Twins part 5 The Payback

by Anna

Angela couldn't help being a brat. She thinks she was born that way. Janet was so good all the time, well, most of the time. Angela thought to herself, "I just know one of these days, it's going to backfire on me." Little did she know how soon that might happen.

Janet and Angela had dinner together at one of their favorite restaurants. It was very expensive, but the food was delicious and the wine delightful. They talked themselves into eating here, laughing, "We deserve to wine and dine ourselves in this fashion."

They ate and reminisced about their days in college, right before they finally made the break and went their separate ways, each making a new life for themselves.

Angela laughed as she recalled the many times she got Janet in trouble. Janet wasn't as amused.

"You were the reason I got so many spankings, and you enjoyed every minute of it," Janet whined to Angela.

"Oh yes I certainly did," Angela grinned as she sipped her wine. "I never grew weary of plotting and planning ways for your little bottom to get spanked."

Pouting, Janet looked at her twin sister, "Why did you always do that? I knew you had to be behind many of the odd things that happened, but I never understood exactly why you did it."

The wine that was giving Janet the whiney disposition was giving Angela the opposite reaction, the giggles.

"You were always so good Janet, little miss goody two shoes. And the thing of it was, you didn't even realize how you were. You tried your best to stay out of trouble, while trouble always seemed to find its way to me." Angela was smiling as she said this to Janet. "It was always just for fun. I never got you in real trouble, now did I?"

Finally breaking into a smile, Janet agreed. "You're right Angela, no harm ever came of your little pranks. Just to my spanked bottom at the time though."

They both laughed and talked some more about the adventures they had shared.

The waiter came to their table and handed them the bill. The twins each tried to grab it first. They good-naturedly haggled over who would pay. The bill was rather high, as they had ordered the most expensive meal on the menu, plus the expensive bottle of wine, and the delicious dessert.

They both reached for their purses and pulled their wallets out. Angela took out her credit card and look at it wistfully. "I need to pay cash, my card is way past the limit. "Craig is helping me budget my money better. I can't use the card until I pay at least half of it off. He said that's the only way I can get it under control." Janet nodded, understanding. Angela continued, "It's tempting to save my cash and use the credit card, but I know I can't. I need to get things under control."

"Let me pay Janet. It will be my treat tonight." Angela said as she laid her plastic card on the table and took money from her wallet. Janet took her credit card out also and laid it on the table. "No, next time you can pay, this is my treat tonight."

"I know what we should do Janet." Angela burst into a fit of laughter, "We should tell the manager we don't have the money to pay, but we'll be happy to take a bare bottomed spanking for payment!"

Janet's face paled, "Don't you dare!" She whispered as she leaned over the table toward Angela.

Angela was too busy laughing to notice Janet grab her credit card from off the table.
She could only watch in amusement as Janet practically ran to the cashier to pay the bill.
Janet returned to the table and handed her sister her card. A look of horror came over Angela's face. "Oh Janet, you didn't pay with my card, did you?" Laughing, "Of course not Angela, I used mine." Relief washed over Angela's face, "Good, you scared me for a minute Janet. Craig wouldn't be happy with me if I charged anything."

Janet was quiet on the car ride home. Angela attributed it to her being tired. Little did she know what was really causing the silence. Janet was planning some fun of her own for Angela. By the time she was home, Janet had her plan almost perfected in her mind for now.

It was Thursday night, and the next evening, Angela had invited Craig for dinner. Janet and Jerry were joining them. Janet knew she had to act fast for her plan to work. Stopping the car in front of Janet's house, they said their good-byes. "See you tomorrow for dinner," they both said.

The next morning Janet was able to get a hold of Pete, one of her old boyfriends. Pete was one who had the pleasure of spanking her for some of the many tricks Angela had played on them when they were dating in college. Janet saw him occasionally as he had ended up marrying one of their mutual college friends.

She placed a phone call to him, explaining about Angela and her little tricks from the past. They laughed about it as Janet unveiled her reason for calling.

Pete readily agreed to go along with Janet's plan, "Angela certainly has this coming." He was chuckling as he said, "It will be my pleasure. I only wish I could be there to watch it all unfold."

The dinner went smoothly. Angela enjoyed cooking and was a wonderful cook. She wanted to really impress her guests so she went all out and splurged at the grocery store. They dined on prime rib, medium rare, soft and fluffy baked potatoes, and a delightful garden salad. She served a nice merlot to go along with the main course. Angela was beaming as she carried in her creme broulet for their dessert. The top of the custard was nice and crispy, as she had put it under the broiler to brown it just before serving it. "It turned out perfect!" she exclaimed setting the tray down on the table. She was quite pleased with herself.

