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#1 Crush

By:  Lara



“Man, I hate this,” Chris growled as a crew member tightened the harness around his waist.

“Forget the height, Chrissy.  Just enjoy the feeling of another man’s hands all over your body,” Joey joked. Chris gave Joey a dirty look and the crew member gave him the finger. “What?”

Lance watched as the other guys picked on Chris, trying to distract him from his fear of heights. Lance was also distracted…by Justin.  He looked so good that day, wearing a grey wifebeater and black cargo shorts. It was his usual rehearsal outfit, but the tank top seemed extra tight that day, and a light sheen of sweat seemed to glisten on Justin’s skin. His curls were damp with sweat, yet he was as energetic as ever.

Lance sighed as he carefully watched Justin. Lance had realized he was gay when he was about thirteen years old, but he had NEVER felt about anyone the way he felt about Justin. It bordered on worship, but Lance couldn’t help it. Justin was simply gorgeous, so sexy, and he was so damn charming.  They were good friends, but Lance sometimes had to order himself to keep his thoughts platonic. Justin was this amazing creature that he couldn’t help but adore…and sometimes he thought Justin knew about it.

Like now. Justin was getting strapped into his harness, and he looked over at Lance and winked as the crew member adjusted the straps around his upper thighs. Lance blushed and looked away. He knew Justin was straight, but Justin had sat him down a few times to ask him questions about being gay. He admired Justin’s openness, he knew that Justin could have very easily kept his distance. But he accepted Lance’s choice; all the guys did.

“Okay…up we go,” their stage manager announced.  Lance sighed and turned his focus away from Justin. No use wasting time on what would never be.

They slowly were lifted off the ground, and Lance heard Chris groan. Lance gave him an encouraging smile, but Chris clutched the harness wire and closed his eyes.  Suddenly JC laughed, his giggle ringing out through the speakers.  “Justin!”

“What’s up?” The stage manager called.

“Justin told an incredibly dumb joke and got it right,” Joey said, his voice booming through the arena.

“I didn’t hear it. Justin, turn on your mike,” the manager ordered.

“It IS on,” Justin protested.  The manager sighed.

“Get him down so I can take a look at it.”

“Get us ALL down!” Chris yelled frantically. The stage manager sighed again and nodded.  The five men were slowly lowered to the ground. Joey and JC stayed in their harnesses, playing some kind of weird Matrix fighting game, but Lance and Chris unstrapped themselves with Justin.

“Here,” Justin said, removing his mike pack as he stepped out of the harness.

To Lance, everything seemed to move in slow motion after that.  Justin’s foot caught in a strap, and the mike pack went flying. Justin tried to catch himself, but his forehead hit the floor with an alarming thud.

“Oh, Jesus!”  The stage manager hopped up on stage.

“Justin,” Lance whispered, moving faster than he thought possible.  He fell to his knees by Justin, slowly rolling him over.  An ugly lump was forming on his forehead. “Justin,” Lance whimpered, cradling Justin’s head in his lap. “Open your eyes, Baby,” Lance begged in a whisper, stroking Justin’s curls.  As if on demand, Justin’s blue eyes fluttered open. Lance blinked back tears, keeping his head down so the others couldn’t see.  “Talk to me,” Lance whispered, running a hand down Justin’s cheek.

“Hey,” Justin said softly, and Lance shuddered with a sigh of relief.

“Don’t move,” the stage manager said.  “An ambulance is coming.”

“I’m…not going…anywhere,” Justin whispered, looking up at Lance.  Lance felt his lower lip tremble, and he made himself look up at the other guys.

“He sounds okay,” he said in what he hoped was a normal voice.  He continued to stroke Justin’s hair and face, because Justin hadn’t asked him to stop.

“God, Curly,” Chris said, his face pale. “Scare us to death, why don’t you?”

“Sorry,” Justin whispered, then closed his eyes again.  Lance’s eyes remained glued on the face he loved until the EMTs loaded Justin onto a gurney and put him in the ambulance.


“So…where’s Lance?” Justin asked as Joey, Chris and JC entered his hospital room. He had a mild concussion, but otherwise he was perfectly fine.  The four bandmates had been in the waiting room for three hours, waiting patiently until they could see their baby brother.

