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“You know, you’re lucky that homosexual displays of affection don’t offend me,” Brian teased Nick. Lance and JC were in the kitchen trying to get some dinner together, and AJ was with them.  Chris and Brian were in the living room with Justin and Nick, who couldn’t seem to keep their hands and mouths off each other.

“I know,” Chris said, sighing.

“Oh, puhleeze!”  Justin said, rolling his eyes.  “Hey, Jayce?” He yelled.

“What?” JC yelled from the kitchen.

“When do Lance and Chris refrain from public displays of affection?”

“When they’re asleep,” JC replied. “OW!”  They heard him yell.

Lance appeared a moment later, holding a meat tenderizer.  “Did you just hit JC with that?” Chris asked. Lance ignored him.

“For the record, it’s not in PUBLIC public. Justin around family and close friends,” Lance announced. “And usually I’m innocently minding my own business when I am pounced upon.”

“Bullshit,” Justin and Chris said together.  Nick raised an eyebrow.  Lance simply smiled and went back into the kitchen.


AJ laughed as Lance left the kitchen to go defend himself. “Lance and Chris…the last couple I’d ever expect.”

“I know. At first, we were all like, you’ve GOT to be kidding me.  Lance is mellow, organized, and meticulous.  Chris is…none of those things.”  JC placed the fourteen breaded chicken breasts in pans and slid them into the oven.  “Then we realized how well they compliment each other.  If you think about it, they’re perfect for each other.”

“I don’t know Justin all that well, but it seems that he and Nick are an awful lot alike,” AJ said.

JC shrugged. “They love each other, and they’re willing to work at it. That’s the hardest part sometimes, finding someone willing to work with you and not against you.”

“Amen.” AJ toasted JC with his can of soda.


Brian came up with an incredible tossed salad, and they were soon seated around a table filled with food. “Okay, we will need to dance our ASSES off to counteract all this food,” Lance groaned as they began to eat.

“I can help you work it off,” Chris said, wiggling his eyebrows.

“Chris, do you mind? There are a few straight people at this table,” Justin said, looking a bit embarrassed.

“Name two.”

“Brian, and, well…” Justin looked at Nick, then Lance, then JC.  “Um…”

“Talk about being in the minority,” Brian joked. “Really, Justin, it’s okay. I’ve had to listen to Nick having phone sex with you, so it’s no big deal.”

“What?” Justin looked horrified and smacked Nick.

“Don’t hit me!  I was in the privacy of my own hotel room,” Nick protested.  “It’s not my fault he lurks at the door.”

“Actually, we use the glasses that the hotel puts in your room,” AJ said with a straight face.  “Smack one of them up against the wall, put your ear to the other end, it’s like magic.”

“Absolutely.” Brian nodded and Nick turned red.  Lance laughed.

“And here I thought the best way was to lay down in the hallway and listen under the door,” he said.

“Like you’re listening to me. You’re too busy getting it on with the boyfriend you have with you ALL the time,” Justin retorted.

“Hey, just be happy you have a someone to HAVE phone sex with,” JC said softly, and Justin immediately felt sorry for him.

“That’s true,” AJ said, jumping in quickly. “Some of us have to have vicarious sex lives through you guys.” He waved his fork at Nick and Justin.

“I’m sure your sex life is alive and kicking, Aje,” Brian commented.

“I’m thinking that’s none of your business,” AJ said.  Brian stuck his tongue out but didn’t say anything more.


“How bad would it look if we went to bed now?” Justin murmured to Nick.  It was only nine o’clock.  Brian and Chris were washing dishes and the others were seated in the living room.

“Well, I normally don’t go to bed this early,” Nick replied.  “But I want to be alone with you, too.”  He looked over at Lance, JC and AJ, who were deep in conversation. 

“Oh, the hell with it. We went on vacation to be alone together.”  Justin stood up, almost tumbling Nick off the couch.  “We’re going to bed,” Justin announced.  JC silently handed AJ and Lance each ten dollars.  “What’s that all about?”

“JC said you’d make it to nine-thirty.  Lance and I bet nine,” AJ said.

“Fuck y’all,” Nick said, stomping up the steps with Justin on his heels. 

“Good night, boys!” AJ called cheerfully.


Nick barely made it to the bedroom before Justin had his shirt off and was tugging at his shorts. “Miss me?” Nick teased.

“Shut up,” Justin said, falling to his knees.  Nick moaned and grabbed at Justin’s curls as Justin’s red lips encircled the head of his cock.

“Oh, fuck, Justin…missed you, baby,” Nick panted.  Justin worked his tongue in circles, then deep-throated Nick as quickly as he could.  Nick almost lost his balance as his cock entered the heat of Justin’s mouth.  “Want you…oh baby…”

Justin sucked for a moment longer, then pulled away. “I can’t wait. I’ve been thinking about this for days.”

“Only days?” Nick asked as they both got naked.

“Shut up,’ Justin said again.  He reached into the nightstand, which he already had well stocked with lubricant and condoms.

“Missed you TOO much,” Nick said with a blissful moan as Justin sank inside of him.
