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By:  Lara


“Jayce.  Jay…Ceeee…” Justin yelled, snapping the headphones against JC’s head.  JC jumped.


“I’ve been calling you forever!”  Justin tapped his foot.  “Rehearsal…you know…dancing and stuff?”

“Oh, yeah!”  JC jumped up, tossed down his Discman, and went to the bathroom of the bus to check his hair. 

“Ooookkkayyy…” Justin picked up the Discman to turn it off  He placed the headphones to his ears and jumped.  “Jesus, JC…is this loud enough? And why are you listening to our CD, anyway?”

“I like our CD,” JC said defensively.  “Let’s go to rehearsal.”


“No…Chris…okay…” Wade ran a hand through his hair in frustration.  “Do me a favor.  Count to ten.”

“What?” Chris scratched his knee.

“Count…to…ten,” Wade repeated slowly.

“One…two…three…four…five…six…seven…eight…nine…ten,” Chris said. “Okay?”

“That little exercise did two things. First of all, it gave me ten seconds to keep from turning you inside out.  It also proved to me that you truly can count to four, and therefore you SHOULD be able to find the damn downbeat!”  Wade screamed.  He caught sight of Justin and JC in the doorway.  “Hey, guys.”

“Hey.” JC went to a corner and started stretching.  Justin stared at him.

“Hi, Wade,” he said, then went to JC. “You okay?”

“Yeah.  Fine.”

“Okay…let’s warm up.”  Wade went to the CD player and put in “The Game is Over.”

“What the hell is this…NSYNC CD day?” Justin grumbled, but he took his usual place next to JC and behind Wade.


“Dinner, anyone?” Joey asked as they panted out of rehearsal.

“Sure,” Justin said. “Chris?”

“Yeah.  JC owes me a meal, anyway.”  Chris nudged Lance, who was on his cellphone.  “Lance?  Dinner?”  Lance nodded and kept talking.  “Jayce?  JC?”  Chris turned around.

“He’s talking to Wade about something,” Joey said. 

“Okay…I’ll grab him upstairs in his room,” Chris said.


Chris was pounding on the door of JC’s suite for ten minutes before Lance wandered out into the hallway. “What’s up?” Lance asked.

“Freaking JC…he won’t answer,” Chris said, frowning.

“Here.”  Lance pulled out the extra keycard and handed it to Chris.  Chris slid it through the lock and opened the door.  JC was seated on the bed, dressed and ready for dinner but listening to his Discman.

“For fuck’s sake,” Chris grumbled, grabbing the headphones.  “HELLO, JC.”

“Oh, sorry,” JC said sheepishly.  He turned off the Discman.

“Was that our CD?”  Chris asked.

“Was that Celebrity?”  Lance asked.  JC nodded and shrugged.

“There are eighty million ZILLION CDs in this world and you listen to OURS?” Chris asked. He shook his head. “Whatever. I’m hungry and you owe me dinner, Jayce.  Let’s go.”

“Did anyone think to ask Wade?”  JC asked.  Lance and Chris froze. 

“Well, no,” Lance said.

“Would anyone care if he went?”

“Of course not, as long as he doesn’t ask me to count,” Chris said.

“Cool.  Because I called him after Chris called me, and he’s meeting us at the restaurant,” JC said, slipping his leather jacket on.

“Cool,” Chris said, scratching his head in confusion.


“I got it.” JC slapped his hand down on the check.  Justin stared at him.

“Dude…um…we can afford to split it.”

“And I can afford to get it.  My treat.”  JC smiled at everyone, his eyes resting on Wade last.  “Okay?”

“Hell…I’m not complaining.  Thanks, JC,” Joey said.

Lance threw down money for a tip. “Anyone up for a club?”

“I’m in,” Joey said immediately.

“Me, too,” Justin added.  “Jayce?  Chris? Wade?”

“Sure…I haven’t been out in…” Chris checked his watch.  “About twenty-four hours. I’m due for a club.”

“Nah…I’m wiped,” JC said.

“And I can’t get in,” Wade reminded them gently.

“Hello, Wade, either can I…but I get in,” Justin pointed out.

Wade shrugged. “No, thanks.  I’ll drive JC back to the hotel.”

“Suit yourself,” Justin said.


“Fuck me. I left my money at the hotel,” Joey realized as they walked up to the door.

“I got it,” Lance said.

“No…I owe you guys for like a million drinks. I’ll go back to the hotel and get my wallet.”  Joey clapped Chris on the back. “Don’t steal all the girls.”

