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The Body That Loves You

By: Lara

"Hold On Baby"

"The Body That Loves You"


Hold on baby. I’m gonna get you ready

Love…sensual physical love…is waiting here for you…when you unleash my desire…

"Yeah…okay…I’ll be there." JC hung up his cellphone and looked over at Lance. "That was Wade. He wants me to come look over some stuff at the studio. You mind?"

"No," Lance sighed, frowning. He DID mind, but he wouldn’t tell JC that.

"Hey, come along," JC said suddenly. "It will be cool having you there, and I’d like your opinion."

"MY opinion? On choreography?"

"Sure. Hell, you’ll have to do it too."

"Okay." Lance’s face lit up.

"We’ll call J, too. He should be in on this."

"Right," Lance said, the lights in his face going out.

Lance brooded as he sat in a corner of the studio watching Justin and JC ass off while waiting for Wade. Why couldn’t JC be like this with him? They had been together for almost a year. Everything had been perfect, then little by little JC pulled away. He couldn’t even remember the last time JC had given him more than a perfunctory kiss goodbye. JC’s birthday was coming up, and Lance had been planning a party, but now he wasn’t so sure. He didn’t know if he could bear watching JC be happy and energetic with everyone but him.

"Hey there, white boy," Wade flopped down onto the floor next to Lance.

"Hey, Wade," Lance said morosely, looking at JC.

"Trouble in paradise?" Wade followed Lance’s gaze.

"He’s not like that with me, Wade," Lance confided. "It’s like we’re roommates or something. The spark is gone."

"Relight it," Wade ordered, and Lance looked at him. "Lance, for God’s sake…JC loves you more than anything. Even maybe more than his music. He talks about you constantly…my God, if I have to hear, "Lance says that…" one more time I’m gonna puke." Wade put a hand on Lance’s shoulder. "Show him the spark is still there, Lance. JC’s been stressed with the tour and the new album and all that…unstress him."

Lance paused thoughtfully. "Really? He says all that?"

"Oh, God." Wade rolled his eyes. He stood and walked over to Justin and JC. JC smiled at Lance, but it was Justin that wandered over, after Wade whispered in his ear.

"Lance, for fuck’s sake, go home and set up a Den of Sin. We’ll get your boy all tired, then send him home to you." Justin dropped something into Lance’s lap. "Here are the keys to my car. Wreck and I kick your ass."

These are the hands that’ll touch you…these are the lips that’ll kiss you…these are the arms that’ll hold you…so come get this body that loves you…


Lance vigorously towelled his short hair dry, then stared at himself in the mirror. His eyes looked greener than usual. Excitement, maybe? He felt that everything was riding on this night, and he didn’t have much time. Justin had promised to hold JC at the dance studio until six, and it was five-thirty now. He had done a lot of quick shopping, and champagne was chilling in the kitchen. Strawberries were in the fridge, and candles were set up around the bedroom.

Lance ran a hand through his short, damp hair, wondering. Was he enough for JC? Was he still what JC wanted? A hand idly ran down his chest to sit on one hip. JC was tall and thin. Lance was shorter and okay. JC had bright eyes and great cheekbones and a devilish smile and dimples. Lance had green eyes and a crooked grin and no real cheekbones. He sighed and frowned, trying to pick out the good points. He knew what JC liked. He knew where to touch and where to kiss. He knew what made JC purr and moan and scream.

Oh how my heart does miss you…love…stroke me so gently my love…I love it when you mmmm…when you release my desire….oh how my heart does miss you…baby my heart’s achin…my body longs for you…candlelight and wine are waiting…create the mood for love…


"Lance, I’m sorry that took so long. I…" JC froze inside the doorway. Lance was sitting on the steps, wearing only a pair of dark green silk boxer shorts. "Um…hey."

"Hey." Lance stood, a shy smile on his face. "Want a shower?"

"Yeah." JC let his bag drop to the floor with a thud. Lance slowly walked down until he was on the last step. He looked into JC’s eyes.

"Hungry? I can cook something. I have some dessert."

"Dessert is fine," JC said, swallowing deeply. He reached out hesitantly, then pulled a hand back. "What’s going on?"

"Don’t pull away." Lance took the hand and placed it on his chest. "It’s your birthday soon. I thought we could celebrate now…the two of us." He bit his bottom lip. "If that’s okay."

JC looked at the worry in Lance’s eyes. "Has it been that long?"

"What do you mean?"

"Your eyes…they’re anxious. And you’re biting your lip."

"This is dumb." Embarrassed, Lance turned to go up the steps. JC grabbed a hand and pulled him back.