“He…uh…” JC looked at the others.  “You know, I don’t know.”

“He WAS in the waiting room, now he’s not,” Chris replied.

“Oh,” Justin said softly, then shrugged.  “Okay.”

He chatted with his friends, reassuring them that he was fine, but inside he was devastated.  For weeks now he had carefully been watching Lance, watching Lance watch him. He knew Lance was gay, and he was fine with it. Being gay was not a big deal to Justin. Hell, he could admire a gorgeous man just as easily as a gorgeous woman…he thought Lance was beautiful.  And Lance was so courageous, coming out to them the way he had.  But Justin had begun to suspect that Lance’s interests were not in men in general…Lance was interested in HIM. At first, he wasn’t quite sure how to react to that.  Then he realized that fifty percent of the world’s population was male, and Lance had chosen HIM over all of those billions of people.  That was pretty cool.  And the way Lance had looked at him as he cradled Justin in his lap…Lance’s pretty green eyes were terrified.  Terrified that Justin was seriously hurt.

“Well, you look tired,” Joey said finally, standing up.  “We’ll go…and we’ll see you back at the hotel tomorrow, okay?”

“Yeah…thanks for coming in, guys.  Sorry I freaked you out,” Justin said. JC hugged him.

“It’s cool…I’m glad you’re okay.” 

Joey and Chris hugged him as well, then they filed out of the room.  Justin stared at the window, not able to see into the darkness but not really looking. He just wondered where Lance was.

He had almost fallen asleep when he heard the door open. His eyes fluttered open.  “Hey!”  He said excitedly, struggling to sit up.  “Hey, Lance!”

“Hi.”  Lance stood in the doorway shyly, then sat by the bed.  He took Justin’s hand and squeezed it, but didn’t let go. “God, Justin, I’m so glad you’re okay.”

“Me, too,” Justin tried to joke, but Lance’s eyes were solemn.

“I was so scared…I rolled you over and your eyes were closed…and that bruise looked just AWFUL…I was scared.  Thank God you’re okay.”

“Yeah…thanks for caring,” Justin said lamely, not sure what to say. Lance’s green eyes roamed over Justin’s body, as if to reassure himself that Justin was still there and okay.  Neither of them said anything for a long moment.

“Do you want me to leave?” Lance asked.

“No!” Justin said quickly.  “I’ve been waiting and waiting for you to come in.”

“Oh…sorry.” Lance blushed deeply. “I was walking around…I wanted to come see you by myself.”

“I’m glad you did,” Justin said softly.

“Time for some painkillers,” a nurse said cheerfully as she breezed in. Justin wanted to smack her.

“I feel fine,” he snapped.

“That bump’s gonna be hurting in a few hours,” she told him, as she gave him a shot in the arm. “This will help you rest.” And she breezed out again.

“I’ll stay…you know…til you’re sleeping,” Lance said.

“Okay,” Justin said, already starting to feel drowsy.  His eyes soon closed, and he could hear Lance humming, then singing, as he drifted in and out of consciousness.  He sighed and smiled.  He liked to hear Lance sing. Lance had a beautiful voice.  Just as he was about to totally fall asleep, Lance stopped singing. He slowly let go of Justin’s hand, and stood by the bed. Justin froze as he felt a pair of soft lips touch his forehead.

“Good night, baby boy. I love you.”  A finger ran across his lips, then he heard Lance leave the room.


Justin was released from the hospital the next day, and was told to rest for the next two or three days.  The other guys thanked him for getting them some well-needed time off, but it was obvious how much the whole thing scared him.

“You know, we might never get Chris up in a harness again,” JC said as he helped Justin into the passenger seat of his car.

“Yeah…I thought about that,” Justin said, laughing.  “He’ll want a parachute or something.”  JC laughed as well. “Hey, Jayce, thanks for coming to get me.”

“No problem. I thought Lance would offer…but he said he was busy.”

“Lance?” Justin’s ears perked up.

“Yeah…he was so damned concerned about you, J. I thought he wouldn’t trust me to drive you…but he said he had something to do.”

“Oh,” Justin said sadly, wondering if the kiss was something he had imagined while medicated.


