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Too Much Information

By:  Lara



“No you did not!”

“Honey, I swear it’s true.  I looked at her and said, ‘Lord, have mercy!’”

Nick Carter followed the sounds of his girlfriend’s hysterical laughter down to the entertainment room.  He could hear Garth Brooks on the CD player, so he knew instantly who was making her laugh so hard.  Lara was stretched out on the sofa, her dark hair flowing over her best friend’s legs as she lay with her head on his lap.  When she looked up and saw Nick in the doorway, her blue eyes lit up.

“Nicky!”  She jumped up to hug him, trying to contain herself.  “You’re home early!”

“Yeah…we weren’t getting anywhere today.”  He tried to smile, but found it hard to in the mood he was in.  “Hey, Lance.”

“Hey, Nick,” Lance said from his seat on the sofa.  “Wow, it’s getting late.  I should roll on home…”

“It’s only three-thirty.  Stay if you want.  I’m gonna take a shower and try to become human.”  Nick left the room and started up the steps.  Lara and Lance exchanged glances.

“I’ll be right back.”  Lara ran after Nick.  “What happened today, baby?” 

“We had a shitty day, that’s all. Brian was flat, Kevin was bitchy, and all AJ could talk about was the hot girl he’s gonna bang tonight.  If it wasn’t for Howie, we probably would have killed each other.”  Nick angrily tugged his shirt over his head.  Lara swallowed deeply.  Even though she had seen him shirtless, naked, even, a thousand times, the sight of his skin was still enough to curl her toes. 

“What about you?”  She asked sweetly.  “You gonna bang a hot girl tonight?”

“Of course…I get to bang a hot girl every night,” Nick replied, finally smiling a sincere smile.  He kissed her forehead.  “Why don’t you run down and hang with Lance, baby?  I’ll be fine.  I just need a hot shower to calm down some.”

“We’re just playing a game…I can ask him to leave.”

“Nah…he’s your best friend…and you don’t get to see him that much.  Go downstairs.”  He enveloped her in a huge hug.

Lara smiled as Nick’s arms surrounded her.  She was so happy that he had finally accepted the fact that she and Lance were ONLY friends.  When they had met at a Jive party seven months earlier, she and Lance had hit it off instantly.  It took constant protests on her part, but Nick finally got it into his thick blond head that she loved Lance as her friend and nothing more.  It was when she actually sat down and wrote out a Pro-Nick Con-Lance list that he finally seemed to understand.  “Hell…if you can pick the guy apart that much, you MUST only be his friend,” Nick had joked.

“Hurry down,” she told him, giving him one last kiss before running back downstairs.

Lance was pawing through a stack of CDs when she entered the room.  “Everything okay?”  He asked, concern filling his green eyes. 

“Yeah…rough day at the office,” she replied, opening the CD changer for him.

“I SO understand what you mean.”  Lance picked out ten CDs and loaded them.

“Want something?”  She wandered over to the fridge.

“Water will do,” Lance said.  She tossed him a bottle of water and picked out a Lipton Iced Tea for herself.

“Okay…where were we?”  Lara asked.  She flopped down onto the sofa.  Lance rolled his eyes.

“You still wanna play this dumb game?”

“Of course…plus you always play with my hair when we lay around like this, and I love that.”  She pulled him down onto the sofa and laid her head back on his lap.  “Pick.”

“Okay…uh…seventy-two,” he said.  Lara smiled, knowing he had picked it because it was her birthyear.

“Seventy-two…seventy-two…” she flipped through the book, moaning as his hands began to wander through her long hair.  “Okay…would you ever buy a girl lingerie, and what would it look like?”

“Damn…” Lance stared into space.  “If I would, which I wouldn’t, it would be dark green and satin.  Just enough fabric to leave things to the imagination.”

“And why wouldn’t you buy it?”

“You women are so damn picky about size.  I’d pick the size wrong and the girl would end up making me eat the damn thing.”

Lara shrieked with laughter as she always did around Lance.  “You are crazy…but you’re right!”

Lance grabbed the book from her.  “Go.”

“Number twelve.”

“Twelve…okay…describe the first time you ever gave oral sex.”

