Weekend Away


by Brandy


(From Jason’s point of view)

“This was a great idea Jayme.”

And it was. We left on Thursday night and spent all day Friday and most of today just catching up and chatting.  Jayme was right we both seem to be drifting apart, and to fix that she has been brattier to get attention, and I have been stricter to give more attention.  This is just what we needed, sitting back and just talking.

“I think we need to talk about why your behavior has been taking a down slide Jayme.”

The look on her face is priceless.

“But I haven’t done anything wrong. I have listened to all that you have said. Please don't spank me!”

“Relax honey, you are not being punished. We came here to solve a few problems and talking through is the only way we are going to fix them.”

“I am sorry Jase; I have been working on my procrastinating.”

At this I laugh.

“Jay hun you having been having problems with procrastinating and then lying to cover up since before I even met you. Do you remember the reason I met you in the first place?”

“How could I forget? I was without my car for 2 months! Do you know how hard that is on a high school students social life???”

Smiling she leans on my chest and we start talking about our old memory….


7 years earlier-

(In the bachelor pad, Jason was living with Jayme’s brothers and another one of their friends from the police station.)

We were sitting around on a Thursday afternoon.

“Come on Jordan just introduce me to your sister. She is gorgeous!”

Before Jordan could respond, Jesse does (along with throwing a cheeto at him)

“Yes she is gorgeous, she is also 17, and

“She’ll be 18 in 2 months!”

Now food is thrown from Jordan’s direction.

“As I was saying. She is 17, you are 23 and she is way to good for you Tom. Not to mention that my father would kill me if I even considered introducing you two. And also not to mention that she wouldn’t give you the time of day. You couldn’t handle Jayme she is not your typical girly girl.”

“She sure looks like it!”

I am getting annoyed this is the fiftieth time we have had this conversation, but Tom is relentless. Though he means no harm. Just likes to bust Jesse and Jordans’ chops.

Ring Ring


“Um, may I speak to one of my brothers please?”

I hand the phone out to Jordan, “speaking of the devil.”


One sided conversation


“No I can’t. He can’t either. We are heading to DC.

“But we need to leave by 5.

“Don’t get pissy with me. You are the one that left your keys at a club you weren’t suppose to be in, on a school night, at 2 am.

“Ha, like hell its my fault.

“Look I will see what I can do. Yes you can go to RAH RAH practice Miss Head cheerleader.

“Ok ok you will have a ride.

“No you can’t borrow my car

“Because Dad will kill me after he gets to you.

“I’m hanging up now,

“Bye Jayme

“Uh huh, What ever!


“Hey Jason, Can you give my sister a lift home from practice at 6:30?”

“Sure, no problem.”

“Why is all the love going to Jason? I am heart broken, some friend you are!”

In unison “Shut up Tom!”

“I asked him because there is a 99% chance you have 3 or 4 dates lined up, another reason I don’t want you with my sister. I can trust Jason to pick her up and drop her off, with out trying to seduce her!”

“For your in formation I only have 1 date tonight! I am very hurt at you trying to bring me down, and you don’t trust me. Man as said before some friend you are."

I pipe up, “He just bruised your ego that’s all. You’ll be ok Tom.”

“Yea after years of emotional therapy.”

“Tom you needed therapy BEFORE I told you you couldn’t date my sister!”

Tom laughs as he gets up. “Well I will see you guys later. My date is my 5 year old niece and we are going to chucke cheese! See you guys tomorrow, have a safe trip.”


My car was in the shop so I took my police cruiser, she would notice that quicker any way assuming that it might be one of her brothers.

I saw a group of girls walking out of the gym. And then I spotted Jayme. Man had she changed, she was still beautiful but sickly thin. I had heard her brothers argue time after time with their father that she had a problem. Now I see for myself that what they were saying is true. Jayme has been starving herself since her mother died!

Well that’s going to change starting right now, the first place we are going is to get something to eat!


“Umm, hi Jason. I see you were weaseled into to picking me up.”

“It’s my pleasure.”


“So do you care to fill me in on how you got into this mess? It sounded very interesting from Jordan’s end of the phone.”

She smiled at me and rolled her eyes. “It was all just a big misunderstanding. I didn’t do anything wrong.”

With that last comment I get an innocent look, but I can tell she is anything but innocent.

“Ha, I’ll bet you were innocent!!”

“Well here is what happened, the short version! I had a geography project due; it was sprung on us fast we only had 2 months to do it! (Another innocent smile) I waited until the night before to do it. I thought I had all the supplies I needed which at 1 am I realized I didn’t. So I ran up to the store without telling Dad that I was leaving.  My I met up with my friend at the store. I didn’t have pockets so she held my keys for me, and then decided to go to that wild club The 7 Aces because her boyfriend is a bouncer there. She left my keys in the bathroom stall AFTER realizing that her man had another woman. So now we have no way to get in there to retrieve the keys.”

“Oh so this is where the fun begins?”

“You could say that.”

“I saw that the bouncer was no longer paying attention to the door so I ran in fast. The cops were already on their way for other reasons.  I ran into the bathroom to grab my keys. When I walked out there was a cop waiting at the door. None other than my dear older brother Jordan who looked like he was about to erupt when he saw it was me. The club manager wasn’t going to press charges but that didn’t stop Jordan from calling dad. I was grounded from driving for 2 months, no phone for a month, restricted to the house for a month, plus I have to show dad proof of homework and such. I just got the phone back and ‘outside world’ privileges yesterday.”