Justin paced around his house for the next few days, deep in thought. He answered the phone, but for the most part he kept to himself. He spent a lot of time out on his back deck, thinking.  Thinking about Lance. Thinking about what he felt for Lance. Thinking about what those feelings would me to him, to Lance, to the group in general. 

He had never considered himself bisexual. He had thought different things about different guys, but nothing he’d ever act upon. But this was different. This was Lance. Lance was so amazing, and the best thing was, Lance didn’t even realize it. He had that soft white skin and the gorgeous green eyes, the crooked grin.  He even had sexy earlobes.  And he was so smart…so savvy…Justin was jealous of that. Maybe Lance didn’t write songs, but he could manage things. And that was more important sometimes.

The more Justin thought about it, the more he realized that he could very easily fall in love with Lance, if given the chance. Lance obviously had feelings for him; the green eyes that turned on him so many times were full of much more than lust.  Lust…Justin’s mind wandered to Lance’s body.  It looked so soft and sweet, and he wondered how Lance taste.  He wondered what it would feel like to have Lance moving over him, have Lance taking him in his mouth, have Lance thrusting into him.  Justin blushed as he felt an erection grow from the mere thought. Yes, he and Lance had to have a talk.


Lance stood at Justin’s front door, hesitating. He had been on this front porch a million times, and he always felt a spark of energy before ringing the bell. He knew that the thing he loved, the thing he wanted most in the world was on the other side.  But now he was worried. Justin had called out of the blue, and no excuse on Lance’s part could get him from making Lance come over. As if Lance could say no.  Lance just KNEW that Justin had heard him say he loved him…and now he was gonna freak about it.

Justin opened the door and Lance almost fell over.  “Hey!” Justin said happily.  “Why are you standing out here on my front porch?”

“I…well…” Lance stammered, and Justin looked at him curiously.

“Who cares. Get in here!”  Justin smothered Lance with a hug.  “I haven’t seen you in FOREVER!”

“It was just a few days ago,” Lance said weakly, totally confused.

“It felt like forever.” Justin gave Lance a meaningful look, and Lance blushed.  “C’mon…I have some beer and stuff in the kitchen.”

“Good,” Lance said, realizing he might need one.  He sat down by Justin at the kitchen table and opened a bottle of beer.  “So…what’s up?”

Justin gently took the beer from Lance and set it on the table. “Lance…I need to know something. Are you in love with me?”

Lance shot to his feet.  “Well, I…no…well, kinda…no.  No, Justin, I’m not.”

“You’re not?” Justin looked almost crestfallen and Lance felt a tiny spark of something in his stomach.  “But I heard you say it.”

“You heard that?”

“You ARE in love with me!” Justin said triumphantly, standing as well.

“Yeah…I guess…I guess I am.  There, now you can make fun of me and laugh.  I’ve tried to keep from telling you but you guessed it,” Lance said miserably.  Justin walked around a table and put a hand on Lance’s arm.

“No…Lance…it’s not like that.”

“I mean, how could I help it, Justin? I knew I never had a chance…you’re so beautiful and everyone wants you…and you’re straight, for God’s sake…”

“But I’m not, Lance. And I don’t care about everyone…I care about YOU wanting me.”

“…everyone knows you’ll end up with Britney and have ten kids and they’ll ALL be beautiful…and I was fine just daydreaming about you, ya know?  And…”

“For God’s sake, Lance, shut up.” Justin pulled Lance into the kiss before Lance knew what hit him.  Lance whimpered, squirmed, then sighed.  Justin’s lips were tender and sweeter then he thought possible.  Justin moaned, letting his tongue lick inside Lance’s mouth as his hands ran up through Lance’s short hair.  “God…finally you shut up,” Justin whispered, pressing his forehead to Lance’s.

“What are you doing?”

“Kissing you…or trying to if you’d shut up. I hope you don’t talk this much in bed,” Justin teased, running his finger along Lance’s ears. “God…even your ears are sexy. Why didn’t I notice this before?”

“Bed?” Lance asked weakly.  “Justin, what’s going on?”

“Let me fall in love with you, Lance,” Justin whispered. “I’m so close already…let me…”

“What?” Lance tried to pull away, but Justin wouldn’t let him.