Lara swallowed deeply.  “Well…uh…it was in a car…with a guy three years older then me and twice my size…and I was forced to do it.”

“Sorry, honey,” Lance whispered, lightly caressing her cheek.  Lara grabbed the book back and just looked up at him. “Oh!  Um…twenty-one.”

“This is a two-part question.  Have you ever been in love?”

“Oh yes,” Lance said with a sigh.

“Part two.  Are you in love now?”

“Oh yes,” Lance repeated as he rolled a lock of her hair between his fingers.

“Really?”  Lara stared up at him.  “With who?”

“Just some girl,” Lance said softly.  “She doesn’t know I exist.”

“Well, she’s a dumb wench then.  We’ll work on her,” Lara replied as Nick walked back in the room.  He sat at the end of the sofa, putting Lara’s feet on his lap.

“I could hear you cackling all the way upstairs.  What’s so funny?”

“We’re playing this game called “Too Much Information.”  You read each other the questions and you have to answer them honestly.  Like, when you came in earlier, I had asked Lance to describe the situation when he first saw a woman’s breasts, like a woman he was with…” Lara began to laugh again.  “And he said all he could do was stare and say, “Lord have mercy.””

Nick laughed along with her, but looked at Lance.  “I understand, bro. I was the same way.”

“So, wanna play?”  Lara asked him.

“Sure…if Lance doesn’t mind hearing all my dirty laundry.”

“Oh, I don’t care.” Lance took a gulp of his water.

“Cool.  Pick a number,” Lara ordered.


“How old were you when you lost your virginity?”

“Nineteen,” Nick announced, and Lara kicked him.

“Oh, get real.”

“Fifteen,” Nick answered, making Lance almost spit his water all over Lara’s head.


“Yeah…when we first really started to get groupies,” Nick told him.  Lara stared at him.  Fifteen?

“How about you?” She asked Lance.

“Hey, this was HIS question!”

“Tough…new rules…everyone answers.”

Lance sighed.  “Nineteen.”

“Now that I can believe,” Lara answered.  “Okay, Lancey, pick a number.”

“Nope…you didn’t answer,” Nick reminded her.

“Eighteen,” she mumbled.  “Pick!”

Nick grabbed the book.  “YOU pick.”

Lara sighed.  “Four.”

“Craziest place you’ve ever had sex.”

“Hotel sauna,” Lara answered immediately.  Nick stared at her.  They had never had sex in a hotel sauna.  Lara looked up at Lance.

“My middle school football field.”

“What?”  Lara asked.

“Long story,” Lance said.  They looked at Nick expectantly.

“Airplane bathroom,” he muttered.  Lara and Lance laughed out loud.  They had already heard that story from AJ one night when they had all gone out.  The girl had come out of the bathroom all red-faced, and Nick followed soon after, a beaming smile on his face.

“Okay…new questions.”  Lara flipped to a chapter in the back.  “I’ll start at the beginning.  Nicky…would you have a problem with someone watching you have sex.”

He thought about it a moment.  “Probably not…as long as it wasn’t some perv stranger.”

“Lancey…” Lara scanned the next question and blushed.  “Never mind.  You don’t have to answer that one.”

“What was it?”  Nick asked.

“Yeah…what was it?”  Lara moved the book but Lance grabbed it.  “Number two…would you have sex with your best friend?”  His green eyes lowered to Lara’s face.  She stared up at him, running her tongue over her lower lip.  He then glanced over at Nick, who was looking at him expectantly.


Lance swallowed deeply.  “Yes…yes I would.”

“Uh…next question.”  Lara’s eyes fell to the book that Lance had placed back in her hand.  “My turn.  Would you ever cheat on your significant other?”  Her eyes met Nick’s in a blue steel gaze.  “Never.”

“My turn,” Nick said softly.

“Would you ever have anal sex?”

“Definitely,” he said quickly, and Lara gasped.  They had never discussed it, and he had never asked.

“Really?”  Lance and Lara asked at the same time.

“Sure…I’ve heard it’s really erotic…all tight and everything…I wouldn’t have a problem with it…I’d like to try it, actually.”  He gave Lara a sexy smile, and she squirmed under his gaze.

