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Teacher's Pet

By: Kelley

Of course I was a few minutes for my first class of the semester. Nothing like the professor making a good impression on her students. I was teaching Creative Writing 101. I gave my students a subject, an emotion, an experience, whatever and just let them write. It was no holds barred, from the humorous to the X-rated, I saw it all. The free-for-all attitude made it a popular class and it was my favorite to teach, none of that stuffy symbolism here.

"Sorry I'm late everyone. Parking was a bitch." There were surprised looks on everyone's faces. I didn't stand on ceremony in my classes. "Don't look so surprised. Sometimes the profane is the only way to truly express what you are feeling. Now, as you probably have heard, this class is legendary and well, so am I." Nervous laughter flashed through the room. I always tried to loosen them up before they started writing. "Now, why don't you tell me what you think this class is about." Not a single hand was raised. "If someone doesn't talk, I'm going to start calling on you randomly and those that try to hide will be chosen first" I warned. "OK, you." I pointed to the first hand raised.


"Please, call me Lara."

"Um, Lara, I think it's about learning to write, creatively?"

"What is your name?"


"Well Anne, I've been teaching this class for five years and that's the lamest answer I've ever heard." She was astonished. "Lesson one, I don't mince words. If I don't like something, I'll tell you. Right now you're telling me what you think I want to hear. Wrong. I want you to tell me what YOU think. Now, who's my next victim. OK, you, tell me your name first."

"Robert. I think this class is about learning to write. You know, learning to write stories and stuff."

"Nice try Robert, but no cigar. Lesson two, I can't teach you how to write. If you're in this class you should know to spell and grammar better be your friend. In fact bad grammar is one of my biggest pet peeves and stuff." He withered under my gaze, slouching down in his chair. "My other pet peeves include the word like-don't use it if you don't want me to tear you a new one-and people who don't use their turn signals." The laughter was becoming easier and more relaxed. "Would anyone else like to try?" I saw a hand from the back of the room. It was attached to a man who looked like every cliched bad boy I'd ever seen, from his Bozo red hair, to his pierced ears, to the tattooed arms. I was doubtful he could contribute anything useful. "Go ahead, give it your best shot."

"Most people think too much when they write and try to write what they think people want to read. I'd like to learn to let go and just write, whatever is like, on my mind and stuff." I smiled at his audacity. Hell, I liked anyone who had the balls to stand up to me.

"And you are.."


"Well AJ, congratulations. You are the first student ever who's hit the nail on the head. Well done." I was still a little shocked and distracted. I had just judged someone based solely upon their appearance and I hated when I did things like that. It reminded me that I wasn't as open minded as I liked to think I was. I shook it off and leaned a large picture of a crowd against the blackboard. "Ok, first assignment. I want you to pick yourself out of the crowd, one person who is you. I want you to write how you're feeling as you're in that crowd. You have fifteen minutes starting now. Oh, and some of you will be reading them aloud." I laughed mercilessly at the collective groan. I learned long ago that this assignment would tell me more about a student than I could learn in a semester of teaching.

"Ding, ding, ding, pencils down, stop writing. Now, who wants to be first." I spent twenty minutes listening to the usual. Some were funny, some were bad, Anne's being excruciatingly bad. There wasn't much hope for her. None of them really caught my attention.

"AJ, read us yours."

"See that little kid tugging on his mother's sleeve, that's me. She's so distracted by what's going on around us that she just doesn't see me. Nobody in the crowd sees me. I could scream, yell, jump up and down, it wouldn't matter. Hell, no one would notice if I disappeared until it was too late. I'm just alone, lost, totally surrounded by people, but still lost." I had never heard anything so achingly honest. I was genuinely amazed at this man who was so full of contradictions.

"Excellent. The rest of you should take notes. AJ's was simple, straightforward, and honest. I'm guessing everyone of us in here knows exactly how he feels and can relate. That's what makes it good." He blushed at my compliment. "Ok, you all are out of here. On Wednesday, I want you to describe, let's see, your most erotic moment, and let's remember, erotic doesn't necessarily mean smutty." They filed out, a little wary of their assignment. I couldn't wait to read what AJ was going to write. I blushed a little at the thought.

"How is the class this semester?"

"Not bad so far. Of course it's only been one day." I was walking through the quad with my fiancé Robert, eating an ice cream cone. It was our Tuesday afternoon ritual. "There is one student that has real talent. He's going to keep things interesting."