“I’m not playing, Lance, I’m serious. I’ve known you had a thing for me for a while…and I thought about it after my accident…and I realized that maybe I’ve loved you all along. Let me find out…”

“You want to be…with me?”

“Yeah,” Justin said.  “What’s wrong with you?”


“You’re wonderful,” Justin said, a dreamy smile on his face. “I can’t believe you want ME.”

“My sentiments exactly,” Lance said, smiling.  Justin returned the smile with his own sunny grin, and they kissed again.



As the weeks passed, Justin wondered how he had ever thought about being with anyone else.  Lance was everything he had dreamed about in a lover.  He was kind, thoughtful, completely unselfish, smart…not to mention gorgeous and sexy. And he didn’t even know it!  He thought Justin was doing him a favor by even spending time with him, and at times that drove Justin crazy.  In fact, it caused their first fight, a month after they had decided to get together.

They were about to go on tour, and Lance was griping about some of their costumes. They were on the sofa of Lance’s house, where Justin spent more time than he did in his own home.  “I look like such a dork in those pants, Justin,” Lance grumbled. “They weren’t meant for someone like me. You, JC, yeah, but not me.”

Justin sat up from where he had been sprawled over Lance’s lap. “And what does that mean?”

Lance blinked. “Well…you and JC…you’re built in the way that deserves tight shirts and leather pants and…”

Justin wanted to smack him. “Will you shut up about that?  God…it so pisses me off when you get like this.”

“Like what?” Lance was totally clueless.

“So what you’re saying is that me and Jayce are the pretty dolls who should dress to show off our bodies, while you and Joey and Chris need to wear potato sacks?”

“Yes…well…no…” Lance realized his mistake too late.

“Fuck you, Lance.”  Justin struggled to his feet. “Apparently you think my taste sucks.  Apparently I’m an idiot for even being SEEN with someone like you, right?”

“Right.”  Lance groaned. “No, not right. You’re twisting my words around,” he said unhappily.

“Listen to yourself, Lance. Every time you criticize yourself, you criticize me. You say that you’re awful and not even close to as good looking as me…but I think you’re gorgeous. What does that say about me and what I think?”  Justin said angrily.  Lance frowned.

“I didn’t think about it that way,” he admitted.

“Obviously not.” Justin stomped upstairs to the bedroom, slamming the door behind him.  So what if it was Lance’s house. Slamming the door felt good.  He fell onto the bed, pounding the pillow in frustration.

Fifteen minutes later the door opened a crack. “Can I talk to you?”

“It’s your house, you can do whatever you want,” Justin snapped, not really angry but not willing to give in.

Lance slipped into the room and closed the door behind him.  “I’m sorry, Justin. I just don’t see me the way you do. You’re everything that’s beautiful in the world…and I guess I still am in awe that you chose me.”

“Well, I did choose you and…” Justin rolled over and forgot what he was going to say. “And I…uh…”

Lance smiled bashfully as he leaned against the closed door, totally naked.  “I thought you could point out all my good parts…you know…things that you like about me. If you said it enough, I might begin to believe it.”

Justin gulped, then grinned, amazed at how Lance could drive him crazy. “It might take a while. I like a lot about you.”

“We have all night,” Lance murmured, walking over to the bed.


After about three months, they came out to the guys. Well, actually, Justin came out, and they announced their coupleship.  The others accepted it well, though Chris felt the need to point out that he thought Lance was crazy, wanting to be with someone like Justin. That earned a slap in the head from Justin and a kick in the shin from Lance, who felt the need to defend his boy’s honor SOMEHOW.  Justin looked at JC.

“You sure you’re okay with this?”

“Of course I am,” JC said immediately, and Justin knew he meant it.  “You guys are great together.”

“Thanks,” he said gratefully. JC gave him a hug.  When JC pulled away, however, Justin noticed the sadness in the blue eyes of his best friend.

After this, he began to watch JC carefully. They spent more and more time together as a group, and Justin noticed that while JC was indeed totally cool with the idea of Lance and Justin together, he would often look at them wistfully.  About two months later, Justin finally cornered JC to talk about it.

“Jealous?” JC said, shocked. “Why would I be jealous?”