“Lancey…would you ever kiss someone of the same sex?”  Lara asked the question almost eagerly, then blushed furiously, making Nick and Lance laugh.

“What is it with you women and the idea of two men together?”  Nick asked, rolling his eyes.  He knew about the stories that Lara and her friends wrote about Howie and AJ or he and Kevin, and it amused him to no end.

“Sure…why not…it’s just a kiss,” Lance answered suddenly, flooring the other two.  Lara shivered as the image of Lance kissing Nick popped into her mind.  She shook her head to clear it.  “How about you?”  Lance asked Nick in a daring tone.

“Sure…like you said, it’s just a kiss,” Nick said almost nervously.

“I think that kissing and fooling around doesn’t mean you’re gay,” Lara said quickly.  “I mean…it’s just a showing of emotion and attraction…doesn’t mean you want that whole lifestyle or anything.”

“Would you kiss another girl?”  Lance looked down at her.

“Of course…already have,” she replied calmly.

“WHAT?”  Nick almost fell off the sofa.

“Who?”  Lance said at the same time.  Lara laughed so hard she thought she’d bust.

“Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.  There’s nothing you men like more then the image of two women together.”  She rolled her eyes.  “Kelley…when you guys were on tour and she stayed with me while Howie was away.  We decided we’d try it to see what it was like…no big deal.”

“And?”  Nick and Lance asked at the same time, almost on the edge of their seats.  Lara laughed again.

“And nothing.  We kissed.”

“Anything else?”  Lance asked her.  She poked him.

“Maybe…maybe not.”  Nick studied her face, unable to see if she was kidding.  “Anyway, next question.”

Nick grabbed the book this time.  “Do you fantasize about someone other then your significant other?  If yes, who is it about?”

Lara blushed a miserable red, and Lance hooted.  “Oh, this should be good.”

She brought her head back hard, just barely missing his groin.  He yanked on her hair.  “Do I have to answer this?”

“Yes…if you don’t…we get to dare you to do something,” Nick decided.

“Yeah,” Lance agreed, liking the idea.

“What KIND of dare?  I refuse to go running down the street naked or something,” Lara said.

“If you don’t answer, I pick your dare,” Nick said slowly.  If Lance doesn’t answer one, you pick his dare, and if I don’t answer, he picks mine…deal?”

“Okay,” Lara said, and Lance nodded in affirmation.  “But I’m gonna answer this anyway.”

“Damn,” Nick muttered.  He was looking forward to picking out a good dare for her. 

“Brian Littrell,” Lara announced.  Lance laughed at the shocked look on Nick’s face. 

“Brian?  B-Rok?  As in Frick?  My best friend?”  Nick asked in astonishment.

“That would be the one.”  Lara stood and stretched.  “I’m gonna go make popcorn.  Anyone want anything?”

“No, thanks,” Lance said.  Nick could only shake his head no.  Lara bounced up the stairs to the kitchen.  “Hey, Nick…about what I said about kissing my best friend…” Lance began.  Nick waved his hand.

“Don’t worry about it. Not a problem.  I know how much you want her.”

“Excuse me?”  Lance almost squeaked.

“I can see it in your eyes, Lance…and I understand.  You two are always snuggling…she’s always hugging you and stuff…if I didn’t have someone and a cute girl was hanging all over me all the time, I’d want her, too.”

Lance didn’t know what to say.  He had tried so hard to keep his feelings for Lara hidden…they went much deeper then just some kind of lust.  Thankfully Nick hadn’t seen that far.  “I’m sorry,” he apologized.

“Like I said, no problem.”

Lara soon hurried back in with a huge bowl of popcorn.  “Whose turn is it?”

“Nick,” Lance said, cramming his mouth full of popcorn.  As soon as he could talk, he read, “Which do you prefer…giving oral sex or getting it?”

“Giving,” Nick said immediately, and Lara stared at him.


“No, it’s true!  You make all these cute little noises, and you moan my name and squirm around on the bed…it’s amazing.”

“Now I know why they call this game Too Much Information,” Lance muttered, and Lara laughed.

“Your turn, Lancey.”  She grabbed the book.  “What’s the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you in a sexual situation?”

“Nope.  No way.  WAY too embarrassing,” Lance said, suddenly very interested in the bowl of popcorn.

