2 my buddies!

HEY EVERYONE!!! a huge hi goes out to my buddies from halifax NS! everyone you know who u are! special hi's go out to......

Vicki!(i'll miss ya when u go away, i'm too sexy for my hoofs!)

Andrea!(I MISS U, high speed chase, step this way, your sexy parties rock lol garbage bags 4LIFE! backstreet girl rule!, our porno movie! your my bestest bud in the whole world!love ya babe!)

Amy! ( we will always be the mmmbop sisters! zacy and oprah! stumps up!)

Maggie! ( i don't really think we have any inside jokes! lol but i luv ya anyways)

Domp ( i think what we have here is ..... small patatoes)

natalie ( your the kewlest)

Lyla ( or should i say theresa )

monique ( biggie drinks for life!! i'll miss u next year)

tim ( your the best internet talker!! love u)

sasha ( i miss ya tons!! your the best! )

well i can't really think of any other buds that would come to a hanson site so luv ya'll c ya

E-mail me everyone!