The Twins:

Part 1:The Good Deed


by Ron J


I stood up and got my self a second cup of coffee, for the story my girl friend was going to relate to me, required my undivided attention. Fortunately, at the time, I had a sixth sense that her story was one I couldn't interrupt once she started or she would not continue to tell her tale. Once stopped, she would have second thoughts and maybe discontinue the telling all together.

I eased back into my chair and poured her a second cup, too, for it indeed was going to be a long, but exciting story. Even as she started, she seemed nervous and hesitant to reveal the events to me in person.

She was so nervous at the start that she jumped around and went into great detail, so I'll try to retell that part now as best I can. But when she explained the day itself, no one could tell it better than she did. I was hanging on every detail, as she opened up to me completely, sharing all her heart-felt emotions as the events unfolded that day.

Well, it all began to take form she said about a month ago, when she and her twin sister were having a chat in a coffee shop. Her sister Janet was lamenting the fact she would miss the reunion concert of her favourite group. Her hubby it seems had gotten wind of it and thought it was too much money to waste, money they didn't have anyway, so he wouldn't get the tickets for her. Janet was saddened at the prospective of missing the concert. As she put it, "It's a once in a lifetime opportunity to see the group again." Visions of her teenage infatuation, flooded through her head with the vivid memories that had taken on such great embellishment and color by now, that the truth was lost forever in her mind.

As she and her sister discussed the situation further she said, "Well why don't we do as we did when we were kids, sis. I can take your place for the day by trading places with you. After all there were plenty of advantages for us, when we did it as kids." Janet was hesitant at first, knowing her husband's firm position on her not going, but the more they talked, the more the vision of the past came floating back and the plan of switching became all the more feasible to her.

"What the heck," Janet said, "I really do want to go more than anything." She grabbed her twin and hugged her telling her how nice she was to do this special favor just for her.

Time flew by, and the afternoon before the concert arrived. The twins changed their long time conceived, theoretical plans, into a physical reality. They changed clothes and went over the fine details of what could happen, one last time. Janet, as my girlfriend, was to return right after the concert and by coming in through the back door, they'd switch roles back again undetected. To her, seemed like "a piece of cake" as the expression goes, as she would be leaving for the concert just a few minutes before her hubby was due to arrive home.

(Well grabbing a quick sip of coffee, from here on, I'll tell the story from the first person perspective as my girlfriend told it to me. I want you to see the events through her eyes, just as I was able to see them.)

The story

I had become my twin sister Janet. Dressed in a nice loose fitting dress, I decided to look at myself in the mirror. "Hmmmmmmmmmm", I said assessing my appearance. I certainly was my sister now and the clothes did fit perfectly. But that's also where the differences were for me too. I loved to wear jeans or sweatpants. Wearing a dress at home was NOT ME. I chuckled at my appearance in the mirror.

Well, to pull it off as my sister, I practiced acting as my prim and proper sister once more, in front of the mirror. I knew I could do it for a night, for her sake. But yuck to this prissy role for me. I lived out of town and my sister's new husband had no idea that we were twins. As my sister had said, there just seemed to be no reason to tell him and it never came up, so she hadn't told him about their identical appearance.

I did know my sister well enough to act like her for sure. I used to delight in doing her role when we were kids. All our friends would roll up and down laughing when I pretended to be my goody, goody sister, in front of them.

"Honey I'm home," however, shook me out of my reverie and I did feel nervous as my mind rushed through all the things my sister had said. She had already made dinner to make things as easy as possible. "Heck," I told myself, "what could possibly go wrong?" I chided myself for getting the he-bee gee-bees and took one last look in the mirror. I stuck out my tongue out, one last time, at my hairstyle that I'd had to get done exactly like my sisters and headed for the kitchen.

Things were going fine. We talked only lightly. I kept my "big mouth" shut and didn't get into any topical issues where my passions might flare up. All the way through, in fact, I minded my "P's" and "Q's" and just watched myself very carefully.

