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“Hey, Justin,” JC said as Justin sat next to him on the porch swing.  Nick and AJ were fooling around in the swimming pool, and Lance and Chris were walking along the beach.

“Hi, Jayce.”  Justin twirled a curl around his finger.  “Can I ask you something?”


“What do you think of AJ?”

“AJ McLean?” JC said. He shrugged. “I haven’t thought about him all that much. Why?”

“So you’re not interested in him?”

“I hardly know him,” JC said.

“Good,” Justin said, relieved.  “He’s all wrong for you.”

“I think I can make my own decisions regarding who is right or wrong for me,” JC said, amused.  “What brought this on?”

“Well, I asked Nick if he still wanted AJ and he said no, and that he thought AJ was interested in YOU,” Justin said.  He frowned as he watched JC turn pink.

“Interested in me?” JC repeated. Justin nodded. “Well, I don’t know about that,” JC practically stammered.

“McLean, you scrawny little shit, get off me!” Nick yelled as AJ climbed on his back and tried to dunk him.

“I think AJ is trying to drown your boyfriend,” JC said.

“Nick can deal with him,” Justin replied. He paused momentarily to admire the way Nick’s body looked, all sleek with water.  “I just…I don’t want you hurt, JC.”

“Justin, I’ll be fine. Nothing is happening with me and AJ, okay? We’re friends…the two outsiders in this Den of Sin you guys have created.”

“This is nothing,” Justin said. “You should have seen it when Nick and I were here ALONE.”


The next morning, Justin carefully slipped out of Nick’s embrace and pulled on a pair of shorts.  He smelled coffee as he exited the bedroom, and smiled. AJ was normally the first one up, and he had taken over the job of making coffee every morning.  “Hey there, Curly,” AJ said with a friendly smile.  “Want the sports section?”

“Please,” Justin said. He got himself some cereal and a mug, then poured himself some coffee.  He took the offered sports section and sat down across from AJ.  AJ was doing the crossword puzzle. “In pen?” Justin asked.  AJ shrugged. “I’m impressed.”  AJ shrugged again.  “Look, AJ, I have something I need to talk to you about.”

AJ put down his pen.  “Does this have to do with me and Nick?”

“No…I’m over all that,” Justin said.  “Though I hope you don’t ever want to even touch him again, because he’s totally taken.”

AJ had to smile. “I don’t even want to touch him, I promise.”

“This is about you and JC.”

“Me and JC?” AJ stared at him blankly. “What about me and JC?”

“I know you have the hots for him, and I just really think you shouldn’t even try anything with him. He’s not your type.”

“What IS my type?”  AJ crossed his hands on the table and waited.

“Well…not, JC, okay?  I don’t want to make too many assumptions, but trust me, you and JC are too different. And I don’t want you playing with him and hurting him.  JC’s sensitive…tender.  Not for you, okay?  I just want to stop whatever you’re planning before you actually do it.”

“Does JC know you’re talking to me about this?” AJ asked, his brown eyes unreadable.


“Does NICK know you’re talking to me about this?”

“No,” Justin said, fidgeting a little.

“I understand your motives. You’re JC’s closest friend and you want to protect him. Fine.  But he’s also a grownup.  I can assure you that nobody controls any part of my life except ME.  And I bet JC feels the same way about HIS life.”  AJ picked up his coffee cup and stood.  “Thanks for the warning, though. If I ever think about trying anything with JC, I’ll keep it in mind.”  AJ left the kitchen just as Nick was coming in. “Morning, Frack.”

“Hey, Bone.”  Nick went to the coffeepot.  “Hey, baby.” Nick poured his coffee before coming over to kiss Justin.  “I missed you in bed. Everything okay?”

“Fine,” Justin said, pouting. “I hate when people are stupid and don’t know what’s best for them.”

“And you know what’s best for everybody?” Nick asked, smiling.

“Some people,” Justin muttered.

“Wanna know what would be best for you?” Nick asked.


“Coming back upstairs with me and letting me fuck your brains out,” Nick growled quietly in Justin’s ear.  Justin moaned and was out of his chair like a shot.

