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“I don’t think it’s a good idea,” Lance said. Justin and Nick stared at him.  “This is our vacation.”

“Yes, and we want to have a party,” Nick said slowly. “None of our friends have been to the house yet.”

“You have enough friends in this house,” Lance said, and even Chris stared at him.  “Fine.  Do whatever you want.”  Lance stood and stormed up the beach.

AJ looked at him over his sunglasses.  “Is there some sort of NSYNC translation for this that we Backstreet Boys just don’t understand?”

“I’ll go talk to him,” JC said, hopping to his feet. “I know what’s wrong.”

Justin turned back to Nick.  “If anyone can figure this out, it’s Jayce.  So, how many kegs do you think we’ll need?”


“Hey.” JC jogged up behind Lance.  “Mind if I walk with you?”

“It’s a free beach,” Lance said, shrugging.

“You’re worried about hanging with these friends of Nick and Justin’s, aren’t you?”

“No, of course not,” Lance said.  JC put a hand on his shoulder.

“Lance, this is me.  JC.  The OTHER gayer-than-hell NSYNC member.  You’re afraid that they’ll think you’re girly and make fun of you, or, worse yet, make fun of Justin for having you as a friend.”

“Do you read minds?” Lance asked. JC smiled.

“No, I just understand.  Lance, who’s more fragile and feminine than me?  I’m pretty. I hear it enough…and I’m not at all athletic. I’m into wine and art.  I’m just ASKING to be made fun of.  And you see us as stereotypically gay, and you think it will be a problem.”


“Lance, if you had to choose between Chris and being accepted everywhere by everyone, what would you choose?”

“Chris,” Lance said immediately. “Duh, JC. I love him.”

“And Justin loves US.  He would never be friends with someone who didn’t accept us, right?  They accept Justin and Nick…”

“But they’re all sporty and macho,” Lance protested. JC rolled his eyes.  “I don’t know, JC.  AJ will fit in, but…”

“You’ll be fine, Lance. They really want to introduce us to their friends from last summer. Please at least TRY to have a good time?” JC begged.

“Okay,” Lance sighed.  They turned back.

“And just think, worse comes to worse…you can just grab Chris, take him upstairs, and screw his brains out,” JC said.

“Jayce!”  Lance said, blushing.


“Jayce.  C’mere.”  Justin waved JC over.  “Jesse, this is my best friend, JC Chasez.  JC, this is my best friend from last summer, Jesse.”

“Hey,” Jesse said, holding out his hand. “You’re the artist, right?”

“Kinda,” JC admitted. “I dabble in it.”

“Fuck that dabble shit. He’s GOOD,” Justin told Jesse.  “And we totally have to get him out to the coffeehouse one night this week.”

“I think you’d like it,” Jesse said.  “Good poetry, good music, good coffee.”

“I’m there,” JC said, grinning. He looked around the room.  Lance was deep in discussion with Max, and AJ was talking to Michael.  The other guys that Justin and Nick played basketball with were milling around the room.  There were two kegs of beer, and music was thumping through the room.  JC excused himself to get another cup of beer, then went out to the back deck and sat down on the swing. He liked Justin and Nick’s friends, but he was feeling a little overwhelmed.  It was hard sometimes, being around Nick and Justin and Lance and Chris.  It was hard realizing that you were most definitely alone.  JC took a huge gulp of beer.  He was on his third cup of beer, and he was feeling a little tired and relaxed.

“This seat taken?”  AJ plopped down next to JC, soda in hand.

“You doing okay?” JC asked him, waving his beer in the air.

“Yeah…I’m getting better. I find people to talk to who aren’t coughing alcohol in my face and it makes things easier,” AJ said with a grin. “Honestly, JC, it’s not that hard anymore. I can handle it.”

“Good. Handling things is a good trait to have,” JC said, nodding. Then he giggled. “I think I’m on my way to drunk.”

“On your way but not quite there?” AJ asked, and JC nodded.

“I was feeling lonely tonight.”

“Aw, why?” AJ asked sympathetically.

“I get sick of seeing that all the time,” JC said, nodding in the direction of the kitchen window.  Obviously the kitchen was empty, because Lance and Chris were deep in a passionate kiss.

“I guess that would be annoying after a while,” AJ said.  “You really don’t have someone?”

“I want permanent now, and everyone else is into temporary,” JC told him, swallowing the rest of his beer.

“Not everyone,” AJ said softly, and JC looked at him.

“What are you saying?”

“I’m saying I think you deserve someone who wants to spoil you.”  AJ inched closer to JC on the swing, actually looking nervous.  “And I’m really good at spoiling.”

“Really?” JC asked, licking his lips.

“Yeah,” AJ whispered, leaning towards him.  At the last minute, JC remembered the alcohol on his breath, and what AJ had said just a few minutes earlier.  JC pulled back, smiling regretfully.  “Oh, I, uh, sorry. I guess that was out of line.” AJ stood. “I’m gonna go back inside.”

“No! AJ, wait!”  JC called, but AJ was already in the house.  “Fuck,” JC muttered, crumpling the plastic cup in his hand.