"Wow" what a sticker for detail he was. He fussed with the position of his food and the fork. Giving me a look once in a while, as he adjusted things, as if I should have done it for him, before. Yuck, this was going to be a longer evening than I thought with this old fusspot. He seemed to quibble about every little detail, if not in words, at least with his eyes as he looked over at me.

As I was serving the coffee after the meal, I spilt a little coffee on the table next to his plate. I took no notice of the small little spill, but as I sat down I felt his piercing eyes. I saw and heard him tapping the table next to the spill with his index finger. I clamped my mouth shut before I could say, "WHAT." But still he looked at me and waiting for me to react. "Hmmmmm," I thought to myself, "I better play it safe and wipe up the spill, as it looked like he was about to burst a gasket."

I quickly moved around the table and grabbed the dishcloth. "Oh that!" I said as I fussed, deliberately mopping up every bit with great ceremony. I followed this, unfortunately, by grabbing some paper towels and got it completely dry. I resisted voicing the sarcasm of my inner comments but I sure wanted to say, "Okay there, now it's all better for my big baby boy, ain't it."

However, it still seemed that I had unwittingly created another major sin by grabbing some paper towels. He looked at me as if I had robbed his little piggy bank. "Yikes, this guy was going to be a real pain in the ass," I though. Little did I know at the time, how prophetic that thought would be.

He finally spoke, adding his voice to his scowling face, when I nonchalantly drop the paper towels into the garbage can. "JANET," what did I tell you before about wasting paper towels."

"Yikes," I thought to myself, "This old fuddy-duddy is serious!" How could my twin sister fall in love with a man like this? He is certainly a lot older than she is. I looked over at him. Then looked away quickly, as I was barely able to stifle my voice but my lips still moved to form the word, "WHAT," when I met his glaring gaze.

"Janet, I am talking to you."

Man, this old coot was really getting to my nerves. Of course I knew he was talking to me. I was the only other person there. I controlled my "Grrrrr" reaction and turned to face him, in my best Janet impression of her prissy manners.

"Oh my goodness, did I do that, whatever could have come over me? I' m so sorry. Let me freshness up your cup first and I will get the paper towels back out of the garbage. I am sure I can get plenty of extra uses out of them."

I felt sick inside, uttering such trite nonsense, but after all, I did have a role to play, and the evening was still very young. Well, me and my big feet. I spilled the coffee again. Only this time I may have got the teensiest drop on his white shirt.

All I heard echoing through my ears was "JANET." He got up from the table looked at me and said, "Put the coffee pot on the table, Janet."

"Wow, what a strange bird," I thought, "Now what was he up to." He pulled his chair out from the table and then lifted it carefully before placing it firmly in the middle of the kitchen.

I just looked at him. "What a kook," I thought. "Now he wants his coffee served over there," I was thinking, as he sat down and motion to me by crooking his finger. Boy, Janet had married someone with some strange customs. But, as I went to reach for his cup on the table, he suddenly seemed to lose patience.

He walked over to me and whispered in my ear. "If you do that once more, I am going to get the paddle."

Wow, my mind was really in a confused whirl now. He wanted to go canoeing after supper, too? As I walked back with him I was half expecting to go to where ever the canoe was, when suddenly he sat down on the same straight back chair. He must have lost his balance, for in a sudden motion he grabbed for me as well. Tumbling toward him protecting myself, I thrust out my hands, but my full weight landed squarely across his knee. "What a klutz," I thought.

However, as soon as he grabbed my skirt, the realisation of what had happened and the fact that it was no accident, hit me right between the eyes, full blast. Now all the other words he had said and things went flashing through my brain in total panic. He was going to SPANK me. "What had I gotten my self into? Oh my," I thought.

I was about to shout out, "It's all a big mistake," as I felt my dress being raised. But, somehow my inner conscience wouldn't let me double cross my sister like that. After all, this had been my idea. My brain was racing as he started to lecture me about this and that. All I could mutter was the occasional, "Yes sir." Suddenly his hand was reaching for my panties. I could not bear the thought that soon my precious little bottom was going to be totally bare and spanked. I shuddered from head to toe. "How do I get myself out of this mess?" I wondered.

