When it rains it pours

By Brandy






I am so excited. My friend Sara and I are going to go on a huge shopping spree. It has been so long since I got to do that!

In all my excitement I blew off my husband when he told me to check the pressure and put more air in the back tire.


“Look at this Sara; it will go perfect with the shirt you bought Patrick.”

“I had this in mind.”

As I look up at the dress she is holding my jaw drops. It had no back and hardly any front the neck line looked like it would reach her belly button, plus it was SHORT. I’ve worn under wear that covered more than that dress!

“Bad idea Sara. Patrick will kill you, and then make you return it.”

“He will understand once he sees me in it. Look just keep it at your house until I have warmed him up on the idea.”

“Ok but I still think it is a bad idea.”


I have known Sara for about 4 years now; I met her through my husband. We learned rather quickly that we had a couple of things in common; one of them was domestic discipline. And I have a feeling Sara is going to get a dose of it when Patrick sees that dress and how much it cost.


“Jayme you should get this shirt and skirt, it’s beautiful.”

“Its also 50 dollars and I already went 25 dollars over my budget and I still need to get new shoes.”

“Come on, Jason will love it. You can wear it next month for your anniversary.”

Why do I let Sara talk me into things? 2 hours and 150 dollars over budget later we stop and see the newest “chick flick”.


“That was so much fun Sara. I just hope Jason doesn’t get too mad at me for going over budget.”

“Don’t tell him.”

“Are you crazy???”

“I’m not telling Patrick I spent 200 over. I will just throw some extra tip money on the credit card before he even sees it. I usually mail out the bills and he is going away for a conference for 2 weeks, I will have the credit card paid off before he even gets back.”

“Yea and you won’t be sitting when he gets back.”

“Why are you such a goody goody?

“Because I don’t particularly like being put over my husband’s knee and spanked until I can’t sit for a week!”




“Oh crap, my tire is flat!”

“It is pouring out there.”

“I know it is also 10pm on a deserted highway, in the middle of nowhere.”


“Oh dang it! When it rains it pours (no pun intended!)”

“What’s wrong Jayme?”

“Besides the fact I didn’t check the tire when Jason said to and it is now flat. Or that I didn’t check my emergency road kit once a week like I am suppose to and my flash light is dead. The lantern won’t work because of the rain (and the fact that the fluid isn’t in there another opps). Also I can’t find the thingy to remove the lug nuts and jack up the car. Jesse borrowed it one day and I forgot to get it back. Oh and also I used up my phone card minutes to talk to you the week you went away because I was on restriction from the phone. It slipped my mind to get a new one, so now when I get into town I can’t call Jason because our phone doesn’t except collect calls! Please tell me yours will?”



2 hours later

After a lot of cursing (good thing Jason or Patrick weren’t around that would just be something else to add to the list.) And some quick thinking they got the tire changed using a wrench and a screw driver. Good thing they were craftsmen tools because they sure need replacing!


1 am


“I called Patrick and he is going to call Jason. I never told him what was going on, just that we were ok.”

“Thanks Sara.”


Back at home

“Where the hell is she?!?!?”

I’ve called all the cops I know. The theater people said that their movie ended at 10. She should have been here by midnight. Then it hits me, Jesse dropped of the lug nut wrench and crow bar about an hour after she left.  I can bet she didn’t check the tire like told her to. I wonder where I put that paddle; I have a feeling it is going to come in useful.


Ring, Ring




“Ok so they’re fine?

“Well Jayme won’t be so fine after she gets home.

“She is going to drop Sara off?

“Alright why don’t you two come over in about 3 days at 4pm?

“I have a feeling that the flat tire isn’t going to be the only thing that Jayme is going to be punished for.

“Ok see you then.”


2 am


I guess I should look as calm and collected as possible. Maybe he will just forget all of this since I am ok. He will be so relived that I am safe he we over look every thing else. HA I doubt it!


“Jason I’m home.”

“Oh honey I am glad you are safe!” Hummm maybe this will work out.

“Do you want to see what I bought?”

“Sure, oh and just so you know you aren’t stalling very well. You are in BIG trouble young lady. I have a feeling that you and my belt are going to do a little talking tonight. Understood?”


“Yes sir.”

Owwwwwwwwww, I am sorry.

“Those swats were just for the pouting. Lets go look at those clothes.”




That didn’t sound to good. Jason isn’t a yeller. And when he does it is never loud enough for me to here from the shower upstairs while he is in the living room down stair.  DAMN it just hit me what “this” is. In my hurry to get inside I gathered all the clothes including Sara’s dress. OHHH I am so going to kill her for this.

I dress fast in a long t-shirt, I start to grab panties but they are just going to be around my ankles so why bother?


“What’s wrong Jason?”

He is holding up the dress and his face is redder than the dress. Not a good sign.

“Where you planning on using this to make extra money since you went 150 dollars over what I told you what you may spend?”

“I think it is a very pretty dress. No I am not going to use it for prostitution. Its not even mine I am holding it for Sara. Plus I only went 145 over budget, but I spent it all on you! That bag has 200 hundred dollars worth of clothes for you.”

“Who do you think you are talking to Jayme Lynn?”

“I am your husband and I deserve a little bit of respect. I was taken back by finding this sluttish dress in my wife’s bag especially since she was shopping for a dress for the policeman’s ball. The only thing going through my head was all my buddies goggling at you in this dress, when I am the only person besides your doctor that should ever see this much of your body. I am sorry about snapping at you but that doesn’t give you call to talk to me all high and mighty and prissy.”