"Damn Lara, that's my pager." He grabbed it and read the message. "Honey, I've got to go. I'll see you at home tonight." He kissed my cheek and was gone.

"Shit" I sighed. I loved Robert but he had a bad habit of standing me up. I couldn't remember the last time we spent time together that we weren't interrupted by that damn pager. I didn't have a class for another hour so I sat on a bench and read the newspaper, enjoying the sunshine.

"Hi Lara."

"Oh, hi AJ. Would you like to join me?" He sat next to me. "Do you have your essay done?"

"Almost. Just putting on the finishing touches. Why did you pick that topic?"

I shrugged. "The first thing that popped into my head. I like to keep things spontaneous for me too. Plus it's always interesting to read what people write when the topic is a little uncomfortable. Sometimes they close up completely and I get nothing. Sometimes they pour their hearts out and I get something that's magic." He was staring at me intently. "Did the topic make you uncomfortable?"

"Nah. I meant it when I said that I wanted to be able to open up and write about anything. Baring your soul can be kind of fun."

I laughed. "I must say, you're the first person who's ever agreed with me on that. Most people give me a look of terror when I ask them to expose their innermost secrets. Shit, I've got to go, I'm going to be late for class again." We stood and gathered my things. "I'm looking forward to having you in my class this semester. You really do have talent."

"Thanks. I'm looking forward to being there." He shook my hand and let it linger just a little too long. Our eyes locked and for an instant I felt a flash of something-electricity, lust, something-run through my body, giving me goosebumps. I dropped his hand and headed for class. I didn't need to turn around, I could tell he was watching me walk away. Damn, what was that all about?

I had been asleep for two hours before Robert got home that night. He was out of the house the next morning before I was out of the shower. It was like this all the time, sometimes we wouldn't see each other for days. Lately I had been seriously reconsidering my decision to marry Robert. I was just tired of coming in second all the time and nothing I said would make him change his ways. Sometimes I think he proposed just because it was the next logical step, not because he really wanted to marry me. "Snap out of it Lara, tomorrow is another day" I mumbled to myself, rinsing the conditioner from my hair.

"I need your papers. Pass 'em down. I'm feeling generous, I won't make you read them out loud." I could literally hear the sigh of relief. I grabbed a piece of chalk. "OK, I want you to describe your bedroom. I want to feel it, smell it, I want to be able to close my eyes and see it. And I want to be able to do it in twenty minutes."

I started pawing my way through the essay's, trying to look nonchalant as I found the one I wanted. Bingo.

"It's her. She's my most erotic moment. She's the most erotic thing I've ever seen. The way she moves. The way her lips curve when she smiles. The way her hips sway when she walks. The way she throws her head back when she laughs. The way her eyes sparkle when she's amused. It's the little bit of cleavage she always manages to show, making me want more. It's the way her skirt clings to her ass, making me want to see what exactly is under there. It's the way she unconsciously sucks on her pen as she's reading what we've written, making me wish it was me in her mouth. It's the way her tongue snakes around an ice cream cone, making me wish I was that ice cream cone. It's the way all of this happens without her even knowing it. She has no idea what she does to me."

Dear god, he was talking about me......

I looked up and found him looking back at me. The goosebumps returned immediately. I looked away and pretended to look busy. The class still had ten minutes left on their assignment. I killed five minutes looking through the other papers, making sure my pen was on the desk the entire time. No need to add fuel to that fire. I finally got up and walked to the water fountain, hoping against hope that my face wasn't as red as it felt. I waited a few minutes before gathering my courage and walking back in.

"OK, I'm going to cut you loose early today. I forgot about an important appointment that I have to keep. For Friday, I want you to write about the one experience that has had the most impact on your life. You can just leave your papers on my desk." I turned my back on them and busily got my things together. When it sounded like everyone was gone I turned around and found AJ standing at my desk. He handed his paper directly to me, brushing his fingers against mine. "I'll see you on Friday Lara."

I sat down hard in my chair after he walked out of the room. I couldn't stop myself from reading it.

"My bedroom is sparse. No decoration on the white walls, no clutter on the dresser, no chair in the corner, nothing really except my bed, my huge bed. I don't believe in using a bedroom for any purpose other than sleeping or making love. It takes the magic out of it. Your skin would look beautiful against my white sheets. Your skin would look beautiful against mine. Can you see it?"

