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“No, thank you,” Lara said, trying to smile as she shook the editor’s hand.  She picked up her briefcase and slowly walked out of the office to the elevator.  She blinked back tears as she stepped inside, mentally crossing yet another magazine off her list.  They didn’t want to publish you if you didn’t have any experience, yet how were you supposed to GET experience if no one would publish you?

Cursing herself for walking the ten blocks instead of taking a cab, she carefully strode down the sidewalk, trying her best not to trip in her one good pair of semi-high heeled shoes.  Lara bit her bottom lip as the tears threatened to fall.  She knew she was good. She knew she was more than a waitress.  But no one else seemed to want to take a chance on her. 

“Hey, there,” a voice said in front of her, and she looked up.  Lance Bass smiled at her from behind his aviator sunglasses.

“Oh, hi,” she said, amazed that he remembered her.

“Justin, look who it is,” he hissed so no one would really pay attention.  Justin Timberlake walked up behind Lance.

“Hello,” Justin said, the million dollar smile bright and sunny.

“Hi,” Lara said, sighing.

“Are you okay?” Justin said, tipping his baseball cap back slightly.  “Are you crying?”

“Yes. I mean, no.  I mean…no,” Lara stammered.

“You look really nice,” Lance volunteered, and she gave him a small smile.

“I, uh, had an interview.”

“Really?  Where?” Justin asked.  She pointed over her shoulder.  “You’re a writer?”

“I thought so,” she said, sighing. “But they didn’t.”

“They’re stupid. I hate their magazine, anyway,” Justin said, and she had to laugh.

“I use it to line my ferret cage, if it makes you feel any better,” Lance said, and she laughed again.

“Yes, that does make me feel better,” Lara said.  “Well, I’ll let you guys go. Thanks.”

“Hey, we were just gonna grab lunch,” Justin said.  “And it’s a shame for you to waste looking that good.  Wanna come with us?”

“Uh, I don’t know,” Lara said, looking from Justin to Lance.

“Really, it’s okay,” Lance said. “I have calls to make, and Justin always pouts if I don’t give him my full attention.”

“I do not,” Justin said, pouting.  “C’mon…we’re not as good as JC?”

Lara gave him a strange look.  “He told you we went out?”

“He sure did,” Lance said, trying not to smile.

“Um, yes, of course you’re as good as JC.  Better, I’m sure,” Lara said, and Justin grinned again. 

“Honey, if you only KNEW.  C’mon.”  Justin placed a hand on the small of her back and turned her towards the downtown area.

Lara ended up having a wonderful time at lunch.  They took her to a restaurant that she knew was semi-exclusive, but she actually felt quite comfortable there.  Lance did spend most of his time on the phone, and Justin gave her his full attention.  When they walked out of the restaurant, Lance said goodbye and headed down the street.  Justin turned to Lara.

“So…have I redeemed myself for whatever made you so pissy the other night?”

“You can’t help the friends you have,” she said simply.  “But I was wrong and I apologize.”

“So…busy tonight?” Justin asked, and Lara was reminded of JC.  She frowned.

“I think I am.”

“I thought we could go grocery shopping,” he said with a grin.  “Interested?”

“Is that another way of saying something else?” Lara asked.

“No,” Justin said, giving her an odd look. “I need to go grocery shopping again.”

“Should I set my alarm for midnight?” Lara teased.

“No.  We’ll grab a bite at like ten…maybe some dessert?”  Justin was shocked at the look on Lara’s face.  “What? You don’t like ice cream?”

“I love ice cream, but…” Lara shook her head.  “No, dessert is fine. I’ll meet you somewhere.”

“No, let me come get you,” Justin said.  “It’s easier for me.”  Lara sighed, feeling as if she was getting herself into something bigger than she was ready for.  She rattled off her address.  “I will make this an evening you will NOT forget,” Justin said with his beautiful smile.  Lara frowned, but prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt.