“Sounds like you deserved it. Plus a whole lot more.”

“I got enough! Trust me I didn’t need anymore.”

“If we were dating you would have gotten a whole lot more!”


We bantered back in forth for a little while longer until I pulled in front of my favorite restaurant.

“Why Mr. Stevens is this a date?”

“Yes it is, unless you want me to take you back home and you can spend your first night of freedom alone at your house.”

“Well let me call my dad and let him know where I am.”


She hands me back my phone and says

“I hope you want to date me because you have Dad’s whole hearted approval. He said I needed a man like you to keep me in line. Oh I am sorry this day is progressing fast. I bet all you wanted to was get me home and get on with your evening.”

“Actually no, I have wanted to meet back up with you for quite a while. I was afraid your father wouldn’t approve because of my age.”


The waitress looks at Jayme and asks for her order,

“I will take just a small side salad with no dressing and a water.” She is smart not to look into my eyes; if she did she would see a volcano about to erupt!

“Ma’am she will take the grilled chicken salad with vinegarette dressing, and a decaf tea. I’ll take your special and a sweet tea.”


“How dare you!”

“Excuse me? I think you better watch that tone. Your brothers have noticed for a while you have had a problem. Your dad doesn’t seem to want to admit it, but you do. You are going to eat the dinner I ordered and be happy with it; it is low fat so you needn’t worry about that. We will move on to higher fat foods when your body is use to eating again. I am not going to argue about this. You stated earlier that you wouldn’t mind dating me and I wouldn’t mind dating you. We are dating and I will not be pushed around lie a 17 year old punk.”

Her eyes are wide open at my little speech. Nothing is said for a minute as she slowly eats her food.

“SO what ever happened to the football great boyfriend?”

“He broke up with me shortly after I was grounded. I wasn’t worth waiting for. He is with someone who would sleep with him after the first date. He doesn’t seem to understand that I am saving myself for some one special.”

“And who might that be?”

“My future husband, you.”

WHOA! That seemed to have slipped out, it is exactly what I had in mind but I never expected her to say that! We have known each other for 3 years and have talked often. I hadn’t seen her in 6 months but we had talked on the phone a couple of times.

“Oh my gosh, can’t believe I just said that!”

She gets up to walk to the bathroom her face bright red.

I grabbed her arm and said slowly “I understand you are embarrassed and you need to go regain your composure. That is fine but if I smell a hint of vomit or the effects of trying to cover it up, I will turn you over my knee right here and make sure your bottom is as red as your face.”



Back to the present...

“I couldn’t believe I said that out loud! I had, had a crush on you forever and we got along great. I never imagined I would be proposing on our first date!”

“It was sweet and so was your blushing face.”

“I was glad that you did help me with my eating disorder, it didn’t take that long.”

“I know I think you got tired of going over my knee!”

“I think what did it was about 2 months after our first date, my 18 birthday.”


Jayme’s 18 birthday…

“You ate a good dinner Jayme, how about some cake?”

“Look Jordan, I don’t need you watching every bite I eat. I also don’t need you congratulating me and making suggestions on what else I need to do. Just leave me alone dammit!”

Her father and brothers are speechless as she jumps up and leaves the table and runs out the front door.

“We’ll be back in about an hour. I am sorry about this James.”

“Don’t be, I am use to her outburst and touchiness. But she is making great progress; I had to go buy her some bigger clothes yesterday.”


“Jayme, in my truck right now!”

We drove back to my house.


“I have got to do a few things but I want you to go inside and put your nose in the corner right now.”


“Get inside right now before you bottom is bared on my front lawn.”

I can tell she has been depressed it was two years ago this week that she lost her mother.  I still don’t feel she has fully dealt with her grief, and after that outburst I have a feeling she is really close.


“Come here Jayme.”

“Do you care to explain what all that was about? Your brother was just trying to look out for you. They all care very much about you, and have all been worried.”

Tears have started to form and I know I have touched a nerve.

“I haven’t spanked you at all yet and you are about to get your first one from me. I want you to know that I won’t hesitate to spank you when you are naughty. If you want to act like a naughty child you will be treated like one. Is that understood?”



“Yes sir.”

“Ok over my knee.”

I start spanking slowly. I can tell it has been a long while since she has been spanked. Her protest are very loud but fall on deaf ears.

“It isn’t polite to yell at some one who is just trying to be nice.”




“Please stop, I’ll be good. Pleaaaase.”

“It is rude to walk out after an outburst, leaving everyone to wonder.




“I’m sorry. Please stop. I am so sorry. I’ll apologize just quit spanking me!”

I continue like I haven’t even heard.

“I never again want hear a curse word out of your mouth. Next time there will be a bar of soap in your mouth when that happens.”






After that last volley she is totally limp and sobbing. Trying to speak but is not succeeding.

I pull her into my arms and let her cry, something is hurting her inside. But I just broke the dam.

“Talk to me honey. Please, I love you and want to help.”

“I (sob) miss (hiccup) my mooooooooooom (sobbing)!”

“Oh baby shush, I am here honey let it out.”



“Oh honey don’t cry.”

“I am here for you as always. We have always worked through our problems and maybe just going back into the past has helped.”

“Let’s go put that spa to use! Did I ever tell you how glad I am that your brothers had to go to DC all those years ago?”

“Me too, Jase.”

A kiss on the cheek, “me too.”


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