Virgin Snow

... Kree8tion

'… and that was one snowmobile ride neither one of them would ever forget.’

Cassie closed the internet explorer window then shut down her laptop. She always got that same pit in her stomach feeling reading those stories and always convinced herself she wouldn’t read any more and always went searching each time she signed on.

Cassie leaned back in her chair, closing her eyes and she could picture everything. The strong man sitting on the snowmobile, the woman upside down with her ski pants down to her knees, the snow swirling and melting on her now hot naked bottom cheeks … all of it. She could picture everything and could only wish she’d been the one.

Glancing out the cabin window, she could see the fresh snow on the ground. Cassie stood and crossed her arms while she gazed, dreaming of a snowmobile ….

Cassie shook her head. She was here wasn’t she? She signed up and paid for an entire weekend of spanking in the mountains. She’d been here a whole night and the closest she came to getting spanked was the sounds of hand flesh meeting bottom flesh. Cassie sighed. What a waste of time and money. She could have stayed home to read about it on the internet.

Cassie walked away from the window and picked up the itinerary. Great! A boring buffet while she watched people pair off into private rooms or simply spanked where ever they were. Cassie knew she couldn’t stay away from the buffet. Part of the agreement when signing was that regardless of what anyone did on their own time, everyone had to agree to attend all planned functions. May as well get this over with.

Cassie changed and sat in the back of the dining room watching the proceedings. She’d already gotten her food and looked at the roster of names on the head table. On that roster were names of those who’d gotten spanked and names of those who had given a spanking this weekend. Cassie didn’t have to look to know her name wasn’t anywhere.

“All right everyone. I need your attention please.” The slim woman at the head table tried to keep her voice higher than the murmurs of the crowd. “HEH! PAY ATTENTION!” Instant silence with all eyes turned toward the woman.

“Thank you. Now. As you all know, in your signed agreement is the consequence of not having paired up by this noontime meal. If you will all turn to the agreements in front of you on …………” Cassie watched the woman shuffle through the papers. “Oh. On page 6, half way down, Clause 23 please.”

Cassie absently picked up the agreement and turned to the proper page. Her eyes almost popped out of her head when she read the consequence clause. Why the hell hadn’t she seen THAT before she signed? Her heart began to pound and she nervously looked around the room. No one was staring at her and this was a good sign. Maybe they’d forgotten her name. Cassie slumped in her seat hoping no one would notice her.

“All right then. There are only two women who have not yet been spanked. The two snowmobiles are set up outside. Since everyone already has their coats with them, we’ll just all move quietly outside and commence shall we?” The woman turned from the table, paused, and raised one hand. “Wait! The names of the two women so they don’t try to escape are Thelma and Cassie! Ladies! Front and center please. You there. Thelma with the orange sweater and Cassie …” Cassie watched in fear as the woman glanced around the room, her eyes roaming until they met Cassie’s eyes. “There you are Dear. Come on. Up here with you now. Let’s go.”

Cassie watched as heads turned first in the other woman’s direction, then her own. She was trapped. She gathered her coat, hat and warm mittens and walked slowly to the head table. Why in hell’s name had she come here? Why hadn’t she read EVERYTHING before she signed the damn agreement?

Cassie’s heart pounded in her ears. She was so nervous, she could feel the sweat in her palms yet at the same time, she was about to finally get the spanking she’d always dreamed of.

“All right then. Outside we go. And people? Let’s make sure these two don’t slip away. We wouldn’t want them to break the agreement now would we?” Cassie cringed as laughter filled the room and as she put her coat and hat on, she felt hands on her arms, making sure she followed them outside.

Once outside, Cassie couldn’t believe her eyes. Two snowmobiles sat side by side, each with no windshield attached to the handlebars. Instead, there was a blanket draped over each set of handlebars. Cassie felt her shoulders shudder. How bad could this be anyway? She’d watched women draped over knees with their pants lowered, their panties draped somewhere around their thighs. At least she had her ski pants on with her long johns and panties safely tucked underneath.

“All right people. Position the two spanking virgins.” Cassie felt hands on either side of her and she could barely move on her own. She made no move to stop them. Before she could open her mouth, she found herself draped over the handlebars, her head resting on the seat below, her legs dangling down in front.

“Very good. Now strap those ankles in. We don’t want to lose them on the ride now do we?” Strapped? Cassie tried to push herself off the handlebars but felt strong hands on the small of her back. She felt her legs spread just a little and the straps wrapped around each ankle securing her there. She was petrified now. THIS is no way to get a first spanking!

“Wait! WAIT!!!! I’m not ready for this! WAIIIIITTTT!!!!!!!!!” Cassie yelled as loud as she could, letting them all know this was NOT funny!

