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A Perfect View

By:  Lara


Justin had always known what he wanted. In his entire life of fourteen years, he had always known exactly what interested him, what made him strive.  And he achieved about ninety-eight percent of everything he wanted. He wanted to sing and dance and act, so his mother moved them to Florida where opportunities flourished.  He wanted to be on television, so he tried out for the Mickey Mouse Club and was hired.  He wanted to further his career, and Chris Kirkpatrick walked into his life and made it so…or at least it LOOKED like it would be so.

Justin was afraid for the first time in his life when they went into the studio for the first time. He knew JC from the Mickey Mouse Club, but the other three men were virtual strangers to him.  Justin never had a problem meeting new people, but this was serious. This was his future.  Their voices blended perfectly.  He had himself to thank for bringing Lance to their little group, and they seemed to just fit.

Lance was next in age after Justin.  At sixteen, he was a total enigma to Justin. He didn’t like baseball or football, and his only experience was with some weird showtunes group.  He seemed in awe of Justin, and was very shy around him.  Justin ignored him, and when he saw Lance attempt to dance, then he REALLY ignored him.

Joey was nice, and funny.  He was fun to look at girls with, and he liked sports.  He could sing, but he didn’t really get the opportunity. Justin wasn’t sure if that was right, but it’s what Lou said, and at the time, Justin thought every word out of Lou’s mouth second only to the Bible.  Joey could talk his way into anything, even though he was only eighteen and not supposed to be going into the places he talked his way into.

Chris Kirkpatrick was the one that Justin liked best. He was smart, he had even gone to COLLEGE.  And he was so funny. He was the only one who could trick Justin with a practical joke, and the fact that he helped Justin play a lot of them on the eternally-sleepy JC made him number one in Justin’s fourteen-year-old book.  He could sing, and he picked up the dance steps pretty well, too.  And he was loyal.  He let Justin follow him around like a little puppy, but when he found out from a tearful Lance one day that Justin had made fun of his dancing until he started to cry, Chris pinned Justin against a wall, actually yanked out a handful of Justin’s hair, and punched him so hard his arm was bruised for a  week.  He yelled at Justin, asking what made Justin so perfect that he could look down on Lance instead of helping him to be everything he could eventually be?  Yes, Chris was awesome.


Justin had never been so homesick in his life as he was when they told him he had to live with Chris, Joey, JC and Lance so they could get to know each other.  He had never lived “on his own” like this before. It was only for two months, and he had his own room, but it was still scary. No one knew he needed cereal first thing in the morning to be able to function. No one knew he liked his socks folded into little balls once they came out of the washer. No one knew that he still had nightmares and cried like a baby as he woke up.

Chris and JC took him under their wings. As the oldest, Chris felt the need to preach about his wise life experiences.  Joey smacked him with a pillow whenever he tried. But he kept an eye on Justin, making sure Justin ate his vegetables while promising a hot fudge sundae after dinner.  Chris was more like a big brother than a father figure, and Justin didn’t mind a bit. JC got anal at times; for only nineteen he thought he was awfully mature.  He made sure Justin got where he was supposed to be when he was supposed to be there, but if it didn’t apply to their careers, JC didn’t care much WHAT Justin did.

Justin thought maybe he loved JC a little bit.  Justin had kissed a girl, Britney, at the Mickey Mouse Club, but other than that, he had only ever jacked off a few times.  JC was pretty and talented, and sometimes he looked like a girl (even more than Lance sometimes), but Justin didn’t think he was one of those gay guys for looking at JC.  JC was just nice to look at. He didn’t think about him when he jacked off or anything.  Justin thought about random, faceless people…and when those people were sometimes male, it scared him.


JC, Joey and Lance had gone to Lou’s for dinner.  Justin had homework (of course supersmart Lance had already finished his) and Chris said he was sick.  Justin frowned over his science book, wondering why this was necessary when he was going to win a Grammy someday.  He knew that Chris could explain it to him. As much as he acted goofy and weird, Chris was incredibly bright, and could explain anything to anyone and have them get it immediately.  Justin picked up his book, picked up his notebook, and went to knock on Chris’ bedroom door.  The door was slightly ajar, and Justin started to speak.  What he saw made him drop his notebook, and he almost dropped his textbook as well. Only Chris’ moaning covered the sound of the notebook falling.