He fussed with my panties, making them as neat as possible, after they were turned inside out across my white smooth thighs. I wanted to cry out, "Stop, I'm not Janet, but I couldn't face the music of what the consequences might be for my twin sister. When his hand came to rest on my bare bottom my whole body shuddered. Why in the world didn't I just shut my big mouth and stay out of Janet's situation. My brain kept whirling as he lectured me again about the table, the paper towels, my attitude and every other little, bitty thing!

At that particular moment, I did not feel witty. Nor could I mimic, sarcastically, his scolding, as I normally might have done. There is something about being over someone's knee with your firm bottom sticking up in the air, with his spanking hand resting on it that steals all thoughts of being a brat. I kept telling myself, "It won't be too bad, a few light spanks and it will be all over, so just shut up and take it."

But I was wrong on both accounts, my little bottom was now getting one hell of a spanking and he showed no signs of stopping and secondly I found myself yelling loudly at each spank, in spite of myself. My resolve not to cry too, was soon dissolved, as waves of tears came flooding out of my eyes after each spank. My bottom was on fire and nothing else matter in my little world anymore. The only thing I was sure of was that my prissy goody-goody, two shoes, sister was a big sissy and would have been bawling louder than I was.

I certainly didn't need to do any acting at all. Was he ever going to stop, Yeoowwww, MAN? I suddenly found my self, saying things that 20 minute earlier, I would have bet I that I would have never, ever said. But here I was pleading with this man, to stop spanking my very sore, bare, red bottom. Now when he asked me something, my mind was clear as a bell to EVERY word he said. The "Yes Sir," and "No Sirs," were said in total honesty. I really believed what I was saying and promising to do. If he would only stop smacking my bare bottom, I would have promised him anything.

Finally he stopped, pulled my panties back up and stood me right back on my feet. Arching my chin up, he looked into my tear stained eyes and then wiggle his finger in front of my nose. "Now you better behave, young lady or I will give you another spanking later. You did a lot more yelling than usual tonight. I hope you don't think that is going to get you off easy. If I didn't feel so thirsty for a good cup of coffee, you'd still be across my knee. Now GO get yourself cleaned up and I'll get my own coffee this time."

Suddenly I was turned and propelled, with stinging spank on my bottom, towards the kitchen door. Flustered and totally embarrassed I headed to the washroom, clutching my spanked bottom and still crying my eyes out. After a full 5 minutes of rubbing my bottom, my eyes were clear enough that I could catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror.

"Oooohhh, my". My eyes were very red and puffy from crying. I couldn't resist a look back at my precious little bottom (well, maybe it was not so little.) "Oh my heavens," I thought as I look at my bright red bottom glowing vividly in contrast to my milk white thighs. "Wow, no wonder it stings so much." I couldn't help but give it a few more rubs for good measure, before I pulled my panties, carefully back up, over my tender, red bottom. My mind now has a chance to expand its world past the local fire in my bottom, that I have finally managed now to squelch at least somewhat.

What the heck was I doing here? I had just gotten a bare bottom spanking from a man I didn't even know. My sister was crazy to marry that man out there. I looked at the clock it was 6:30. I sighed as I looked in the mirror again, seeing myself still dressed and looking like my twin sister. She wasn't going to be home until 10. Maybe I could just stay in the bedroom and stay out of his way for the rest of the evening. "That's what I'll do, I thought. "I don't want to even see that man for the rest of the night." My hand reaches back by reflex to give my bottom another rub.

Just as I am about to open the bathroom door after fixing my makeup, his bellowing from the main room shakes my reverie. "Janet, what's keeping you, do I have to come in there and get you."

Yeowwwwww, instinctively I responded with my newly found set of reactions. I said, "No Sir," and I walked out as quickly as I could.

