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Sexetary Not Included

By:  Lara


“Man, he always wants to meet here, and it’s always a pain in my ass,” JC grumbled to himself as he jabbed the button for the elevator.  “Traffic sucks, parking sucks, the neighborhood sucks…Lance just sucks in general,” JC continued to himself.  He saw someone in the reflection off the shiny elevator doors and turned around.  A man in a three-piece suit eyed him warily. “No, I’m not crazy…just a musician who talks to himself,” JC told him. The man nodded, but it was obvious that he thought JC’s insanity might somehow be contagious.

The elevator doors opened and JC stepped inside.  “Hold that!” Someone yelled.  JC frantically pushed the “close doors” button.

“He said hold the elevator!” The Three-Piece Suit man said, putting his arm in the doorway.  JC frowned and leaned back against the wall.

“Thanks,” Chris said breathlessly, stepping inside.  “Good morning, JC.”

“Whatever,” JC grumbled.

“Aw, is my poor wittle Joshy all grumpy-mumpy this morning?” Chris cooed, grabbing JC by the chin and shaking his head from side to side.

“Knock it off, Chris.  Why the hell do we need to meet here?  If it’s an office, it MUST have a conference call line, right? I could have done this thing from my house…or from the beach.”

“Yeah, he has a conference line.  That’s how we’re talking to Justin. He’s in Vail right now.”

“Oh, so JUSTIN doesn’t have to come in, but I do?”

“Justin’s across the freaking country, JC,” Chris said, looking at him oddly as the elevator doors opened to Lance’s floor.  “What’s up your ass?”

“A big stick,” JC snapped, and stepped out of the elevator.  He went around the corner and slammed into someone.  “Oh, sorry,” he said nonchalantly, continuing on without a backward glance.

“Are you okay?” Chris asked, helping the girl pick up her file folders.

“Yeah, thank you.” She poked her glasses back up on her nose.  “Your friend’s not very nice.”

“My friend’s a rude asshole,” Chris said, and she smiled. “That’s better. You have a good day, okay?”

“Thanks,” she said, smiling as she continued on her way.

When Chris arrived at Lance’s office, JC was seated in a chair, pouting at the floor.  Lance was on the phone, and his secretary, Cindy, was pouring him some coffee.  “No…I said I need to see the script first. You think I’m just gonna sign Joey up without showing him a script?  It’s your job…deal with it.”  Lance hung up and smiled at Cindy.  “Thanks.”

“You guys need anything?” Cindy asked JC and Chris. They shook their heads.  “See you later.”  She went out the door, closing it behind him.

“Joey will be late,” Lance said, leaning back in his chair.

“Good.  That gives me time to kick JC’s ass,” Chris said.  JC stared at him.

“For what?”

“For trying to close the elevator doors on me. For being pissy this morning.  And, finally, for running that poor girl down in the hall and not even helping her pick up her things.”

“What, is today Good Samaritan day for you or something?”  JC snapped.

Chris sighed.  “Lance, help me.”

“I’m not getting in the middle of this.”  Lance pushed his intercom button. “Cindy, can you try Joey’s cellphone again?”

“Sure thing, Lance.”

Lance looked back up at Chris. “Change the subject.”

“Okay, let’s talk about how you wanna get with your secretary,” Chris said.

Lance blushed. “That’s not true.”

“Oh, yes it is.  You make her do things you could do yourself. You’re a boyband member, not a retard. You could easily call Joey…but you wanted to talk to her, so you had HER do it.”

“You are insane,” Lance said, playing with his pens.

“Yeah,” JC said slowly. “And whenever I come in here, you’re always talking to her at her desk.”

“I wasn’t today,” Lance protested.

“Because she was in HERE,” JC said.  He and Chris smiled at each other, their disagreement temporarily forgotten.

“You two…” Lance said in exasperation.  He went to the door and opened it. “Cindy?” He called. “Did you get him?”

“He’s parking his car, Lance,” she said.

“Thanks.” He closed the door and looked at his friends.  “Stop it.”

“Lancey has a crush on his secretary!” Chris exclaimed.

“But if I’m not mistaken, I saw YOU eyeing up her friend…in accounting…Tammi,” Lance said, and Chris looked at the floor.

“You, too?” JC said, laughing.

“She’s cute,” Chris said defensively.  “I always look at cute girls.”

“She’s no girl. She’s a woman.  You need to stop calling them girls,” Lance said. “No wonder you’re single.”

“I am SO glad I’m not like you two,” JC said.  They looked at him. “All looking to date and find girlfriends.  Nah…playing the field is where it’s at.”

“JC, no girl would HAVE your skanky ass,” Chris said. “That’s why you’re single.”

“Skanky?” JC repeated.

Chris sucked in his stomach and strutted across the room.  “Hi…I’m JC…if you’re over eighteen and can prove it…you can get with me.”

“What?” Lance said.

“You know you want what I got here…” Chris grabbed himself.  JC glared at him.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“That’s because you’re usually so drunk you don’t remember,” Chris said. “You’re a real dickhead when it comes to women, Jayce.”

“Hey,” Joey said, breathlessly bursting into the room.  “Sorry I’m late.”  He immediately felt the tension in the room. “What’s going on?”

“Good. Joey’s here. If you wanna talk about being a dickhead with women…” JC said. “How many girls did you take home the other night, Joe?”

“That’s different,” Chris said. “Joey is totally upfront with them. There are no illusions of possible grandeur.  It’s one night and that’s it. You are rude to them immediately, and then if THAT doesn’t work, you sweet talk them until they believe you’ll actually call them again.”

“Chris, they’re just groupies.”

“They’re WOMEN, JC,” Chris growled.  “I come from a family full of them. And if I ever heard about someone treating one of my sisters like YOU treat women, I would kick their ass so fast they wouldn’t know what hit them.”

“Fine, Chris, I’ll never hit on your sisters, then,” JC said.

The phone rang.  Lance hit the intercom button.  “Hello?”

“It’s me.”

“Hey, Justin. I’ll get management on the line.  Hold on.”  Lance put Justin on hold and looked at the others. “This meeting is about to start.  Quit acting like bratty kids and get serious.”

“Whatever.” JC slumped back into his seat and resumed pouting at the floor.



“What happened to you?” Cindy asked Lara as she came towards her, carrying an armful of folders.  “You took forever!  Did you get lost?”

“No, I got run over,” Lara said, blowing upwards to get her bangs out of her eyes.


“Two of those NSYNC guys…well, one, really.  The other one was really nice. Who’s the one with the horns growing out of his chin?”

Cindy laughed. “That’s Chris, the one Tammi is all hot and bothered over.  Who was the other one?”

“Skinny with dark hair.”

Cindy rolled her eyes.  “Oh.  JC.  He’s a real jerk. Just stay out of his way. He thinks he’s God’s gift or something. Even Justin’s nicer than he is, and Justin can be kinda snobby.”

“I hope I can learn to keep them all straight,” Lara said, setting the files down.

“Joey’s nice. You can’t help but like him.  Chris is hysterical, and I think he might actually be interested in Tammi, though he’s holding back. Justin you won’t see in here very often. He’s busy being a popstar.  And then, you know, there’s Lance.”  Cindy blushed prettily and Lara smiled.

“Do I sense a crush?”

“You sense a woman who really likes her boss but has to remember he IS her boss, and that he’s also a millionaire popstar who would never give her the time of day.”

“Don’t count yourself out like that. You never know what will happen,” Lara said consolingly.  “Anyway, Chris helped me up but JC kept on walking.  But the files made it here all in one piece.”

Cindy flipped through them.  “I hate to tell you this…but they’re the wrong ones.”

“What?” Lara whined.

“Sorry. I need from last September to this May.  You flipped it around.”

“Dammit,” Lara muttered, poking her glasses up. “I’m gonna be fired.”

“I’ve never seen Lance fire someone,” Cindy told her.  “And you’ve only been here two days.  Relax.”

“Right,” Lara sighed, picking the folders back up again.


“Can I go now?  I’m wasting good painting time,” JC said.

Lance glared at him. “And people say I’M the one with the stick up his ass.”

“You DO have a stick up your ass,” Chris said cheerfully. “But yours is like…oh…a Popsicle stick.  JC’s is like one of those big walking sticks that Irish people use.  What are they called again?”

“A shillelagh?” Joey offered. Everyone stared at him. “What?  I know things!”

“You know, I don’t have to sit here and take this abuse,” JC said, standing up.

“You get what you give, boy,” Chris said, waggling his finger at JC.  “Cheer the hell up.  Quit being a dick.”

“I’m just fine the way I am, and I am NOT a dick,” JC retorted.  Joey and Lance raised their eyebrows simultaneously.  “What?”

“JC, you are NOT the man we used to know. You’ve got this…attitude…all of a sudden, like you can’t stand to be around anyone who cares about you,” Joey said gently.

“I have no clue what you’re talking about.”

“Do you want the group to break up?” Lance said suddenly, and Chris gasped.

“Uh, no. Of course not. I just…I gotta go.”  JC stood up and hurried from the office.

JC strode through the office, deep in thought.  Lance’s question had thrown him. At times he DID wish the group was done, but he always squashed that thought before it could take root and grow.  JC’s blue eyes flittered around the room, but he wasn’t really seeing anything until he passed the files, where he saw black shoes, long legs, and a short black skirt.  He backtracked.

A young woman was struggling to get a file folder onto a shelf.  She was standing on a stepladder, but the shelf was still too high.  JC took in the legs and smiled.  He could be nice…just as nice as Chris.  “Can I help you?” He said politely.

“Yeah, I can’t seem to…” the secretary looked at him and frowned. “No…never mind. I’ll get it myself.”

“You’re not tall enough. Please, let me.”  JC put his hands on her waist to help her down but she shoved him away.

“I said, I’ll get it.”

“Let me help you,” JC said through gritted teeth. This was why he just stayed away from people. He took the folder from her and easily slid it onto the shelf. “There. Was that so hard?”

“You tell me,” she snapped.

“Look, sweetheart, I was just trying to help.”

“Number one, don’t CALL me sweetheart. Number two, I said I didn’t want your help. Are you deaf as well as blind?”

“What?”  JC was confused. 

Pretty blue eyes blinked up at him.  “You really are something else. You’re JC, right?”

“Yeah.  You’ve heard about me?” JC said, grinning.

“Yeah. And just so you know…” she started out of the files. “NONE of it was good.”

