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State Of Shock

By:  Lara



“Lara.  Baby.”  Nudge.  “Baby.”  Nudge nudge.  “Sweetie.”  Nudge.

“Don’t make me kill you.”

“Sweetie, it’s seven-fifteen. That’s your alarm.”

“I’d hate for NSYNC to be minus one bass.”

“We only have one bass.”

“That’s why it would be such a shame.”  Lara reached out and slapped her alarm off. “Happy?”

“Why are you even going in today?”

Lara looked out from under her pillow.  Lance was stretching…a beautiful sight.  “We’re choosing the photo for the cover of the book.”

“I thought Tina was doing it.”

“Yeah, well, dealing with the art department is pure hell. I like her too much to put her through it alone...and if she gets all stressed and goes home all bitchy, Chris will have my ass.”

“You’re so thoughtful,” Lance said, smiling at her.  “Except that you haven’t kissed me yet.”

“Oh, pardon me.”  Lara sat up and gave Lance a slow passionate kiss. “Better?”


“Shit…I gotta get moving.”  Lara stretched, groaned, and got out of bed.


Lance was down in the kitchen when she came downstairs after her shower.  He smiled when he saw her.  “That’s the look of a professional novelist?”

“It’s the look of this novelist,” she told him, gratefully accepting the mug of coffee he handed her.  She wore a cream colored short-sleeved blouse and a long midnight blue skirt.  Lance smiled again as he looked at the pigtails on top of her head, carefully twisted into two identical buns.  “What’s up for you?”

“I gotta meet with some of the FreeLance people, then Justin and I are gonna shoot some hoops.”

Lara raised an eyebrow.  “Hoops?  Like basketball?”

“I wasn’t talking earrings, sunshine.”  Lance tossed her an apple. “Breakfast. Eat in the car.”

“Lance, you can’t play basketball.”

“I can, too!  Just…badly.”  He laughed and Lara shivered at the sound.  “Don’t say it.” He held up a hand.  “Voice made for porn…I know. You say that whenever I laugh.”

“I do not. I just think it.”  Lara gave him a big hug.  “I’m late. I have to go.  I love you, Lance.”

Lance held her tight and kissed her sweetly. “I love you too.  And hurry home…I think I need to find out what novelists wear under their skirts and blouses.”

“Oh really?” It was Lara’s turn to raise an eyebrow.

“Yep. And get ready for something different…I have a few ideas.”

Lara giggled. “Have you been reading Cosmo again?”

“Something like that.  Get out of here!” Lance swatted at her backside and she danced out the door.


“You’re here. I love you. You’re here.” Tina LeBlanc gave Lara a big hug when she entered the meeting room. “You didn’t have to, but you’re here.”

“Tina, I wouldn’t do that to you!”  Lara smiled as Tina ran a hand through her short red hair.  “Chris would kill me.”

“And here I thought it was because you liked me too much to put me through hell.”  Tina poured herself a cup of coffee while Lara prepared a cup of tea for herself. 

“We have to make it quick though…Lance has plans for us this afternoon,” Lara told her with a grin.  “Something different.”

“Something…different?”  Tina smirked.

“Yeah…I know.  Probably doing it in front of the mirror or something boring like that.” Lara rolled her eyes. Lance wasn’t known for his sexual deviancy, but she loved him anyway.  “But I can daydream about it all through the meeting.”

“Don’t you dare!”  Tina threatened.

“Hey…how do you think I get ideas for my books?” Lara said, hiding a laugh as the reps from the art department began to file into the conference room.


The morning meeting turned into a luncheon meeting, and it was almost two o’clock before Lara was back in her car. She immediately called Lance on her cellphone. “Lancey?  It’s me.  I just got out. I’m so sorry.”

“It’s okay…I just got out of the shower anyway.”

“Did Justin kick your butt?”

“No.”  Lara smiled at the offense in his tone.  “Not TOO bad.  You’ll be home soon?”


