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AJ and JC walked in silence for the first few blocks.  JC kept sending shy glances in AJ’s direction, and AJ kept trying to think of a way to organize his feelings into rational thoughts. 

“Well, this is gonna be a really exciting relationship, if it’s starting off like this,” JC said finally, and AJ grinned.

“Yeah…we’re an thrilling pair, aren’t we?”  AJ stopped walking.  “Is that what’s gonna happen? We’re gonna have a relationship?”

JC frowned.  “Uh, isn’t that what you wanted? Or did I read things wrong?  I mean, hell, AJ, I’m just horny enough to fall into a one-night stand…or however many nights there are left.  But I was hoping for a little more.”

“Oh, God, JC, yes, I want more!” AJ said quickly.  “I guess I never thought any further than kissing you.  That was hard enough.”


They began to walk again.  “Yeah, I mean, first I had to get through that bully of a little brother you have…”

“Oh, God,” JC moaned.

“Then I had to get through you being all cute and pretty and everything…why would you possibly be interested in me?”

“You’re a nice person, AJ…a genuine person.  How many of those do we really meet?”

“Right,” AJ agreed.  They walked silently again, but this time the silence was comfortable.  “So…horny, huh?”

JC blushed in the darkness. “Well, it’s been a while. I’m choosy.”

“Me, too,” AJ said. 

They got back to the empty house and JC unlocked the front door.  “So…now what?” JC asked, but he knew exactly what he wanted.  The question was if AJ wanted it, too.

“What would you like?” AJ asked, slowly pressing JC up against the wall of the foyer.

“I’d like some of this,” JC said as AJ kissed him.  JC moaned and grinded his slender body against AJ.

“I think we should take this upstairs,” AJ said, pulling back. “That okay with you?  I do want more…just keep remembering that, okay?”

“I will,” JC promised, and they went upstairs.


Justin woke up at seven the next morning, snuggled in a tall, warm cocoon of Nick.  He lay his head against Nick’s smooth chest, listening to Nick’s heart thumping beneath the skin.  Nick stirred, wrapping himself tighter around Justin.  “Love you, baby,” Nick murmured, waking up enough to kiss the top of Justin’s head.  Justin gave Nick occasional kisses on the chest for about fifteen minutes, then he carefully pulled himself out of the embrace.

No one was up, which wasn’t surprising.  AJ and JC had disappeared, and everyone else had stayed out until two-thirty.  Justin wasn’t tired, however, and he needed to talk to someone.  He couldn’t decide who would yell more at being awakened, JC or Lance, so he just closed his eyes, spun around, and pointed at a bedroom door.  JC.

“Jayce?”  Justin hissed, knocking quietly. “JC?  I need to talk to you. C’mon, man, I know you can hear me.”  Justin paused, then tried the doorknob. It was unlocked and he slowly pushed the door open.  “Hey, JC, I…” Justin was shocked to see that the bed was empty.  He closed the door, frowning.  Then a broad smile slowly crossed his face.  He tiptoed to AJ’s door and knocked without calling.  The door opened a crack, and Justin looked into brown eyes.

“What, Curly?” AJ whispered.  The door opened a bit wider, and Justin caught sight of a deep red mark on AJ’s neck. He grinned.

“I, uh, need to talk to JC, if he’s not too busy,” Justin said.

“He’s asleep.  We were up late.”

“I guess,” Justin said.  “Okay, um…”

“Who is it?” JC called sleepily.

“Justin. Are you up or just talking in your sleep?” AJ said over his shoulder.

“Justin?”  Justin heard JC getting out of bed.  AJ gave Justin a glare, then moved aside for JC.

JC came out into the hall, pulling a tshirt over his head.  He wore a pair of baggy shorts that Justin didn’t recognize.  AJ went back to bed.  “What’s up?” JC asked.

“Should I ask you the same thing?” Justin teased.  JC blushed.

“No. Not until I’ve had more sleep,” JC said. “What do you want?”