“What?” JC exclaimed, following her.

“I need to get back to work.  Goodbye, JC.”  JC watched the long legs walk away and frowned.  He ran to catch up to her.

“Look, I don’t know what your problem with me is, but…”

“My problem is that you’re rude, inconsiderate, and, from the way you’re checking out my legs, probably a real dog. Have a nice day, JC.  Go bug someone else.”  She turned a corner, leaving JC to gape at her open-mouthed.  He turned around to see Lance and Chris snickering at him.

“Shut UP.”


Lara sat down at her desk, legs shaking.  She had totally told JC Chasez off.  One of the sexiest men she had ever seen, and she told him off. Of course, he was also a total jerk, but she normally couldn’t say three words to someone she thought was attractive. And she definitely had said more than three words to HIM.

“Are you okay?” Cindy asked.

“Uh, yeah.” Lara rubbed her forehead. “I just bitched out JC Chasez.”

“You WHAT?” Cindy said with delight.  “I gotta call Tammi. We’re doing lunch, girl.”



“So, what happened?” Tammi demanded as soon as they walked out of the building.

“Where are we going?” Lara asked.

“Down to this cute café around the corner. We can sit outside,” Cindy said.

“I’ll wait,” Lara said.  They were silent until they were seated at a table.

“Spill it,” Cindy said.

“Well, he ran me down, like I told you. Then, I’m in the files, and he decides to be all helpful.  Of course he doesn’t even REALIZE that I’m the person he ran down before, and is shocked that I don’t want his help.  I might have been a little nicer, if his eyes didn’t move from my chest to my legs and back again,” Lara said angrily.

“So what did you SAY to him?” Tammi asked.

“I called him a dog,” Lara said in a low voice, and Cindy and Tammi burst out laughing.

“Oh, GOD, does he deserve that!” Cindy said, drinking some of her water.

“It’s a shame,” Tammi said. “It’s always the hot ones who have no personality.  That’s why I like Chris. He may not be the most to look at, but he has a great personality and he’s nice.”

“Kinda like Lance, except Lance is hot,” Cindy said, then blushed. “Okay, pretend I SO didn’t say that.”


“Let’s go down here. I’m sick of that Italian place,” Lance said, grabbing Joey by the sleeve and turning the corner.

“I have the cutest pictures of Brianna. She’s getting so big!” Joey exclaimed. “Wait until you see her.”

“He never runs out of film, does he?” JC asked Chris.

“Are you kidding? He owns freaking stock in Kodak,” Chris informed him.

“Ah, Mr. Bass…table for four?” The host said.

“Yes…something out in the sun, please.”  Lance gave JC a smirk. “Some of us need to be baked.”

“Will you leave me alone?” JC griped.

“If you could have seen that girl shoot him down. It was priceless,” Chris said to Joey.

“I was not hitting on her, okay? She was rude to me for no reason,” JC snapped.

“Kinda like you are to everyone else?” Lance said innocently.

JC frowned and reached back for his wallet as they walked, to make sure he hadn’t left it in the car. His elbow hit the back of someone’s head, but he kept on walking.  Chris and Joey, who were walking behind him, stopped short.

“He is really turning into some kind of prick,” Chris griped. “Ma’am, I’m sorry and…” Chris smiled in surprise as he looked at the other women at the table. “Hi, there.”

“Hi,” Tammi said shyly.  Cindy smiled up at Joey.

“Hello, Joey.”

“Hi, Cindy…Tammi.”  Joey put a hand on Lara’s shoulder. “Are you okay?  JC wasn’t watching where he was going.”

“Sounds like he has a bit of a problem with that today,” Lara griped, rubbing the back of her head. Chris gasped when he saw her face.

“Oh, man…again?  Is there ANYTHING I can do to make it up to you?” Chris asked apologetically.

“Buy our lunch,” Lara said with a straight face, and Chris looked shocked. She laughed. “I’m just teasing.”

Lance looked over to where Joey and Chris were standing. “Hey…there are some of the girls from the office.  Cindy and Tammi, and the new girl.  C’mon.”  Lance grabbed JC by the shoulder and dragged him over. “Hello, ladies.”

“Hello, Lance,” Cindy said nervously. Tammi smiled at him.

“Joey, Chris, JC, I don’t think you’ve had the chance to meet one of our new employees…this is Lara.”

Lara was impressed that Lance remembered her name.  “Hi, Chris, Joey…JC,” she almost snapped.

“I’m so GLAD you brought JC over here,” Chris said, glaring at his skinny friend. “Now he can apologize.”

“For WHAT?” JC asked, exasperated.

“Remember the person you rudely ran over and didn’t help today? That was Lara.  And just now, you walked by and elbowed her in the head and didn’t even look back.”

“Oh. Sorry,” JC said. Lara sighed.

“You shouldn’t waste apologies like that. I’m sure someone like you needs as many as he can get,” she said, and Chris hid a laugh in a cough.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” JC asked.

“Think about it, genius, and maybe your two brain cells will figure it out,” she said.

“Hey, you don’t know me. There’s no reason for you to insult me,” JC said, trying to remain calm.

“You’re right, I don’t know you. But I know your type,” Lara replied.  Cindy and Tammi stared at her. Lance looked incredibly amused.  Chris looked impressed. Joey just looked back and forth between Lara and JC, amazed at the fact that they were bickering as if no one else was around.

“And that would be?”

“A spoiled popstar who’s used to everything being handed to him. He doesn’t remember being normal, if he ever was.  He’s forgotten who put him where he is now, and he is not at all interested in remembering. He thinks only of himself and his needs…and says to hell with anyone who gets in his way. Am I right?”

“Yes,” Joey, Chris and Lance said together.  Lara looked at Lance and blushed.

“Uh, I just insulted the boss’ friend.  Does this mean I need another job?”

“No,” Lance said with a laugh.  “You’re exactly what FreeLance needs,” he said, laughing again. “We’ll leave you ladies to your lunch.  See you back in the office.”  Lance was still chuckling as he walked away.

“Bye,” Chris said, smiling wistfully at Tammi. She waved back. Joey followed Chris to the table.

“This isn’t over,” JC said to Lara.

“You see, it is.  Because I really want nothing more to do with you. If you want to gripe, send me an email. Lance can give you the address.  You’re a waste of my time,” Lara said loftily.

“What makes you think I’m interested in you that way, anyway?  It’s not like you’re much to look at or anything,” JC said before he thought. Even he was horrified at how awful it sounded.

Lara closed her eyes, then opened them again.  Her blue eyes were swimming in tears. “I’m trying to eat. Will you go away now?”

“Look, I…”

“JC, get over here and order!”  Chris yelled.

JC sighed. “I’m sorry,” he whispered quickly, then went over to the table.



“Chris…wait up.”  JC jogged after Chris as he headed for the parking lot of Lance’s building.  “I need a favor.”

“Oh…you CAN talk!”  Chris said, not slowing down. “What was with you at lunch? I know you like to play the silent artist, but you didn’t even say pass the salt.”

“I need a favor,” JC repeated, tugging on Chris’s sleeve. Chris finally stopped walking.

“What? Would you like me to move the world so it revolves around you instead of Justin?”

“Chris, I’m serious.”

Chris took a long look at JC. “What?”

“I need you to spend the next few days with me. Whenever I do something rude, inconsiderate or just plain obnoxious, I need you to let me know.”

Chris laughed out loud, then looked at JC. “Wait. You’re SERIOUS?”

“Yeah,” JC said softly. “I just scared the shit outta myself.  I think you guys may be right…I’m not the person I used to be.”


When Lara came into work the next day, a bouquet of flowers was sitting on her desk.  “I thought you said you didn’t have a boyfriend,” Cindy said.

“I don’t.”  Lara put her purse in her bottom drawer then opened the card.  “I hope you can forgive me.  JC Chasez.”

Cindy almost dropped her coffee.  “You didn’t just say JC Chasez, did you?”

“Yes, I did.”  Lara tossed the card into the garbage.  “Do you have some extra vases around here? I’d like to get these things off my desk.”

“Sure…in the pantry,” Cindy said.  Lara walked away and Cindy watched her go. JC Chasez…apologizing?

Lara distributed the flowers to a few of the staff in their office, and ran a small vase up to Tammi as well. She was just getting settled at her desk when Lance walked through the office.  “Good morning, Ladies,” he said with a friendly smile.

“Good morning,” Cindy said. “Justin called…said he’ll be in at ten.”

“Good. Can you get us reservations for lunch?  Montell’s…around noon?”

“Sure thing.”  Cindy immediately picked up the phone.

“Beautiful flowers,” Lance observed, inhaling their scent.

Before Cindy could reply, Lara said, “Yeah, aren’t they? Apparently Cindy has some sort of secret admirer.”  Cindy glared at her, but Lara just smiled.

“Apparently,” Lance said, frowning. “Have a good day.”  He went into his office.

“Why did you say that?” Cindy almost screamed. “They’re YOUR flowers!”

“But they’re on YOUR desk.  Did you see his face? He was jealous, Cindy!”  Lara squealed.

“No, he wasn’t,” Cindy said, but she blushed.


“It was great…I coulda stayed a month,” Justin said as they were seated at their table.  “Uh…why are we at a table for four?”

“Because I changed your reservation,” Chris said, weaving his way through the small restaurant with JC in tow.  “I wanted to see my little Curly-Poo.” He ruffled Justin’s short curls.

“Gee, thanks,” Justin said, sighing.  “Hi, Jayce.”

“Hey, Justin.” JC hugged Justin, then flopped into his seat.  Chris raised his eyebrows and JC sat up straighter.

“Uh, nice to see you guys,” Lance said, looking at JC strangely.

The waiter came and they ordered.  They were out of JC’s favorite salad dressing, and he began to sulk.  “JC,” Chris said gently.  JC sighed.

“Sorry. I’ll take the balsamic vinegar, then,” JC said, snapping his menu shut.  Justin stared at him.

“Uh, so, did I miss anything?” Justin asked.

“Did you notice a lot of flowers in your office?” Chris asked.  “I stopped in to find out where you were going for lunch, and like every clerical or bookkeeping person had flowers on their desk.”

“I didn’t notice,” Lance said, and his right eye twitched.

“You’re lying,” Justin said suddenly. “Your eye always twitches when you lie.”

“I am not lying!”  Lance exclaimed, and the eye twitched again. “Okay…I noticed that Cindy had some…and I think I saw some on Vera’s desk.”