“Good. I’ll be waiting for you.” Lance made his voice exceptionally low and she almost swerved off the road.

“Evil evil man. I’ll be there soon. Love you.”

“Love you too.”


Lara practically jumped out of her car, desire surging through her body as she thought of Lance.  He was so hot…so sexy…and it was so understated.  She took a deep breath and calmly opened the front door.  “Lance? I’m home,” she called. No answer.  “Lancey?”  Lara gasped as some grabbed her from behind, pinning her arms behind her back.  “LANCE!”  She screamed, terrified.  A hand clapped over her mouth.

“Quiet, please,” an unfamiliar voice whispered.  She whimpered and was silent.  She heard footsteps and gasped as Lance slowly made his way down the hall.  He wore only a pair of blue jeans.

“Hi there,” he said, and she whimpered again, eyes huge.  “I hope you don’t mind that I asked someone for a little help.”  She attempted to shake her head, but the person’s hold was too tight.  Lance smiled.  “If he moves his hand, can I kiss you?”  Lara nodded.  The hand slowly moved and Lance placed his hands on the sides of her face. His lips met hers, his tongue insistently gaining entrance to her mouth.  In spite of her fear and anxiety, Lara felt herself melting. She leaned back against her captor.  “I’ve been thinking of you all morning,” Lance said when he broke the kiss.  He fell to his knees, his hands sliding up under her skirt.  Lara felt him pull down her underwear and she stepped out of it.  Lance also unbuckled and removed her sandals.  She gasped as he stuck his head under her long skirt, his lips blazing a soft trail up her thighs.  She almost fell as he began to lick her.  She couldn’t see him, but it only made it more erotic.

“He’s good, isn’t he?” The voice behind her whispered.  “He knows just what to do with those lips…that tongue…and the sight of that head between your legs…heaven.”  Lara moaned, the voice in her ear only adding to the ecstasy that Lance was creating with his mouth and now fingers.  “He knows just how to work you to a fever pitch…his hands wander as his tongue learns every inch of you…and then you look down…and you grab that blond head and push it closer…”

“Yes…oh GOD…yes…” Lara panted, feeling her orgasm approach so fast…too fast.

“And when you cum, you just want to scream his name, and sometimes you do…don’t you…I know I did…” the voice rasped.  Lara was shocked, but the shocked was overrided by the waves of pleasure that flowed through her body.  Lance immediately stood, capturing her mouth for a kiss. She could taste herself on him, and she moaned.  When she finally regained her senses, she stared at Lance.

“I guess there are some things I should tell you…but can we talk about it later?”  Lance whispered, caressing her cheek. “There are so many plans I have for tonight…and we don’t want to wait.”

“We,” Lara repeated.

“If that’s okay with you,” the voice said behind her.  He finally released her, and she turned around to look in the dark eyes of Joey Fatone.



Lara’s mouth opened and closed as she looked at Joey. He smiled his beautiful smile, but his eyes were sparkling with desire.  He reached up a hand and touched her cheek.  “I can leave, if you want…but I’d rather not.”  He leaned forward to kiss her and she let him, still shocked.  His lips were soft and warm, and when his tongue invaded her mouth, Lara didn’t protest.  She heard Lance moan behind her.

“Let’s go upstairs,” Joey whispered when they broke the kiss, and she could only nod. 

Lara’s mind was racing as she followed Joey up the steps to the bedroom. She could hear Lance on the steps behind her.  Lance…and Joey?  Lance with a man?  Not that the idea wasn’t deviantly appealing…but she was still surprised.  Lance was so…normal. 

They entered the bedroom and Lance shut the door behind them.  Candles illuminated the room. They had been busy setting everything up, Lara realized.  “I’m not gay,” Lance promised her, taking her hand.  He could sense her nervousness.  “I’m not even bi…really. I love you and I’m not leaving you. Not for Joey, not for anyone. Understand?”  Lance’s green eyes studied his girlfriend’s face.  She nodded.  “I want a relationship with a woman…with you.  You’re my future.  Joey is a part of my past.”  She shivered as she felt Joey walk up behind her, his lips on her neck.  Lance dropped her hand and watched them.  “I love Joey like a brother…but it’s nothing more than sex between us.  We found out one night after a lot of beer that we wanted to experiment…and we’ve only ever experimented with each other.”