I banged my head against my desk in frustration. Damn it, yes I could see it. I just didn't know how to handle this. I grabbed my cell phone and called my friend Kelley. Maybe a few drinks would put this into perspective.

An hour and three gin and tonics later I wasn't feeling much better.

"What do you think I should do?" I whined.

"Stop whining first of all. This guy wants you bad."

"Kel, I can always count on you to be master of the obvious. What should I do about him?"

"Is he hot?"

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but he is so fucking hot I can't stand it. That is what's making this so hard."

"That and the fact that he is your student and, oh yeah, you're engaged."

"Robert isn't a factor in this." Her eyes got wide with surprise. "We've been growing apart for a long time now. I don't see us together much longer."

"OK, there's obstacle number one. What about the student thing? Maybe you could hold out until the end of the semester?"

"I suppose I could. God, I can't even believe I'm considering this."

"You want my honest opinion. Do it. Do him. I would give up one of my senses to have a man want me like this. This might sound stupid, but this goes way beyond simple lust. We're talking about a cosmic meeting of two souls." I rolled my eyes at her, but deep down I wondered if she was right.

My week went from bad to worse quickly. I came home from campus early on Thursday and found the reason Robert was being paged all the time.

"What the fuck is going on??" I screamed, incensed by the site of my fiancé fucking some woman in our bed. They jumped in surprise and scrambled apart.

"L-L-Lara, what are you doing...."

"I should be asking you that question asshole. I'll be back in two hours. Pack a bag and be out of here. You can pick the rest of your stuff up on Saturday." Before he could even answer I was out the door. I drove to Kelley's in a trance.

We just sat on the couch and she held me while I cried. I felt so stupid and hurt and relieved and guilty that I felt relieved. Thirty minutes later I finally came up for air.

"Do you want to stay here tonight?"

"No, I told Robert to pack a bag and get out, though I'm going to have to sleep on the couch until I can get some new sheets."

"You can burn the old ones in my fireplace" Kelley offered. There was no substitute in the entire world for a good girlfriend.

"I'll bring them over on Saturday. I told the fiancé-formerly-known-as-Robert that he could pick up his stuff on Saturday. Can I burn whatever else he leaves?"

"Of course. Mi fireplace es su fireplace. Did you know who she was?"

"She's his secretary" I sniffed. "I guess she earned all that overtime. I'm gonna go. I need to get to bed, or to couch. I have that early class tomorrow." I stood up and wiped my tears away. "How do I look."

"Like shit."

I smiled and walked to the door. "You're the wind beneath my wings Kel."

"That's why you keep coming back Lara. If you're ever dying, you know I'd take you to the beach."

"Same here."

I drove home, anxious about what I would find. Luckily Robert could follow directions and was gone when I arrived. I couldn't even go into the bedroom, I'd have to face that tomorrow. I laid on the couch and was asleep instantly.

I called in sick the next day. I just couldn't make myself get dressed. All I wanted to do was sit on the couch, eat ice cream and watch soap operas. My assistant was supposed to pick up the assignments and bring them over. Oprah was just finishing when my doorbell rang. I tightened the belt on my robe and walked to my door, not caring what I looked like.

"AJ, what are you doing here." I wished I had at least showered. Shit.

"I was the last to turn my assignment in. I used the McLean charm to get your assistant to tell me what was going on and convinced her that I needed to bring the assignments over. I've brought ice cream and two spoons." He handed me a pint of Ben and Jerry's. "Come on, it sounds like Rosie is starting. I think we're on today." He led me to the couch and cracked open the ice cream. We sat in silence, our spoons occasionally clanking together.

"Why did you wear that hat?" I exclaimed, amazed at how horrible it was.

"What's wrong with it? I happen to like it."

"Aside from the fact that it's a fuzzy, leopard print blob on your head, it's great."

"I thought you were supposed to be in mourning?"

"I am" I sighed. I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes again. "You know what hurts the most? I knew we would never get married, I just thought it would be me that ended it. I never thought he'd be screwing his secretary." He put his arm around me and I rested my head against his shoulder. "I can't even go into our, I mean, my bedroom. I was going to change the sheets, but I just couldn't do it." I sobbed as I spit the words out.