“Tammi had some, too,” Chris said, frowning.

“Why did you go to Accounting to find out my schedule?” Lance asked. Chris cleared his throat.

“Well, I, uh, took a short-cut. Anyway, they all had flowers. Except the new girl.  That sucks for her.”

“Wait a minute,” JC said, and Chris stared at him. “You’re telling me SHE didn’t have flowers but everyone else did?”

“Uh, yeah.”

“That little wench,” JC said.  Chris kicked him under the table.

“Remember what you asked me to do?  Take it to the nth degree, and that’s how you’re acting right now,” Chris snapped at him.

“Sorry,” JC muttered, but he silently fumed.


“We’re going out tonight,” Cindy said to Lara as they put their coats on. “Meet us at The Epic at seven.”

“But it’s Thursday,” Lara protested.

“So what? It’s not like it’s a school night or anything,” Cindy laughed. “You need to get out more.”

“I’ve never been there,” Lara said. “What should I wear?”

“A little black something that looks sexy but classy, if you have it. Me and Tammi are celebrating the fact that YOUR flowers got us attention from Lance and Chris today…we feel we owe you.”

Lara laughed. “I can handle that.”


Lara paid the cab fare, then carefully stepped out of the taxi. She smoothed down her short black dress and took a deep breath. She didn’t go out often, and when she did, it was most definitely not to one of the fanciest bars in town.  She dug through her purse to make sure she had money and her driver’s license, then headed for the door.

“Hi, there,” a low voice said behind her. She turned to see Lance Bass walking towards her, a smile on her face.  “Don’t you look pretty!”

“Thank you.” Lara blushed furiously.  Her long hair was swept up into a bun, and she wore contacts instead of her glasses.  “I’m, uh, meeting Tammi and Cindy in here.”

“Really?” Lance looked immensely pleased. “I’m meeting some people here, too. Maybe I’ll see you later.”

“Maybe,” Lara said, smiling at him. She headed inside, finding Tammi and Cindy immediately. “You guys will love me.”

“Okay…I’ll bite. Why?” Tammi asked.

“I just ran into Lance Bass outside, and he said he’s meeting some people here, too.”  Lara slid into the booth next to Cindy. Cindy’s mouth fell open.

“Lance?  He’s here?”

“He will be in a second…and we’re off the clock, girl.  You go after him!” Lara ordered.

“There he is…with Chris!”  Tammi said excitedly.’

“And JC,” Lara said with a sigh. “Lovely.”  They watched Chris and Lance go to a table for three.  JC went to the bar and ordered a drink.  He downed a shot, then ordered another one. “Lush much?” Lara said, shaking her head.  She ordered a Coke and played with the straw as Tammi and Cindy whispered about Lance and Chris.


“Look…over there.”  Lance discreetly pointed.

“Yep, there they are.”  Chris looked at JC. “Think he’s safe on his own?”

“Are you kidding?  JC is never safe from making an ass of himself,” Lance replied.

“Well, I’m sick of babysitting him.  I’m gonna go talk to them.” Chris stood and Lance followed.  “Hey, girls.”

“Hi, Chris,” Tammi said.  “Have a seat.”  She slid over and Chris sat on the edge of the booth.

“Hi, Lance,” Cindy said shyly.

“What brings you guys here tonight?” Chris asked.  “No offense, but you don’t seem like the Epic type.”

“We’re not,” Tammi said with a laugh. “Just trying to get Lara off her couch and off doing something fun.”

“Thanks a lot,” Lara snapped, and the others laughed. “I need to use the ladies’ room.  Excuse me.”  Cindy moved and Lara slid out of the booth. She smiled when she saw Lance take her place.

“Hi there,” a voice said behind her. She coughed at the smell of alcohol and turned around.

“Of COURSE it’s you.  Are you drunk already?”

“I had a little bit before we left Lance’s house,” JC said with a grin. “Do I know you?”

“You have a tendency to run into me every time you see me…I’m surprised you haven’t done it yet,” Lara said, and JC’s eyes narrowed.

“Yes…I know you now. I didn’t recognize you without your glasses and all.”

“Yeah…I know…you’re probably not used to women who are a slave to the grind getting all cleaned up like this,” Lara said, turning away.  JC grabbed her arm.


“Oh, NO,” Chris moaned.  “I was supposed to be watching him!”  He watched JC grab Lara’s arm.  He got up from the booth and walked over.  “Hi, Lara.”

“Hi, Chris.”  Lara pulled her arm from JC’s grasp. 

“JC…is this something I need to look into?” Chris said quietly.

“No. I have one question for you.” JC looked at Lara. “Did you give away your flowers?”

Lara raised her chin defiantly. “Yes, I did.”


“They were beautiful, but the apology was empty.  Kinda like someone else I know.”  Lara headed for the bathroom.

“God, I can’t WIN!” JC said.  He looked at Chris.  “What’s going on?”

Chris slowly smiled. “You’ve met someone who treats you like a normal human being instead of kissing your ass.”  He walked back to the table.

“Well…THAT sucks.”  JC returned to the bar.




“I’m coming over.”

“No, you’re not.” Chris rolled over and looked at his clock. “It’s ten-thirty in the morning, Chasez.  You are NOT coming over.”

“Too late. I’m in front of your house, driving my car around in circles on the street.”

“Dammit.”  Chris hung up the phone and dragged himself out of bed.  Sure enough, there was JC in his sleek little sports car, doing doughnuts on the wide street. “Dammit,” Chris repeated. He picked up the phone and called JC’s cell. “Get your scrawny, annoying ass in here.”

“Annoying? You’re one to talk,” JC said. Chris hung up on him.


“What do you want?” Chris finally asked after his third cup of coffee.  “You drank way too much last night. You should be hung over as hell.”

“I should be, especially since I didn’t get any sleep,” JC said, and Chris took a good look at him.  JC looked haggard and pale, and there were bags under his eyes.

“You’re right. You look like shit.”

“Fix me,” JC said, and Chris stared at him.

“Uh, well, JC, you usually go to some sort of surgeon to get that done and…”

“I need you to fix me.  Make me human again.”

“You ARE a clone!  I knew it!  There’s no way JC Chasez would come to me, asking for help, at ten-thirty in the morning!” Chris crowed.  JC winced at the loud noise.

“No, Chris.  Last night…okay, first of all, this morning I woke up with some girl in my bed. I wasn’t at home, thank God…somehow we made it to a hotel room.  This was about four in the morning, I’d say.  I got up, got dressed, and left without wakening her. How awful is that?”

“Uh, JC? You do that all the time. Especially when you’re drinking,” Chris said.

“I don’t remember her name. I don’t remember even MEETING her, for God’s sake.” JC ran a hand through his hair. “That’s so not me. I used to want moonlight and roses and walks on the beach. Now I’ve turned into some kind of whore…regular women want nothing to do with me.”

Chris finally smiled.  “So THAT’S what this is all about?”


“You wanna hook up with that secretary of Lance’s…what’s her name again?”

“Lara,” JC said immediately. “But she’s not the issue here.”

“Oh, yes, she is.  Was the sex good last night?”

JC blinked at the sudden change of subject. “Uh, I guess so.  I felt good when I woke up after my however many short hours of sleep.”

“But you don’t remember her name?”  JC shook his head.  “And you remembered Lara’s immediately, when all you’ve done with her is trade insults.  She IS the issue here.”

“I…” JC blushed.  “It’s not just her. She’s just brought it all to my attention. God, Chris, when did I start becoming such a dick?”

“It’s been a while now,” Chris said, and JC’s mouth fell open. “I thought you were just going through some sort of phase…that you’d grow out of it.  JC, you’ve become a bigger diva than Justin.”

“No,” JC whined, and Chris laughed.  “What can I do?  Fix me.”

“Why me?”

“Because you’re the most normal of all of us.  Joey’s all hyped about acting, Justin’s, well, Justin, and Lance is already in outer space mentally, if not physically. You’re the most down to earth.  Fix me,” JC pleaded.

Chris thought for a moment.  “You sent her flowers, and she gave them away, correct?”


“Do you know why she’s mad at you?”

JC paused. “Because I ran into her and then hit her in the head?”

“That’s a start.  You did all that, but you acted like she wasn’t worth an apology.  You’ve been condescending and rude every time you’ve talked to her.  If I were you, I’d find an excuse to talk to her.  Do something small.  Start simple and then see how it goes.”

“How can I find an excuse to go to Lance’s office?” JC asked. “HE’S not even there all the time.”

“He will be…he’s really into this one script for Joey. We’ll just rain on his parade by stopping by every day.”

“So you can see Tammi?” JC asked innocently.

“No…” Chris said, blushing. “So you can see Lara.  I’ll just come along for moral support.”

“I can’t wait to see the Kirkpatrick charm in action,” JC teased. “You DO have charm, right?”

“You ARE a dick,” Chris said, but he smiled when he said it.



“Hi, Cindy,” Chris said, leaning on her desk and smiling down at her. “How are you?”

“Good morning, Chris,” Cindy said, smiling back. “Good…what are you doing here?”

“Oh, I just wanted to say hi to Lance,” Chris said, playing with one of her pencils.  He glanced over at Lara’s empty desk. “Lara’s out today?”

“No…she’s just over at the copier,” Cindy told him. “Um, Lance won’t be in until eleven…but if you wanted to waste some time, I think Tammi’s not too busy this morning.  I’d love to talk to you, but I’m swamped here,” Cindy lied.

“Tammi?  Oh, yeah.  I could waste some time talking to her, I suppose,” Chris said. “Thanks, Cindy. I’ll see you later.”

“Right,” Cindy said, nodding and smiling as Chris headed for the accounting section of the office.


Chris went to where JC was pacing by the elevators.  “Lara’s at the copier.”

“Where’s that?”

“I don’t know, JC.  Why don’t you just walk around and LOOK for it?  Lance won’t be in for another hour. I’m gonna go talk to Tammi.”

“Good luck, Romeo,” JC teased, and Chris punched him in the arm.

JC wandered around the office, trying to look like he was walking with a purpose.  He finally found the copier room, tucked into a corner of the second floor.  Lara was pulling her foot back to kick the copying machine.  “Wait!” JC said, and Lara jumped.  “Don’t.”

“Why not?” She snapped. “I hate this damn thing.  Lance has a bazillion dollars, you’d think he could afford to buy a decent Xerox machine!”  She blushed, realizing she was talking to one of his bazillionaire friends.