“Mmmm…yes…” Chris murmured, and Justin couldn’t move. Chris was naked, stretched out on his bed and arching into his own hand. Justin’s eyes were fixed on Chris’ cock, thick and fat and hard in his hand.  Chris fingers stroked, pulling slightly at his balls now and then.  “Oh, fuck yes…” Chris whispered, letting his thumb flick over the head.  “Uh…”

“Jesus,” Justin whispered, eyes wide. He unconsciously rubbed at his own cock through his pants, wondering if he looked the way Chris did when HE jacked off. Chris was…sexy.  He wanted to call out, wanted to let Chris know he was there, but he couldn’t say a word.  And in a minute, he was glad he hadn’t.

“Justin…oh, baby…please…” Chris gasped, his hand moving faster.  “J…yes, baby…suck me…”

Justin closed his eyes. He hadn’t heard what he THOUGHT he had heard. That was just his dick talking. It wasn’t Chris saying…

“Oh, fuck me, Justin…I’m gonna cum…cum in that sweet mouth of yours…ah…fuck…” Chris moaned loudly as he came hard onto his own chest.  Justin watched open-mouthed, his fingers yearning to touch Chris. Thoughts flew in and out of his head, and he pulled away from the doorway, leaning against the wall.

Once he thought he had himself under control, he took a deep breath and knocked on the door. “Chris?” Justin called.  His voice squeaked and he cleared his throat.  “Chris, can you help me with my homework?”  Justin cursed the childishness of his question.

“Sure thing, Curly, gimme a second,” Chris said, and his voice was shaking.


Justin paid closer attention to Chris after that, and he tried to be wherever Chris was.  Often Chris was with Joey, and Joey grumbled about the intrusion, but Justin ignored Joey. He was Justin, and Chris babied him, and Justin knew it.  He sat next to Chris on the endless bus rides, and he snuggled next to Chris on the sofa when they watched Star Wars for the nine hundredth time, because JC was sick and wanted to see it again.  Chris soon got used to having a lap full of long legs and big feet and blue eyes and curly hair, and it soon became second nature to him to cuddle Justin until he fell asleep.  Then Joey and JC would unceremoniously dump Justin into his bed.

Justin woke up one night after one of his nightmares, wiping tears from his cheeks.  He stood up, grabbed a pillow, and went to Chris’ door. “Chris?” He called quietly, not wanting to wake Lance, who was the lightest sleeper on the face of any planet.  “Chris?”

“What is it?” Chris opened the door, blinking against the hallway light. “You okay? You sick?  Is someone else sick?”

“No.  I…I had a nightmare.” Justin blushed.

“Oh.”  Chris knew a little bit about the nightmares, but not much.  “Wanna come in?”  He moved aside and Justin came into Chris bedroom.  “Let’s get back to bed.”  Chris crawled into bed and Justin quickly slipped under the covers.  Chris started to roll on his side, away from Justin.

“Chris…can…can you hold me?” Justin whispered.

It wasn’t an uncommon request. Living as they did made them all touchy-feely, and it was no big deal to give hugs or shoulder rubs.  Chris rolled back over. “Justin…”

“Please,” Justin whispered again.  “I need you.”

Chris sighed and put his hand under the pillow, moving closer to Justin.  Justin scooted back, rubbing his backside against Chris’ groin.  Chris moaned slightly.  “Justin, what the hell are you…”

Justin turned around and planted a clumsy but direct kiss on Chris’ lips.  Chris stared at him, shocked.  Justin did it again, liking the taste of Chris’ toothpaste.  He turned back around, tucking his curly head against Chris’ chest.  He grabbed for Chris’ arm, pulling it around his waist securely. Suddenly things were a lot clearer. “Good night, Chris.”

“Good night, Justin,” Chris said with a sigh.

The End

Please tell Lara what you thought of this story!