"Grrrrrrrr," my other self was saying to me. What the heck was I doing answering "yes sir" and rushing out on command. Then the sting still remaining in my spanked cheeks, rubbing against my clothing as I walked, reminded me in an instant again, exactly why.

I walked into the main room but tried to avoid any eye contact. "The DISHES," he said.

Oh my, I had forgotten all about them.

I dutifully trotted to the kitchen, and started to clean the table off and do the dishes. THAT chair was still there, exactly where it had been a short time before, when I had been crying like a baby and pleading as he spanked me on my bare bottom, across his lap. Just looking at the chair sitting there now, sent shivers through my whole body. Well, my plan was still the same, I didn't want to see him the rest of the evening. I was not sure I could even face him.

When I finished the dishes, I gathered enough nerve to pick up THAT chair and tried to place it back under the table, neatly, with the rest. Unfortunately, a loud screech reverberated through the house as I slid the chair along the floor, which brought a loud yell from the other room.

My mind raced though all the things Janet had said to do. I had been very nonchalant at the time she had been telling me, but now I racked my brain trying to remember and follow ever detail.

Was he upset that I had scraped the chair along the floor? I was scared to go into the living room but I was also too scared not to! I poked my nose warily through the living room door.

"GET IN HERE, Janet. I was talking to you."

I was more scared now than before, because now I knew one wrong move and my bare bottom was going to get spanked again. The thought sent a shudder through me from head to toe.

I found myself answering, "yes sir" and "no sir" so respectfully and sweetly, that I couldn't believe my own ears. But when the red-hot cheeks of my very own bottom were on the line, they did the talking for the rest of my body. My butt cheeks did not want to feel his hand or anything else on them. I felt them twitch every time he said something with his voice slightly raised. This twitching was causing my panties to slip up between my cheeks.

Well this time I guess my quick responses saved my butt, and I slipped quietly back into the kitchen. Straightening my panties, I finally let out a deep breath.

WOW, that was far too close. I took several deep breaths and let my hands again roam back to my sore red bottom, thankful that it was my own soft hand comforting it and not someone else's hand smacking it again.

I looked at the clock and cringed, it was only 7:00 p.m. How was I going to make it another three hours, without getting my bum smacked again? I sat down and was about to put my hands over my face in desperation, but once my bum hit the chair, my hand immediately flew back protectively I stood up with a start. Unfortunately the chair scraped loudly across the floor as my sudden movement pushed it backward. My heart sank. My hands felt for my already sore cheeks. I was sure unfortunately, this was going to be as good as they would feel, for the rest of the night.


YIKES, my whole body shook as I looked back toward the living room door.

With small steps, I walked toward the door, but quickly broke into a fast gate when another, "JANET," came echoing through the house. I walked in as calm as I could be, not looking into to his face. But seeing him now sitting in the middle of the couch patting his knee, It didn't take much thought for me to figure out what he had planned.

I walked silently toward him, taking just one quick glance into his eyes. I shouldn't have. They were as piercing and determined as my worst fears could have envisioned. I stood before for him for a second. A second too long, I might add, for I was quickly yanked down across his lap unceremoniously. With one quick swipe at my skirt, I could feel my panties back on full display again. But now, knowing what had happened earlier, I knew that was the least of my concerns, for very soon I was sure, my bare bottom would be staring up at him.

"Now Janet," he said in a calm, controlled, but firm voice. "I am most displeased with your deportment and attitude this evening and it seems that the light spanking you got at the dinner table didn't do you much good at all."

Internally I thought, "You're dead right on that point. It didn't do me a lot of good. The opposite, it hurt like the dickens and that certainly wasn't good. I wisely kept my tongue and inner voice to myself.

In my best Janet style voice I muttered sweetly in a low quiet voice, "I promise it won't happen again, sir."

"I can't hear what you said, Janet." His fingers were now gripping the waistband of my panties. I shouted the first few words, but then muffling my temper, I tried to finish in a nice, soft, sincere voice.