"Do you have a garbage bag I could use?" I nodded. "Where are the new sheets?" I pointed to a pile of sheets on a living room chair. "Come on then, we'll do this together." He grabbed my hand and dragged me upstairs. Between the two of us, we got the old, offensive sheets off and put my brand new girly sheets on. "Where should I throw these away?"

"Don't. They've got an appointment with Kelley's fireplace." He looked at my suspiciously. "Haven't you ever burned anything of your ex's before?" He shook his head. "You should try it sometime, it does wonders."

"Whatever. Do you feel better?''

"I think I'll at least be able to sleep tonight. Thank you AJ, I do appreciate your help."

"You know what you need now...a nice hot bath and someone to cook you dinner."

"I don't want to bother you..."

"It's no bother. Go start the water and I'll bring you our assignments and you can read them while you're soaking." He hustled out of the room and I followed his orders. I was neck deep in bubbles when he came back. He walked into the room backwards, one of his hands pressed over his eyes. I found this wonderfully charming and started giggling. "I don't want you to get the wrong idea. How close am I to the tub?"

"Three more steps and you're going to be in here with me. You can just set the papers on the floor. What's for dinner?"

"I ordered Chinese. You have absolutely no food in this place. I'll yell when it's here." He was out the door before I could even answer. I pawed through the papers until I found AJ's.

"The one experience that has had the most impact on my"

I found myself wondering if it was unethical to give him an "A" for the semester. I found myself wondering if what I was about to do was unethical. I grabbed a towel, wrapped it around myself, and headed downstairs. AJ was sitting on the couch reading one of my books of poetry. "Do you think you could help me wash my back." He turned his head. I dropped my towel and he dropped the book at the same time.

He stood up and walked towards me. I was shocked when he picked up the towel and wrapped it around me. "Lara, I want you very badly, you know that. But I don't want to be with you if you're using me to ease your pain. I want to be with you when you want me. I want you to feel the same desire I do." He kissed me on the cheek and walked out the door, leaving me standing there with my jaw scraping the ground.

"Wait, you're telling me that he just walked out?" Kelley and I were having a drink at our favorite watering hole. I needed massive quantities of alcohol to try to drown my sorrows and embarrassment.

"Oh yeah and I wasn't just naked, I was fresh-from-the-bathtub-wet-and-smelling-good naked."

"And this is the same AJ that's been knocking wood in your class all semester."

"Unless he has an evil twin, yes."

"Didn't you say he had lots of tattoos?" I nodded. "And an, how did you put it, interesting fashion sense?" I nodded again. "Well, then don't look now but he just walked in the door with, hello, a really hot blond friend." I turned and cringed as I saw them walk towards our table.

"Maybe they didn't see us" I said as I hunkered down in my chair.

"Considering they're standing right behind you, I'm pretty sure they saw us. You must be AJ and you are..."

"Nick" AJ and I just watched as Kelley and Nick drooled over each other.

"It's nice to meet you Nick. Let's go get you something to drink." Nick slid his arm around Kelley and they disappeared into the crowd.

"You might as well sit down AJ. I don't think we'll be seeing them again tonight."

"Lara, I should apologize. I shouldn't have walked out like that, but I knew I wouldn't be able to say no if I had stayed."

"It's ok I guess. I'll probably be thanking you later, but right now I'm asking myself why no man wants me. First Robert, now you...." He grabbed my hand and put it against his very aroused, very hard cock.

"That is what you do to me" he whispered. "All I've been able to think about today is your body, how I wanted to lick the drops of water off of your nipples, how I wanted to spread your legs and taste you, how I wanted to fuck you until you screamed my name." I began to stroke him through his pants, loving the way he was reacting to me. "You'd better stop that baby or we're going to cause a scene."

"Would that be such a bad thing?"

"It would be when we get arrested." I reluctantly removed my hand. "Now, tell me about this loser you were engaged to. Does he understand what he's losing?"

I proceeded to tell him the whole sorry story. A few drinks and two hours later I was laughing my head off having totally forgotten about Robert. By the time AJ walked me to my door and kissed me goodnight, I was beginning to feel some of that desire too.

"Well, well, well, look what the cat dragged in." Kelley was standing at my doorstep, looking very satisfied. Kelley drove to the bar last night and I drove her car home. I rolled my eyes as she blew a kiss to Nick before he drove off. "And how was the youngster."

"Um, let's see...insatiable, creative, gentle, rough, huge" she smirked as she sauntered over to the coffee pot. "We're going to the movies tonight. And how was your night?"