“Don’t kick it. Not in those shoes,” JC said, motioning to her thin sandals.  He knelt down in front of the machine, rubbed his palm on the side, then gave it a sharp smack. To Lara’s shock, the machine rumbled to life and began making her copies.

“How did you do that?”

“Didn’t you know? I took a Xerox repair class through the mail while on tour,” JC teased.  She frowned at him. “Nah…I just saw Lance’s movie twice.  Mentally I was sweet-talking the thing, then I just gave it hell.”

Lara laughed out loud, and JC decided he liked the sound.  “Thank you. Very much.”  She began to stack her copies. “So…what are you doing down here?”

“We, uh, came to see Lance,” JC said. 

“I would think you’d have better things to do during your vacation,” Lara said.

“Yeah, I do, but, you know, Chris wanted to come down and talk to Tam…” JC stopped himself, but Lara smiled.

“If you were gonna say Tammi, I’m glad.  She really likes him, but she’d never say anything.  Like she isn’t shy enough already, we need to add the fact that he’s Chris Kirkpatrick, member of NSYNC.”

“And is being a member of NSYNC a bad thing?” JC asked.

“It is if you’re just an everyday girl, working hard to keep food on your table,” Lara said. She shrugged. “We’re all old enough to realize that the knight on the white horse isn’t going to magically appear.”

“Is that what you want?” JC asked.  “A knight on a white horse?”

“No,” Lara said. “I prefer my horses to be black,” she said, smiling.  “Well, I should get back to work.  Thanks again, JC.”

“Wait,” he said. “I, uh, are you doing anything tonight? Maybe me and you and Tammi and Chris could go hang out…we could give them moral support.”

Lara almost dropped her papers.  “I, well, thanks, but I, uh, I’m busy.”

“Oh, right. Okay.  See you later.”  JC watched her walk away, frowning.  He wasn’t used to being turned down.  It was not a nice feeling.


Lara pulled her hair up into a ponytail as she walked.  JC liked the way it sat on her head in a clumsy bun.  He had found her address in the phone book, and was waiting outside her apartment to see how busy she really was.  He felt kinda dirty, like he was some sort of peeping Tom, but he had every right to be on the street, every right to be walking in the same direction she was.  He was surprised when she walked past all the clubs and restaurants near her house.  He was even more surprised when she went up the steps into the public library.  He lurked outside for a few moments, then peeked his head into the lobby. He saw her in a corner, buried in a pile of children. Lara hugged each and every one of them, then sat down on a chair.  Books were thrust at her, and she picked one up and began to read it aloud.

“Can I help you?”  The librarian asked him.

“Uh, no, thank you. I was just watching,” JC said, feeling like an idiot.

“Ah, yes. I’ve known her since she was a little girl,” the librarian said fondly. “She loves books…she’s always here for one reason or another.  Should I tell her you stopped by?”

“Uh, no. Thank you.”  JC hurried out of the library, deep in thought.



“Something came for you,” Cindy told Lara when she came into the office a few days later.

“For me?”  Lara asked. She shoved her purse into her bottom drawer and looked at the small box on her chair.  “There’s no name on here but mine,” she said curiously.  She carefully cut the tape and opened the flaps of the box. “Wow,” she whispered.

“What is it?”

“Books,” Lara said softly.  She picked up a leather-bound edition of the works of Jane Austen, and a beautiful book of poetry by Lord Byron and Percy Bysshe Shelley.  A book of Greek and Roman mythology was on the bottom. “All my favorites,” Lara said in awe.  “Wow.” She sat down hard, staring at the books.

“Morning, Ladies,” Lance said, smiling as he walked over.

“I thought you weren’t due in until tomorrow!” Cindy said, checking her calendar.

“I wasn’t…but plans changed.  I’m planning on being out kinda late tonight, so coming in tomorrow is NOT on the agenda,” Lance said with another smile. “One of Justin’s friends is opening a club tomorrow.”  Lance looked at Cindy and actually fidgeted.  “Would you like to come along? Both of you,” Lance said quickly, though he only had eyes for Cindy.

“I can’t, but I’m sure Cindy’s free,” Lara said innocently. 

“Sure, I’d love to,” Cindy said weakly.

“Great. I’ll give you all the details later.”  Lance headed for his office.  Cindy sat dumbfounded while Lara laughed at her shocked face.


“Cindy’s coming along tonight,” Lance announced.  Chris whooped and clapped him on the shoulder.

“Finally.  Good job.  Tammi’s coming, too,” Chris said, turning slightly red.

A hoot came from the speakerphone.  “You’re such a kid, Kirkpatrick. I can practically see you blushing from here,” JC said.  He was determined to not haunt the office the way Chris was.  He didn’t have real feelings for that Lara girl, anyway.

“I asked Lara, too, but she’s busy,” Lance said, looking at the speakerphone apologetically.

“So?” JC said, but they could tell by his tone that he did actually care.

“Jayce, why don’t you quit being a jackass and admit that you like her?” Chris snapped.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” JC snapped back.  He sometimes wished he had never even talked to Chris about the whole situation.

“You want to change. You told me.” Chris leaned against the desk and glared at the phone. “I gave you some advice…did you even take it?”

“Look, I have better things to do than pine after secretaries, okay?”  JC said. “Just leave me alone.”

“She’s not a secretary, she’s an accountant,” Chris growled.

“I’ll talk to you later, Lance. Chris, fuck off.”  JC hung up, and Lance slapped the button on the phone.

“He likes her,” Lance said.

“Absolutely,” Chris said, nodding.


“Take these over to Lance, okay?” Cindy asked Lara, handing her a few folders.  “He needs them if he’s gonna say anything intelligent at the meeting this afternoon.”

“Okay,” Lara said, laughing.  Lance had a personal assistant, but Cindy did more work for him than three assistants.  She headed for Lance’s office, pausing as she heard a voice come through the speakerphone.

“Look, I have better things to do than pine after secretaries, okay?”  JC Chasez said.  Lara frowned and walked back down the hall. After their mature conversation the other day, she had seriously started to rethink her opinion of him. Obviously, he was just as much of a bastard as she had originally thought.  She waited until she heard only Chris and Lance speaking, then went back to Lance’s office.


“I don’t believe I’m doing this,” JC grumbled, standing a few buildings down from Lara’s apartment. “She’s probably just going to the library, except that it’s eight o’clock at night,” he continued to himself. “I COULD be at one of the hottest club openings in history, but no, I’m stalking someone.”  JC shook his head and sighed.  He knew that everything Chris and Lance told him was true. He had become a real jerk, someone that he would have hated if he would have met him five years earlier. But he was tired.  Tired of the fame and the crowds and the upheaval that happened every time he tried to go to a store or walk down a street.  JC had built a shell around himself…unfortunately that shell also seemed to keep him from being a normal person.

But this Lara seemed to only be able to treat him like a normal person.  She didn’t take any of his attitude, and she was quick to put him in his place. JC SHOULD have been offended. But he wasn’t.  He was almost glad she did it.

He jumped when he saw her walk out of her building.  He drew back, then watched her walk in the opposite direction of the library.  JC slowly followed her, making sure to keep a wide distance between them.  He was shocked when she walked up to a diner, but went around to the back door. He waited out front, peeking in the window.  Sure enough, Lara soon reappeared, tying a apron around her waist.  JC frowned, then began to slowly walk back to where he had parked his car.


“We missed you last night, dude!” Joey said as JC approached the table.

“No, we didn’t,” Chris said, not looking up from the menu. “I could SO eat crabcakes today.”

“That’s because you ARE a crab,” JC said. “Or because you have them.”

Lance put a hand on Chris’ leg to keep him in his chair. “We did miss you, JC. I thought you were gonna show.”

“I was busy,” JC said.  “I, uh, went out to eat…to that diner on Maple…that secretary of yours works there…Lara.”

“Will you QUIT acting like you could care less if she existed?” Chris asked, slapping the table. “God, JC, just admit you like her and be done with it.”

“Okay…I like her,” JC said, and Chris’ mouth fell open.  He hadn’t really expected that.  “I sent her a gift, but I didn’t put my name on it. I was afraid she’d give it away…like the flowers.”

“Good for you, Jayce,” Lance said approvingly.

“But she thinks I’m a dick,” JC continued.

Chris snorted.  “Of course she does.  Just try talking to her again. I’m sure it will all work out.”

“Maybe,” JC said, playing with his salad fork.


Lance made Chris promise to stay out of the office for at least a week, threatening to fire Tammi if he didn’t.  He would never do it, and Chris knew that, but he still did as Lance asked.  The idea of liking someone as much as he liked Tammi frightened him in a way, so he stayed away for a few days.

This left JC to come in on his own, without even Chris to use as an alibi.  He approached Lara’s desk.  Cindy looked up in surprise, then looked back down to her work, smiling to herself.  “Um, hi.”

“Hello,” Lara said coldly. “Lance is in Vegas for the rest of the week.”

“I know.  I came to see you.”

Lara’s fingers faltered only briefly on her computer keyboard.  “Really?  Why?”

“I, uh, saw you…working the other night. I didn’t know you worked two jobs.”

“Some of us aren’t made of money,” she told him. “I have bills.”

“I know.  I just…wow…it must suck.”

“Actually, I like it…except when I get customers who are arrogant and rude,” she said pointedly.

JC sighed in exasperation. “WHY can’t you even try to be civil to me?”

“Because I know this is all an act, Chasez.  You don’t really want to be nice to me.  Why you’re bothering I’ll never know, since you could find all kinds of hootchie girls to spread their skinny legs for you. I’m not one of those girls.  I’m just one of those secretaries that your friends pine away for.”

“What?” JC was confused.

“I heard you on the phone the other day,” she hissed, not wanting Cindy to hear her.  “I know what you think about Chris and Lance dating Tammi and Cindy.  And if you do ANYTHING to get in the way of whatever relationships may spring up, I will kick your little pansy ass.  I have to get to work.” Lara picked up some folders and stalked away from her desk.

“Pansy?  Pansy?”  JC muttered, walking to the elevator.  “What the hell is THAT supposed to mean?”



“Dude.”  Justin slid onto the barstool next to JC. “What the hell are you doing here?”

“I’m in a bar. A glass is in front of me. MOST people would have figured out that I’m drinking!”  JC snapped.  Justin held up his hands.

“Whoa, dude.  Back off.”

