thoughts. ‘It’s not what you have, but the way you use it that makes it do more than the average wizard.’

‘You always say to look at things from a different angle,’ Taralynn protested, not sure if she wanted to be able to do more or not. Her plate of chores and learning was pretty full already.

‘I hope you are not suggesting that I am average’, Vasha said, standing and moving towards the table in the center of the tent. ‘Clean yourself up and come over here.’



As Taralynn washed her face, she thought about Vasha’s words. Average? Not in the least.

A few days after they had been traveling, they had met up with another Wizard. The way he had treated his apprentice had shown Taralynn how different Vasha was, not just the way he did magic, but in everything.

She was treated better, fed better, clothed better and taught better than other apprentices. The poor boy that was apprenticed to the visiting Wizard confirmed that. He couldn’t believe how well Taralynn had it; he was dressed in cast off robes from the wizard, full of stains and badly mended tears, while she was wearing clean, soft robes that Vasha had obtained for her new.

He got the leftover scraps his master didn’t eat; usually well past the time that any heat was left in the food. As for treats like pastries and such, the last time he had them was when he visited his family, two years ago.

It was the usual treatment for apprentices, he told a horrified Taralynn. The Wizards trained the apprentices who prepared to become full wizards themselves, knowing that the apprentices usually would turn on their masters as soon as they thought they were good enough to win.

The other apprentice was unable to believe how nice Taralynn had it; he figured it was because she was a girl and probably sleeping with her Master. Unbeknownst to him, this was a theory that his own Master ascribed to also.

They both figured Taralynn for a lightweight in the magic department, thinking she was little better than one of the camp followers, nothing they saw in the way Vasha treated her dissuaded them from this idea; especially when the apprentice, on orders from his Master, tried to get her to engage in a Wizard’s Duel.

Taralynn didn’t need Vasha to tell her to stay away from Wizard’s Duels. She didn’t have nearly enough power to hold her own, let alone win. Vasha never dueled and so she wouldn’t either. The other apprentice assumed it was a requirement of Vasha’s.

He should have returned to his Master right away, but he let Taralynn lead him in the other direction, towards the dining tent, where Taralynn was able to get the cook to accidentally leave a few pastries on the table, that didn’t make it onto the platter she was fixing up for the Wizards.

Taralynn watched the apprentice stuff the pastries into his mouth as if he hadn’t eaten in weeks. Between mouthfuls, he regaled Taralynn with tales of his Master and their journey.

Taralynn shuddered, remembering some of the horror stories the apprentice delighted in telling her.

Wiping off the last of the water, she realized that no matter how much she resented being taken to task like a child, Vasha was getting better results out of her than anyone ever had before. And she was living better than she ever would have on her own. With that in mind, she decided not to fight the punishment she was sure she had coming for the magics she had done around the camp.

When she came out of the washing area, Vasha was sitting at the table, staring at the map that had come from their Liege Lord’s scholars.

‘There is something here,’ he said, as if talking to himself. ‘But I just can’t see it. I want you to look at this and tell me what you see.’

Taralynn stood for a second, trying to comprehend what he said. She was expecting him to order her over his lap; instead he wanted her help.

A look from Vasha reminded her that there was no guarantee she still wouldn’t end up over his lap, so she hurried to the table.

Looking at the map, she could tell there was something wrong with it; she just couldn’t put her finger on what though.

She turned it around and tried looking from another angle. Vasha watched her with interest, waiting to see what this apprentice who had the habit of doing things differently than any other magic user he knew would think of this puzzle.

Taralynn turned the map one more time. ‘There’s something….’ She began.

‘Yes,’ Vasha agreed. ‘But what?’

Taking the map and placing it on the table, she stood on the chair and looked straight down on it.

‘Put your finger where we are right now,’ she commanded.

Vasha was amused to note that she seemed to have forgotten to whom she was talking to. When she was fully trained, it looked as if she would be at least as arrogant as she constantly accused him of being. But he obediently placed his finger on the spot.