“And now we want to experiment with you,” Joey murmured in her ear, capturing her earlobe between his lips. Lara moaned and leaned back against him.  His fingers began to deftly unbutton her blouse.

“It hasn’t happened for a long time,” Lance promised her.  “Not since way before you and I got together.”  Suddenly Lance was fiercely kissing her.  “I want to be with you and Joey, Lara…so bad…God…I want you together…I want to be with you together…please say yes.”

“Oh…GOD…yes…” Lara gasped as Joey’s large hands reached up to caress her breasts.



Lance stepped back so Joey could remove Lara’s blouse and bra.  His soft hands slid her skirt down, and she was soon naked between them.   “Somehow this doesn’t seem quite fair,” she murmured as Lance and Joey kissed opposite sides of her neck.  “You two are quite overdressed.”

“You’re right,” Joey said, stepping back to look at Lance.  “You want the top or the bottom?”

“Top,” Lara decided, kissing Lance as she tugged at his hair.  Lance moaned as Joey fell to his knees before him.  Lara began sucking on his earlobes. She moved behind him, nipping at his neck.  She peeked around his shoulder just in time to see Joey sliding the jeans down Lance’s slender hips, and she saw Joey’s eyes widen at the sight of Lance naked underneath the jeans.  He looked up to Lara, his brown eyes requesting permission. It pleased her that he asked, and she quickly nodded.

“It’s been so long…God…Lance…” Joey whispered before licking a line up Lance’s hard cock.  Lance let out a hiss, his head falling back onto Lara’s shoulder.  Her hands slid around to caress his chest, her fingers pulling at his nipples.  Lance’s hands dug into Joey’s dark hair, pulling even as he pushed Joey’s head closer.

“Joe…damn…so good…” Lance panted.  He allowed Joey to continue, then Lara finally pulled them apart.

“Joey’s turn,” she said, smiling devilishly. This time it was Lance who took the top, kissing Joey and sucking on his full lips as he unbuttoned Joey’s shirt.  Lara unbuckled Joey’s belt and slowly slid his pants down. She kissed the bulge beneath his boxer briefs, allowing her tongue to trace the shape of him.  She slowly slid the briefs down and gasped.  He was huge.  She swallowed deeply, then began to tease him with her tongue, caressing his balls with her hands as she learned every inch of his hardness.  Joey moaned against Lance’s mouth, but Lance refused to stop kissing him.  Joey was soon thrusting against Lara, pushing himself into her mouth.  She almost gagged, but did her best to take him in.  Lance was the one to stop things this time.

“The bed…” he whispered, helping Lara to her feet.  Joey took control, giving Lance a gentle shove until he was flat on his back.

“I want to share him with you…can I?” Joey whispered to Lara as he pulled the pins from her hair and let the small buns down.  “I want to taste him…feel him…”

“You want to fuck him, don’t you?” She whispered back, and Joey froze for a moment. He slowly nodded.

“God…yes…but only if you agree.”

“I want to see that…but I get you first,” she said, shocking the hell out of both Lance and Joey.

“Come here,” Lance said with a growl, pulling Lara up beside him.  His hands were on her instantly, feeling her wetness.  And she was wet.  The whole situation was driving her crazy…almost enough to make her cum just by thinking about it.  Joey lay on her other side, and they took turns kissing her as Lance guided Joey’s fingers down to her. Lara was soon arching off the bed, begging and pleading.  “I want you first,” Lance hissed, standing up.  Joey pulled Lara to lay against him, her back against his chest.  He hooked his ankles over hers, pulling her legs apart.  Lance leaned over them, kissing first Joey, then Lara, then Joey again. His tongue was dueling with Joey’s when he made his first thrust inside of her.  The three groaned as one.  As Lance pushed inside of her, Lara rubbed up against Joey’s cock, and he could hardly stand the pressure.  Lara moaned and closed her eyes. Joey’s hands trailed across her breasts, caressing and fondling. His eyes never left Lance’s as Lance moved inside of her again and again.