"Very nice. AJ is very funny."

"Did you even kiss him?"

"He kissed me goodnight."


"Yes! Though it's no business of yours."

"Lara, let me ask you a question, do you see yourself with this guy forever? I mean is he the one?"

"No" I sighed. "He's nice and he makes me laugh, but......"

"Then enjoy him, hell fuck him. Do all the naughty things I know you've always wanted to do but Robert wouldn't. Don't even tell me you haven't pictured yourself blindfolded and tied to his bed or for that matter, pictured him blindfolded and tied to your bed." I could feel myself blushing. "An opportunity like this doesn't present itself every day. Stop thinking and start doing." She walked over and kissed me on the forehead. "I'm gonna go home now. I think I need a nap before round two tonight. Nicky makes me feel good, but damn he wore me out!"

It took me five minutes to decide that this was one of the few times Kelley might actually be right. I immediately called AJ and invited him over for dinner. I spent the rest of the afternoon removing all traces of Robert and turning my bedroom into a den of sin. I draped the lampshades with scarves figuring they might come in handy for something other than softening the light. I lined the top of the dresser with candles and washed my new sheets so they would be nice and soft. Various massage oils sat on my nightstand. I soaked for an hour in a hot bubble bath, hoping to soak away any anxiety over what I was planning.

My legs were shaved, my hair was done, dinner was made, candles were lit and wine was chilling when my doorbell rang. It had taken me forever to decide what to wear, but I finally decided that I was way past the point of being subtle. I answered the door in my favorite red teddy.

"AJ! I'm glad you could make it."

"I-I-I ah L-L-Lara, you look, I-I-I" he just stood there, staring at me. "Oh fuck it." He took a step forward and kissed me, softly and slowly. I was expecting a hard passionate kiss and this threw me completely off track, arousing me more than any man's kisses ever had. All I could do was moan and hold on for dear life. Turns out I would be doing lots of that as the night progressed......

"You'd better come in before the neighbors break out their binoculars" I gasped. He didn't say a word as he shut the door and resumed kissing me again. His tongue teased me, pulling back as soon as it touched mine, almost daring me to follow. I was rewarded with a moan when I plunged my tongue into his mouth.

His fingers gently caressed my back, running from my shoulders down to the small of my back and back up. I shivered and could feel the goosebumps rising on my arms. "Cold" he smirked. I smiled and shook my head, kissing him again. I could feel his fingers running up my arms, easing the straps of my teddy off of my shoulders. Breaking the kiss, he slowly untied the ribbons on the front and gently eased the teddy from my body. "You're so beautiful Lara" he murmured against my neck as his lips slowly traveled to the base of my neck, sucking gently at the point where my neck and shoulders meet. His slow pace was driving me crazy. I laced my fingers through his hair and pressed myself against him as his tongue began to trace my collarbone.

"I think you're wearing way to many clothes AJ" I gasped, frantic to feel his skin on mine. I unbuttoned his shirt quickly and pulled his wifebeater off, marveling at just how beautiful he was. "You were right, my skin does look good against yours." My fingertips traced his chest, skimming lightly over his hard nipples and down his hard stomach, stopping to unbuckle his belt. It was my turn to taste his neck as his head tilted back at the feel of my hands. I nipped his adam's apple as I unzipped his pants. The were so big that they immediately fell to the floor. I pushed his boxers past his hips and they joined his pants on the floor.

AJ led me to the armchair in the living room, sat me in it and placed my legs over the arms. He dropped to his knees and his strong hands massaged my thighs as he wasted no time in tasting me. He kept up the slow pace as he gently ran his tongue up and down my slit, completely avoiding my clit. "Please...." I begged, hating that he had me begging so early in the evening. He chuckled and went back to the task at hand. He began to trace lazy circles around my clit, never changing the slow pace. Any and all rational thought left my mind as he began to slowly thrust two fingers into me. I could feel the incredible pleasure building higher and higher, my hands gripping the arms of the chair as I tried to spread my legs wider. His tongue never stopped, it just kept swirling and swirling. My breath was coming in short gasps as I had reached that point of intense pleasure just before an orgasm hits and it just kept going and going. I had never felt anything as amazing as this and I never wanted it to end. AJ added another finger and began to gently suck on my clit. It pushed me completely over the edge and my screams echoed throughout the house.

