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By:  Lara




Come for me…I can feel your body…pressed against my body…wrap yourself around me…love to feel you throbbin’…throb…throb…here we go now…get busy…damn baby…



Lance rolled his eyes as Justin motioned for the driver to move on.  Justin licked the peanut butter from around his mouth as the window rolled up and the MTV “Making the Video” crew moved out of sight.  “What the hell was that?” Lance asked with a laugh.

“I dunno…it sounded good at the time.”  Justin looked at Lance, Lance’s features barely visible in the darkness of the backseat.  “And then the peanut butter got stuck in my gums.” He made a face as he continued to work the crunchy substance from behind his teeth.  Lance slid across the seat and put an arm around Justin’s shoulders. Before Justin could respond, Lance had his tongue in Justin’s mouth, slowly searching for the evil peanut butter.  Justin moaned and rubbed his long fingers up through Lance’s hair.  Lance pulled back, licking his lips. 

“Mmm…was that grape jelly?”

“Black raspberry,” Justin said breathlessly, always a little shocked when Lance actually took the initiative. 

“Lemme see.”  Once again Justin’s mouth was covered by Lance. His arms and lap were practically filled with sensuously slithering Lance…when the hell had Lance gotten so sexy?  “Mmm…you’re right.”  Lance pulled back, smiling his wicked “I’m sexy just for you baby” smile.  “How much further to the hotel?”

“I don’t know,” Justin panted. “YOU always know that shit.”

“Right. And then we have to say hi to Joey.” Lance sat back primly, adjusting his pants and looking out the window.  “There’s the hotel, up there.”

“Fuck Joey!”  Justin said irritably, peanut butter-scented hands briefly moving over the front of his suddenly-too-tight pants. 

Lance laughed.  “No…I’m gonna fuck you. But AFTER we stop and say hi to him. He’s hurting.”

“I’M hurting,” Justin muttered, pouting. He started to lick the remaining PB&J from his fingers.  His hand was suddenly grasped, and his fingers were slowly moved in and out of a warm hot place. He looked at Lance.  Lance’s ethereal green eyes were watching him as he slowly worked the long fingers in and out of his mouth, his pink tongue carefully working to remove the stickiness of Justin’s snack.

“I’ll take care of you,” Lance murmured around Justin’s fingers.


“You okay, man?” Joey looked up at Justin, smiling in his painkiller-induced haze.

“Fine, Joe.  How about you?” Justin asked nervously.

“Good.  I want out of bed NOW, though,” Joey said, glaring at Steve, who showed no intentions of letting Joey go ANYWHERE until the doctor said he could.

Justin thought bed sounded like a lovely place to be, especially if Lance was in said bed, but he didn’t say that. Instead he said, “Can we get you anything?”

“Nah…my gofer here is at my beck and call.” Joey motioned to Steve, who snorted.  Joey yawned and Justin looked at Lance, who was sitting and silently smiling at Justin in amusement.

“Getting tired, Joe?”

“Yeah…” Joey said around a yawn. “Tell C that he better stop by tonight. I miss his skinny ass.”

“Will do,” Justin said cheerfully, almost hopping up from his chair. He gave Joey a hug. “Take it easy, dude.”

“That’s all I CAN do,” Joey moaned. “First this damn cut, then a shot. How much more could this suck?”

“You could have to put up with Justin,” Lance pointed out. Justin glared at him.  Joey laughed.

“I know just how easy it is for you to put up with him, Scoop.  Behave.”  Joey gave Justin a big grin as he hugged Lance.  Everyone knew Justin was hot for Lance 24/7, and it amused them to no end, especially Joey.  “You take it easy on him,” Joey ordered Justin. Justin’s mouth fell open.


“Let’s go, J.  Later, Joe.”  Lance almost dragged Justin out of the room and down the hallway to their suite.