“I am to angry to do anything tonight. I am going to sleep in the basement. When I get up tomorrow there better be a list of all your transgressions on the table. When you wake up. You may get something to eat, go outside get a switch and set it on the table next to my belt. And then head to your corner”

With that he walks off. I really hurt him. And he is sleeping in another room. We have never done that!

I get out a pencil and paper to make my list and every once in a while the ink gets smudged because of my tears.


  1. Ignoring you and not checking the tire. Disobeying
  2. Blowing off checking my high way safety kit. Disobeying and putting myself in danger
  3. Not checking the car out before a 2 hour drive (missing tire iron, flares, and oil). Disobeying and putting myself in danger.
  4. Holding the dress so Sara may disobey. Disrespectful to your rules.
  5. Pouting. Disrespectful
  6. Not having any minutes on my phone card. Putting myself in danger.
  7. Using my phone card at a pay phone to chat with a friend while on phone restriction. Disobeying and lying.
  8. Going over budget. Disobeying and lying (I wasn’t going to tell you)
  9.  Sassing you. Disrespectful and disobeying.

I’m sorry for hurting you Jason. I know your rules are there for a reason. I could have been killed or hurt last night and all of it could have been avoided if I just listened to you once.



The next morning


“Good you did exactly what I said to.”


“Come here please Jayme.”

“I’m sorry Jason. (Tear tear)”

“I know you are but let me have my say. I was worried sick about you Jayme Lynn. I love you and it is my job to take care of you. Thank you for the thorough list, I will be just as thorough while punishing you for it,

Here is my list please read it to me.”



3 disrespectfuls. 5 swats each with my hand (15)

6 disobeyings. 4 spanks each with the belt (24)

2 lyings. 4 swats with the paddle (8)

3 putting your self in dangers. 3 swats each with the switch (9)

9 in total. 18 with the switch in your inner thighs


After each one I won’t you to ask me for the next and telling why and that you are sorry. Starting now you can ask me for your warm up spanking and corner time.



 “May I please (sniffle sniffle) have my warm up spanking and corner time?”

“Over my knee.”

There is no talking or lecturing just the sound of his hand coming down and spanking my bare bottom. Nice and slow so each sting gets felt.

“Go to the corner now. You may come out when you are ready to ask for the next spanking.”


After about ten minutes of giving my bottom a chance to cool down. I go to Jason who has FOOTBALL on the TV. Geesh I hope he is having fun!

“May I please have my 15 swats with your hand for being disrespectful?”

“Yes you may.”


“Who is head of this household?”

“You are sir.”


“What should I get from you?”

“Reee (gulp) spect! (Sob)


“Why should I get that Jayme?”

“Because you are head of the house hold. It is your job to look out for my well being.”

“Very good. You may get up now. Do you need more corner time?”

“No sir. I would like my 24 swats with the belt for disobeying.”

“Very well now bend over the couch.”



“What did you promise to do the day you married me?

“To love, honor and obey. Sir (SOB SOB)”


“Is it good to disobey me?

“No sir.”


“Why not?”

“I get spanked.”


“It is very disrespectful to disobey isn’t it Jayme?”

“Yes sir.” I am in soooo much pain. My bottom is on fire and we aren’t even half way through! I am barely able to answer his questions but I do the best I can because I don’t want any more spanks!


“May I please have my spanks with the paddle?”


“Lying is disobeying isn’t it?”

“Yes sir”


“And disobeying is disrespectful isn’t it?”

“Yes sir.”

“Do you see where all this is leading?”

“Yes sir.” (I feel it too)


“Will you please use the switch on me for putting myself in danger?”

“I would love to. I can assure you after this switch meets your swollen bottom you will think twice about doing that again.”


I jump up. “Owwwiiiieee.” I’m sorry Jason.”

“Bend back over so we can finish the punishment.”

“You know I care for you and love you very much.”

“Yes sir.”


“Stay bent over Jayme or I will add three more.”

“Lying puts you in danger doesn’t it?”

“Yes sir.”

“And please finish for me.”

“Lying (hiccup) is disobeying, and disobeying is disrespectful.”


“Ok baby we are almost done. Go bend over the coffee table with your knees not bent and legs wide apart.”

“Please Jason. No more. I have learned my lesson. Please no more!”

I am uncontrollably crying now, and Jason walks me over to the table and helps me get in position.

“Try not to move Jayme. It will hurt worse if you do.”

He lands the 18 very hard and fast. I am almost collapsed when he is finished.

“Shush baby. I have got you. Its okay honey. You are forgiven.

“Please don’t put your self in danger like that every again. I do worry about you all the time. I would die if anything happened to you. Especially any thing that could have been avoided.”

“You are grounded from the phone for 2 weeks. You may drive the car to the grocery store only for the next month and you must check with me first. You will also not be hanging out with your friends for 1 month. For the next 2 months anything you buy or plan to buy will be okayed by me even if it is a stick of gum. Sara will be over with Patrick on Tuesday to discuss you two hiding things from us but that is the last time you will see her for a while. Every Saturday for the next month you will hand me my belt get 20 spanks and then we will go check the pressure on your tires, and make sure all of the proper equipment is in the trunk for emergencies. Is all of this understood?”

“Ye-ye-yes, siii-siii-siirrr.”

Ok honey lets go upstairs and let me run some cream on your bottom.”

He has to carry me because I am too sore to walk.

Why must I always mess up 20 things at a time?

When it rains it pours….