AJ licked his fingers clean and pulled my spent body into his arms. "You taste wonderful baby" he whispered as he kissed me. His kisses aroused me again and I began to stroke his very aroused cock.

"I think it's time you let me help you out with this. You have been waiting all semester."

I pushed him on to his back, his cock quivering with anticipation. He reached for me, but I pulled away, not wanting him to control the pace. "No no no! All in due time. If you want to hold on to something, grab the leg of the coffee table."

"Lara, what...." I put my fingers on his lips, silencing him.

"I'm the teacher AJ and this is how this is going to work. If you touch me or make a sound, I'll stop what I'm doing." In an instant I could see him submit, wrapping his hands around the table leg. I wasn't sure if it was extreme need or the need to be dominated and I didn't really care. I loved the feeling of power coursing through my veins. I knew he would do anything I asked.

I started at his feet, slowly running the tip of my tongue along the arch. I decided a sharp intake of breath didn't count as a sound and continued my journey. I slowly swirled my tongue around his big toe before sucking it into my mouth. Gently raking my teeth along his toe, I could feel his body tense and mentally patted myself on the back. I dedicated the same attention to the other toe and soon had him writhing and biting his lip to keep quiet.

Slowly I began to lick and kiss and nip and suck my way up his legs. He just tasted so damn good! I loved the feel of his wiry muscles against my tongue and fingers. I loved how soft and sensitive the skin of his inner thigh tasted. I loved how hard I had made his cock.

"AJ honey, it looks like you have a little problem, or should I say a big problem." I gently licked the tip of his cock.

"Please Lara..." he begged.

"Ah, ah, ah...not playing by the rules is bad." I stood up and started walking up the stairs, wondering just how long it would take for him to follow. I was just entering my bedroom when I heard his footsteps running up the stairs......

I was laying on the bed, propped on my elbows when he reached my room. He just stood in the doorway, gasping for breath. "Took you long enough" I purred.

He didn't say a word, he just growled and jumped onto the bed, pinning me down. "Looks like I've got you right where I want you" he smirked.

"Actually, I'm the one who's got you." I nudged my wetness against his cock causing him to groan and shudder. I ran my tongue along the edge of his ear. "Do it AJ" I whispered. "I want to feel that hard cock inside me." He slowly eased just the head in, gently moving it in and out. "God, ohhhh, please..." I begged.

"Shoe's on the other foot now." I thrust my hips forward, groaning in frustration. He only laughed and continued his sweet torture. "Do you want me to fuck you?"

"Oh yes, please..." I panted.

"Like this?" He thrust forward hard, sliding all the way in, both of us groaning at the feel. There was no teasing after that. AJ's strokes were long, slow, deep, and hard. My head was spinning with pleasure. Our fingers intertwined as he held my hands above my head. My legs were wrapped around his waist and my hips met his every thrust. "Do you like the way my cock feels.." he whispered in my ear, his words only adding to my pleasure. His thrusts became harder and more demanding as he released my hands and buried his in my hair. "Cum for me Lara, I want to feel you..." He sucked my earlobe between his lips, sending me completely over the edge. My nails raked down his back as I screamed his name. Even in my daze I could feel him swell and fill me with his release.

We collapsed into each other's arms, both of us struggling to catch our breath. He slowly and gently began to kiss my forehead, my eyelids, my cheeks, and finally my lips. "You're so beautiful Lara" he murmured against them. I sighed and kissed him with as much passion as my tired body could muster, softly running my hands down his back. I stopped when he gasped.

"Let me look at your back." I could see long red scratches running down the length of his back. "Oh J, oh god I'm so sorry!"

"Lara honey, trust me, they were worth it." He kissed me again and this time I wove my fingers through his hair. "You know, I think that bathtub of yours is big enough for both of us. I don't know about you, but I could go for a nice long soak." I started to get up but he quickly stopped me. "Stay here baby, I'll call you when it's ready." I watch his fab-u-lous ass walk all the way into the bathroom. The phone rang and kept me from actually drooling.


"Well, well, well...Nick and I were going to come by but you didn't answer your door. You should really close your drapes when entertaining your men friends."

"Kelley, you didn't...."

"Well we didn't stay and watch if that's what you mean! Once we saw what was going on, we came back to my place and, hang on....Nick, I'll be off the phone in just a second...don't do that....ohhhh god Nicky, don't stop doing that...I gotta go Lara, I'll call you tomorrow." I rolled my eyes and hung up the phone.