“You really need to stop with the whole dude thing. I hate to tell you, Justin, but you’re NOT black. You’re NOT ghetto.  You’re a sweet and pretty white boy who sings tenor in a boyband.”  JC downed his shot and ordered another.  “You and Nick Carter…jeez…” JC shook his head.

“You’re lucky I’ve loved you like a brother since I was a kid, Jayce, or I would SO be kicking your ass right now!”  Justin said angrily.  “What has gotten into you?”

“I don’t know, Justin,” JC said sadly. “It’s like I’ve become this twisted fuck of a person who just doesn’t care.”

“So do something you care about,” Justin said.  “Get over yourself, JC. You’re human, just like the rest of us.  Take away the money, the career, all the things…what would you be left with?  What in your life would make you happy?”

“That secretary of Lance’s…Lara…she works in the office, then works at night in a diner…yet she still finds time to go to the library and read to little kids.  I really admire that.  She works her ass off, and finds a way to give of herself.”

“You could do that, JC,” Justin said.

“Remember how we used to do the meet and greets…before the whole stupid soundcheck party thing?” JC asked wistfully. “I really liked those meet and greets.  Even though we only got like six seconds with each person, we got to connect with our fans.”

“I didn’t know you hated the soundcheck parties,” Justin said, surprised.

“Yeah, well, there’s a lot of things you don’t know I hate,” JC said, sighing. “Because I’ve closed myself off.”

“Tell me a few things,” Justin said.  JC thought for a minute, swirling his finger through the condensation on the bar.

“I hate gerbils.  They scare the hell outta me. They’re just like these…rat things…buried under all that fur. Or is it guinea pigs?  Anyway, I hate them.”  Justin laughed out loud at the way JC wrinkled his nose. “I hate butterscotch topping on ice cream. I hate days where the sun plays hide and seek with the clouds.  I hate…I hate when Chris tries to do celebrity impersonations, because he really sucks.”

Justin was almost falling off his chair with laughter.  “Oh, Jayce, stop!  I’m dying here!”

“And I hate this person I’ve become,” JC said softly.  Justin stopped laughing.

“JC, you’re realizing that you’re a dickhead.  So what? You’re realizing it, right? And now you can make a change.”  Justin clapped JC on the back. “C’mon. Let’s go get some dinner.  My treat.”

“How’d you even know where to find me?” JC asked, throwing some money on the bar. 

“Well, actually, Chris kinda gave me a few ideas…in his best Chris Rock voice, of course,” Justin said, smiling.

“Oh, MAN,” JC said, rolling his eyes.


“And over here are the Impressionists…can anyone tell me why they’re called that?”  A tour guide said, leading a group of people through the hallway.  Lara smiled from her seat on a bench.  She could practically GIVE the tour, she had been to the art museum so many times.

More than anything, she liked to walk around and watch the art students sketching the priceless works of art.  She couldn’t draw a straight line with a ruler, and any kind of artistic talent really impressed her.  She’d stand back, spying over the artist’s shoulder, wondering how someone so normal could so obviously be painting or drawing with the hand of God.

Lara walked into her favorite room, a room of Impressionist landscapes.  One lone artist was seated on the floor, large sketchpad in hand.  His long legs were folded underneath him, and his brown hair bobbed as he looked back and forth from a Monet to his notepad.  He heard her footsteps and looked up.  “Oh!”  She said in surprise. “What are YOU doing here?”

JC bit back a rude reply and simply smiled.  He held up his pad.  “Sketching.  I try to do this at least once a week while we’re off.”

“Oh,” she said, fidgeting. “I didn’t know you drew.”

“Wow…you’re really NOT a fan, are you?” JC teased. “Read Bop magazine sometime…you’ll find out that art is one of my greatest hobbies.”

“Can I see?” Lara asked.  JC paused, then nodded, holding up the pad. Her mouth fell open. “Wow…JC…that is truly incredible.  I…I had no idea you were so talented!”

“Yeah…it’s a shame that God wasted artistic talent on an asshole like me, huh?” JC said.  Before Lara could reply, he stood. “I’m about done here anyway.  I know I’m not exactly your favorite person right now, so I’ll see you later. Enjoy the museum.”  He walked out of the gallery before she could protest.


“I’m sorry I’m late!” Lara said a week later, hugging the librarian as she dumped her purse behind the counter. “I got held up at the office.”

“That’s okay, dear.  Someone’s been filling in for you, anyway.  Such a nice young man.  He stops by every day and helps out with anything I need, and today he offered to read.”  The librarian smiled as she motioned to the children’s area.  Lara almost fainted when she saw JC Chasez seated on the floor, reading a Dr. Seuss book to a group of enthralled children.



“We need to talk.”  Lance grabbed Chris by the ear and actually dragged him into his office.

“I figured so much…that’s why you called me at seven-thirty this morning and told me to meet you in here or else,” Chris said, rubbing his ear.  Lance slammed the door angrily, moving it so hard that it actually didn’t close. It swung open a few inches, but neither man noticed. “What’s up?”

“I’d like you to explain why the FUCK you felt you could get it on with one of my secretaries in the supply closet!”  Lance yelled.

“She’s not a secretary, she’s an accountant,” Chris corrected primly. “Lighten up, Lance.”

“Don’t tell me to lighten up,” Lance said, emphasizing the last two words with pokes to Chris’ chest.  Chris sat down and crossed his arms over his chest.  “I’m showing investors around, and what do we see?  My friend and my employee, making out in front of the printer ink!”

“Lance, you’ve been bugging me and bugging me to find a girl I like…and I found one.”

“But…Tammi WORKS here, Chris. I know you don’t QUITE understand being truly employed…because what we do isn’t really employment.  But I do have to run an office here.  She’s just lucky I didn’t fire her.”

“You wouldn’t dare,” Chris snapped, though he knew full well Lance didn’t have it in him to fire someone for something like this.  “She’s a smart woman and a good worker.”

“I know all that…you just need to learn to think a little bit, Chris.  To consider all the circumstances and what MIGHT happen.”

“Lance, YOU need to learn to take that stick out of your ass!”  Chris retorted.  “You and Cindy had a great time that night.  Have you called her? Have you even TRIED to hook up again?”

“I can’t. She’s my employee.  It would look bad…for both of us,” Lance said defensively.

“You need to just relax…if she’s worth it, then screw what everyone else thinks!”  Chris yelled, exasperated.


Lara paused outside Lance’s office door.  The employees who sat closest to him were dutifully pretending not to listen to the argument that was going on in the office.  She took a deep breath and knocked on the open door as soon as there was a break in the conversation.  The door swung open slightly and Lance and Chris gasped as one.

“Uh, was that open all the time?”  Lance asked quietly.  Lara nodded.

“But not very far,” she offered, then realized how dumb it sounded.

“Great.  So now the whole freaking office knows my business,” Lance moaned, sitting back down.

“Like they don’t know it all, anyway, because you didn’t HAVE any business worth knowing…until now,” Chris said, amused.  Lance shot him the finger and looked at Lara.

“Did you need something?”

“I, um, yes.”  Lara looked him in the eye.  “I need your friend JC Chasez’s phone number.”

Chris snorted.  “You really want to call him?  Or is this some sort of blackmail?”

“I really need to call him.  I need to ask him some things,” Lara said.  “I can understand you not wanting to give out your friend’s numbers…but I really need to get in touch with him, on my own.”

“I’ll give you his cell number,” Lance said, picking up a pen and one of his business cards.  He wrote the number on the back.  “Here you go.”

“That’s great. Thanks, Lance.”  Lara started out the door, then stopped. She stepped back into the office and closed the door. “Just so you know,” she said quietly.  “Cindy really likes you. She’s been afraid to admit it, even to herself, because of the whole boss and employee situation.  But she likes you…and I agree with Chris.  Who cares what everyone else thinks?  Just go for it.”  Lara gave Lance a small smile, then left the office.


“Hello?” JC said guardedly.  His caller ID wasn’t recognizing the phone number of the person calling, and one never knew who might have gotten his number.


“Yes?”  JC put the paintbrush down and waited.

“This is Lara.  Lara that works for Lance.”

The paintbrush hit the floor, spattering blue paint on JC’s white sneakers. He didn’t notice. “Of course I know who you are. Hello.”

“Lance gave me your number,” she said shyly. “I hope it’s okay.”

“Sure it is. It’s fine.  What’s up?”

“Um, I need to talk to you.”

“Okay…when and where? I’m at the art museum right now, painting in the sculpture garden,” JC told her. 

“I have to work tonight…so how about tomorrow morning?”  The next day was Saturday.  “Is ten too early?”

JC was about to reply that he didn’t show his face before noon normally, but that was not the way to go about this.  “Yes…ten is fine. Why don’t we meet here, at the museum?  I’ll take you to breakfast.”

“Um, okay,” Lara said. “See you then.”  She hung up, leaving JC to stare at his canvas for a long time.


JC was early, pacing in front of the steps of the museum.  “Hi,” Lara said, walking up behind him.

“Oh, hi,” JC said, looking her over. She wore a pair of comfy looking blue jeans and a Penn State sweatshirt. Her hair was pulled back under a bandana kerchief, and she looked adorable.  “I…” He stared at the bandana and looked her in the eye. “Does that thing say Backstreet Boys on it?”

“Yes, it does,” she said defiantly.  “And I paid fifteen bucks for it, thank you very much.  It’s the only one I could find this morning.”

“I, uh, okay.  It looks very…nice,” JC said politely, and Lara had to laugh. “So…off to breakfast?”

“I didn’t bring a lot of money with me,” Lara said, looking in the direction of the museum café.

“We’re not eating here.  There’s a bakery around the corner that is to DIE for,” JC informed her.  He grabbed her hand and started pulling her down the street before she could protest.

They sat down at a table in the bakery and ordered pastries and coffee.  “Okay,” Lara said, taking a deep breath. “I want to know what kind of game you’re playing.”

JC stared at her blankly. “Translation, please.”

“You treat me like shit, insult me, and all around act like a jerk. Then you send me flowers, send me books, and I find you at MY library. What is UP with all that?” Lara said.  She realized her voice was rising and controlled herself.  “Tell me.”

“Did you like the books?” JC asked in a small voice. She nodded. “Good. The librarian told me that you were into those, and I don’t blame you.”

“They’re beautiful. Thank you,” Lara said politely.