‘That’s it!’ Taralynn jumped down and put her finger to the left of Vasha’s. ‘Look here!’

Vasha looked where she was pointing. ‘How have I never seen that before?’ He cast a quick spell to check for magics on the map, although he had done so before and come up with nothing.

‘It’s too subtle for that,’ Taralynn told him, before he could finish the spell. ‘It’s just a tiny little thing, along with misdirection that could have only come from an experienced thief.’

Now that Vasha knew where to look, he could see the way they should go was no more than a day or so from where they currently were located. If Taralynn hadn’t found this, he would have had them marching right past it.

And even with him knowing where he wanted to look, he still found his eyes wanted to glide past the area where the caves were. Now that Taralynn had mentioned it, he could sense the tiniest of spells, one which coaxed the eyes to follow the obvious path, the one carefully drawn with skill and cunning to guide viewers right past the treasure.

‘We could probably stay right here,’ Taralynn said, reading his thoughts. ‘We could just travel and use this as our base camp.’

Vasha looked at her with pleasure. ‘You are showing remarkable improvement,’ he praised her.

When Taralynn looked ready to explode with happiness, he couldn’t resist bringing her down a little.

‘We do still have to discuss your modifications to the camp though.’

Taralynn’s glow dimmed a little, but even the thought of being scolded could not take away from Vasha’s praise of her. He never gave idle praise, his reasoning was that if he thought she could perform something, then he should not have to praise her when she did.

‘Yes, Master?’ Taralynn tried to sound innocent, knowing that if there were ever a time she would be able to get away with something, it would be now, when he was pleased with her.

‘You showed great initiative in the way you fixed things,’ Vasha started. ‘And you showed remarkable ability in finding the problem with this map.’

Taralynn glowed again.

‘But!’ Vasha added, ‘you managed to use all your energy in fixing the camp up. Suppose I had needed you for something? You slept for almost six hours, regaining your energy.’

Taralynn hung her head. She hadn’t even thought of that when she was working around the camp. Everyone seemed so happy with what she was doing, she just kept adding more and more to it.

Vasha said, ‘Such energy use goes against everything I have taught you. Just because it worked out well this time, does not mean it will next time.’

Nodding her head, Taralynn felt her eyes fill with tears. ‘Yes Master,’ she said. ‘I am sorry, I wasn’t thinking.’

‘That is what the punishments are for,’ Vasha said, ‘To make you think before you do something. The next time you are going to use all your energy, you will remember what happened here and will act more wisely then, I hope.’

Vasha sat in the chair and waited. ‘Now that you are improving so much, I need to be more strict with you. More magics will be available to you and you will need even more structure and discipline than I have been providing.’

Taralynn slowly walked over to where he was sitting. More discipline? She already was getting spanked almost once a week!

‘Why are you being punished?’ Vasha asked in a stern voice.

‘Because I depleted all my energy without thinking about the consequences.’ Taralynn replied, with a hitch in her voice.

‘And what were the consequences?’

‘I had to sleep to restore my energy and anything could have happened in that time.’

‘Lift your robe, child’

Taralynn sobbed when he called her that, knowing that the spanking was going to be one of the worst she had gotten.

She lifted her robe to expose her bare bottom and Vasha patted his lap. Lying across his lap, she felt him motion with his hand.

‘Since I want to make an impression on you that you will remember for the rest of your life,’ Vasha said, ‘I will be using this wooden paddle prior to applying the switch.’

Taralynn began crying in earnest, wanting to plead and beg him not to spank her, but she knew she deserved the punishment. What she did was thoughtless and dangerous; and she had endangered the whole camp by doing it.



Vasha applied the paddle to her bottom with no warning. The crack of the paddle striking bare flesh was loud in the tent, but not as loud as the cries of Taralynn. She kicked and squirmed; feeling like her bottom was going to catch on fire.