“Awww, come on, Lance…we’re all friends here.”

“I can’t…I can’t tell you,” Lance said firmly, glaring at the other man.  There was no way in the world he could ever admit that the last time he had been with a woman, he had called her ‘Lara,’ and he couldn’t come up with a quick lie.

“Lancey…come on,” Lara said in a cajoling tone.  Lance shook his head and Lara was surprised.  There wasn’t much she couldn’t talk him into.

“Guess that means you have to take the dare,” Nick said cheerfully.  Lance looked at Lara, worry filling his heart.  She could be pretty damn creative.

“Okay…got one.”  She smiled at Lance, the devil sparkling in her blue eyes.  “Lance, I dare you to kiss Nick…on the lips.”

Too Much Information




Lance and Nick stared at Lara in shock for a moment.  “What the hell are you doing?”  Nick asked her.

“Well?”  Lara asked, smiling at Lance sweetly.

“Oh…what the hell,” Lance replied.  Lara sat up and he got off the sofa, walking over to Nick’s end.  He knelt beside him.  “It’s just a kiss,” he reminded Nick softly.  “Close your eyes.”  Nick rolled his eyes, then closed them.  Lance gently cupped Nick’s face in his hand, then gently pressed his lips against Nick’s.  He could feel Nick’s whole body tense, including his mouth, but when he didn’t pull away, Nick slowly began to relax.  Lance pulled back a bit, then kissed him again gently.  He slowly pulled away, releasing Nick’s face.  He turned to Lara. “Happy?”

Lara nodded, her face flushed.  “Very.”  Nick couldn’t help but smile at the look on her face. 

Lance sat back down, sitting between Lara and Nick this time.  Lara was curled up on the far corner of the sofa, just staring at the two men.  “Your turn,” he said to Lara.  He flipped through the book.  “If you could have a threesome, who would it be with?”

“Anyone in the world?”

“Anyone…but one of them DAMN well better be me,” Nick said, sticking his tongue out at her. 

Lara closed her eyes, acting as if she were thinking hard.  In all actuality, the only threesome she could even picture was with Lance and Nick.  That kiss had turned her on unbelievably, and she hadn’t even thought Lance OR Nick would go through with it.  “AJ McLean and Brian,” she blurted.

Lance burst into laughter at the look on Nick’s face.  “What is it with you and Brian lately?” Nick asked, pretending to be upset.  Lara said nothing, just smiled. “I think you’re lying.  You said that way too fast,” he continued, looking at her carefully.  She blushed a furious red.

“Well, if she’s lying, you should ask her another question,” Lance suggested. Lara smacked him.

“Good idea.”  Nick grabbed the book and flipped through it.  “Here we go.  Who is the best person at giving oral sex that you have ever been with?”

Lara swallowed deeply.  She couldn’t answer this one…it wasn’t Nick.  Not that they both hadn’t been with other people before ending up together, but this was right before they had started dating.  It was the same person she had been in the sauna with: Kevin Richardson.  She just couldn’t tell Nick that.  “Um…uh…” she faltered.

“I don’t care if it isn’t me, honey,” Nick said softly.  “Just answer.”

“I can’t,” she said finally.  Lance let out a loud cheer. 

“Good!  Give her a good one, Nick!”

Nick looked at them both for a long moment.  “I dare you…to climb up on Lance’s lap and kiss him for…oh…a good five or ten minutes.”

“What?”  She whispered.

“WHAT?”  Lance demanded, glaring at Nick.

“You heard me.  You didn’t answer the question, so you have to take the dare.”  Nick crossed his arms over his chest and smirked at his girlfriend.

Lara looked at Lance.  Kiss him?  He was her best friend.  It would be like kissing her brother.  He would probably be grossed out.  Say no, Lance, she thought to herself.

Lance gazed down at Lara.  Her blue eyes were full of confusion.  He wanted to kiss her so badly he could taste it, and yet he was furious at Nick for setting him up that way.  Once he started kissing Lara, he wouldn’t want to stop.

Nick watched the blue and green eyes that stared at him in shock and he couldn’t help but smile.  He didn’t mean to use Lance like this, but he knew the other man’s attraction to his girlfriend, and for some reason the idea turned him on immensely.  And though she would deny it, he knew that Lara wanted it, too.  “Well?”

