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Libby's Teddy Bear Box

Thank You for stopping by, My name is Clarissa,

I am making this web site for my mother Libby, She lives in Ohio, &

is a I figured this background appropriate for the start of her site.

She loves teddies, & got me started on collecting them...I Love You Mom!


Other Teddy Bear Pages

My Favorite Teddies

My Adopted Teddies

My Teddy Friends

My Awards

Awards I Have To Offer

My Families Site

My Family Of Bears

Bear Globes

Summer Fun In The BackYard

Here is two banners to link with

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Take This & Pass It Around, No Link Required

If you need to contact me,

I got this from my daughter (Clarissa)

Sign My Guestbook View My Guestbook

I got this wonderful award from someone with a heart! Thanks!

MY Bear Rings

Ring of Teddy Bears
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Teddy Lovers :)
This Teddy Lovers:)
Site is owned by Libby

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