“Well, maybe because we’re so happy, and you haven’t found that special someone,” Justin said carefully, drinking his beer. They were on the back porch of JC’s still half-empty house.

“Well, that’s true,” JC admitted. “You guys are so damn cute, it gives me cavities.”

Justin swatted at him half-heartedly.  “And maybe you’re jealous that we’ve come out…at least to our families and to you guys…”

“Come out? I’m not…” JC began, but one look at Justin’s face made him realize that his best friend wasn’t buying it. “Okay…yeah, I am. I’m gay.”

“Okay. Now that you’ve said that, I can work on finding you someone,” Justin said earnestly, and JC couldn’t help but grin.

“That’s it? I admit something I’ve hardly admitted to myself, and you just wanna play matchmaker?”

“JC, I love you. You are my family. I want you happy…as happy as Lance and I are.”

“Is it possible to GET that happy?”

“I don’t know,” Justin said with a mushy sigh. JC groaned and rolled his eyes.

“Gag.” But his eyes were thoughtful. “I want that, Justin…but I don’t think I can find it.”

“You never know when it will appear, Jayce. I sure as hell didn’t expect to find it in Lance.”

JC didn’t reply, just sat and stared at his bottle of beer.


At about the same time, Lance was going over some last minute movie business with Joey.  They were seated at a streetside café, eating lunch. “Joey, will you quit drooling over the people walking by and listen to me?”  Lance finally said, exasperated.

“Sorry,” Joey said, with a grin that said he was not at all sorry. Lance couldn’t help but grin back.  “So…how’s your girlfriend.”

“JUSTIN is fine, thank you very much.” Lance pretended to be angry, but Chris and Joey always called he and Justin ‘the girls,’ and they really didn’t mind that much.  “You should have someone like him.”

“No…I think I’m too old to deal with a just-out-of-his-teens-horndog,” Joey said, and Lance blushed.  They constantly teased Lance about sex with Justin, because Lance would blush deliciously and that only made it better.  “Nah…not into that.” Joey made a huge point of watching a girl in a minidress walk by.

“You sure?” Lance said gently, bravely testing the waters. He had had his suspicions for some time, and he needed to know.

“What are you saying, Lance?” Joey looked at him, his brown eyes somber.

“You’re in love with JC,” Lance declared.  Joey began to laugh, but when Lance’s green gaze didn’t waver, Joey got serious.

“Yeah…yeah I am.”  He looked at Lance sadly. “Do you know how hopeless a case this is?  We’re talking JC…who isn’t even gay,” Joey protested.  “What a waste of my time.”

“Trust me, Joe…” Lance put a hand on Joey’s arm. “I am the poster child for lost causes…and look what happened to me. You never know.”



“You need to tell me,” Justin whined as Lance mysteriously whisked a bag into the guestroom closet.  “I wanna know!  How can I wear a costume if I don’t know what it is?”

Lance kissed Justin on the nose.  “You made no sense with what you just said.  Justin, leave this until tomorrow. I’ll know if you touched it…and if you touch it, I won’t wear my half.”

Justin groaned.  It was true.  Lance was like a mother in that he immediately knew if you were into something you weren’t supposed to be.  “Okay,” he grumbled. The costume party was the next day, and he could wait. “I’m gonna go call JC.”

“Okay…I’ll be down making dinner,” Lance said cheerfully. He kissed Justin’s nose once more. “And no peeking.”

“God, okay,” Justin said, annoyed. He went into their bedroom and flopped onto the bed, grabbing the phone on his way down.  It was Lance’s house, but he had long since sold his own large home, telling people he wasn’t home enough to need all the space. Justin rented a tiny apartment to keep up appearances, but for all intents and purposes, he lived with Lance now.


“Jayce?  I need to know what my costume is.”


“Did Lance tell you?”

“Hell, no.  Actually, he told me that if you asked, I was supposed to tell you that you’re Raggedy Anne and he’s Andy.”

“No,” Justin moaned, and JC laughed.

“Honestly, Justin, I don’t know.  Really. He didn’t tell me. None of us know any of the costumes…except he knows yours.”

“Dammit,” Justin growled, then sighed. “How are you?”