“I thought you might not ever figure out it was me…but I guess you saw me at the library?”  Lara nodded again. “I just saw you there one day…you looked like you were having such a good time with the kids. I got myself into the staff’s good graces, and then, by luck, you were late that day.  I haven’t done anything like that in a long time,” JC said wistfully.

“I’m so confused,” Lara said. “You’re a jerk.”

“Thank you.”

“You ARE!  You have to know it.”

“I do know it…and I want to change that. I need to find the person I was before…and I need to find some friends to help me.  Will you do that? Will you be my friend? I need someone like you…who’s not afraid to tell me how it is.”

“Yes, JC, I’ll be your friend,” Lara said, and JC smiled at her.



“I tried calling you for two hours last night, girl,” Tammi said as she approached Lara’s desk.  “You REALLY need to get DSL or something…because you being online ties your phone up to hell!”

“I wasn’t online,” Lara said, not looking up from her typing.  “I was on the phone with JC.”

Tammi slapped her palm down on Lara’s desk and Lara jumped. “JC Chasez?  But you don’t even LIKE him.”

“He’s okay,” Lara said, shrugging. “We’re friends.”

“You’re friends,” Tammi repeated. “I think hell has officially frozen over.”

“Yes, he’s a dickhead, but he’s also kinda sweet.  We talk for a little bit every night, about art and books and stuff.”

“You’re scaring me,” Tammi said.  She looked at Cindy. “You hearing this?”

“I’m trying not to,” Cindy said.  “JC Chasez is nothing but trouble.”

“Does your boyfriend know you feel this way about one of his best friends?” Lara teased.

“He’s not my boyfriend,” Cindy muttered.

“Oh, yes, he is,” Lara and Tammi chorused.

“Shut up.”

“You have seen him every night this week so far, and you can’t stop smiling. He’s your boyfriend,” Tammi sing-songed.

“Speak of the devil,” Lara mumbled and pretended to work.

“Hi, Tammi, Lara.  Hey, Cindy,” Lance said, smiling at her.

“Hi,” she said, also pretending to look busy.

Lance leaned down and spoke low.  “How about driving up the coast tomorrow?  Me and you, Tammi and Chris?”

“Sounds great,” Cindy said, unable to keep the smile from her place.  Lance looked at Tammi.  “How about you?”

“I’m free,” she said, smiling as well.  Lance looked at Lara and simply smiled.  “Hey…why don’t we invite JC, then Lara can come?”

Lance looked at Lara uneasily. “Well, I know that you and JC…”

“She and JC are buddies now,” Cindy told him. “It’d be fun…three couples.”

“We are NOT a couple,” Lara corrected.  “If JC wants to come, then yeah, I’ll come along to keep the number even.  I’m off this weekend at my other job.”

“Cool,” Lance said, giving her a sincere smile.  “I’d like us all to hang out.”

Lance went to his office and closed the door.  He pushed a speed-dial button on his phone and waited.  “I’m busy,” the voice barked.

“You’d think that the love of a good woman would have cleaned up your act,” Lance teased.

“Who told you what?” JC said tiredly.

“Nothing.  Cindy and Tammi just told me that you and Lara are now buddies, and she got all red and defensive.  ARE we buddies?”

“You and I? Doubtful, if you continue the twenty questions crap,” JC snapped.  “Lara and I? Yes.  She’s a nice, normal human being and I enjoy talking to her.”

“Well, you’re talking to her a lot tomorrow.  We’re all driving up the coast tomorrow.  Me, you, Chris, Cindy, Lara, Tammi.  It’s Saturday, so maybe we can even stay over at a B and B or something.”

“She’s okay with this?” JC said cautiously.

“She said she’d only come along if you came, since she doesn’t want to be odd person out.  And I don’t think she gets to do a lot of fun stuff…since she works so much.”

“Yeah, she DID say she’s off this weekend,” JC remembered.  “Okay, yeah.  I’ll go.”

“Sweet.  We’ll meet at Chris’ house around seven tomorrow morning.”

“Seven!”  JC whined.

“Bye, Jayce.”  Lance hung up, chuckling over JC’s protests.


JC was last to arrive at Chris’ house the next morning.  “I was about to call out a search party,” Lara teased gently.  “I brought a pillow for you and figured you could sleep against the window or something.”

“You’re too good to me,” JC said, yawning.

“Okay, kids, let’s rock and roll.”  Chris jumped behind the wheel, after opening the passenger door for Tammi.  JC climbed in the back seat, followed by Lara, Lance and Cindy.  It was a little bit of a tight squeeze in the backseat, so Lara ended up half on Lance’s lap and half on JC’s. 

“I’m sorry,” she apologized.  “Maybe we should take two cars.”

“This is fine,” JC said, adjusting his body.  “Just move…there.”  He slipped an arm out and put it around her waist. “Much better.”

JC did try to sleep against the car door, but everyone was in such a chatty, happy mood that he found sleep impossible.  He tossed the pillow onto the floor and sighed.  Lara turned to look at him and he smiled to show he was okay.

“Go back!”  Cindy yelled as Tammi played with the radio.

“Oh, yes!”  Tammi said, turning up the sound.  The three women began to sing together.

“I’m not the average girl from your video…and I ain’t built like a supermodel…but I learned to love myself unconditionally…because I am a queen…”

“Please,” Chris groaned, and they only sang louder.

“The anthem for less-than-perfect women everywhere,” Lara said, clapping in time with the music.

“What makes you think you’re less than perfect?” JC asked her, and she stopped clapping.

“Well, I know I am.  And you even said something similar to that once,” she reminded him softly.  He blushed a deep red.

“Please forget all the asinine things I ever did or said to you before, okay?” JC said sadly. “I’m really very sorry.”

“It’s okay, JC.”  Lara lightly tugged a lock of his hair. “Already forgotten. But that doesn’t change anything about me.”

“You’re definitely not less than perfect.  You’re amazing just the way you are,” JC told her. It was her turn to blush.

Lance caught Chris’ gaze in the rear-view mirror. They had both overheard the exchange, and shared a satisfied smile.



“If I had a million dollars, I’d totally have a house on the beach,” Lara said with a sigh, taking off her sandals and wiggling her toes in the sand.

“Lance, give the girl a million dollars,” Chris ordered.

“Why me?” Lance exclaimed.

“Because you’re her boss.”

“JC is the cheapest of us all…he has the most money,” Lance objected.

“Maybe if you weren’t running around throwing money at foreign space agencies, you’d HAVE more money,” Chris replied.

“Hey, I was the youngest man in space.  Can you say you were the youngest man to do anything?” Lance shot back.

“No, but I will be the most recent man to kick your ass!” Chris yelled, and started after Lance.  Lance ran down the beach, while Cindy and Tammi walked slowly after them, laughing.

Lara sat down and buried her feet in the sand. “I’m just gonna veg here, if you want to go with them,” she said to JC.

“No…I’ll stay with you.”  JC plopped down, leaning back on his elbows. “What a gorgeous day,” he said, looking up at the sky.

“It is,” she agreed. “This was such a nice idea.  I like hanging out with you guys.”

“I’m having a good time, too,” JC told her, then blushed.  “I can’t believe I was ever such a jerk to you. You’ve been really bringing out the best in me lately, and when I think of how I acted…”

Lara waved a hand in the air.  “It has nothing to do with me. You are genuinely a good person underneath all the…”

“Money?  Fame?  Gold records?” JC suggested.

“Crap,” Lara finished, and JC laughed out loud.

“Well, thank you…though I know I didn’t act like a very good person.”  He sat quietly for a moment. “You told me you came down here from Pennsylvania.  Why?”

“Because I wanted something different,” Lara replied. “I wanted to be totally on my own, doing something for me, creating a life for me.  I moved down here by myself, got jobs by myself, made a life for myself.”

“Right,” JC said, nodding.

“It’s not MUCH of a life, I mean, I work a lot, but I’m happy.”

“Good,” JC said.  “Everyone should be happy with what they’re doing.  Sometimes I don’t know if I’m really happy…I mean, I love writing and performing, but lately I almost prefer doing it all behind the scenes…for someone else.”

“Then do it,” Lara said.  “Make yourself happy.”

“I like being happy,” JC said, and Lara laughed. “No, I mean, did you ever stop to think that we’re not happy very often?  Right now, this very second, I’m happy. It’s a beautiful day, I’m with good friends, and nothing could go wrong. I’m happy. But that feeling doesn’t hit me very often.  I sometimes think it’s easier making OTHER people happy than making yourself happy.”

“Then work on making other people happy,” Lara suggested.  “I always feel good knowing I helped someone or made their day somehow.  Like at the library.”

“Yeah,” JC said, nodding slowly. “You’re right.”

“God, Lara, you’re letting him spout off at you and you’re not asleep yet?” Chris called up the beach.  “You must be Wonder Woman.”

“She was my FAVORITE SuperFriend,” Lara told him. “But I’m not her.”

“Sure you are.”  Chris bent down and grabbed her arm.  “You’re saving JC, aren’t you?”  Lara blushed and allowed Chris to drag her down the beach.


“Okay. What do you think?” Tammi asked Cindy and Lara as they stood by a store window, pretending to look at shoes.

“I think Chris is just trying to get you into bed,” Lara said with a straight face. Tammi blushed.

“It’s a little late for that,” she admitted.

“WHAT?” Cindy yelled.

“That’s not the point. Do we want to stay overnight or not?” Tammi asked.

“Yes,” Lara said.  “It would be great for you guys.  Stay over.”

“You’re staying over, too,” Tammi told her.

“In my OWN room. I am NOT with JC, no matter how much you guys think I am,” Lara told her.

“Whatever.  You will be,” Cindy said, then skipped over to Lance to tell him they wanted to stay.

Everyone had packed a small bag just in case, and they found a sweet little bed and breakfast not far from the small downtown area.  They booked four rooms, with JC and Lara each in their own room.  They changed for dinner, and were back in the car when JC’s cellphone rang.

“Hello?  Oh, Marc…hi,” JC said.

“I KNEW he was gay,” Chris hissed loud enough for JC to hear.  JC shot him the figure and settled Lara more solidly on his lap as he spoke.

“Yes…that’s right, I did.  Him, too.”

“See?” Chris yelled in a whisper, and JC glared.

“When?  Tuesday?”  JC looked at Lara. They had made plans to go to the movies that night.  “All day, huh?  Sure…I’ll be there. Thanks.”  He hung up and smiled.  “That was Marc Anthony.”