“Great.  He thinks I’m some kinda walking hormone out to rape you or something,” Justin grumbled as they went into the suite.  “He doesn’t know…”

“Doesn’t know what, Justin?” Lance asked softly.  Justin could barely see him through the light from the setting sun that streamed through the large windows near the dining area.  He watched as the shadow that was Lance slowly removed his shirt.  “What doesn’t he know?”

Justin swallowed deeply. “Doesn’t know what a tease you are?” 

Lance advanced on him until his knees hit the sofa and he fell onto it.  Lance straddled his legs, a knee on each side.  “Is that all?”

“Doesn’t know how you fucking TALK,” Justin snapped, moaning as Lance slowly ran a hand down his own bare chest.  “I mean, Jesus, Lance, you whisper that shit at me, talk that porn talk in that porn voice and I’m not supposed to want you?”

“Oh, you’re supposed to want me. ALL the time,” Lance said, and Justin wished that everyone who thought Lance was the sweet Southern boy could see him like this.  “I like knowing you want me. I want you THROBBING for me.”  Lance’s fingers deftly unzipped Justin’s pants. “Are you throbbing for me?”  He slid a cool hand inside.

“Sweet God…Lance…” Justin panted, arching up for Lance’s touch.  Lance chuckled.

“You ARE throbbing.  Throbbing…hot…” Lance licked a palm and let it slide down Justin’s erection. Justin moaned and arched again.  Lance chuckled once more and stood.  “Good. I like it that way.”  He started for the kitchen, Justin scrambling to his feet.

Justin tucked himself back in as he followed Lance. “You just can’t keep DOING that, Lance.”

“Why not?”  Lance’s eyes were calm as he reached into the fridge for some lemonade.  “You can always leave.”

Justin’s eyes narrowed.  Lance loved to tease this way, loved to watch Justin get all bothered and angry, because then he could take advantage of the situation, take advantage of Justin’s passionate emotion.  Justin wasn’t going to let him this time.  “Maybe I will,” Justin said lightly. He arranged his clothes and headed for the door. “Maybe JC’s back.”

His hand was on the doorknob when he felt Lance’s hands on his waist.  He was pushed face-first against the door, his cheek flat against it.  “No...don’t leave.”  Lance wasn’t pleading, he was stating a fact.  Justin wouldn’t leave.  He pressed himself against Justin, and Justin could feel Lance’s hardness against him.  The zipper went down once more and Lance’s cool hand was once more on his skin.  Justin whimpered against his will. He should have known better.  “I’m gonna fuck you so good, Justin…I want you wrapped around me.”  His hand shoved the pants down so they bagged at Justin’s knees.  Justin began to gasp as Lance jerked him steadily.  He was still sandwiched between the door and Lance. Lance began to lick at his neck, sucking occasionally on the sweaty skin.

“Lance…we can’t…not here…” Justin tried to form a sentence.  Lance couldn’t…WOULDN’T…do this to him at the DOOR.

“Come for me, baby,” Lance murmured in Justin’s ear.  Justin came.


I can feel your body…pressed against my body…when you start to poundin…love to feel you throbbin…throb…throb…throb…bigger (that’s how I want it), harder (that’s how I want it), thicker (that’s how I want it), deeper…



Justin was in charge by the time they hit the bedroom.  His hands pulled Lance’s clothing off impatiently, and he was only infuriated by Lance’s low chuckle.  “Slow down,” Lance purred.

“No. Want you.”  Justin could barely form sentences, so intent was he on getting Lance naked. When both of them were stripped of all their clothing, Justin pulled Lance down onto the bed. He writhed against Lance, sucking at his nipples and letting his hands wander.

“Justin…” Lance gasped, grinding up against Justin’s hand.  Justin smiled, and it was his turn to chuckle.  He moved up, and in a sudden fluid motion he had Lance flat on his back, hands above his head.  He pressed against him, subtly rolling his hips so their cocks would touch. 