‘Please no!’ she cried. ‘I’m sorry, I won’t do it again!!’

Vasha ignored her pleas and lifted his knee up, exposing the area between Taralynn’s bottom and her thighs. Briskly bringing the paddle down in this area, he was rewarded by Taralynn’s cries gaining in intensity and pitch.

After he felt he was starting to make his point clear, he stopped the paddle. Taralynn lay across his lap, sobbing.

‘Spread your legs,’ Vasha ordered. Unable to resist the command in his voice, Taralynn did as he said, opening her legs so that one leg hung over his legs.

Putting his hand between her legs, Vasha spread them even further, so Taralynn was obscenely open to his gaze. Taking the paddle, he began spanking the inside of her thighs.

Screaming in pain, Taralynn tried to close her legs, but Vasha held her fast.

‘If those legs close,’ he warned, ‘the switch will be used there also!’

Taralynn loosened her muscles, pounding on the dirt of the floor with her fists. The pain was worse than any spanking Vasha had ever administered, not only would she be unable to sit comfortably for quite a while, she now would be able to walk without feeling this spanking either.

With no more than three spanks delivered to the inside of each thigh, Vasha paused and ran his hand down to Taralynn’s most feminine spot.

She yelped and almost closed her legs again, but remembered in time what he had threatened to do with the switch.

She hoped he wasn’t planning on spanking her there also!

As Vasha slipped one finger into her moist folds, Taralynn moaned aloud, surprising herself.

Vasha flicked his finger back and forth around her clit a few times, causing Taralynn to forget her burning bottom and thighs and to moan and wiggle around on Vasha’s lap, trying to encourage him to do more of what he was doing.

‘Oh, you like that, do you?’ Vasha asked.

‘Yes please,’ Taralynn moaned unable to say more.

‘Too bad you are being punished,’ Vasha said, ‘maybe when you can behave yourself for more than a day at a time, I will be able to administer a spanking that will get you more of this and less of this.’

With that he began applying the paddle to her bottom again. Taralynn yelled, a mixture of pain and frustration.

But after a few minutes of the paddle beating a brisk tattoo on the tops of her thighs, pain won out and she began begging for him to stop again.

At least he wasn’t spanking her inner thighs, was the last coherent thing she thought, before the pain became all encompassing and she concentrated on getting Vasha to stop.

Finally the spanking came to an end. Vasha helped Taralynn get on her feet; she was sobbing and barely able to get her balance. Her bottom was throbbing, ruby red with splotches of bruises already showing.

She waddled over to the wall of the tent without Vasha saying a word. Her inner thighs hurt when they rubbed together and there was a small intense feeling in the pit of her stomach that itched to be scratched.

Her bottom felt like it could heat the tent for the full winter months without any problem.

Vasha watched her as she stood, legs apart and robe pulled up, trying to stop crying and sobbing.

He was surprised at himself for his wandering fingers, almost as surprised as he was when he realized how much Taralynn was enjoying her spanking on an unconscious level.

The other Wizard was putting thoughts into his head, he decided ruefully. Although he was only about ten or twelve years older than Taralynn, he knew that he would make a poor companion. But on the other hand, he was intending Taralynn to work with him as a partner who would be a better companion for him than her?

He dismissed these thoughts and picked up the switch. ‘Come over here, Taralynn’ he said.

He hated the thought of having to punish her more, but what she had done was one of the major rules a Wizard never broke, no matter what. Even an apprentice should be careful with their energy, since a Master could use it to augment his own.

Taralynn began crying again when she turned and saw the switch. She knew after her paddling this was going to hurt.

When she bent over the table, Vasha wasted no time in applying the switch. A dozen licks quickly laid across her bottom had her screaming and holding on to the table with all her strength so she didn’t get up.

Vasha paused and laid his hand on her back. That was all the warning she had before the switch was laid across the upper part of her thighs, burning with the sting of a hundred bee stings.

