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Back Yard

Well, Let's see I enjoy the country life so much that I spend alot of time outdoors with my Horse, dogs(pomeranians)& having Bonfire's with the kids & friends, so I figured that I would share my outdoor life with you.

First & fore most I must say that I do enjoy cooking

out. There's nothing better than having family

& friends over for a good ol' fashion cook out

Okay, And who don't enjoy a nice long relaxing moment

in the hottub or pool?

And after that rest in the shade with the cool air

blowing, the smell of fresh cut grass & all the lovely

flowers a bloom......

Watching the kids play their summer games

And in the evening light up the bon fire & roast marshmallows, UMMM!

Thanks for taking the time to see what my family

does during the wonderful summer days.

If you need to contact me,

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