Lara reached up to caress Lance’s soft cheek.  He turned his head to suck on her fingers as he began to thrust harder.  “Oh…God…Lance…Joey…” Lara moaned as Joey slid a hand down to touch her.  Lance looked down at Joey’s hand on Lara and bit his bottom lip.  “Joey…don’t…stop…Lance…oh…” Lara threw back her head as she came.  Lance finally let himself go, and he cursed as he pushed inside of her one last time.  He rolled to the side, panting as he lay on his back.

Lara turned around and knelt over Joey. She smiled as she looked down at his hardness.  She took him in her hand and guided him inside.  “Holy shit…so tight…” he gasped, thrusting his hips up.  She started to say something, then froze as Lance leaned over and started to kiss Joey.  The sight was incredibly erotic.  She rode Joey so slow it was painful for him.  Soon the pleasure began to build again, and Lance knelt beside her to kiss her. 

“You know you want to cum again,” Lance whispered in her ear.  Lara swallowed deeply.  “You want to cum again so Joey can fuck me. You wanna watch that, don’t you, naughty girl?”  Lara moaned and began to shiver.  “You wanna watch…wanna help him, don’t you?”

“Oh…shit…” Lara gasped, almost shocked as she came again.  Lance took her in his arms as she almost tumbled off of Joey.  The two men cradled her between them on the bed.



Green eyes met brown as Lara dozed.  Lance reached over to lightly touch Joey’s hair. “I like the blond highlights.”

“And I liked yours brown…like when we were doing the movie.”

“She liked it, too.”  Lance kissed Lara’s forehead.

“She’s pretty amazing,” Joey whispered.

“Yeah,” Lance whispered back.

“I never really thought she’d go through with this,” Joey admitted.  “And I didn’t think she’d accept…well…us.”

“She’s got a lot of fantasies in that creative head of hers,” Lance said with a grin.  “But I was kinda shocked, too.”  He looked at Joey for a moment.  “Have you been with…um…any other men since…”

“No.”  Joey smiled.  “No one but you.  It’s been a long time, Lance.”

“Very long,” Lance whispered, feeling himself harden at the thought.

“You need to kiss now,” a voice said from between their bodies.  Joey laughed.

“Eager, are we?”

“Eager to see what I missed,” Lara said softly.  She kissed Joey’s cheek, then Lance’s.  “Kiss him,” she said again.  Joey smiled at Lance and leaned forward.  Lance’s lips met his, and they both moaned slightly.  Lara began to wriggle until she was at the foot of the bed, and Lance and Joey practically fell together.

Lance sucked on Joey’s thick earlobes as his hand slid down the broad chest.  He wrapped his hand around Joey’s erection, gently stroking as he remembered.  “Lance…holy hell…” Joey gasped.  “Sweet Jesus that feels good…you…ah…” Joey hissed in a breath as Lance’s hand slid down to cup his balls.

“Joey…” Lance murmured, moving down to suck on a hard nipple as he continued to fondle.  “I want to taste you…”

“Yes…” Joey breathed, then Lara captured his mouth with hers as Lance moved down even further.  Joey’s hips arched up as Lance took him in his mouth, and it took everything Lance had to keep Joey’s body down on the bed.  Joey sucked on Lara’s tongue as he fucked Lance’s mouth.  “Lance…mmm yes…you look so…God…”

Lance made himself stop his enjoyable task and moved up to steal Joey’s mouth from Lara. “I want you…Joe…please…” he begged.

Joey smirked and arched an eyebrow.  “Say it.”

Lance blushed slightly.  “Joey…I want you…”


“I want you inside of me, Joey.  I want you to fuck me.” Lance’s green eyes were helplessly pleading.  Joey grinned evilly.