Lara heaved a deep sigh and stood up.  She straddled Lance’s legs, putting a knee on either side of him. He hesitated for a moment then placed his hands on her waist.  His green eyes stared up at her almost worshipfully and she froze for a moment, shocked by the intensity of his gaze.  Realization washed over her like a tidal wave.  SHE was the one he loved…why hadn’t she seen it before.  She lightly ran her fingers through his blond hair, thankful for the lack of mousse or gel.  She lightly tickled behind his ears, knowing it would make him smile.  She rested her hands on the base of his neck, letting her thumbs come up and toy with his earlobes.  “I’m so sorry,” she whispered.  “I didn’t see.”  She bent her head to his slowly, barely touching her lips to his.

The electricity flowing through his body almost made Lance jump.  This was the moment he had dreamt of so many times alone at night, and it was better then he had ever dreamed.  Her lips pressed to his again and again as her hands stroked his neck.  He didn’t want to react.  He told his body just to sit still and let her kiss him.  Unfortunately, his body didn’t listen.  His hands grasped at her waist, then slowly slid up her sides.  His mouth followed her lead, and soon their tongues were lightly dancing.  He heard her gasp, felt the rumble of her moan against his mouth.  She had been leaning up on her knees, now she was slowly moving down until her backside was on his legs.

This definitely was not like kissing her brother.  Lance’s kisses were sweet but demanding, and Lara could not have stopped if the world had ended at that very moment.  His hands slid up and down the back of her tshirt, and all she could think about was if they would be soft on her skin.  She gasped as his tongue touched hers, and she moaned at the sweet taste of him.  Her hands began to run up through his hair, pushing his head closer to hers.

Neither of them heard Nick get up and leave the room.

Too Much Information




The kisses became almost life sustaining.  Lara felt as if she were falling and only Lance’s hands on her back and waist were keeping her up.  Her hands ran through his hair, up and down then back to his neck.  He grabbed her bottom lip in his teeth and lightly tugged.  She moaned as she felt herself get wetter then she had ever been…and they were only kissing.

When Lance found his hands moving up her sides towards her breasts, he finally pulled back.  Lara rested her forehead on his as they both panted for breath.  “Has it been ten minutes yet, Nick?”  Lance asked.  “Nick?”  They looked over at Nick’s empty place on the sofa.

“When did he leave?”  Lara gasped.

“I don’t know,” Lance replied.  Lara pulled back to look at him.  He gently traced her cheek with one finger.  “I’m…I’m sorry,” he faltered.

“For what?  For kissing me?”

“No…I will NEVER be sorry that happened,” he said, his eyes almost smiling.  “I’m sorry for loving you…for falling in love with you.”

“How…how long have you felt this way?”  Lara asked, biting her lip.

“About six months…almost from the first moment I started to hang out with you on a regular basis.  I used to count the minutes until you’d come over to watch TV or something, and then when you’d snuggle up to me, or hold my hand when we went for a walk, I’d pray the time would never end.”

A tear threatened to splash down her face.  “God…Lancey…I’m so sorry…what a tease I’ve been.  Six months of this…why didn’t you say anything…or tell me to leave you the hell alone?”

“You haven’t been a tease, Lara,” Lance said sternly.  “You didn’t know.  It’s just your personality to be like that.  And I couldn’t tell you to leave me alone, because then I’d never get to see you at all.  And I knew how much you loved Nick…it was so obvious…I wish you had never found out though…because now you’ll feel uncomfortable around me.” 

“A little,” Lara admitted.  “But you’re my best friend!”

“You’re mine, too.”  Lance looked over her shoulder, deep in thought.  “I’m just trying to figure Nick out…he knows how I feel about you.”

“He WHAT?”  Lara exclaimed.

Lance nodded.  “When you went up for popcorn, he told me that he could see how attracted I am to you…and that it didn’t bother him.  It still surprises me, though, that he came up with this kind of dare.”

“That is odd,” she agreed.  He turned his emerald gaze back onto her, and she felt her insides turn to Jello.  “Wh…what are you thinking, Lancey?”

