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My Teddy Bear Awards

These Are Awards That I Cherish Greatly...Thank You All Who Have Seen My Site Fit For Your Awards!


Wow! I Got my first award, Thanks!

Another one.. Oh, Boy!Thanks!

Thanks Grandma George

I got this for signing a guestbook

Thank You Chandra

Thanks for this great award

Thank-You Beary Much

This is a nice Thank-You Gift

This is beary special Nikki, Thanks!

Bear Huggs Tam

I'm beary proud of these 2 awards, Thanks!

This is a beary cute award, Thanks!

Beary cute award, Thanks!

Thank-You Penny for this wonderful award

Oh, WoW! Another beary nice award

Thanks beary much for this award

Thanks Mike & Tresea for this award

Thanks Jasmine for this beary cute award

Thanks Carol for this award, Wow!

Click On Next To Go To Awards Won Page 2