“Yes, yes, Dear. We are well aware you are not ready. Please prepare the two spanking virgins.” Cassie flayed her arms as best she could as she felt first her ski pants, then her long johns and THEN her panties pulled down off her bottom. The cold air hit her naked bum with a snap!

This was NOT what she meant!

Cassie struggled with all her might and she came so close to getting angry. But somewhere in the middle of her total humiliation, her stomach turned traitor and those oh so familiar butterflies began to swirl around. There was something about having your pants pulled down for you that did that to you. She’d read that enough times and now she knew it was all true. Cassie felt her face turn red in embarrassment as she realized she was having the time of her life!

Cassie stopped her struggling. This is what she had signed up for. This is what she’d paid for. Finally, she was about to feel what she’d imagined for so long. She just never thought it would be outside in the cold in front of so many people! That thought slipped from her mind as she felt the first snowflake tickle one naked upturned cheek. It’s snowing? Cassie lifted her head to see that it was just starting.

The woman’s voice droned on as she instructed everyone on the proper procedure for the two spanking virgins and Cassie never heard a word. She only felt one snowflake after another land on her bottom and she wiggled as each one melted.

“Heh! This one here can’t wait! Look! She keeps wiggling at us!”

Cassie’s face flushed in TOTAL embarrassment now. She was NOT wiggling at them, she was trying to get the snowflakes off her butt!

She knew it would be useless to try and convince them of that so she remained silent. But Cassie began to get impatient. They were taking so long to give proper instructions, she could feel the snow begin to build up on her butt cheeks. Good grief! Could they please get this over with? She was really starting to get cold!

“All right people! Let’s melt some snow on some virgin butts!”

Cassie tried to turn her upside down head to see what was going to happen but before she even got that far …………. SLAP!

The first slap hit one cheek and she felt her bottom bounce a little in response. Oh. That was all she could think of. That wasn’t so bad. She felt her stomach churn in delight again as the snow begin to build up on that one spot. As soon as a slight film of flakes formed ……….. SLAP!

Her other cheek received the same treatment. On and on the hands slapped her naked cheeks, pausing only to let flakes form on her bottom. Before she knew it, they couldn’t wait for snow because her bum was beginning to get so hot, the flakes would melt as soon as they made contact!

Still they spanked on. Cassie watched as a line formed and one by one, everyone came close enough to land one spank on each cheek. One after another, they giggled and snorted as Cassie’s bottom wiggled in the cold air, trying to get away from the flying hands.

Cassie’s eyes began to water as the fire grew under the falling snow. No longer was her stomach churning, her butt was on fire! Still they spanked on and on.

Cassie lay there upside down and did her best not to cry but before she knew it, she could hold it in no longer. The hands didn’t seem to feel any pity, they in fact seemed to spank her harder once her tears began to fall! Cassie didn’t want to cry. Not in front of everyone like this. She wouldn’t!

But she had no choice. The flames on both her cheeks were so hot and painful that she had no choice BUT to cry. She let out her wails louder than anything she’d ever heard and all the frustration of never having been spanked flowed out of her as fast as her tears did. Had Cassie’s ankles not been bound, she would have been kicking her feet like a crazy woman.

Cassie let it all out. All those years of wanting, all those years of wondering, Cassie let it all go as her butt was spanked again and again and again. Finally she slumped over the handlebars and just gave in. She couldn’t stop the spanking and she no longer tried. She just lay there and cried as if she were eight years old again.

Cassie didn’t know they’d stopped. She just cried until she had no more tears, her hiccups sounding soft in the cold outdoors. She felt a hand on her back rubbing and a soft low voice talking to her.

“There’s a good girl. Let it all out. Its over now. You’ve done well. Let it all go.”

And Cassie did. She sighed in between her hiccups and felt freer than she’d ever felt in her life. She no longer care her now red naked bottom was on display for everyone to see, she only knew she’d been freed from the curiosity and wonder and she felt warmer than if she were sitting before a fireplace.

“Let’s hear it for the virgins!”

Cassie blushed as the crowd cheered. No longer a spanking virgin, she didn’t even protest when the snowmobiles were fired up and she and Thelma were paraded around like prize champions, their hot bottoms melting flakes as soon as they touched skin.

When the victory ride was over, she felt her ankles released and gentle hands helped her to stand. She felt them raise her panties, long johns and carefully pulled her ski pants over her fiery butt. One by one, they all walked over to hug her and Thelma and Cassie had never felt so much a part of something special as she did right now.

Cassie walked back into the cabin slowly, her movements clearly informing everyone she’d been well spanked. She fluffed up a couple of pillows and carefully sat at the small desk in her room. Firing up her laptop, she glanced outside to see the two snowmobiles still with blankets draped over the handlebars.

Cassie looked back to her laptop and instead of reading, she began to type.


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