"It has been that long." JC leaned forward and planted a tender kiss on Lance’s shoulder. "I’ll be out of the shower in five minutes." He jogged on up the steps, leaving Lance grinning at the bottom.

Oh how my body does miss you…love…stroke me so gently love…I love it when you mmm…when you release my desire…these are the hands that’ll touch you…these are the lips that’ll kiss you…these are the arms that’ll hold you…so come get the body that loves you…oh how my body does miss you…undress me oh slowly…these are the hands that’ll touch you…I want to kiss you all over is that okay…

When JC came into the bedroom from the bathroom, he saw a bottle of champagne on the nightstand, chilling in a bucket of ice. A bowl of strawberries sat nearby. Candles flickered throughout the room, and Lance was laying on the black satin sheets, staring up at him. "Hi there," Lance said softly.

"Hey." JC started to unwrap the towel around his waist. Lance sat up and stood, standing in front of JC. His lips met JC’s as his hands grabbed for the towel, unwinding it from JC’s slender waist and tossing it to the floor. "I’m sorry," JC whispered, his hands sliding down Lance’s chest to shove at the boxers. "I’m sorry I haven’t been telling you how much you mean to me."

"I know it," Lance lied. JC froze and looked him in the eye.

"No, you don’t. You’re everything to me. Every inch of you I love, inside and out." JC’s lips traced Lance’s jawline and moved to suck at his neck. "Every inch."

Lance moaned as JC pushed him back onto the bed. He kissed JC for a few minutes, then pulled back. He quickly poured a glass of champagne, dipped the strawberry in it, then slowly fed it to JC, their eyes never moving from each other. "I love you, too, Josh. So damn much. And I was afraid…I was afraid I wasn’t enough for you."

"Oh, baby…I’m sorry. You’re more then enough…and you’re all mine." JC reached for a strawberry and traced Lance’s mouth with it before feeding it to him.

"All yours," Lance repeated, arching his body up against JC’s. JC drank the rest of the glass of champagne, leaving some in his mouth so he could trickle it between Lance’s lips as they kissed.

Lance’s hand slid down to stroke JC gently as he sucked on JC’s tongue. "Please, Lance," JC gasped. Lance smiled and slid down JC’s body to lick up and down JC’s cock. "Yes," JC said, writhing.

Lance sucked JC slowly as a hand caressed his balls then moved down to tease at JC’s opening. He couldn’t wait; he wanted JC so much. It had been too long. JC grabbed that hand, and Lance froze. Maybe it was wrong. Maybe… "Oh sweet Jesus," Lance gasped as JC sucked slowly on Lance’s fingers before releasing his hand. Lance slid first one finger inside, then soon worked in another.

"Lance…please…make love to me…please…" JC begged. It was rare JC begged like this, and Lance loved to hear it. He started to sit up, but JC was already digging in the nightstand drawer for a condom and lubricant. Eagerly JC sat, grabbing Lance’s backside as he pulled Lance’s cock into his mouth.

"Shit…Josh…stop…I can’t…oh FUCK don’t stop…" Lance begged as JC deep throated him. JC chuckled and pulled away. He deftly slid the condom down, then slicked Lance with the lubricant. Their eyes met and they shared a sweet kiss before Lance laid JC back down on the bed. He slowly slid inside. JC winced slightly from the pain, but he was soon pressing down on Lance, moving with him until Lance’s thrusts were going deep inside.

"Lance…I love you…" JC panted, throwing his head back as Lance began to pump him steadily.

"Love you too…" Lance murmured, trying to concentrate on what he was doing to JC. It was hard, because JC was so tight and looked so hot and…

"Shit…Lance…cumming…oh FUCK I’m cumming…" JC almost screamed as he spurted in Lance’s hand. Lance released him, grabbing JC’s thighs to steady himself as he came hard and fast. "Lance…oh God…" JC whimpered. Lance slowly pulled out, discarded the condom, then came back to lay in JC’s arms.

"I love you," Lance said in a tiny voice as he lay his head on JC’s chest. He felt JC rain dozens of kisses on his head.

"I love you too…and I won’t take so long to show it next time." JC tilted Lance’s head so he could kiss him.

"Happy birthday," Lance said softly.

"You’re the best present I could ever get," JC said, closing his eyes as Lance snuggled against him once more.

These are the lips that’ll kiss you…we embrace skin to skin…these are the arms that’ll hold you…hold me oh baby my body’s arched for you…come get the body that loves you…come here I’ve missed you so much….I forgot how good it could feel…oh how my heart does miss you…please make love to me…come get the body that loves you…

The End

Please tell Lara what you thought of this story!