“Ask the right way and you shall receive.”  Joey gave Lance one more kiss before sitting up. He reached into the nightstand and found the lubricant and condoms just where they had placed them before Lara had arrived home.  Joey took Lara’s hand. “C’mere. You’re gonna help me.”

“M-me?” Lara almost squeaked.  Her legs were shaking so badly she could hardly stand. The whole situation was a shock to the sense.

“You.”  Lance rolled over onto his stomach and scooted towards the edge of the bed.  Joey placed a large hand on Lance’s shoulder, slightly tugging until Lance was on his hands and knees.  Lara’s eyes grew wide as Joey lubed up his fingers and trailed one down Lance’s spine. Lance arched at the wetness.  Joey’s finger slid down and circled Lance’s opening. Lara watched the goosebumps appear on Lance’s fair skin. She thought she had never seen him so aroused.  His cock was hard and dripping.

“Joey…quit teasing…” Lance begged.

“Teasing?  Me?”  Joey slowly slid a finger inside.  He knew it had been a while for Lance.  Lance moaned and his head dropped forward.  The finger slid in and out, turning and stretching. It was soon joined by a second finger, and Lara gasped as Lance began to rock back and forth against Joey’s fingers, pulling them in as hard as he could.

“Joey…please…more…” Lance begged.  Joey handed Lara a condom.

“Your turn to help.”  He withdrew his fingers and Lance whimpered.

Lara’s hands shook, but she got the condom out of its wrapper and slowly slid it onto Joey.  He handed her the lubricant and she stroked him slowly, getting him nice and slick.  Her eyes met his.  She was still shocked at what was going on, but she was damned glad to be a part of it.  “Now what?” She whispered.

“Give Lance what he wants,” Joey said, placing her hand around his cock.  He put a hand on Lance’s waist, but it was Lara who guided him inside.

“Oh, FUCK yes!”  Lance almost screamed.  “So good…Joey…Lara…baby…”

Lara watched Joey’s thick cock disappear into Lance.  Just when she thought Lance couldn’t take any more, Joey was completely sheathed…buried inside of Lance. “Lance…holy fuck…you are SO damn tight…oh GOD it’s been too long…” Joey began to slowly move in and out as Lara watched.  Lance began to beg, asking Joey for more, please more, please more harder.  Joey complied, and he was soon slamming into Lance as hard as he could.  And Lance took it.

Lara watched Joey’s fingernails slide down Lance’s back, once or twice drawing blood.  She watched Lance’s hands clutch the covers as his eyes closed in pleasure. She finally lay down below him, taking his cock into her mouth. “Oh Jesus…yes…Lara…baby…” Lance panted.  “I’m gonna cum…oh…” Lance let out a yell as he poured into her mouth. 

“Lance…” Joey murmured, then thrust inside of him one last time.  Lara barely had time to roll away before the men collapsed on the bed.  Lance curled up behind her, with Joey on his back behind Lance.

“Baby…oh God…I love you…” Lance whispered, kissing Lara’s neck.  “Thank you…thank you for this…I love you…”


“Lara.” Nudge.  “Lara, baby.”  Nudge nudge.  “Sweetheart…wake up…” Nudge.

Lara sat straight up and looked at Lance. She wore her nightgown and it was morning. “What?”

“You need to get up.  You have a meeting with Tina, remember?”

“Oh…yeah…” she rubbed her eyes.

“Are you alright?”  Lance was concerned.

“Yeah…” she said vaguely.  “A dream…a strange dream.”

“Wanna tell me about it?”

She shook her head.  “It was nothing.”

“Okay.”  Lance stretched, then kissed her.  “I’m gonna go shower. Join me?”

“In a second,” she said, smiling at him.  He stood, stretched again, then headed for the shower.  Lara’s smile froze on her face as she looked at the two long scratches down Lance’s back.

The End


Please tell Lara what you thought of this story!