Janet, Jerry, and of course Craig were quite impressed with her culinary talents. "Best meal I've ever had!" Craig announced as he finished every bit of his dessert. Janet and Jerry agreed.

The four sat at the dining room table, talking and enjoying the lovely evening breeze gently coming through the windows.

They had just finished their coffee when the phone rang. Craig reached for it since Angela was busy carrying the dishes into the kitchen. Janet didn't take her eyes off Craig’s face the entire time he was talking. She could see it getting redder and redder. She had to suppress her giggles, especially when Craig said into the phone,
"Thank you for calling, and please accept my apologies. I'll take care of matters here and also see to it that Angela makes full retribution."

"Yeesss!" Janet exclaimed under her breath. Pete came through for me, just as I knew he would.

By now Angela was back in the dining room, looking at Craig, trying to figure out who he was talking to on the phone and what it could possibly be about. She wasn't given the chance though as Craig pronounced,
"Angela, upstairs with you, NOW!" Craig points to the stairs before Angela can protest.

"B b b u t...what's wrong Craig?" Angela was clearly worried and was trying to think of what she could possibly have done to make him so upset with her. He never gets upset like this, she thought as she was ushered up the steps.

Janet was grinning from ear to ear as she watched with pleasure Craig guiding her sister up the stairs. She could still hear Angela's protests as the bedroom door was closed.

The door shut and Angela looked up at Craig, "What have I done Craig?" He looks at her, "Don't pretend you don't know what you did, my dear. Or have you really forgotten how you paid for your dinners last night at the restaurant?"

Feeling her face pale, Angela says, "What are you talking about Craig? I didn't pay for anything, Janet paid. She said it was her treat."

"Don't try to get out of this Angela by getting your sister involved."

Angela watches as Craig sits down on her bed and motions for her to stand beside him. She slowly approaches the bed. "I can't believe you used that credit card. After all the discussions we've had about your wanting to clear it off, and here you go and put more on it. Why Angela?"

Angela is furious. "I did not use my credit card to pay for dinner! Why won't you believe me Craig?"

"I don't believe you Angela my dear, because of the phone call I took for you. It was the owner of the restaurant. He said your credit was no good, it was over the limit, and the bill was never paid."

Angela starts shouting at Craig, "NO WAY. IT'S NOT POSSIBLE."

Craig immediately pulls her over his knee, and despite her protests, lands a few smacks to her bottom.

"Those were for yelling at me." He spanks her bottom again. "And so are these!" He had been spanking her over her dress and panties, but now the dress goes up and he pulls her panties down to the middle of her thighs.

Angela shrieked loudly as Craig spanked. She felt herself wiggling and squirming, but was held tight by Craig, who was ignoring her struggles. Angela's bottom was bouncing up and down as Craig spanked one cheek at a time. Angela was wailing loudly. Craig finally stops spanking and lays his hand on her warm behind.

With a soft voice, he asks, "Are you ever going to yell at me like that again?" When no answer comes, he lifts his hand and promptly spanks her again. "Angela, I asked you a question, now I want to hear your answer, or do I need to spank it out of you?" She answers, "Nooo Craig, you don't have to spank it out of me, I'll never yell at you like that again." He stops spanking and pats her bottom, "That's my good girl."

"Now my dear," Craig says firmly, " we will discuss your charge card irresponsibilties."

"Ohhhh but Craig, I told you I did not use my charge card." SPANK SPANK
Angela cries out at the unexpected smacks to her bottom.

The spanking continues as Craig lectures, "You have been so naughty Angela, that's why I'm spanking you, right?" She cries out, "Yes Sir!" She knows it's best not to disagree with him right now. Craig spanks until her cheeks are both red and hot to the touch.

He lifts her off his lap and gently sits her on his lap, giving her a warm hug. Angela reaches up and returns the hug. She whispers closely into his ear, "But I didn't deserve this spanking, not for the charges anyway."

He pulls her away and looks into her eyes, "Tell me about it then Angela." Angela explains exactly what happened the night of the dinner she and her sister shared. She recounted how they haggled over the check. "So you see Craig, there's no way, my card was used...unless." "Unless what dear Angela?" Jumping off his lap, "I bet Janet set me up! I should have known she was up to something...she's been acting strange all day...since her and Jerry got here."
Looking at Craig, "Haven't you noticed?"

Craig is chuckling as he watches Angela's wheels turning in her mind.
He gets up from the bed and hugs her, and gives her a kiss. "Let's get you dressed again then go downstairs and see what Janet has to say." Helping her get her panties back up and her dress all smoothed out, he can't help but smile at how cute she looks when she's all riled up over something.

With a mischievous pout, Angela turns to Craig, "What are you going to do when you find out you spanked me for no reason?" Craig grins at her, "I'll spank you again my dear, for that lovely pout you're wearing right now!"

