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“You guys don’t really have to leave,” Nick said as AJ zipped his suitcase shut.  AJ smiled at him.

“Yeah, we do, Nicky. It was nice of you to ask us all to vacation with you, but you and Justin need some together time.  Especially now.”  AJ ruffled Nick’s hair.  “My little boy…engaged.”

“We’re NOT engaged, AJ,” Nick said.  “Nothing like that.”

“It is exactly like that, Junior, and you know it. You’re in love, and you’ve basically promised each other forever.  The wedding will never happen, but for all intents and purposes, you’re engaged.”

“Yeah,” Nick said, sighing happily.  AJ ruffled his hair again.


“So…you and AJ…” Justin said, sitting cross-legged on JC’s bed and folding socks.

“Me and AJ…” JC waved his hand in the air. “What?”

“I just don’t get it, Jayce.”  JC gave him a glare and Justin held up a hand. “No, I mean, you’re so different.  It’s like…whoa.”

“Are you prejudiced against him because he’s a Backstreet Boy,” JC teased.  He piled the socks in his suitcase.

“Hardly,” Justin said, rolling his eyes. “I just…I want you happy. Are you sure AJ McLean can make you happy?”

“Justin, we’ve only been together for like two days.  I can’t read the future,” JC said. He closed his suitcase and sat down next to Justin.  “He’s nice, Justin. And he listens.  He’s sexy, too. And best of all, he understands.  Remember that feeling you had when you realized that only Nick could really get what was going on in your life?”

“Yeah,” Justin said.

“That’s what’s special. If we don’t work out, oh well.  But it will be the first time that I give part of myself to someone and they understand all the rest of the bullshit.”

“Okay,” Justin said, sighing.

“Man, he was right. You ARE a bully,” JC said, and Justin threw a pillow at him.


“Okay…so you’ll be back by Thursday?” Lance asked Justin as they got out of the van at the airport.

“I think so, yes,” Justin said.  Hugs were shared all around, and AJ waved over his shoulder as everyone but Justin and Nick entered the airport.  Justin sighed and looked at Nick. “I don’t know if I trust your friend.”

“MY friend? I don’t know if I trust YOUR friend. He’s all artsy…he’ll corrupt AJ,” Nick said, starting the van. 

“JC?  Corrupting AJ?  Honey, have you LOOKED at AJ lately?” Justin asked.  The two men continued to playfully bicker as they drove back to their beach house.


The End

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