“Now what?” Justin asked with a grin.  The grin disappeared as Lance began to speak.

“Now, you’re gonna let me go.  I’m gonna roll you over and fuck you SO hard…gonna fucking POUND into you.”

Justin found his grip weakening and he cursed himself.  “No…I’m gonna…”

“You’re gonna roll over.”  Lance’s commanding tone almost made Justin whimper.  “You’re gonna roll over cuz you’re MY boy…and you’ll do what I tell you.”

“I am not,” Justin tried to scoff.  Another game they played all the time. In public, Justin was the golden boy, cocky and in control. In private…he was all Lance’s.

“You’re not my boy?”

“I am…well…” Justin stammered.

“When I was licking your fingers…I really wanted to lick your cock. Wanted to suck it hard…all the way in…” Lance continued to murmur.  Justin tried desperately to tune him out, but his arms started to quiver.  “I didn’t give a damn about the driver…I just wanted you in me…in my mouth…do you want me in you, Justin?”

“Oh…God…shut up…” Justin snapped, though they both knew he didn’t mean it.  In a quick movement, Lance slid out from under him, making Justin oof onto his stomach. 

Justin felt Lance’s tongue daintily walk down his spine, making sure to explore every bone.  “Throbbing for me yet?”

“Yes…oh yes…” Justin sobbed, Lance’s tongue making him wiggle on the bed.  He felt the tongue slide down…past the base of his spine…over his lower back.

“You act so hot…think you’re so sexy…” Lance continued to speak as he lapped at Justin’s sensitive opening, getting it good and wet.  “Everyone thinks you’re such a stud or something…if they only knew how easy you were.”


“If they only knew how hot you were…how quick you beg.”  Lance yanked at Justin’s hips, pulling him up onto his knees.  He slid into Justin slowly, and Justin knew that all that time Lance had been lubing up his own cock with the lubricant one of them always had in his bag.  “How do you want it, Justin?”

“Deeper…harder…Lance, please…” Justin begged.  Lance pushed inside harder and faster and they both groaned.

“Oh…baby…so tight…so hard…” Lance whispered.  His hands gripped Justin so hard that they would be bruised later.

“Yes…like that…Lance…” Justin forgot everything but the slick burning hardness that slid in and out, hitting the pleasure spot again and again. 

“That’s right…oh baby…I’m gonna…so close…” Lance said, unable to hold back.  “Damn…baby…shit…” Lance drew out the words as he pumped into Justin, letting himself go.  His short nails scratched down Justin’s baby-fine skin as he came.

“Lance…” Justin began. It was okay, really. He was perfectly fine with the first orgasm Lance had given him. Orgasms from Lance pulled the life right out of him.

“No.”  Lance pulled out and rolled over.  Justin found himself flat on his back. “I’m just gonna think back to peanut butter and jelly.”  Justin closed his eyes and remembered the feeling of Lance’s tongue and lips around his fingers.  That tongue and those lips circled his cock, lightly pulling and sucking as if there really WAS peanut butter and jelly on it.  Lance took Justin’s hand and briefly sucked on the fingers.  Then he pushed until Justin’s hand was at his own mouth.  “Suck them. Remember,” Lance said, going back to Justin’s cock.

Justin gasped as he slowly pushed his fingers into his mouth, remembering the feeling again.  His fingers tasted like Lance, like Lance’s warm breath and soft kisses.  It was the most erotic thing he had ever experienced…the sensations on his fingers and his dick.  “Lance…Lance…baby…” Justin began to thrust into Lance’s mouth.  Lance hummed slightly and Justin came. Hard.  Harder then he had before. Surprisingly hard and quick, since had just cum in the other room.

“Justin.”  Lance came up to lay next to him, gently kissing his pouting full lips.  “Love you.”

“Love you…” Justin said, trying to regulate his heartbeat and fall back to earth.


Boom boom boom until noon noon noon

The End

Please tell Lara what you thought of this story!