“Marc Anthony? As in “I Need to Know” Marc Anthony?”  Lara gasped.  “He just called you on your cell?”

“Yes.  He heard I was doing some production work, and he wanted me to listen in on Tuesday while he puts some tracks down,” JC said proudly. “Do you mind?  It could take all day.”

“That’s fine…Marc Anthony…he’s so talented…hot, too,” Lara observed.

“Would you like to come along?” JC asked.

“Come along? To be with Marc Anthony?”  Lara gasped in a shocked voice.  “Oh, but I can’t,” she said sadly.

“Why not?”

“I have to work,” Lara said.

“Take the day off,” Lance said. “Really.  This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for you, I know.”

“Thank you,” Lara said softly, but she didn’t look very happy about it.

JC held her back when the others went into the restaurant. “What’s wrong?”

“I can’t afford to not go to work on Tuesday, JC. I know Lance was being nice, but it’s a day off without pay.”

“How much do you make a day?” JC asked suddenly. Lara stared at him, then rattled off a figure.  “I’ll better that by fifty dollars,” JC said.

“You’re not paying me to hang out with you,” Lara said sternly.

“No, I’m paying you to be my right hand girl. You’ll take notes, organize things, and run for things if we need them.  You’re an employee, got it?”

“Okay,” Lara said, slowly smiling.

“Good.”  JC lightly swatted her backside, then led her into the restaurant.



“You coulda told me you were coming down here,” JC scolded, sitting down across from Lara.  She was seated at a table on the inn’s deck, reading a book in the dim light of a candle.

“Well, I know you like to sleep, and the others have paired off, so…”

“I don’t sleep this early,” JC told her, and she smiled.  She marked her place in her book and closed it.

“I love this,” she sighed, listening to the waves hit the beach.

“C’mon.  Let’s walk.”  JC stood and held out his hand. She took it and he led her down to the beach.

They walked in silence for a long time, until she finally asked, “Why don’t you have a girlfriend?”

“Well,” JC stammered, totally not ready for this question.  Relationships were not something they had talked about yet.

“Or are you gay, like Chris said? If you are, you know, I don’t mind. I have no problem with that.”

“I am NOT gay,” JC said quickly.  “Chris likes to say I am, because I like art and I wear flashy clothes.  I swear I’m not.”

“I believe you,” she said, holding up a hand and laughing. “I promise.”

“It’s just hard, you know? It’s hard to find someone that can deal with my life.  Tammi and Chris, Lance and Cindy, they’re all in for it when we have to go away again. This is down time, and we’re lucky to find someone to put up with us THEN.”

“And then there’s the face that you act like a dickhead a lot of the time,” Lara teased gently.

“And then there’s that,” JC said, nodding. “But you’d be surprised how many women let you treat them that way, just to get into bed with you.”

“I can’t even begin to imagine that,” Lara said. “I can’t imagine giving myself up so quickly for a few minutes of sex with a famous person.”

“It would be a lot longer than a few minutes, thank you very much,” JC said, offended. Lara laughed out loud.

“I made that mistake way too many times when I was younger…using sex to get temporary affection. Not anymore. If I’m sharing that part of me, it has to mean something,” she said, and he smiled at her.

“That’s the difference between you and them…you have respect for yourself.”

“I didn’t always,” Lara said. “Sometimes disrespecting yourself is a lot easier than being alone.”

“I’m sorry,” JC said, putting a hand on her arm. “You sound so sad sometimes.”

Lara shrugged. “Stupid mistakes.  I got over them, eventually.  Now I depend on me, and what I can do for myself.”

“Is that why you don’t have someone?” JC asked, glad the conversation had turned away from him.

Lara shrugged. “No one’s interested, I guess. Maybe someday.”

“Do you want to get married?”

Lara sighed and smiled. “Yeah. I do. I want someone to keep a house for. I want babies.”

“How many?”


“FIVE?” JC gasped, and she laughed.

“Yes, but since I’m pushing thirty, I may have to narrow that down to two or three.  I want a family.”

“Me, too,” JC said, and suddenly realized that it was true.  “Maybe we can make a pact.  I’ll be thirty in four years. If neither of us is married by then, we’ll get married and have babies. How’s that?”

“I’ll be thirty-four almost by then…I guess that’s okay.” Lara shook JC’s hand.  “Deal.”


JC picked Lara up early on the following Tuesday, and they headed to the studio.  “Just relax,” JC said, laughing at the way she was fidgeting.

“I’ll be okay soon, I swear, but Marc Anthony!”

“You don’t act this way about me, and I’m MORE famous than he is,” JC said.  Lara looked at him to see if he was being cocky, but the look in his eyes showed her that he was teasing.

“I think maybe that’s because I’m pretty sure Marc Anthony isn’t a conceited asshole,” she said sweetly, and he howled with laughter.

Marc was in the recording area when they came in, and JC introduced Lara as his assistant.  “Very nice to meet you,” Marc said, and Lara almost fainted.

“Um, yeah. I mean, nice to meet you, too.”

“Usually she sounds like an intelligent person, I swear,” JC said, and Marc chuckled.

“Well, let me get warmed up a bit, and then I’ll put a few things down with you.  I already have them down with the other guys, and I want to see which I like better,” Marc said.  He looked at Lara.  “Anything special you’d like to hear as a warm up?”

“My Baby You,” she said breathlessly.  “It’s one of my favorite songs in the world.”

“Ah, a romantic.”  Marc smiled at her and went in behind the microphone.

Lara leaned her chin on one hand and watched Marc as he sang the beautiful love song.  JC watched Lara.  She mouthed the words along with Marc, sighing a few times.  Her dark hair was up in a neat bun, and she wore jeans and a plain blue tshirt.  The shirt brought out her eyes, and JC found his eyes wandering down her long legs. He shook his head and focused on work.



“JC!”  Lara exclaimed, hugging him and kissing his cheek.  She laughed as she stood on tiptoe to reach his face.  “You’re back!”

“I told you I’d be back this week.” JC followed her into her apartment, closing the door behind him. 

“I know…time just went so fast!”  Lara said.  JC and the rest of NSYNC had been out of town for almost three weeks.  “How was New York?”

“Fine,” JC said, shrugging.  “I brought you this.” He handed her a box.  She opened it and squealed.

“Salt water taffy? They don’t sell THIS in New York!”  She opened the box and sighed.

“I made sure to stop down in Atlantic City.  I know you like it, so…”

“Thanks.”  Lara hugged him again.

“You look…wow,” he said, noticing her outfit for the first time.  Lara blushed and looked down at her maroon short sundress.

“I, uh, well…I have a date tonight,” she said softly.  “I kinda need to keep getting ready. Come into the bedroom with me.”

JC followed Lara into her bedroom and sat on her bed.  He played with one of her stuffed bunnies as she attempted to put makeup on.  “A date?”  JC said, trying to sound normal.  He didn’t FEEL normal. He was swelling with anger.  He didn’t know WHY he was angry, but he was.

“Yeah. I’m as shocked as you are,” she said, looking at him in the mirror.  “He’s a cook at the restaurant. His name is Steve.”

“A cook?” JC said, trying not to wrinkle his nose.  Lara put down the mascara and turned around to look at him.

“Yes, Mr. Chasez, a cook. And if people didn’t cook, YOU would have nothing to eat when you went out!”  She reminded him.

“I didn’t mean to sound like that. It’s just…you’re so smart. You deserve better than a cook.”

“For your information, Sir Snob, he’s working there at night while he goes to school during the day. He’s getting his MBA.”  Lara threw down the mascara.  “Is that okay with you?”

“I just…I want you to be happy,” JC said in his defense.  She smiled.

“I AM happy, JC.  He’s a great guy.  Handsome and funny…I can’t believe he asked ME out!”  Lara said. “You’ll like him. I can’t wait for you to meet him. Maybe this weekend?”

“That’s one of the reasons I stopped by,” JC said quickly. “I wanted to tell you that I was going out of town.  I, well, I met someone, too, and I’m going up to Atlanta to hang with her.”

“Atlanta,” she said, raising an eyebrow.  “Must be someone special if you’re jetting all the way up there.”

“Yeah, well,” JC said, shrugging.  “I’ll be gone all weekend.”

“Okay.  Look…Steve will be here soon, and it won’t look really good to have you here on our first date,” Lara said apologetically.  “I’m sorry.”

“No problem.  Have…have a good time,” JC said politely.  He kissed her cheek.

“Call me Monday, okay?” Lara asked, and JC nodded. He left her apartment and headed straight for Chris’ house.


“Let’s go out and get drunk,” JC said as soon as Chris opened the door.

“We just got home!” Chris whined.

“Dammit, Chris, just throw on jeans and a shirt and let’s GO,” JC snapped.  “I wanna hit that new club on Donovan Street.”

“The strip club?” Chris gasped.  JC had turned down every invitation to go there.  “Lemme get dressed!”


Chris watched JC get drunker and drunker, noticing that JC didn’t even look at the dancers on the stage.  “What’s going on?” Chris asked.

“Nothing.  I need another drink here!”  JC yelled, pounding his glass on the bar.  The bartender gave him a rude look, then slid another glass in front of him.  “About damn time,” JC muttered.

“What the hell happened to you?  Where’s Lara?  She fixed you before, she’ll do it again,” Chris said.

“She’s out…with STEVE,” JC said, making Steve sound like chopped liver.

“A-ha,” Chris said, smiling.

“A-ha what?”

“You’re jealous.”

“I am not!”  JC protested.

“You’re jealous because you really REALLY like her, and she doesn’t know it.  You called her like ten times when we were in New York, and you’re jealous that she’s going out.”

“I’m…” JC began, then sighed. “Yeah, I am.  I really like her, Chris. She’s amazing.”

“Tell her.”

“I can’t.  She doesn’t want me.  She thinks I’m a flake.”

“She HARDLY thinks you’re a flake.  Call her…take her out this weekend.”

“I can’t. I told her I had a date in Atlanta all weekend.”


“It was the best I could come up with!”  JC yelled.  “Fuck,” he muttered, and buried his head in his hands.


A week later, Lara introduced Steve to JC.  JC hated him on sight.  Lance was having a cookout, and Cindy, Tammi and Lara had been invited.  Lara had asked to bring Steve, and Lance had agreed, knowing that everyone was curious about him.

“You know, I think his arms are wider than your whole body,” Joey observed, standing next to JC.  “He’s huge.”

“Yeah,” JC said, watching Lara hang on Steve’s arm.

