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That’s The Way Love Goes

Tracks one and two


“That’s The Way Love Goes”

By:  Lara



We had the kind of night where morning comes too soon.  We used the light from a flickering candle across the room to make the kind of shadows only one thing can make…love…



Like a moth to a flame, burned by the fire…my love is blind, can’t you see my desire?



“Okay…one more time…” the director called. “Lance, what the hell is that scrunchy thing on your wrist?”

“It’s not a scrunchy,” Lance muttered, playing with it as the others laughed. He didn’t offer an explanation, however, and the director yelled for them to start filming once more.

Justin leaned back against the wall, singing along with the playback as if his life depended on it.  Lance lounged in a booth, one knee up.  Joey sprawled out on the sofa as if he owned the place.  Chris sat comfortably at the table, head bobbing to the beat.  JC was seated on a stairwell out of the camera’s eye. He was glad. This way he could watch.  Even when it wasn’t his turn to have a solo, he softly sang along, as Justin had done when it was HIS turn to be in front of the camera.

JC stared at Justin, unable to keep a soft smile from creeping onto his face.  Damn, that boy LIVED to be in front of a camera or an audience.  And this song seemed to have been written for Justin to sing.  “Come with me don’t you worry…I’m gonna make you crazy…I’ll give you the time of your life…I’m gonna take you places you’ve never been before and…You’ll be so happy that you came…”

Was JC imagining things, or did Justin look at him and wink?


“Oh…I’m gonna take you there…oooh ooh ooh…” Chris sang. “That’s the way love goes…that’s the way love goes…”

“CUT!”  The director yelled.  “Okay…Josh…let’s do this steps thing one more time.”

“Good. I have to go to the bathroom SO bad.”  Joey jumped up from the sofa and practically ran from the set. JC stood patiently as the stylist fussed with his hair.

“You know…if you’d cut that all off, you wouldn’t have this problem,” Justin suggested with a sly grin.

“If he cut that off you wouldn’t be special anymore,” Lance pointed out.  Justin frowned. 

“I’m ALWAYS special.” He looked at his best friend. “Right, JC?”

“Absolutely,” JC agreed, and took his place on the steps. Lance and Chris went to the refreshment table, but Justin pulled up a chair and sat on it backwards. He grinned at JC, who couldn’t help but smile back. His turn. 

“Okay…Josh…ready?” JC nodded at the director. “Okay…quiet down, people.”

JC took a deep breath, his eyes focused on Justin. “Don’t mind if I light candles…I like to watch us play and…baby I’ve got on what you like…come closer baby closer…reach out and feel my body…I’m gonna give you all my love…”

“CUT!  We’ll edit later…your solo’s done, JC…good job.”  The director clapped him on the back.  “Go take five. We’ll do the next verse and then clean up the chorus again.”

JC walked by Justin, not looking at him. Justin grabbed his wrist. “Aren’t you gonna stay and watch?”

“You have a room full of people to adore you, Justin. You don’t need me here,” JC said with a smile.  He pulled away and moved on.


“I did! It was SO wrong at the end,” Justin insisted.

“JC is rubbing off on you…perfectionist…” Joey scoffed. “You did NOT mess up.”

“JC,” Justin whined.  “Didn’t I mess up?”

“Yes,” JC sighed. Justin smiled and Joey frowned. “But not enough that anyone but you would notice. Can we leave now?”

“Yeah,” Justin said, leading the way to the van.

“Did he mess up?” Lance asked. “I wasn’t paying attention.”

“No.  But I want to go home and he was ready to whine for hours,” JC said, and Lance laughed.


“See y’all,” JC said, pulling himself out of the van first.  The van zoomed off to drop off Chris next…then Joey, Lance, and Justin.  JC hurried to his front door and quickly unlocked it. He had work to do.