“Okay,” JC sighed also. Right before they had returned from their press tour, JC had broken up with a boyfriend.  He had tried, but the man couldn’t deal with the way JC’s career ran his life.  “Getting over it.”

“Good,” Justin said. “And I meant what I said on the plane.  You may find someone at this party.”

“Yeah, you never know,” JC said sadly.  They chatted for a few more minutes and then they hung up. Justin remained on the bed, thinking of some way to help JC.


“No…Justin’s upstairs on the phone, Joey. No, I’m on my cell…he won’t pick up,” Lance said as he measured flour to make gravy.  He checked the roast in the oven as soon as he had the flour ready.  “Dammit…tell me why I spoil him with dinner?”

“Because you miss getting to take care of him and you’re too selfish to cook for us on tour?”  Joey said helpfully.

“Screw you, Fatone,” Lance said, sneezing as some flour went up his nose.  “So…gonna say something?”


“Joey…I thought you decided you needed to come clean with him about this.”

“Yeah, but what if he hates me?”

“JC is not capable of hating any of us, Joey. If he was, Chris would be dead ten times by now,” Lance pointed out.  He put the phone against his chest.  “Justin, you have ten minutes to get your cute ass down here!”  Lance yelled.

“But he still might hate me. He’s straight, Lance, and…”

“I don’t think he is, Joey, and I think you might be just what he’s looking for,” Lance told him.  “TELL HIM, Joe.  Please. You’re so miserable about it…it can’t make things worse.”

“If you say so,” Joey grumbled, and hung up.


“Glitter?” Justin stared at Lance.  “I need to wear glitter?”

“Justin, it’s skin cream.  It will moisturize your skin.”  Lance appealed to Justin’s vanity.


“Justin, trust me.  You’ll look hot…and I refuse to put on my costume until you put on this glitter…” Lance slapped the tube of glitter cream into Justin’s hand.  “…angel.”


“DO it.  I have two words for you, baby.”  Lance purposely lowered his voice.  “Leather pants.”

Justin whimpered and went to the bathroom. “Where do you want this?”

“Upper body only…even your head,” Lance announced, handing Justin a garment bag.  “And here you go. Wear your sandals.”

“Um…okay,” Justin said slowly. 

“I’ll be in the guest room.”  Lance smiled a slow smile and took his own bag off a hook.  “Come get me when you’re dressed.”

Justin quickly slathered on the glitter cream, then unzipped the bag. He smiled.  This looked innocent enough.  It was only when he had the jeans on and was pulling the wifebeater over his head that he noticed the tiny pair of wings in the bottom of the bag.  He wondered if maybe Lance had given him the wrong bag by mistake. He picked up the wings and the tiny ring of gold from the bottom of the bag and padded to the guestroom on bare feet.

Lance answered his knock.  “Yes?”  He asked, adjusting a pair of red horns in his hair.

“I was wondering if…” Justin’s voice trailed away as his blue eyes ran over Lance’s body.  He wore a tight black wifebeater, with a pair of tiny red horns embroidered over his heart.  His legs were sheathed in tight black leather pants, with red flames that ran from the hems to the knees.

“Can you help me with my tail?” Lance turned around and shook his hips slightly, handing Justin a red tail.  Justin tried to attach it to a belt loop, but his hands were shaking.

“Lance,” Justin said in a small voice.

“Hmmm?”  Lance grabbed the tail from Justin and put it on himself.

“God, I wanna fuck you,” Justin sighed.  Lance smirked.

“Good. You keep that thought all night, and when you least expect it, you’ll get your wish.”  He carefully placed the halo on Justin’s shorn head.  “I’m evil like that.”



“Wow…look at Jayce,” Justin commented, his eyes almost falling out of his head.  “I didn’t know he had legs like that.” He stared at JC, who was dressed as Romeo, down to a pair of tights.

Lance did a double-take as they talked to someone by the door at the party. “Daymn,” Lance muttered. “Either did I.”

“We could take him,” Justin said lightly.  “Me and you.”

“Yeah, we could,” Lance said faintly, imagining the scenario.  “Um, no.  Not Jayce.”  He shook his head. “Not for us.”  He saw the look of lust in JC’s eyes as he looked at them and he grinned.  “Unfortunately.”

