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JC yawned and opened his bedroom door. He started out into the hallway, then stopped as he heard raised voices coming from the direction of Justin and Nick’s room.  He looked up and saw AJ coming out of his bedroom as well.


“Morning,” AJ said.  JC nodded, and they both looked in the direction of the argument.



“Come on, Nick. You don’t have to go,” Justin said.  Nick glared at him as he fastened the buckle of his sandals.  “We’re rich, for fuck’s sake. Hire a limo to drive Brian to the airport.”


“Justin, I am NOT hiring a limo to drive Brian one hour to the airport. I’m taking our rental car.”  Nick left the bedroom.


“You care more about your stupid bandmates than you do about me,” Justin continued, following Nick down the steps.  Nick stopped walking and turned around.


“WHAT did you say?”


“I said you care more about Brian than you do about me.”  Justin stopped walking and crossed his arms over his chest.  AJ and JC cowered around the corner in the upstairs hallway.


“Justin, Brian is my best friend. He has been my best friend for ten years.  You have been my boyfriend for about a year.  I’m not going to choose between you, but think about it.  You know where my loyalties lie.”  Nick stomped on down the steps. “C’mon, Frick. We’re gonna miss your flight.”


“Uh, see you guys later,” Brian said, getting up from his seat in the living room, where he had been talking to Chris and Lance.


“Yeah. Bye, Brian.”  Lance looked at Justin, who was still on the steps.


“Nick!”  Justin yelled.


“We’ll talk later!”  Nick yelled back.


“He didn’t even say I love you,” Justin whispered.


“If I was him, and you acted like that, I wouldn’t say it either,” AJ commented, brushing by Justin on his way down the steps.


“Why don’t you just shut the fuck up and mind your own damn business?” Justin growled.


“J,” JC said softly.


“I would LOVE to mind my own damn business, but I can’t, see, when you’re screaming YOUR business all over the house,” AJ retorted. “And as for shutting the fuck up?  Fat chance, Curly.  It takes a lot to shut ME up.”  AJ headed for the kitchen.


“That prick,” Justin said.


“He’s defending his bandmate, Justin. What do you expect?” Lance asked, coming in from the living room.  “What the hell was that all about, anyway?”


“Nick would rather drive Brian to the airport than stay here with me,” Justin pouted.


“Curly, do you even realize how childish you sound?” Chris asked.  “Why shouldn’t he drive him?”


“Are you saying that if I needed a ride, and Nick asked you to stay home, you would?”  JC walked down the steps.


“Well, no…he came on this vacation to be with ME!  He can see Brian anytime,” Justin said.


“But you told me yourself that when they’re not doing group stuff, Brian’s always with his wife,” Lance reminded Justin.  “He has the rest of the vacation to be with you.”


“What’s really underneath all this?” JC asked.  Justin sighed.


“Last night we were talking…he’s all worried about the group, thinks they’re breaking up. Kevin’s been really distant, and Howie is all about his club.  Nick doesn’t even think Howie’s gonna make it over here for a few days.  And it’s just falling apart for him, and he’s all worried.  And I tried to reassure him and it didn’t work. He left our room last night and went to talk to BRIAN.”


“Brian’s a part of all that, Justin,” Chris said, sighing. “I thought the drama was over.”


“You felt threatened because he chose to talk to Brian over you,” JC said. Justin slowly nodded.


“I didn’t mean to turn all six year old on him, but it hurt,” Justin said, pouting again.


“Go take a shower and talk to Nick when he comes back,” JC suggested. “It will all work out. He loves you, Justin.”


“Right.”  Justin sighed and went back upstairs.


“Be happy you aren’t in a relationship, JC.  You miss all the drama and the excitement and the confusion,” Chris told him.  JC watched Chris take Lance’s hand and go towards the kitchen.


“Yeah, I’m real lucky,” JC sighed.




JC managed to corner AJ on his way upstairs before Nick returned. “Hey, AJ.”


“Yeah, JC?” AJ turned and leaned over the banister.


“I’m sorry about Justin’s attitude. He’s just…paranoid.”


“Hey, don’t apologize.  YOU’RE the one that has to hang with him on a regular basis. I should be feeling sorry for YOU.”


“Justin’s not that bad,” JC said. “He really was hurt when things fell apart with Nick there for a while. He’s worried.”


“Nick loves him, JC.  God, does he love him. It’s almost disgusting,” AJ said, but he smiled. “I get damn jealous, though I never tell Nick that.”


“You feel like going for a walk?” JC said suddenly. “I know Nick and Justin are gonna hole themselves away to talk, at least I HOPE they will, and Lance and Chris are working on my last nerve this morning.”


“A walk on the beach?  Sure. Lemme grab a hat.”  AJ went upstairs and JC went to tell Lance and Chris where they were going.




Lance and Chris were snuggled up on the sofa when Nick walked in the door.  “Where’s AJ?” Nick asked.


“Out for a walk with JC.  Justin’s waiting up in your room to talk to you,” Lance said.


“I don’t care what Justin’s doing,” Nick said.


“Dammit, Nick…” Chris began.  Lance put a hand over Chris’ mouth.  Chris licked Lance’s palm.


“Look, Nick, just talk to him, please?” Lance said.  Nick sighed and went up the steps.


Justin was sitting on their bed, staring at nothing. He looked up when Nick walked in.  “Hi.”  Justin sat up.


“I hear you wanted to talk to me?” Nick leaned against the door.


“I’m sorry for what I said.  Brian should be important in your life, he’s your very best friend.” Justin stood up.  “I felt like I wasn’t good enough for you or something. It was childish and stupid and I’m sorry.”


“I’m sorry for saying that I’d always choose Brian over you,” Nick said, hugging Justin. “I love you.”


“I love you, too,” Justin said, burying his face in Nick’s neck.  “I just get worried.”


“Justin, stop it.”  Nick pulled away.  “I love you, okay? Quit being so nervous about it.”


“Right.” Justin nodded and hugged Nick again.




“You think it’s gonna last?” AJ asked as he and JC walked.


“I hope it does. They both deserve it. I really like Nick.”


“I like Justin, too, though he does get annoying,” AJ said. JC laughed.


“Try living with him for a REALLY long time. I wonder about my sanity sometimes.”


“Between Justin and Chris, I’m surprised you have any sanity left,” AJ said.


“Yeah, it’s rough.”  JC looked out at the water.  “But Justin’s like a little brother. I’ve known him a while, and seeing him happy makes me happy.”


“What about you?” AJ asked.


“Me? Oh, I think I’ve outgrown all the drama that Justin and Nick seem to thrive on,” JC said with a grin.


“Don’t you get lonely?”


“Yeah.”  The smile left JC’s face.  “I do.”


“You deserve someone, JC,” AJ said suddenly. “You’re a good guy, talented and caring. You should find someone to make YOU happy.”


JC blushed furiously. “Thank you,” he whispered.  He said nothing more as they walked up the beach.