He stopped taking my panties down at that very moment, which was the good thing. The bad thing was that he started to spank me over my panties really hard and fast with what seemed like around 30 spanks. Not that I was counting mind you, as I was too busy at the time yelling "OWW," "OWWWW, " "OWWWW," in a continuous drone till he stopped.

Wow, did my butt ever sting now, as he, again, started to work my panties all the way down to my thighs. Then I suddenly felt his firm hand resting squarely on my bare, sore bottom.

"JANET, stop that attitude in your voice this instant. I worked all last Saturday getting that kitchen floor fixed up."

I my mind flashed back to earlier that evening in the kitchen, when I was dangling over his knee and having my bare bum smacked, while my nose was up close and personal with his newly redone hardwood floor. Yes, the hardwood was rather impressive, but at that time, I really wasn't all that grateful towards him, for providing me the opportunity to have a real close look at it.

Ohhhhh no. My mind was letting my own character creep back in, which was just asking for more trouble in my current predicament. I cringed feeling the touch of his hand on my tender rump that I was sure he was about to roast. I concentrated again quickly...picking up his words as he lectured on.

".......You have just scraped the chair across the hardwood floor, scratching the wood, after all my hard work. Not once, but twice tonight, even after I warned you."

It was then that my elbow felt something beside it on the sofa. I peered over my shoulder to see a thick leather strap lying right there next to me.

"Yeoooooooooowwwwwwwwww! Ohhhh my...goodness. Noooooooooo," I thought. I hoped it was just a mistake. I hoped that the strap just happened to be sitting there next to him while I lay with my bare bottom across his knee. SURE! Who was I kidding? I shuddered uncontrollably.

"Young lady......... I think it's time you learned a good lesson."

Oh my, this old windbag was still going on and on.... Geeeeezzzzzz. What a way to be forced to listen to him nag. My bottom twitch as the cool air from the room started forming goose bumps on it, except of course for the area where his hand was resting.

Finally he stopped his scolding. I internally sighed to myself, "Thank goodness." A sudden sting in my right cheek quickly replaced that thought. Oh no, he was starting to smack my poor, tender bottom as well as scolding me again Geeeeeeeeezzzzz.

"Janet, I asked you a question..." he was expecting me to reply with "yes sirs" and "no sirs" as he spanked and reprimanded me.

"Yes sir," I whispered, finding a respectful voice and hoping that "yes" was the right answer, as I wasn't listening closely and his question caught me totally by surprise.

"That's better Janet."

I relaxed. WOW, thank goodness I had guessed right! My rapture was short lived however, as the spanking, itself, began for real.


He whaled away at my cute, red bottom for 5 minutes straight. This had me bouncing all around over his lap, kicking my legs up and down while bawling my pretty eyes out.

I pleaded with him to stop.
"Please, I promise I'll be good."
"I've learned my lesson."

Finally the fire in my bottom got to be just too much and I put my hand back to protect and sooth the sting. He stopped abruptly, but then I felt him reaching near my elbow. "YIKES, Ohhhhhhh Nooooooooo." I gave my cheeks a much needed rub, while my hand was still back there and while, I might add, I seemed to be getting away with it.

However, suddenly I heard a loud thwack and the back of my hand was on fire, too. I pulled my hand away from coddling my fiery cheeks real quick after that, before another blow had a chance to land across the back of my hand.


When the next strap blow laid a strip of fire across both my cheeks I wasn't too sure which was worse. But I now knew that putting my hand back, to protect my bottom, didn't protect it one bit. It just made matters worse. It was stinging like hell from the strap.


He was using the strap and spanking me with it now, instead of just his hand, just because I put my hand back. "Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr."

I cried and cried as he laid that leather strap again and again to my quivering bouncing bottom. My legs were kicking again, too, but nothing deterred him from snapping that strap all over my tender, red bottom. I was past pleading now. I couldn't even mouth the words. All that came out was blubbering when I tried.


Finally he stopped, and I just laid across his lap and cried and cried until he pushed me off his knees. I stayed on the floor, rubbing my spanked bum for all my worth, as he left the room. I got up soon though, as I heard him talking on the phone and headed on the run for the washroom holding my bottom all the way there.