Unable to scream anymore, Taralynn just lay over the table and sobbed. She knew she would never; ever, totally deplete her energy again. Not in her lifetime, not in a thousand lifetimes.

Vasha dropped the switch and gestured. A pot that gave off a fragrant odor appeared in his hand.

‘This will help,’ he said, opening the pot with its mixture of herbs and flowers.

Taralynn lay still and let him apply the ointment. He had never bothered before with an ointment. She didn’t know what to think, especially when he nudged her legs apart so he could apply some to her inner thighs.

She could feel an ache between her legs and tried to wiggle so he would touch her again.

‘None of that,’ Vasha commanded, smacking her bottom with his hand. ‘I said when you are a good girl.’

Taralynn felt tear fill her eyes again, but she didn’t know if it was because she still ached for his touch or because of the smack on her sore, welted bottom.

‘Back by the wall,’ Vasha said, picking up the paddle, switch and ointment, sending them up where they belong with a gesture.

Taralynn stumbled over to the wall again, holding her robe up. She could remember when displaying her bare bottom was embarrassing to her, now she was just grateful to have the thick robe away from her throbbing bottom and thighs.

Vasha sat back down and began studying the map, making plans for the excursion he wanted to go off tomorrow.

The Warrior Powell showed up at the door of the tent. Vasha ignored Taralynn’s almost inaudible protest and bade him to enter.

Taralynn thought she would die of embarrassment, with her bottom on display like it was. It was obvious that she had been well spanked and switched. She bowed her head and remained where she was. She didn’t want to be put over Vasha’s knee in front of the Warrior, which is what would happen if she dropped her robe and turned.

The Warrior and Wizard discussed the new information Vasha was sharing. They agreed that a small excursion tomorrow would be perfect for scouting out exactly what they would be up against.

Vasha warned against the scouts getting too close though, when dealing with magic protections, armor would prove of little use. The Warrior agreed, saying he would address the scouts himself before they left.

A few more details were ironed out and then Warrior Powell left. Vasha went back to the map, muttering in that way he had when he was concentrating very hard.

Taralynn stayed where she was, hardly daring to move. But soon she was bone weary, she hadn’t slept long enough to replenish all her energy and the punishment had taken a lot out of her too.

She tried to make a couple of small noises to remind Vasha she was there. But he was so busy, she finally turned, making sure to keep her robe up in back, and spoke his name.

Vasha looked up as if he was just about to do that anyway and said, ‘Yes Taralynn, you may go to bed now.’

Even though she was tired, she had just woken up. And it was still daylight out and she had no supper! She opened her mouth to voice these thoughts and was halted by Vasha’s motion towards the wall of the tent.

There was the wooden paddle, prominently displayed next to the switch. Both seemed, to Taralynn’s eyes, to be smoking slightly, symbolizing the blistering they had both done almost an hour ago on her bare bottom.

She swallowed her words and dropped her robe, making her way towards her cot.

Before laying on her stomach, she turned to Vasha and asked in a small voice, ‘Can everyone see them?’

Vasha smiled at the map, but when he looked up, his face was stern. ‘Only if I wish it,’ he said, ‘the same way Warrior Powell would have seen you, had I wanted him to.’

Breathing a sigh of relief, Taralynn lay carefully down on her cot. She pulled her robe up so her bottom could feel the cool air on it. She was happy with Vasha’s reply.

It was bad enough thinking the Warrior had seen her, he wouldn’t spread any gossip, but the fact that he knew would make her feel embarrassed and awkward in his presence.

But to have the paddle and switch seen by the apprentices and servants running messages and such, who came in and out of the tent each day, that would be more than she could stand.

‘If I have to punish you like this again,’ Vasha said, ‘I will do it where everyone can see. And they will see your correction tools hung in the tent. And they will know that you are spanked like the little girl you act like.’

Taralynn assured Vasha he wouldn’t Taralynn have to punish her like this again, her words slurring as she finished her sentence. Before he could reply, she was asleep.


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