“I’ll try,” Chris said, looking over the crowd.

Joey caught a cab back to the hotel and went up in the elevator.  He was opening his door when he heard sounds from the room next to him.  JC’s room. He went inside and headed for the door that joined their suites.  He knew it was wrong, but he couldn’t help but listen.  He could clearly hear JC’s voice.


“That dinner was the longest thing I have ever experienced in my LIFE!”  JC stretched out on the bed, raising his arms above his head.  “All I wanted was to get back here with you.”

“I know.”  Wade gracefully crawled up the bed until he was on his hands and knees over JC.  He smiled evilly. “I had all kinds of things on my mind that did NOT involve dinner conversation.”

JC laughed out loud.  “You shoulda seen me BEFORE dinner. All I could do today was listen to “Celebrity.” I kept skipping the CD back to hear your voice in my ears.”

Wade nipped at JC’s slender neck.  “Why do you think we got to warm up to “Game?”  I like how sexy you sound when you sing angry.”

JC made a low angry sound deep in his throat and thrust his hips up as Wade kissed him.


“Uh, guys?”  Joey lightly tapped Chris on the back.

“HEY!”  Chris gave Joey a hug.

“How drunk are you?”

“Pretty damn drunk, thank you. And you?” Chris asked cheerfully, swinging his glass.

“Good. We need to talk. Find Justin.”  Joey grabbed Lance away from a pretty blond and dragged him to the hallway near the bathroom. The club was quietest there.

“Um, I was dancing?” Justin reminded Chris.

“Joey needs our divided attention…I mean, our undivided attention,” Chris slurred.

“Okay.”  Joey ran a hand through his hair.  “Our missing tenor and our choreographer are bed buddies.”


“Fuck…yes…Wade…holy shit!”  JC gasped for breath as Wade plunged inside.  “Harder…God, Wade, harder for fuck’s sake!”

“JC…dammit…” Wade tossed his head back as JC’s hips matched his thrusts perfectly.  “Oh…JC…” Wade grunted and whispered low in JC’s ear as he came.  JC moaned and grabbed Wade’s hips, clenching his teeth as he came as well.

“Fuck,” JC gasped as Wade pulled out.  “That was worth waiting through dinner.”


“You were hearing things. It was the TV,” Lance told Joey for the sixth time as they got out of the cab. 

“Lance, I heard what I heard.”

“JC WAS listening to Celebrity today,” Justin remembered.

“Yeah,” Chris said, though he had no clue what they were talking about.

Lance flew out of the elevator and banged on JC’s door. “Jayce?  We need to talk to you!”

JC’s head poked out. “Lance?  Guys?”  He rubbed his head sleepily.

“Hi.” Lance barged in, shoving JC out of the way.  “A-HA!”  He pointed at Wade, who was sitting on JC’s couch switching channels.

“A-HA!”  Joey and Justin added.  JC held his ears.

“God, stereo…” he muttered. “A-ha what?”

“A-ha you’re fucking Wade, man!  Get yo freak on…get yo freak on…” Chris danced in a circle.

“You’re a schmuck.” Joey hit him in the head. 

Wade came to stand next to JC. “Um, yeah…that’s how it is.”  He looked at Lance, then Justin. They seemed the angriest.  “Am I fired?”

“Of course not,” JC snapped, putting an arm around his shoulders.  “They wouldn’t fire you because they just found out their best friend is gay.”  JC gave Justin a pointed look. “WOULD they?”

“Of course not,” Justin said quickly. “Just…you know…wish you woulda told me.”  He looked hurt.

“If this fucks up our band…you’re in trouble.”  Lance pointed at Wade. JC stepped between Wade and Lance’s finger.

“No, YOU’RE in trouble, because if you touch one choreographed beautiful inch of his body, I’ll kick your Hollywood albino ass.”

Chris laughed out loud. “Oh. Ahem. Sorry.”

“Cool, man, whatever,” Joey said quickly. “We’ll leave you two to…um…yeah.  Bye.”  He grabbed Chris and dragged him out the door.

“Stay safe, man.” Justin gave JC a worried look, then followed Chris and Joey.

“Whatever.”  Lance rolled his eyes and followed Justin. JC shut the door and sighed.

“That wasn’t exactly how I wanted to tell them.”

“But now they know,” Wade said anxiously.

“Good.” JC grinned and sauntered over to Wade.  “Because now I can listen to you all I want and not have to hide behind my headphones.”

The End

Please tell Lara what you thought of this story!