They wandered over and made small talk with JC, Chris and Chris’ girlfriend, Julie, until Joey arrived, then they all went in to eat dinner. After they ate, they separated and went out into the group to mingle.  Justin was in the middle of a conversation with someone when Lance lightly tugged on his arm.  “Excuse me,” Justin said graciously.  “Dude, do you know who that was?”

“Do I care?”  Lance growled.  “Follow me.”  Justin obediently followed Lance down a few hallways until Lance led him into a small study.  Lance closed the door behind them, leaning against it with a sly grin.

“Lance, what…” Justin started to ask, then smiled at the look on Lance’s face.  “Horny little devil.”

“Only when it comes to you,” Lance said before Justin crushed his mouth with his own.  Justin whimpered, sucking on Lance’s tongue. He pulled Lance from the door, tugging him over towards a black sofa.  He turned Lance around, pressing his erection into Lance’s leatherclad ass.  “Mmm…” Lance moaned.

“Angels can be evil, too,” Justin mumbled in Lance’s ear, sliding a hand around to rub Lance through the leather.

“Justin, please…God…it hurts…” Lance moaned, his erection pressing hard against the leather pants.  Justin smiled and sucked on Lance’s earlobe as he unzipped Lance’s pants and slid his hand inside.  “Yes…yes…” Lance grunted as Justin stroked him.  Justin pushed Lance’s pants down, took off Lance’s shoes, then yanked the pants off.  His own white jeans soon joined them on the floor. 

Justin lifted one of Lance’s legs, giving him easier access.  He bent Lance over the sofa, then began to lick and tease at Lance’s opening.  “Don’t cum…” he told Lance.

“Oh…fuck…” Lance almost whined, his hands grabbing at the fabric of the couch.  Justin’s tongue darted and flickered until Lance was begging Justin not to stop.  So Justin stopped. He bent down and dug into the pocket of his jeans.

“These jeans you picked out for me were so tight I only had room for one thing in the pocket,” Justin said softly, tearing the package on the condom. He was thankful for the lubricant on the condom, since he of course didn’t have any.  He sheathed himself, then pressed Lance down onto the sofa.  He slowly guided himself in.  “Lance…God…so good…” Justin breathed, pulling out and slowly sliding in again.

“More…Justin…harder…” Lance gasped.  Justin held onto Lance’s hips and slammed himself in again and again.  “Oh…yes…Justin…” Lance moaned, trying to keep his voice down. Justin grabbed a handful of Lance’s hair, arching Lance’s back.

“You’re so good…Lance…you are so FUCKING good…” Justin panted, knowing he wouldn’t last long. He released Lance’s hair and dug his fingers into Lance’s waist as he came.  Lance moaned as Justin pulled out.

“Damn…baby…you’re incredible,” Lance said. 

“I’m not done.” Justin fell to his knees, turning Lance around.  Lance gasped as Justin’s hot mouth surrounded his throbbing cock. He ran his hands over Justin’s head, ignoring the glitter that soon covered his fingers.

“Angel…oh…God…” Lance threw his head back as Justin’s tongue slid over him.  “I’m gonna cum…so hard…so good…ah…” Lance shuddered as he came long and hard.  Justin swallowed it all, licking at Lance’s cock gently.  He slowly stood up and they shared a kiss.

“I cannot believe you just seduced me at a party where we hardly know the host,” Justin whispered, biting Lance’s neck.

“Ha…who seduced who, Angel?” Lance chuckled.  They quickly dressed and sedately went out into the hallway.  Chris and Julie were in the lobby, Chris holding the sword from JC’s costume.

“Hey…where’s JC?” Justin asked.

“He blew out of here like a bat out of hell, handing me this on the way,” Chris said, confused.

“And then Joey busted out of here, almost in tears,” Julie added.

“Oh, no,” Justin and Lance said at the same time, looking at each other.



For the next two days after the party, Lance was almost hysterical.  He ranted around the house, alternating between calling JC an immature dickhead and almost bursting into tears. “I ruined Joey’s life, Justin!  I ruined the band!”  Lance yelled, slamming a bedroom door.  Justin sighed and rubbed his temples. And they called HIM a drama queen.