They smile at each other, then Craig says, "Besides, I had a good reason to spank you. Remember, you yelled at me." He gives her a final playful swat to her bottom as they leave the bedroom.
Hand in hand they go downstairs. They find Janet and Jerry in the kitchen, helping themselves to more coffee.

"Janet," Angela says, "We need to talk about something." Craig clears his throat and adds, "Yes Janet, I think something needs to be 'discussed." Not liking the way Craig said 'discuss' Janet senses the fun is over. She quietly sets her cup down as she looks at Jerry out of the corner of her eye.

Jerry speaks first, "What seems to be the problem, Craig?"
Angela answers for Craig, and tells Jerry her suspicions about the credit card ordeal.

Jerry looks at Janet, "JANET! Is any of this true?" Showing her nervousness by the way her voice is shaking, "Yes Jerry, b...bbut it was all in fun. Angela deserved to be spanked for something she didn't do. She did it often enough to me, and I was just getting back at her." She looks at Jerry and sees his face getting redder and redder, knowing that's never a good sign.

"Janet, you will get spanked also, for your role in the trickery," Jerry tells her in a no nonsense tone.
He looks at his two friends, "You'll excuse us, won't you? Janet needs a lesson and it can't wait."

Craig stands next to Angela and whispers to her, "Come on, let's leave him to his work." He leads Angela toward the door. Angela pulls back, whispers to Craig with a grin, "No, let's stay and watch." He ignores her request and leads her out the door, Angela pouting all the way. Craig sees her pout and raises his eyebrow at her. "Better be careful, my dear, no pouting allowed, remember?"

The two leave the room as Jerry is pulling the chair out. He takes Janet by the arm. "How dare you be a part of something so preposterous Janet! You will be punished for this right now. We'll see if you still tell me how much fun it was for you while you're getting your bare bottom spanked over my knee."

Knowing better than to argue or play coy with Jerry, Janet nods her head and meekly replies, "Yes Sir."
Rolling up his shirt sleeves, "Don't make me wait Janet." She immediately lifts up her skirt, holding it high then places herself over Jerry's knee. Being the no nonsense spanker he is, Jerry starts right in with a few hard spanks over her panties to each cheek, one after the other. "Why are your panties still on, Janet?"

Jerry spanks as he awaits her answer. "I'm sorry Jerry." Janet tries to reach back and pull her white panties down. Jerry stops Janet’s hand. "Too late. Now I'll do it." Jerry slides his thumbs in the waistband of Janet's panties and takes them down to her knees. He begins spanking hard again. Janet tries not to cry out as each smack lands harder and harder on her bare bottom.


Spanking in between the questioning, Jerry asks, "Janet, what were you thinking getting involved in Angela's type of game?" With a slight sniffle to her voice, "I don't know Jerry, but I'm so sorry." "I don't know if you really are sorry yet Janet, but by the time I'm finished spanking you, I guarantee you will be." The spanks continue to land. Janet's legs begin kicking. Jerry holds them down with one hand as the other one spanks her bottom. "Stop kicking Janet." Janet immediately stops her squirming and kicking, always wanting to obey Jerry. Jerry spanks firmly, covering every inch of her upturned bottom. He places a few to each of her thighs, then moves his hand up again onto her rosy colored bottom. He doesn't stop until he is convinced Janet has been spanked to true remorse.

He stands Janet up, "You will apologize to your sister, and you'll do it now!" "Yes Sir," Janet sniffles.

"You may pull up your panties now, and I'll call her back in here." "Yes Sir," she bends down to reach her panties. Jerry quickly reaches over and gives her a quick hug. "No more nonsense from you young lady. Understood?" "Yes Jerry," she mumbles.

Craig and Angela enter the room and find Janet teary eyed and looking embarrassed. Janet looks at the couple, "I'm sorry Angela, and you too Craig. I thought it would be fun to give Angela a long overdue payback," hesitating and looking at Jerry, she continues, "But it wasn't, it wasn't fun at all."

Craig winks at Angela as he talks. "That's okay Janet, she deserved a spanking. If not for this, I'm sure she had a good hard spanking coming for something else." Angela puts her arm around Craig, looks up at him and grins, "I'm sure you're right!"
"Payback can be fun sometimes Janet, so no harm done this time." Craig smiles as he looks from Janet to Angela. He puts his arms closely around Angela. They say goodbye to Jerry and Janet and watch them walk to their car.

Craig looks at Angela with a big smile, "Well, my dear, I think we have a little matter of pouting to take care of, right?"
A big devilish grin is on her face, "Ahh, yes Sir, we sure do!"

Hand in hand they go back up the stairs, only stopping to grab the rest of the wine and two glasses.