
Poem duet: wimp no more my baby

by Anna and Ron

co - written in sequence 'live or on the fly' between us.
The poem evolved in real time without a preconceived plan or direction. Of Course it did end in a spanking!!!!


The day had been a tiring one, and I felt rather worn out
Most of the day had been spent rearranging things about
Then more cleaning and dusting, with things out of the way
Was unfortunately the way I had spent my complete Sunday

When Anna asked how the day had been for me
My tale of woe, met with laughs, not sympathy.
When called a 'wimp' for being tired from THAT,
It must've been a 'mess'. "Enough! I said, you're being a brat."

At my suggestion that spanking may be needed,
Anna just laughed and my remarks were not heeded
"SOME smacks on my bum, don't do any good, RON"
So just forget that idea. I'll just mosey along."

The story

Well I can see someone's bum,
Is not just going to get SOME
It's going to get a lot of smacks
Feeling more like you sat on tacks.

Because you seem to lack the proper tact
This is going the become an actual fact
Your bum is going to get so red and sore
And when you start crying out "no more",

I'm going say "who's the wimp now."
I think I'll show you a lesson how.
So as I spank your bare bottom very red and sore,
You'll promise to use the word "wimp" never more.

And no more comments about it being a mess,
Or you'll get six hard strokes nothing less
Now Anna, if you still think you've got more to say
Go right ahead as Clint Eastwood said "MAKE MY DAY"


Oh me oh my, can't take a joke,
And I'M NOT sorry that I spoke.
I do have tact
That's a fact.

I use it all the time,
Especially when you whine.
I'm not at all afraid,
Of the threat you made.

You're too tired anyway,
To try and make me pay.
But even if you try,
To spank so hard, that I would cry,

I wouldn't even shed a single tear,
Even though the spanks I'd fear.
I would not cry,
And I'll tell you why,

I wont be distressed
Just cause YOU had a mess.
You're too tired now to spank
And for that (whew!) I give thanks!


Well you will pay me mind,
Or you will very soon find,
That my left hand is okay,
So there's no reason to delay.

Sure, I can take A JOKE
BUTT, it was the WAY you spoke,
So you find out in the end,
Your ways you'd better mend.

Or your rump is always going be sore,
And I am always going to spank it more.
So now that you know, what is in store.
Stop that laughing and rolling on the floor!


Yes Ron, I can tell
You are trying hard not to yell.
I will be good,
As you say, I should.

I will be nice
On your advise,
Of what will come,
Upon my bum.

My ways will be mended,
Cause I don't want my bum upended,
And spanked till it's so sore,
That I will have me crying "NO MORE"!

My laughing is done,
Cause it wont be much fun
To be over your knee
With your hand in glee,
While you're spanking me.

So I'll try to be nice
Like sugar and spice
Cause if not, I know what will be
*sigh* I'll be bare bottomed over your knee.


I'm glad a glimpse of future had an impression on thee
For it surely foretold of a hot spanking over my knee
So with your repentance it will then just be
A bare bottom hand spanking across my knee.


A bare bottomed spanking across your knee??
I just know, you'll spank, till it stings like a bee.
I thought I was off free,
Since I said to thee,

That sorry I truly was, for being so rude.
I really meant it, wasn't teasing you dude.
But you're still going give my bum spanks?
Well for that, I'm NOT going to say thanks!


Ah! But after I land some spanks,
You will indeed say "thanks."
Or you will get no cream on your rear,
And I know it will hurt a lot, my dear.

So I think you will have a change of heart,
That's why spankings are so good for your part.
They get you to see the right things to do.
Marvellous, what the learning position can do.


I'm speechless here
As I clutch my rear,
And ponder the choices given to me
On paying for my rudeness spree.

I'm going to get spanked, there's no way out.
Hmmmmm, unless, maybe, if I start to pout.
Ron will perchance change his mind
And won't spank my bare behind.

A spanking with any soothing cream
Is surely a nightmare, not a dream
I know what the right thing is to do
So I burst into tears and cry boo ho.


As you start to cry, I hold you very near
"Ahh" poor Anna, there's nothing to fear.
I let you cry, till you think you're off Scot-free
Then I lift you up and place you right over my knee.

The sudden surprise stops your crying act,
As your panties and pants descend intact.
Not wasting time I start to smack your rear,
"NOW, you'll have something worthy to cry about my dear."

With the sound of spanks filling the air,
Anna starts to thrash around without a care.
For now her bare bum is getting its due,
And it's very red, and I bet quite sore too.

Promises fill the air from Anna's lips,
As I continue to spank those swaying hips,
Till her bottom has received its proper spanking,
And poor sorry Anna, will feel more like thanking.


Ron's spanking and spanking,
Waiting for me to start thanking,
But I can't make it be said
And that's what I dread.

I can be as stubborn as a mule,
That's always been my rule.
But sometimes it doesn't pay,
As over Ron's knee I stay.

It's hurting like heck,
And I'm sure I look a wreck.
I'm going to have to give in soon
And start singing a different tune.

The tune that Ron wants to hear
Is the one, I always fear.
I have to say that for this spanking
I'll spend the rest of the day thanking.


I stop and let Anna have time for thanking
And then I just add a bit more spanking.
I then stand her on her own two feet,
Letting her rub her red bum as a treat.

She takes my kindness and rubs with a flurry
I shout after 5 minutes, "Anna I'm in a hurry".
If you want me to rub the cream on your bum
You better get over here, if you still want some.

Well Anna in a flash is again across my lap
And I duly apply two dabs of cream in a snap
Rubbing it in, till Anna is purring like a kitten
not feeling now, the full sting her bum had be gettin'

I pour on the cream, and rub it right in.
Till Anna's totally relaxed, like 'Riga mortis' has set in
But with a hard spank on her bum, her euphoria I ended.
Still across my knee however, Anna remains suspended.

I let Anna get up asking her how she feels,
Her eyes are a glowing like spinning wheels.
I reached out to hold her close and tight.
We remained that way till we went out for a bite.

The (sore) end