Lance and Justin had left the party not long after Chris told them the others had left. They sat quietly in the back of the limo, neither one of them talking. They slowly plodded into their house, and it was only after they had showered and carefully hung up their costumes that they started to talk.

“JC is gay,” Justin said slowly. “I’ve known about it for a while…he’s had a few relationships, but no one wanted to stick around. Too stressful. He’s been so lonely.”

“Joey is in love with JC,” Lance told him, and Justin’s mouth fell open.  “He’s bi, you know, and he just…he’s been in love with him for a while…but he never thought JC would give him the time of day.”  Lance’s green eyes swam with tears.  Joey was his best friend second only to Justin.  “I convinced him to say something to JC tonight. I told him that I had suspicions about JC maybe being gay…and I told him to say something.”  Lance was miserable.  “Joey won’t answer my calls, won’t talk to me. He hates me.”

“Lance…” Justin began, but Lance shut himself in the guestroom.


The next day, Justin showed up on JC’s front porch.  “JC, dammit…I know you’re in there!”  Justin yelled, fully ready to make a spectacle of  himself on JC’s front porch.  “JC…I will break down the fucking door!”  Justin leaned his head against the door but heard nothing.  “I’ll get your neighbors…I’ll climb through a window!”  Justin screamed, exasperated.  “JC, you big GIRL, come open this door!”

JC opened it.


Justin came back to the house three hours later, exhausted.  He walked through the front door, past Lance, who was in the living room, and up the steps.  Lance hurried after him. “Justin?”

“I need a shower. I need a nap,” Justin said, sighing. He wasn’t good at this psychology shit.  Lance would’ve been better. 

“Justin, I want to apologize,” Lance said softly.

“It’s okay, Lance.  You were worried about Joey. He’s your best friend.” Justin stripped and stepped into the shower. Lance poked his head into the stall.

“But you’re my boyfriend. I’m sorry I freaked on you.”

“It’s okay, baby.”  Justin smiled tiredly at Lance.  “I talked to JC. He was just surprised…surprised and a bit freaked out. I yelled at him for freaking you and Joey out, and then I think I convinced him to call Joey.”

“You did?”  Lance asked, surprised.

“Yeah.”  Justin shut his eyes as he shampooed his hair. When he opened them again, Lance was gone.

Justin got out of the shower and toweled off.  He pulled on a pair of shorts and wandered out into the bedroom. Lance was stretched out on the bed.  “C’mere.”  Lance held out his arms and Justin gratefully crawled into them. He lay his head on Lance’s chest, sighing as Lance slowly rubbed his back and massaged his shoulders.  “Rest, baby boy.” 

“Love you,” Justin said drowsily. Lance kissed the top of his head.


Three days later two phones went off simultaneously at around seven in the morning.  Lance groaned and answered his cellphone as Justin answered the phone on the nightstand. “This better be SO damned important,” Justin grumbled as Lance said hello.

“J, it’s me!”  JC said excitedly.  “Joey’s here…like he spent the night.”

“What?” Justin sat up, instantly awake.

“Lance, it’s Joey. I wanted to say thank you and tell you everything’s okay,” Joey said. “Actually, everything is AMAZING!”

“Really?”  Lance said, looking over at Justin and smiling.

“That is so awesome, man,” Justin said.

“Is that Lance?” JC asked.

“Is that Justin?” Joey asked.

“No…it’s Katie Couric,” Lance said quickly.

“It’s Sesame Street,” Justin replied.

“Dude, I am so happy right now. He’s so awesome. He’s downstairs right now…making breakfast,” Joey said, unable to keep the smile from his voice.

“I can’t believe he loves ME, J.  ME!”  JC said.  “I’m so happy I can’t even sleep.”

“Whoa,” Justin said, grinning.  “Hey, I’m happy for you.”

“I’m glad it worked out,” Lance told Joey. “Call me when you go home, okay?”

“Gimme a call later…we’ll shoot some hoops,” Justin told JC.  Justin and JC hung up. Lance and Joey hung up. 

Justin sighed, sliding back down into Lance’s welcoming embrace.  “They’re together.”

“Thank God we’re done with that,” Lance said, yawning.  Justin curled up against him and they fell back asleep.

The End


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