“Jayce?” Justin called through JC’s door an hour later.  He pocketed his key and dropped his duffel to the floor.  The only light he could see was the light in the large aquarium in the living room. He knew JC was there; they had plans.  He took the steps two at a time. “JC…hey, man…” Justin’s words trailed off.  The upstairs hallway was lit with candles. Justin poked his head into the large bathroom.  Only three candles were lit, but the two mirrored walls made the room look almost totally lit. The candlelight bounced off the steaming water in the bathtub.  Justin swallowed deeply, feeling himself start to harden.  He tiptoed to the bedroom and walked in.  There was no one in the room, but candles again flickered everywhere.

Justin gasped as a hand covered his eyes.  “My love is blind…can’t you see my desire…” JC whispered in his ear, pressing up against Justin’s back.

“Mmm…I can sure feel it,” Justin whispered, grinding back.  JC groaned and moved his hand. 

“Hey,” he whispered, kissing the back of Justin’s neck. Justin turned around and they shared a passionate kiss.  “Missed you…”

“I was only gone an hour,” Justin teased, though he knew the feeling.  “Was today hell or was it just me?”

“Oh, GOD, it was hell,” JC agreed.  Justin turned to see JC clad in a pair of black satin pajama bottoms. He drew a shuddering breath.  JC smiled innocently.

“Tease,” Justin growled, reaching down to stroke JC through the satin.  JC groaned in response.

“Look who’s talking,” he whimpered.

“Why wouldn’t you stay and listen to me?” Justin asked, and JC looked him in the eye.  Justin was honestly hurt, and JC knew that the night would not progress unless he answered.

“I…I couldn’t,” JC said finally.  “I knew what you would be singing…and I couldn’t be there…it drove me crazy just watching you sing the other stuff.”

Justin smiled slowly.  “It woulda turned you on too much?”

“Hell, yes!” JC answered, surprised Justin even had to ask. “Holy shit, J, I woulda been sitting there with the biggest damn hardon in America, I woulda had to try and hide it. No thank you.”

Justin’s smile grew sly. “I could sing it now,” he suggested.

“You could,” JC said weakly. He never had the upper hand with Justin for long. He was wrapped around Justin’s little finger, and Justin knew it.  And JC liked it that way.

Justin pushed his fingers through JC’s hair, pulling him close for a tantalizing kiss. His tongue toyed with JC’s, then moved down to outline JC’s lips.  JC’s hands yanked at Justin’s waist, pulling him close.  He slid his hands up to tug at Justin’s white tshirt.  Justin laughed, but allowed JC to pull the shirt over his head.  Their chests met and Justin let out a slight hiss through his chuckle.  JC licked a line from Justin’s lips down to his earlobe. His tongue traced the diamond stud.  “Oh sugar, don’t you hurry…” Justin barely whispered. “You’ve got me here all night…” JC’s fingers expertly undid the belt at Justin’s slender waist.  “Just close your eyes and hold on tight…”

JC slide the jeans down, taking the boxers along with them.  Justin stepped out of his clothing and JC slowly pushed him down to the bed.  He slowly rubbed himself along Justin’s body, allowing the satin to slide across Justin’s smooth skin until Justin was writhing on the bed.  “Justin…” he whispered, kissing his way down Justin’s chest until he was settled between Justin’s legs. One thin finger traced Justin’s length as his tongue followed.  Justin groaned and lifted his hips off the bed.  It was JC’s turn to chuckle.  “Keep singing…” JC murmured before sucking Justin into his mouth.

“Oh…fuck…Jayce…I can’t…” Justin moaned, his hands fisting in JC’s soft hair.  “Oh, God, don’t stop…”

JC froze, one finger lazily tracing around Justin’s heavy balls.  “If you don’t keep singing, I’m gonna stop…”

“No no no…” Justin begged.  JC slid a finger up towards Justin’s mouth and Justin eagerly sucked on it, knowing full well what was coming.  JC slid that wet finger down to his opening, and his mouth encircled Justin’s cock as his finger slowly felt its way inside.  “Oh baby…don’t stop don’t stop…” Justin sang weakly.  “Go deeper baby deeper…oh fucking CHRIST, JC…” Justin gasped as JC added a second finger.

