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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Tyre Tangiere a secessionist state?

No. Tyre Tangiere is not attempting to "secede" from any existing territorial state in order to create a new territorial state.

Are you a "micronation"?

No. "Micronations" are state-like entities that exist only on the internet. Unlike Tyre Tangiere they do not have a verifiable existence in the real world or any sustainable claim to legitimacy.

Are you a club or a political simulation?

No. The operations of Tyre Tangiere are real, and are directed towards the goal of eventual formal recognition by the wider community of nations.

Are you a commercial enterprise?

No. Tyre Tangiere does not exist to make money. All official and administrative roles within Tyre Tangiere are undertaken on a voluntary basis, and all funds generated via the sale of Tyrian merchandise either directly support Tyre Tangiere's ongoing operations or are donated to international charitable, aid and cultural organisations.

Are a hate group or terrorist organization?

No. We do not support acts of violence or terrorism. We are not involved in any way with known or unknown groups that support terrorism or any kind of oppression.

What are you then?

Tyre Tangiere is a legitimate, functioning, primarily non-territorial microstate and proto-world state that possesses immanent, parallel global sovereignty. The purpose of Tyre Tangiere is to promote via its existence the fact that sovereignty in the modern world does not need to be have any form of territorial basis.

Is Tyre Tangiere a real country?

Yes. Tyre Tangiere is a self-declared State possessing the fully functioning apparatus, institutions and representative symbols of an independent, sovereign entity, including a population, a Constitution, judicial system, elected legislature, flags and insignia, a monetary system and diplomatic representation, amongst others.

In this respect it is important to note the following articles from the 1933 Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Duties of States, which form the traditional internationally accepted basis for the legal definition of statehood:

Article 1 The state as a person of international law should possess the following qualifications: (a) a permanent population; (b) a defined territory; (c) government; and (d) capacity to enter into relations with the other states.

Article 3 The political existence of the state is independent of recognition by the other states. Even before recognition the state has the right to defend its integrity and independence, to provi de for its conservation and prosperity, and consequently to organize itself as it sees fit, to legislate upon its interests, administer its services, and to define the jurisdiction and competence of its courts.

Does Tyre Tangiere possess any territory?

Yes. Tyre Tangiere possesses land located in the North American continent.

Known as Tyre Tangiere, this has a permanent population, forms the sole territorial claim of the Tyre Tangiere, and is its official Capital. Tyre Tangiere maintains its territory within the United States of America, uncontested, with whom Tyre Tangiere maintains pragmatic, non-confrontational relations.

How is it possible for a country to exist with virtually no territory?

Several such recognised states already exist.

The Vatican City for example possesses only a few hectares of land and has a mere handful of citizens, whilst the Sovereign Military Order of Malta has existed as a state without territory since its expulsion from the island of Malta nearly two centuries ago. Both of the aforementioned are widely recognised by UN Member States, including the United States.

How serious are you?

Quite serious. The Foundation of Tyre Tangiere was unilateral, however that does not alter the fact of Tyre Tangiere's existence.

Do you pay taxes?

Yes. Citizens who reside or work outside of Tyre Tangiere must subscribe to the laws that apply in their country of residence or employment, in the same way that all foreign nationals residing or working in other countries do.

What is the population of Tyre Tangiere?

As of May 21, 2004 Tyre Tangiere had a population of 30 Citizens, living in 6 countries on 4 continents.

Which countries have recognised Tyre Tangiere?

Tyre Tangiere has not sought to establish bilateral relations with any other state, and does not intend to do so until its independent existence as a viable economic entity can assure the derivation of quantifiable mutual benefit from the success of such efforts.

What is your politics?

Tyre Tangiere is neither leftist or rightist in political affiliation, however, we do promote a fixed political agenda.

What are your principles?

Tyre Tangiere is founded on two important principles:

1. A principle of honor in all daily actions and behavior.
2. A principle of responsibility for ones own actions.

Apart from the above, Tyre Tangiere supports a range of liberal and conservative idea's.

What are your religious views?

Tyre Tangiere is a secular state with no religious affiliations whatsoever.

What does it cost to join?

There is no charge to become a Citizen of Tyre Tangiere.

How do I become a Citizen of Tyre Tangiere?

Those wishing to apply for Tyrian Citizenship can complete and submit our online application form or submit a printed version of the same form by post.

How can I get a Tyrian Passport?

You can’t. Tyre Tangiere does not issue passports, visas or any other form of travel documentation.

Does Tyrian Citizenship entitle me to live or work in the USA or Europe?

No. Tyre Tangiere does not maintain an immigration or relocation programme on behalf of any territorial nation-state.

If I become a Citizen of Tyre Tangiere, can the government provide me with a reference if I wish to apply for residence in the USA or Europe?

No. Officers of Tyre Tangiere are not authorized to provide personal references to Citizens seeking legal entry to territorial nation-states.

How can I arrange to visit Tyre Tangiere?

Tyre Tangiere is a primarily non-territorial global sovereign state. It therefore does not maintain any substantial territorial claims. At the present time the only Tyrian territory that may be visited is its administrative office located in Ohio. Visits can be made only by prior arrangement by email

Can I participate in the public affairs of Tyre Tangier?

Participation in the public administration of Tyre Tangiere is encouraged. Citizens may join the Tyrian council via election or post. Citizens may also explore business or trade opportunities, promote open discussions or debate policy positions, or provide practical, material or in-kind support as their level of motivation and circumstances allow.