“I need you to get everyone out of the house for dinner tonight.  Leave me and Nick alone here, okay?”

“You needed to discuss this at seven in the morning?” JC asked.

“Please, JC?  I just need to know. I hardly slept for worrying.”

“Fine,” JC sighed.  “Me and AJ will go out to eat with Chris and Lance.  We’ll offer to pay, so Lance will definitely go.”

“A double date,” Justin said, smiling sweetly.

“Go back to bed,” JC ordered, and Justin trotted back down the hall, laughing to himself.


“So, tell me again why you’re not going with us tonight for dinner?” AJ asked Nick as Nick watched AJ get ready.

“Justin’s not feeling well again. I’m really worried about him. What if he has like, mono, or something?”  Nick played with one of AJ’s necklaces.

“Then you probably have it, too, Kiddo.  They don’t call it ‘the kissing disease’ for nothing,” AJ said, smiling.

“So…you and JC, speaking of kissing,” Nick said. AJ actually blushed.

“Yeah…we kissed.”

“And I’m sure that’s not all,” Nick said in a sing-song voice.

“And I’m sure it’s none of your business,” AJ said in the same voice.  “He’s hot. I like him.  He’s sexy.  And did I mention I like him?”

“Good. Have fun tonight,” Nick said, and AJ nodded.

“Though how WE got roped into paying, I’ll never know,” AJ said as they left his bedroom.

Justin was curled up on the sofa.  “Have fun, guys,” he said in a weak voice.  JC rolled his eyes, but no one noticed.

“Hope you feel better, Curly,” Chris said, and Justin gave a faint nod.

“Stay out as long as you like, boys,” Nick said. 

“Yes, Dad,” Lance said, giving him a weird look.  Chris giggled and shoved Lance out the door.

“Later,” AJ said, reaching for JC’s hand. JC turned pink and followed AJ out.

“Finally…alone,” Justin said, bouncing up from the sofa.

“You’re looking…better,” Nick said in surprise.

“I wasn’t sick. It was the excuse JC and I came up with to get everyone out of here.  C’mon. Let’s go out to the beach. I wanna talk to you.”

“Okay,” Nick said, still a bit weirded out.  He followed Justin out onto the beach. 

“Sit down,” Justin said when they got out onto the sand.  Nick obediently sat.  “Nicky, what do you think of this house?”

“I love it,” Nick said immediately. “It’s near the marina, it has a great view, and it’s just an awesome house.  Why? Do you want a medal for picking it out to rent?”

“No.”  Justin dangled a key in front of him, and Nick took it.

“What’s this?”

“The key to the house.”

“I already have one, Justin. You got them made for all of us, remember?”  Nick said slowly, wondering if Justin really WAS sick after all.

“No. This is YOUR key. YOUR key to YOUR house.”  Nick looked down at the key, then up at Justin.

“What?” Nick whispered.

Justin knelt before him. “Nick, I love you so damn much. I know I’ve been weird since we’ve been here, and it’s just been how I’ve dealt with how I feel about you. I’ve been too nervous to say anything until now, but with everything going on between AJ and Jayce…I see Lance and Chris, how happy and comfy they are together, and that’s because they’re ALWAYS together. You and I will never have that…but if we have a place like this, we always have somewhere to go that’s OURS.”  Justin looked down at his feet. “I don’t believe in that whole commitment ceremony thing…I know Lance and Chris have considered it, but it’s not me. Don’t even think for a second that I’m not all about forever with you, because I am.  But I don’t need a fancy ceremony to prove it.”  Justin looked back up. “I love you, Nick, and I want to be with you whenever possible.”

Nick looked over his shoulder at the house, then down at his hands.  He tugged gently, then removed the gold band that was always on his finger. He slowly slid it onto one of the fingers on Justin’s right hand. “I love you,” he said in a choked voice.  “So fucking much.”  He pulled Justin into a fierce embrace, not caring who saw.
