Mr. Channing: Oh-okay, do that thing you do! That's right give me that bunny vibe. It's your world , and I'm just taking pictures of it. Come on! Moesha: Channing?!? Channing: One second.... Moesha?!? Moesha: Hi..... Channing: Bunny .....take 5*Narrator*: Channing walks over to Moesha
Moesha: What are you doing here? Channing: Well I'm shooting a layout for the mall brochure Moesha: Wow that's great your career must be taking off. Channing: Ha-ha, I said brochure not a billboard Moesha: Is that why you left Crenshaw, to concentrate on your photography? ChanningThat's one of the reasons. So ah what have you been up too? Moesha: Nothing just planning for college, getting ready to be on my own, preparing to conquir the world, the usual, you know -ha,ha. Mr. Channing: Heh, heh -good for you! Moesha: Well accually my 18th birthday party is coming tommorrow, and your welcome to come help me celebrate. Mr. Channing: Ah, I don't know. Moesha: Come on it's no big deal, just a few friends getting together at the den. Channing: Well I'd love to, but I'm so busy with this assignment and everything. Moesha: Well that's okay -you don't have to make excuses. But it's um's really good to see you Channing. Channing: You too. Moesha: Hey!...Did I mention that I was turning 18? Channing: Yeah Moesha: Bye Channing: Bye-Bye
*Narrator*: As they leave Moesha glances back at Mr. Channing. And Mr. Channing also glances at Moesha.
Scene 3: *Narrator*: It's Moesha's party the party, the musics jumping and a lot of people already arrived. The camcorder is rolling and people are now left able to record 4 moesha there birthday wishes 2 her.
Andel: ....and that was your 15th birthday party, now your 16*Narrator*: Miles smiles then birthday party woo girl.. that's was the first time I noticed your unle Berney. Hakeem: Come on Andel, don't use up all the tape, it's my turn! Mr. Mitchell: Alright Hakeem, calm down! Mrs. Mitchell: I'm ready for my close up Mr. D. Mitchell Mr. Mittchell: Go on baby. ha-ha Mrs. Mitchell: Moesha honey, happy 18th birthday, we love you!
Miles: Yeah and we'll love you mor, when you move out!
*Narrator*: Everyone claps-n-cheersMoesha: That's more like it! Ohagie: Well hello my Godess of the diaspera Moesha: Ohagie!!! Ohagie: Your lover sweatheart. Moesha: How you doing, how's college life? Ohagie: It's cool except I can't see your lovely face everyday. Moesha: Aah same old Ohagie a line for every occasion -huh?!? Ohagie: I got more than one line, I wrote a poem for you! Moesha: Um huh -yeah Ohagie:I dream of your sweet kiss, soft and gentle. Your eyes closed, your lips next to mine. Your love is allll that! Moesha: Same old poem -huh? Ohagie: You remembered?!? Moesha: Um hum .....Aren! Aren: Happy Birthday. Moesha: Thank you! Ohagie: All it takes is a couple of tulips?....I'll be right back. Hold my place man. Moesha: Aran you are so thoughtful, these are so beautiful! Arain: Oh baby, just because we broke up, dosen't mean I forgot about you. Plus it's your birthday, and I didn't want you to be all alone. Moesha: Alone?!? Aren: Yeah here I'am Moesha: Here I go!*Narrator*: She then passes the roses Aren gave the flowers he gve her, to her younger brother Miles (who was passing by at the time). Aran notices that Moesha gave the flowers he gave her to her brother. Aran then snatches the flowers out of Miles hands. Miles then looks confused, after the flowers where snatched out of his hands from Aran.Scene 3: *Narrator*: Kim is enjoying herself, snooping through Mo's gifts (the ones that aren't wraped), while Jeremy enters the room. Jeremy taps her on the shoulder.Kim turns around......
Kim: Hey Jeremy.*Narrator*: They both walk over to Moesha. Jeremy fixes his shirt so that he can look his best when Mo' see's himJeremy: Hey, yo thanks for the call, you know I didn't wanna' miss my girls birthday.
Kim: Aw....Moesha's over there.
Kim: Mo.....don't turn around, now I know I messed up your first suprise, so I got you another one.*Narrator*: Moesha turns around seeming very suprised and says....
Moesha: Oh my God Jeremy -aah!*Narrator*: Moesha hugs Jeremy
Jeremy: Still looking good Mo'!*Narrator*: Miles then walks over to Neccy....Moesha: Thank you!
Jeremy: You know, we miss you over at Bridgewood.
Moesha: Oh so that's why nobody's called?1?
Jeremy: That's why I'm asking you to dance.
Moesha: Okay.
Jeremy: Let's do it! heh
Miles: Hey Neccy, can you help me with something?
Neccy: Sure what is it?
Miles: Kay, there's this really pretty girl, and I wanna' ask her to dance. But I'm afraid she'll say no.
Neccy: Oh Miles, ha-ha how would anyone turn you down? I mean your cute, your charming, you don't have any baggage.
Miles: Huh?!?
Neccy: All I'm trying to say is, any girl would be proud to dance with you.
Miles: You know what forget that pretty girl, Neccy you wanna' dance?*Narrator*: Neccy looks down at Miles as if too say, hell no too young for me. Miles puts his hands out for her to dance with him, nut she of course refuses while looking at him like if he was crazy. Miles appeared confused with her reaction. Then Quinton enters the party, and heads straight over to his boy Hakeem.