“Is it me, or is he sending off MAJOR asshole vibes?” Justin asked, walking over.

“Thank God, I thought it was just ME,” Joey said. “He’s so…”

“Smug.  Annoying.  Smartass.  Stupid.”  JC studied his beer.  “And she’s hanging all over him.”

“She’ll learn. Lara’s not stupid,” Joey said.

“We’ll credit it to temporary insanity, then,” JC said.  “I need another beer.”


“What?  What what what?”  JC yelled, practically falling down his steps as he headed for the annoying ring of the doorbell.  “Hey!” He gasped.  Lara stood on his front step, tears streaming down her cheeks.  They hadn’t seen each other since Lance’s picnic two weeks before.  She had been spending all her free time with Steve, and she knew JC didn’t really like him.

“I’m sorry it’s so late…I…” Lara babbled. It was close to midnight and JC had been sleeping.

“No, it’s okay.”  JC took her hand and led her into the house. “What happened?”

They sat on his living room sofa.  “We went out, then went back to Steve’s place.  He…he started making moves and I said no.”  Lara sniffled and choked back sobs.

“Did he hurt you?” JC growled. “I will kick his stupid ass if…”

“No. He didn’t. I’m fine,” Lara promised. “But he wouldn’t take no for an answer until I slapped his face.  He then told me that if I wasn’t gonna put out, I could get out…so I got out.”

“Oh, honey,” JC said, holding her as she cried.  Relief washed over him, but he pushed it aside to comfort her.  “I’m sorry. I know you liked him.”

“Why are all men jerks, JC?  Why?  Why do they always have to throw sex in there?”

“I don’t know, baby.  I’m sorry.  But I’m proud of you. From what you’ve said, the old you would have given in.”

“I knew it wasn’t right. He’s not for me…I just don’t know who is,” she sighed.

“There’s someone out there that loves you for you, Lara. I promise,” JC said, stroking her hair and closing his eyes.



“Hey.”  Tammi plopped down on the bench next to Lara.  Tammi, Lara, Chris, Joey and JC were shopping downtown, and they had stopped to take a break while Chris went into a comic book store.  Chris had wanted to look at comic books, and Tammi wanted to spend time with him.  She knew Lara was still depressed over Steve, so she had invited her to come along.  Chris had called Joey, and since he had been hanging with JC, they both came along. It had turned into an excursion. “Is it me, or is Chris a shopaholic?”

“You could say that,” Lara said with a tiny smile. 

“You okay?” Tammi asked sympathetically.

“Yeah, I guess so,” Lara sighed. “I just…I still feel stupid.  I should have known.”

“You can’t always know, girl. I mean, look at me and Chris. Who would have thought we’d still be together three months after that first date?”

“I know,” Lara said. “I’m happy for you, really. I just…sometimes I think it’s not worth it.  Look at Lance and Cindy.”

“I know, but you take that chance,” Tammi reminded her.  Lance and Cindy had finally realized that it wasn’t working out between them, and had parted as friends. Working together was awkward, but they were both adult enough to deal with it.  “You could be happy. You just need to find the person to make you happy.”  Tammi looked up at where Joey and JC were studying sneakers in a store window. “JC would make you happy.”

“JC? No.  He’s just a friend. Besides, he’s not interested in me that way.”  Lara looked at JC and smiled.  “He’s not attracted to me, he just likes me as a person.”

“You think you can’t have both?” Tammi asked. “Not all men have a one-track mind like that, Lara. He could like you for both your physical qualities as well as your inner qualities.”

“Have you seen pictures of his ex-girlfriends?  All blond, thin, stacked and beautiful,” Lara said. “Besides, he’s not interested,” she repeated.

“Are you interested?” Tammi watched her carefully.

“I can’t let myself even try that. I can’t be hurt again.”


“So, have you told her?” Joey persisted.

“Do you think I’d be standing here if I was?” JC snapped. “If I told her and she freaked, I’d hide at home and never come out. If I told her and she was happy, I’d be over there on that bench with her.”

“She’s miserable,” Joey said. “You need to tell her.  Take that chance.”

“Nah…I don’t think I can,” JC sighed. 

“The great and asinine JC Chasez is paranoid about rejection?” Joey teased. “Jayce, tell the girl. She’s awesome, and she’s done you piles of good already. What’s to say it can’t get better?”

“What’s to say it can’t all fall apart?” JC retorted. Chris appeared from the store, a bag full of books in his hands.

“Okay, let’s roll. I’m STARVING,” he said. He held out a hand to Tammi and she took it.


“Holy shit,” Lara whispered, looking from the directions in her hand to the huge beach house in front of her.  She parked her car and got out.  JC appeared on the front stoop.

“Hey there, glad you could make it,” he said, coming over to give her a hug.

“I didn’t expect THIS,” she said, laughing as she looked up at the huge white house.  A porch ran along the front and one side, and the yard was well taken care of.

“Wait until you see inside,” JC said, taking her hand. He led her through the rooms.  Every room seemed to get bigger, and the master bathroom had a Jacuzzi tub in it.

Lara sighed as they walked out onto the giant back deck. It overlooked the ocean, and the waves pounding against the shore were like music to her.  “This is gorgeous. I can’t believe you bought it!  When you said you were looking, I thought you wanted my opinion.”

“Well, I didn’t want it to pass me by,” JC said. “You really like it?”

“Like it? Oh my God, JC. I could DIE happily in this house,” she told him. “But I don’t see why you need it. Your house is perfectly fine and you’re never there anyway.”

“I, uh, didn’t buy this for me,” JC said finally, and she looked at him strangely. “I bought it for you.”

Lara sat down hard on the wood of the deck. “Excuse me?”

“I bought it.  For you. I know you always wanted to live at the beach…so…” JC dangled a key from his finger, letting it drop into her lap. She ignored it. “Happy Birthday.”

“My birthday isn’t for four months,” she whispered.

“Okay…Happy Flag Day, then.”  JC frowned. “Don’t you like it?”

“Like it?  I can’t let myself like it, JC. I can’t accept it.”

“Yes, you can. I can afford it, and you need a decent place. And now you can save your money instead of paying rent,” JC said, smiling. She didn’t smile back.

“JC, I can’t just take a house from you.  What in the world made you decide to do this?” Lara asked, standing up. 

“Because I love you, and I wanted you to be happy. Remember what you said about making yourself happy by helping others?”

“So now I’m a charity case?” Lara asked, not meaning to sound rude. She was in total shock.

“No, you dumb bimbo,” JC snapped, exasperated. “I told you. I did it because I’m in love with you.”

Lara opened her mouth and shut it. “Huh?”

“I’m in love with you. I have been for months now. Since before Steve. And I wasn’t gonna say anything but then I was like, well, I have to start writing soon for the next album, so, there you go.”


“That’s all you have to say?” JC asked, his heart sinking.

“I just…I need to go,” she whispered.  “I’ll…I’ll call you later.”  Lara ran back through the house, leaving JC to stand alone on the deck.



“I’m COMING! Jeez, just knock my damn door down, why don’t you?”  Chris exclaimed, throwing the door open.  “Lara?”

“Where’s Tammi?” She demanded, ignoring Chris.

“Out back. What’s going on?”  Chris followed her through the hall as she angrily wiped tears from her face.

“Hey,” Tammi said, surprised. She got up from her seat on the deck chair.  “Come here.” She hugged Lara, who continued to cry.  “What’s going on, honey?”


“What did that little prick do now?” Chris asked, sighing.

“He bought me a house!”  Lara wailed.  Tammi and Chris looked at each other.

“What?” Chris asked.

“He bought me a house…because…because he says he’s in LOVE with me!”

“It’s about damn time,” Chris muttered.

“And what did you do?” Tammi led Lara to a bench and they sat down.

“I…I ran off,” Lara said, wiping at her face.  “I couldn’t help it. It freaked me out.  JC Chasez can NOT be in love with me.  It’s just weird.”

“Why?” Tammi asked.

“Because he’s so sexy and beautiful.  And he’s talented and smart.  And he’s rich and famous and…and…because…no.”  Lara sniffled.

“Why shouldn’t he want you? You’re a great person.  And you’ve become such good friends,” Tammi pointed out. “How do you feel about him?”

“I like him a lot,” Lara admitted.  “But I never thought he’d like ME.”

Chris’ phone rang and he went in to answer it. “I hope you’re HAPPY!” JC screamed in his ear. “I told her and she ran off. Happy? You tell me to let people in, to become a normal person. I do that, and everything gets shot all to hell.  Some friend YOU are.”

“JC, shut up,” Chris said.  “She’s here right now, and I just heard her admit to Tammi that she likes you.  THAT way.”

“Really?” JC asked.

“Get your scrawny ass over here.”  Chris hung up and went back to the deck. Lara had stopped crying, but Tammi still had an arm around her.

“I mean, he has enough money to just BUY me a house. I can’t compete with that,” Lara said. “What am I supposed to give him?  My car?”

“Just love him,” Chris said, and both women looked up.  “Everything JC needs is exactly what you’ve been doing for him. Just treat him like a regular guy, and give him everything that Hollywood and the music business can’t. Sincerity, honesty, love, trust.”

“That was very mature,” Tammi observed.

“I have my moments,” Chris said, bending down to kiss Lara’s cheek.  “Why don’t you go in and clean up?  We were just ready to have some lunch.  You can join us.”

“Okay. Thanks, Chris.”  Lara hugged Tammi, then Chris, and went in to wash her face and try to calm down.


“Do you guys need help with anything?” Lara called as she came out of the bathroom ten minutes later. 

“I sure do,” a voice said, and she jumped.  JC was leaning in the hallway, nervously biting at his fingernail.

“Hi,” she said softly.

“I didn’t mean to scare you. I guess I should have started small, but I just wanted to do this for you. More than anything in the world,” JC said earnestly.

“I’m sorry I ran,” Lara whispered. “I just…you’re from a totally different world.  The way you were at the beginning…that’s what you’re used to dealing with. I don’t know anything about that.”

“I’ll protect you from all that,” JC said softly, reaching up to touch her face.  “And I’m not like that. Not anymore. Not when I’m with you.”

“I love the house,” Lara said, and he smiled slightly.  “And…I love you.” JC’s smile broadened and he bent his head down to kiss her.

“Finally,” Chris muttered, darting back around the corner to the kitchen. He began to whistle as he threw some sandwiches together.

The End

Please tell Lara what you thought of this story!