“Do you want me, Justin?” JC asked.

“Yes yes yes…”

JC smiled, relishing the control, however temporary. “Who were you singing to today?”

“Oh you…JC…no one but you…please…JC…” Justin’s request ended in a whine that would have been annoying in anyone else.  JC consented and slid up Justin’s body. He gave Justin one more tender kiss before leaning across him and digging in the nightstand.  Justin lapped at the nipples that leaned across his face, and JC froze.

“Justin…don’t…God…” he gasped.  He felt Justin pushing at the pajamas, and he squirmed until he could kick them off.  Justin pulled his face down so he could kiss him, and he sucked on Justin’s tongue.

“Fuck me, JC…please…” Justin begged.  JC needed no second request.  He sheathed himself with the condom he had quickly unwrapped, and applied a generous amount of lubricant.  He got Justin ready, then slowly slid inside.  Justin’s groan mirrored the groan that wove through JC’s body.

“Justin…God…what I thought about all day…” JC panted.

Justin’s eyes moved to the wall, where he could see their shadows moving across the flat surface.  The flickering of the candles seemed to make the shadows shiver.  “I’m gonna take you places…” Justin whispered, thrusting his hips up to meet JC.  “…you’ve never been before and…you’ll be so happy that you came…”

“Justin…yes…God…” JC moaned, fisting the sheets in his hands.  Justin suddenly shoved him away, and JC was on his back.

“I want to do it,” Justin whispered. “I want to make you scream…” Justin slid himself back down onto JC’s cock, smiling as one of JC’s hands guided his waist and the other reached for Justin’s dripping hardness.

“I’m gonna scream…oh…J…so close, baby…” JC whimpered.  Justin rode him harder, and JC released his cock as he came with a shout, whimpering Justin’s name at the end.  Justin threw his head back as JC hit his prostate one final time.  His cum spurted up on JC’s chest as he moaned.

“Josh…oh Josh…love you…” Justin gasped.  He moved off of JC and carefully pulled of the condom. He tossed it in the trash, then moved to lay down next to JC. 

They snuggled close for a moment.  “I think I need a bath,” JC said, looking down at his chest. Justin chuckled, slightly embarrassed.  JC loved to tease him about how hard he came…and he came that way every time.

“That’s the way love goes,” he said simply, and they both laughed.  “That water’s gonna be cold. Why’d you run the bath anyway?”

“I wasn’t sure where we’d start,” JC said, and Justin moaned slightly.  “But we can run new water.”

“Yeah,” Justin sighed, envisioning sex with JC in the tub.  “Damn,” he swore, wishing he could have waited.

“You’ve got me here all night…” JC sang, getting up from the bed.  Justin quickly followed him.


The alarm was set for nine. They weren’t supposed to be back on the set until ten, and even that was only if something needed fixed.  The ringing of the phone awakened Justin at seven.  He groaned.  JC continued to sleep like the dead.  They had only gone to sleep at four-thirty.  “Jayce. JC.  Phone.”  Normally he would have answered it, but he had no explanation for why he’d be answering JC’s phone at seven in the morning.  He picked up the cordless and beat JC on the chest with it.

“OW!” JC yelled.

“Answer the phone,” Justin mouthed.

“What?” JC snapped angrily.  “Yeah…yeah…okay…yeah…I’ll swing by and pick Justin up.”  JC hung up in disgust.  “We have to go back. They’re changing it. Almost everything.  Cutting out the first verse and changing some other stuff.”  He groaned and buried his face under the pillow.

“Will you watch me sing it this time?”

“I bet they don’t have to redo that part,” JC said, praying they wouldn’t.

“I’ll make sure they do,” Justin said, hopping out of bed to shower.

“That’s the way love goes,” JC muttered, then smiled.

The End

Please tell Lara what you thought of this story!