

by: Rick



Waiting. It's always the hardest part. Even harder than the

punishment itself. How had he let himself get talked into this. It

was always so difficult. A spanking!! He had to admit that their

marriage had been so much better since this spankings had started but

each time one occurred it terrified him. But he HAD agreed to her

wishes and he would go through with it as always.


He could hear her coming now. She was headed down the hall toward the

living room where he sat- waiting. She came up beside him. He looked

up. My God- she was holding the hairbrush. That wooden hairbrush that

could cause so much pain. How could he possibly get through this

spanking. He had too.


"Are you ready?"


"I guess so," he answered.


He stood up and took her hand. He then took the hairbrush from her

and started leading her toward his study. She was in her short

nightie- her punishment outfit. He would take her over his knee and

spank her until her fanny was bright red and she was crying like a

little girl.


He didn't know how he would get through it but he knew he would. But

he knew the actual spanking would not be as bad as the waiting.