After a while I looked up at that bathroom clock, but could only with a supreme effort in wiping my eyes with my hands, resolve the 7:30 time through my tears. I lifted my skirt and took a peak at my spanked bottom.

Wow, it looked as red as it felt. I continued to rub it. Then I decided to use both hands, one on each cheek to try and relieve the hornet's nest that had started living there. I headed for Janet's bedroom and tried my best to be invisible. I laid on her bed (face down of course) without moving for quite a while.

I was jarred from the reverie of my spanked bottom world and jerked back to reality by the ringing of the doorbell. Well, as it turned out, who ever he was talking to on the phone was now here in the living room with him, ready to watch the baseball game at 8 o'clock.

"Oh no!" I thought, "Was the strap still on the couch?" I shuddered hoping he had put it away. Well things were going smoothly. A pillow and I were good friends for over an hour after that, until I heard my name called. "Janet."

Ohhhhhh no, Grrrrrrrrr, There is no way I wanted to see him or his friend.

"JANET, come in here!!!"

"Ohhhh!! my goodness," I thought. I reached instinctively back with both hands to caress and protect my already tingling bottom. I walked out slowly leaving my pillow on the bedroom chair as I went by, and was introduced to his visitor/friend.

My mind suddenly took in the fact that there was at least one straight back chair in every room. There in the living room, where I hadn't taken much note before, was a straight back chair next to the door.

"OH my!" My mind raced. Was the chair there before, or was I becoming paranoid. My butt cheeks clenched, anyway and a shudder ran through me. Well I was not going to sit on that chair. There didn't seem to be much padding, but then again, maybe it was safer for me to sit there alone, than have him get any ideas about sitting there. Alas the present sting in my bottom won out and I opted for a soft single sofa chair.

The game was lopsided so interest had waned and other conversation seemed more appropriate and permissible now. Well, so far so good. The time was rolling along and I was keeping out of further trouble by just sitting there, minding my own business.

Then suddenly I noticed a stare, but when his eye caught mine, he immediately looked at his empty glass. Oh no! He obviously wanted me to get him a refill. Well with company here, I could probably just nicely mention to him "to get it himself, since he knew what they were drinking." But another shudder ran through my body. I decided not to roll the dice and take the chance of him spanking me again right then and there. I shuddered again. NO WAY, I was risking that. I dutifully got up and picked up both their glasses and headed for the safety of the kitchen.

I purposely didn't touch any of the chairs, so that he couldn't possibly hear a scrape. My bottom remembered all to well, what that translated to. I took a quick sniff of their glasses to try and determine what they had been drinking and opened the fridge to refill them. Things went very smoothly and I served the drinks, as you can imagine, very carefully. Sitting again, I muffled a slight groan, as best as possible, when my bottom made contact with my chair.

Everything seemed "hunky dory", until I realised the subject they were now discussing was domestic discipline. Well, my face turned as red as my bottom. Not that I checked at that exact moment, but I was sure from its feel, that I was correct. I didn't know where to look. I could feel glances directed at me, but my gaze was now totally pre-occupied with an imaginary spot on the carpet, until I heard the fateful words, "Isn't that right, Janet."

YIKES, UH OH, I should have been listening. My bottom twitched a few times, till I managed a "yes sir", and then instantly regretted saying "sir." His friend turned and looked right at me for the rest of his visit. I didn't know what to do. I tried to be as invisible as possible, as I watched the clock move ever so slowly. I waited quietly for the time Janet would come home. The moment she came sneaking in the back door, I intended to excuse myself, switch places and be out of here on a full run.

I was clicking my nails, just biding my time, when I suddenly noticed one of my false nails was apparently absent. "Oh well, no loss," I thought. "I will replace it when I get home." Unfortunately I was very soon to get some unwanted help in finding it. Well not really help, that was a bad choice of words. From across the room, I heard a bellow with my name attached.

"JANET, there is a nail clipping in my drinking glass."

