Name: Touya(Tori) Kinomoto
Age: 17
Date of Birth: 2/29
Blood Type: O
Favourate Subject in School: Chemistry
Least Favouate Subject: none (that he'll admit to)
Other Activity: Soccer
Favourate Color: Blue
Favourate Flower: Touya (Peach Bloosm)
Favourate Food: Steak
Least Favourate Food: Ganmondoki
Best Recipe(s):Rica Omelet, Fried Noodles
Wish List: New Sneakers
other info: Tori is my Favourate Card Captor Sakura Character! He has a little sister, Sakura whom he calls "Squrit". Even though he is just a meanie to Sakura, he is VERY protective of her. He feels that he is the only one who can push Sakura around. That's probably why he doesn't like Lee too much. His best friend is Jullian. What is really fun to watch is when he questions Sakura about Kero. ^^ it's just plain hilarious!
Images of Tori