"Our bath is ready." He called. "Who was on the phone?"

I rolled out of bed and headed for the bathroom. "Kelley, she was!" I gasped. All the candles were lit and flickering, casting a soft glow over the room. AJ was already in the tub waiting for me.

"Come here baby and let me wash your back....or front for that matter."

I slid into the hot water, both of us up to our necks in bubbles. I leaned against AJ's chest, his strong arms wrapping around my waist. "Have you heard from Robert?"

"I heard that he and his secretary flew to Las Vegas and eloped." He tightened his grip around my waist and gently kissed my neck.

"I'm so sorry Lara. You want my opinion, Robert is an idiot. You are a beautiful, sexy, funny, intelligent woman." He began to seriously nibble on my neck and slid his hands up to my breasts, cupping them in his hands. I rested my head on his shoulder, exposing more of my neck to his lips and tongue. "Mmmm, baby you feel so good." He slowly ran his hands around my wet breasts, skimming my nipples with his palms. A small sigh escaped my lips and quickly turned into a moan as he began to tug at my nipples with his fingers. I grabbed one hand and tried to force it down to my mound, but he was on to my plan. "Ah, ah, ah baby... I have other plans for you. Stand up." I obeyed his command, shivering as he let the water out of the tub. He closed the curtain and turned on the shower. Steam swirled around us as he started to wash me from head to toe. Using his strong hands and my favorite shower gel, he started at my shoulders, working his way down my arms. He massaged my tired muscles as he washed me and by the time he reached my hands, I was a quivering puddle of goo. He worked his way down my back, spending extra time on my behind before he got on his knees and washed the back of my legs. "Turn around baby." Making sure my toes were extra clean, he started up my legs, not missing an inch. By the time he reached my thighs, I was squirming with anticipation. I grabbed his hands again and tried to force the issue, but he just shrugged me off. "I have special plans for that baby, I think you'll like them." I groaned in frustration but let him go back to work. Once he was sure my waist was clean, he moved up to my breasts, completely avoiding my aching nipples. "Please J..." I whispered. He chuckled and lightly flicked his tongue over them before capturing my lips in a kiss. He rubbed his slick body against mine, the friction causing us both to moan.

Pulling away, he grabbed the shower head and began to rinse me off. Once every inch of me was free of soap, he dropped to his knees and lifted my leg, resting my foot on the side of the tub. He concentrated the spray on my aching clit. "Jaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy" I groaned. It was all I could do to remain standing. He slid two long fingers into me and began to bathe my clit with his tongue. In no time flat I was shuddering with the most intense orgasm I had ever felt.

He held me tightly, steadying my shaky body. "I told you you'd like my plan" he murmured against my ear. I wrapped my hand around his substantial erection.

"I think you'll like my plan too" I whispered into his ear.

He groaned as his cock slid out of my hand. "Turn around" I commanded. I slowly washed his body from head to toe, paying special attention to his nice, tight, firm ass. By the time I had finished, he was panting a grasping the walls. "Well, it looks like I've washed almost every inch of you. I guess we're done." I turned and stepped out of the shower, grabbing my robe as I headed for the bedroom. I made it to the bedroom door when he grabbed me from behind, forcing me to the bed. "AJ what....." His hand clamped over my mouth, pulling me head to the side and taking small nips from my neck.

"Not a fucking word. No more teasing Lara." I tried to roll over to face him but he stopped me. "Stay on your knees baby." He lifted my hips to meet his and slammed his full length into me. I gripped the sheets tightly, crying out in pleasure. His hands gripped my hips, pulling me to him as he thrusted. Faster and harder he pounded, the pace was almost frantic. AJ slid his hand around my waist and began to stroke my clit. I screamed his name as I came, my tight walls grasping him as he filled me. He collapsed on top of me, softly kissing my shoulders. "Oh baby, the things you do to me" he murmured against my skin. "I'm going to drop your class."

"What?" I turned around in his arms. "Why?"

"Because, if it got out that we were seeing each other you'd be in trouble and I sure as hell am not gonna give you up."

"And how do you know I want to keep seeing you? You might just be a fling" I countered.

He gently kissed my forehead. "I can see it in your eyes." My nose. "I can feel it in the way you touch me" His lips met mine in a passionate kiss that left me breathless. "I just know Lara."

The End

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