I was about to explain that it not a nail clipping in his glass, it was a false nail, as I got up quickly to retrieve the glass. I resisted mentioning his mistake until the old fuddy-duddy kept going on and on, making a big fuss, over such a little thing, like nail clipping in his glass.

Alas, I flippantly said, "It is only a false nail! No big deal at all. See, and held up my fingers. It's my false nail that's all."

Well, you'd think world war three had just been declared and this house was the target of every missile. I had a false sense that I was safe, as long as the visitor was here and Janet would be home soon. So I said, "Don't get your drawers all in a knot. I'll just get you another drink."

You had to be there to believe it, but I thought his eyes were going to bulge out of their sockets. He took the glass out of my hand, placed it on the table and we both took the fast route to the straight back chair. Soon, I was again getting a chance to inspect a carpet pattern this time, instead of a hardwood floor.

I could not believe he was fumbling for my skirt. I took a quick glance around my arm and found the visitor's eyes, riveted to the unveiling ceremony of my bottom. I pleaded with him not to pull my dress up, but I continued to feel it slowly rising, nonetheless.

"You wear a lot less at the beach, Janet. Maybe this will be a lesson for you to behave yourself when others are around." With my dress, up he fussed with my panties, giving me some hope that they might stay up. But when he started to spank and lecture I was soon too lost in a bucket of tears to care anyway. I cried because my bottom was already very sore and he was smacking it so hard, again. I gathered, between the litany of spanks from his scolding, that I wasn't suppose to be wearing false nails or anything else not real, let alone having it be found by him in his drink.

Soon I didn't care who was there. I just wailed, kicked and pleaded for my spanking to stop. I think the spanking lasted for a good five minutes. Then he just picked me up stood me on my feet and scolded me for being such a disgrace to him, and wearing nails and on and on

I wanted to rub the sting in my red-hot, flaming cheeks, but was too embarrassed to rub my bottom with his friend right there. So I was barely able to concentrate at all, on what he was babbling on about. His pointed finger waving back in forth in front of my tear stained face was such a temptation to bite, in spite of all the pain, but did resist. I was now very sure that he would not have hesitated to take me back over his knee again and spank my bottom raw.

I finally was able to rush out and rubbed my butt for a long time as I collapsed onto the bed again, face first.

Well Janet , mercifully, eventually did make it back home and seeing my face when she slipped in undetected said, "Oh my, dear sis, what happened to you?"

All I could say was, "HE SPANKED ME," as ran out the back door and never looked back.



"So now," my girl friend said, "You've heard my story from the beginning and now you can see it from a different light.

"Yes, I can for sure," I smiled and leaned over gave her a long kiss and a hug. Holding her near and keeping my arm around her, we sat down beside each other.

Then she went on, "I was so shocked a few days later, when you turned out to be my blind date." She reached over and kissed me again warmly. "Of course I recognized you instantly, but you never knew you had already met me. You thought you'd met my sister Janet. With the change back to my hairstyle and dress, you'd never have thought of the connection. So now you know the rest of the story. Even though we have been dating every since, I found it really hard to tell you that it was ME you saw get spanked that night,not Janet. So now that you know, DON'T keep telling me about the night you saw my sister get spanked. I was there, TOO and remember it all to well." She gave her rump a sexy, seductive rub, and put on a baby face pout for effect. Then immediately she smiled affectionately at me with a gleam in her eye.

Well after that, our relationship got even warmer and she had more than a gleam in her eyes after that story filled night. But she loved every minute of the way I spanked her bottom to a glowing red.

We have been inseparable friends every since. So in the "end" it really did work out. Her kindness in helping her sister was rewarded in round about way. But at the time, that night, I am sure it seemed to her like the phrase "no good deed goes unpunished."

"Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm," I mused. "I wonder if I should call my friend and have the two of us go visit them. I could just casually mention to him that a certain young lady named Janet was seen at a concert while her sister covered for her.

"You wouldn't dare," she said with a gleam in her eye, handing me the phone, while running off to get changed.