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“Justin?”  Nick shook Justin slightly.  “It’s ten-thirty. What are you still doing in bed?”


“Ouch. Please don’t,” Justin moaned, slowly pulling his head out from under the pillow.


“What’s wrong?” Nick asked, frowning.


“I think I’m sick.”


“Sick?  You can’t be sick…we’re on our special vacation,” Nick said, smiling.  He took a better look at Justin. “Shit…I think you ARE sick. Your eyes are puffy and red and…” Nick put a hand on Justin’s forehead.  “…you’re hot.  You ARE sick.”


“I’m sorry,” Justin said miserably.


“It’s okay, baby.  I’ll take care of you,” Nick promised.  “Would you like me to bring you something?”


“No…I wanna go downstairs.”  Justin slowly climbed out of bed and pulled on a pair of his shorts and one of Nick’s tshirts. He shivered and also put on one of Nick’s sweatshirts, sniffling pitifully.  “I can’t believe I’m sick.”  Justin pouted as he looked at Nick. “I’ll ruin everyone’s vacation.  This came out of freaking nowhere.”


“Babe, you’ll probably only be sick a day or two. I bet it’s just a twenty-four hour bug,” Nick said hopefully. “Let’s go downstairs.”


Justin obediently followed Nick downstairs.  AJ and Lance were in front of the television, as usual.  They had become addicted to home and decorating shows.  To Justin’s surprise, Chris was next to Lance on the sofa.  “Don’t even say a word,” Chris grumbled. “Now he’s got ME hooked on the damn things.”


Justin smiled slightly and went into the kitchen with Nick.  JC took one look at him and said, “You’re sick.”


“Yeah,” Justin said, sighing as he sat down.


“Tea.”  JC immediately dug through the cabinets.  “And toast.”


“Justin likes coffee and cereal for breakfast,” Nick said.


“Not when he’s sick. When he’s sick he likes tea and toast.”


“Maybe YOU like tea and toast when YOU’RE sick but…”


“He’s right, Nick,” Justin interrupted. “That’s what I like when I’m sick.  It’s okay, baby, really. Thank you.”


“Well, I guess I’m not needed here.”  Nick left the kitchen.  Justin smiled.


“He’s a big baby sometimes.”


“No wonder you and he get along so well,” JC teased.


Nick went into the living room and flopped onto the floor next to AJ, laying his head on AJ’s bony shoulder.  “Aw, what’s wrong, Junior?” AJ asked.


“I don’t know what Justin likes when he’s sick,” Nick muttered.


“Tea and toast,” Lance and Chris said together.


“Nick, you’ve never been around him when he’s sick.  How could you possibly know?” AJ said.  “I bet these guys don’t know what he likes in bed, and you do,” AJ whispered, and Nick giggled a big.


Justin walked into the living room carrying a mug of tea and a plate of toast. He frowned when he saw Nick and AJ whispering and giggling together.  Nick stood up quickly. “Where do you wanna sit, Justin?”


“On the sofa.”


Lance and Chris slid down to the end, and Nick sat at the other end.  Justin curled up next to him.  “Anyone need anything while I’m up?” JC said as he entered the room.


“Get Justin drugs. He’s a pain to be around when he’s sick,” Chris said.


“You’re a pain to be around when you’re NOT sick,” JC said, and Chris glared at him.  Justin smiled at JC gratefully, feeling a little twinge of guilt at the way he had acted about AJ.  JC was obviously a grown adult and could take care of himself.  He watched as JC and AJ sat next to each other on the floor and talked quietly as they watched TV.


“I don’t suppose a little medicinal roll in the hay would make you feel better?” Nick whispered, and Justin giggled.


“I don’t think I could handle you right now, but I’ll keep that offer in mind.”




Everyone ate cheeseburgers for lunch, except Justin.  Nick wouldn’t let him eat a cheeseburger. He made Justin a can of soup and all but fed it to him by hand.  “I think I need a nap,” Justin said wearily.  “All this care is making me tired.”


“Why don’t we all go to the beach,” Lance suggested.  “We’ll give Justin some peace and quiet.”


“Do you want me to stay?” Nick asked Justin. He shook his head. 


“No. Go outside.  I’m sure I’ll feel better after I sleep for a bit.  Thank you.”  Justin kissed Nick’s cheek and went back up to bed.


Justin went into the bedroom, but did not immediately lay down. He stood by the window and watched as the group soon filed down to the beach.  Lance and Chris slathered sunscreen on each other, then went running to the water.  JC put sunscreen on Nick, and Nick went to swim with Chris and Lance.  AJ and JC put sunscreen on each other, JC taking special care to cover all of AJ’s tattoos.  JC pulled out the ever-present sketch pad, and AJ settled down next to him.  Justin thought this was nice, since he knew AJ liked to swim, but he also knew JC would have been left alone.  Justin sighed and finally went to bed, thinking about AJ and JC and how maybe he had been wrong about a few things.




“Justin’s still jealous, you know,” JC said, not looking up from his sketch pad.  AJ looked at him in surprise.


“Of me?”


“Yeah.  I’m the shy one who takes a while to know people, but Justin’s the one that takes a while to really let people in.  Add to that the fact that you and Nick used to sleep together…”


“But that was ages ago, and I don’t want Nick now. I want Nick happy and with Justin, not unhappy and with me.”


“Justin…doesn’t always see the logic in every situation,” JC said finally, smiling.


“You really take care of him, don’t you?” AJ asked. “Like we take care of Nick.”


“He’s the baby. The Golden Boy.  He grew up in all this shit and never really learned to be himself,” JC said.  AJ nodded slowly.


“That sounds all too familiar.”  AJ paused. “Who takes care of you?”


“I do,” JC said.


“I think some people think you’re not capable of doing that,” AJ said, then wished he hadn’t.


“What’s that supposed to mean?”


“Oh, Lance, Chris, Justin…they think you’re made of glass,” AJ said, and it was true.  They treated JC like a fragile creature most of the time.


“I promise you I’m not,” JC said.  “I’ve been pushed to the breaking point quite a few times and I haven’t broken yet.”


“Me either,” AJ said.


“Was it hard…quitting the drinking and the drugs?” JC asked.  AJ looked at him.  From anyone else, it would have sounded like a dumb question.


“Yes.  It was hard because it was so much a part of my every day life.  It gets easier every day, though.”


“Good. I’m glad. You’re too young to die,” JC said sincerely, and AJ blushed at the tone of his voice.