Quinton: What up son?!?Hakeem: Yo!....... *Narrator*: Hakkem is so happy to see Quinton that he runs to hug him, but then he remembers that he gotta' act all hard and what not so he backs of from huggin' Q and says......
Hakeem: ....ah glad you could make it!*Narrator*: They camera shows Moesha and Jeremy getting they party know dancing!Quinton: I'm glad to be here, where my shorty at? I know she waiting for me right?
Hakeem: Well, not Mo's kinda busy tonight.
Quinton: Just like a woman, leave town for a year, don't write or call, next thing you know, she's chilling with somebody else.*Narrator*: Quinton goes over to Moesha who is still dancing with Jeremy.
Moesha: Go Jeremy, Go Jeremy, Go Jeremy*Narrator*: She stops dancing when she hears Quinton's voice, and immediately turns around holds her mouth shoked and says.....Quinton: What up shorty?!?
Moesha: Q....Oh my God I'm dreaming ....right?
Quinton: Go ahead and pinch me baby I'm real!
*Narrator*: Moesha hugs Q, and says...
Moesha: Hi Q! You look cute...*Narrator*: Jeremy clears his throat, to acknowledge that he is still there, and says....Quinton: So are you.
Moesha: Aw, what are you doing here? ...I thought you where in New York!
Quinton: Yeah, I was but I couldn't let your 18th birthday party go without helping you celebrate, so I high-jacked the plane and came out.
Moesha: Aw you did all that for me?
Quinton: Yeah
Moesha: Hey....
Jeremy: Yeah that's real sweat, ah Quinton, but ah dancing.*Narrator*: Jeremy clings Moesha to him and they resume dancing. Until Quinton says...
Quinton: Aiight! Don't let me Usher you outta here!..Step off!*Narrator*: Both Moesha and Jeremy stop dancing and Jeremy says......
Jeremy: Aiight den step off!
Quinton: See now, I tried to ask you nicely.
*Narrator*: They begin stepping to each other about ta' jump know fight, when Moesha says....
Moesha: Come on ya'll, come on now, now, now. Now this is my party....and I may not wanna' dance with either one of you!*Narrator*: Aren takes Moesha's hand a was about to dance with her when Ohagie says.....Aren: Alright, so both of you back off and give me and my girl some room, come on Mo'!
Ohagie: Like you going somewhere! Here are your flowers, as fresh and as beautiful as you love.*Narrator*: Hearing what Ohagie said, she lets go Aren's hands then smiles at Ohagie for the flowers, and looks at the flowers, notices something at roots of the flowers and says....
Moesha: Aw, lady bugs!*Narrator*: Hakeem then focuses the camera on a girl he likes.Ohagie: For good luck....Sorry boys, your services are no longer needed.
Quinton: So what's up Moesha?
Jeremy: Yeah who's it gonna be?
Aren: Yeah who's do you want?
Moesha: Hum......oh look, time for cake!
*Narrator*: Moesha heads for the stage....where the cake is.
Moesha: Ready?
Mrs. Mitchell: Ready! Everybody gather around!
Mr. Mitchell: Alright come on Hakeem why don't you get the shoot for me?!?
Hakeem: Oh yeah sure*Narrator*: Mr. Mitch looks at Hakeem. When Hakeem see's the serious look on Mr. Mitchell's face he immedately focuses the camera right......the way Mr. Mitch wants him to.Mr. Mitchell: No, no son over here
Hakeem: Alright I'll get you your shot, soon as I get mine.
Mr. Mitchell: My precious baby girl is now a brilliant and beautiful young lady, who makes me proud everyday. Happy Birthday baby! Heh-heh*Narrator*: Moesha thanks her daddy and then tells him....
Moesha: Thankyou*Narrator*: Everybody applauds.....along with Jeremy as he enters the stage to tell Moesha.
Jeremy: Um, I got something special.... just for you.....*Narrator*: Jeremy holds Moesha's hand.... then sings her happy birthday.....Moesha: Really?!?
Jeremy: Yeah.
Jeremy:*Narrator*: Everybody applauds, and Moesha hugs Jeremy and then tells him....Mo..esha...It's your birthday -yeah, ay, ay
Today, ay, ay, ay is your day
Happy Birthday-day-day-day-day-ay
Moesha: Thank you!*Narrator*: Everybody says yeah! Then Miles says to Moesha.....Kim: Ooo that boy can sing!!!!!!
Miles: Would you hurry up make a wish, so we can eat!*Narrator*: Moesha blows out the candles then sees her wish come true right before her eyes (see noticed Mr. Channing at the party). And then she says...
Moesha: Dang these things work fast.
u>Mr. Channing: I see you have a very big turn out.
Moesha: Well you know that, if you bake it they will come!
Mr. Channing: Ha-ha, well um I can't stay, just wanna' wish you a happy birthday, and drop off your present.
Moesha: Well at least have some cake!
Mr. Channing Mrs. Mitchell: I'm fine thank you, what are you doing here?
Mr. Channing: Um well I ran into Mo' yesterday at the mall, and she invited me to stop by her party.
Moesha: And her he is!
Mrs. Mitchell: Well how nice of you to keep up with your former students, wouldn't you like to say hello to the rest of them?.....