“How much I want to kiss you again.”  He traced her lips with his finger.  “What are you thinking?”

“The same thing,” she murmured.  He whimpered slightly and wove his fingers through her hair, pulling her head to his.  She wrapped her arms around him, pulling him from the back of the couch.  He sat up, crushing her body to his.  Lara slowly slid her legs forward until her arms and legs were totally wrapped around him.  Lance moved his mouth from her lips to her cheek to her chin, and then down her neck.  Lara shivered as he hit all the spots that drove her crazy.  She placed her hand on the back of his neck, pushing his head even closer, and when he bit down on the skin of her shoulder, she cried out quietly.

Lance ran his tongue along her collarbone, loving the slightly salty taste of her skin.  When Lara pressed his head closer to her, he felt as if he could devour her completely.

“Oh…Lance…” she whispered, her hands slowly running up and down his back.  She could feel his erection against her, and all she could think about was tasting it…touching it…

Nick peeked in the doorway, not at all surprised at what was going on.  After the first few seconds of the kiss, all his suspicions were confirmed.  He knew Lara loved him, but he had also thought all along that she had a secret attraction to Lance that SHE didn’t even realize…but she was discovering it pretty damn quick now.  He had watched them whisper for a second, and he knew that Lance had finally admitted his feelings to her.  She was confused; he could read that in her body language.  But right now the kisses were getting more and more passionate, and the sight of his girlfriend making out with her best friend was turning Nick on incredibly.  He slowly snuck back into the room. 

Lance looked up from Lara’s shoulder to see Nick quietly walking back into the room. His green eyes widened and he started to pull away, but Nick shook his head.  Their eyes met, and Lance read a strange look of approval in Nick’s blue eyes.  Suddenly Lance shivered…he knew what was going to happen and he wasn’t sure if it was the right thing…but at that moment it was all he wanted.


Lara felt Lance freeze, and then she felt a pair of lips on the back of her neck.  She tried to turn to see but gentle hands held her facing Lance. “Shh…relax, baby,” she heard Nick whisper. 

“N-Nicky…I…I…” she stammered.

“It’s okay.”  Nick’s tongue flickered out across the top of her spine.  “I know you want this…I know you’ve wanted it for a long time.”  He lightly brushed her hair aside to nibble on her neck.  “Me and Lance are gonna take care of you…you just relax and let us take care of you, okay?”  Lara mutely nodded, not knowing what to say.  Confused feelings were whirling around inside of her.  “I saw you kissing him a few minutes ago…kiss him again.”  Nick pulled back from her neck and looked at Lance.  “Kiss her,” he almost ordered.  Lance needed no second request.  He cupped Lara’s face in his hands and began to hungrily kiss her.  Lara began to protest, but when she felt Nick start to slowly raise her tshirt and kiss her spine, she forgot protesting.  She almost forgot to even breathe.  All she could think about were the lips on her back and the tongue dancing with hers.  Lance pulled back for a moment

“You can stop this now,” he whispered so quietly that only she could hear him.  “If you think this will ruin anything…you can stop now.  I can stop…”

“No,” she murmured.  “I want you, Lance.”  She froze as the words came out of her mouth.  She realized that she HAD wanted him for a long time…Nick was right.  Lance moaned and feverishly kissed her.

Suddenly Nick had his hands under her arms and was pulling her to her feet.  “Stay there, Lance,” Nick told him.  Lance swallowed deeply but did as Nick asked.  Nick slowly pulled Lara’s tshirt over her head.  He pulled his own tank top off as well, and then deftly unhooked her bra.  He stood behind her, turning so they were facing Lance.  Nick began to kiss Lara’s neck as his large hands found her breasts, gently stroking and caressing them.  Lara moaned and closed her eyes, leaning her head back on his shoulder.  “No,” Nick murmured.  “Look at him.”  Lara’s eyes flew open and she glanced down at Lance, who was watching her face intently.  Every once in a while his eyes would flicker down to her breasts, but he seemed to get embarrassed and would look back up.  “Doesn’t it turn you on, knowing that he is sitting there wanting to be me?” Nick continued to whisper in her ear.  Lara nodded slightly.  Lance continued to attempt not to watch Nick’s hands.

“It’s okay,” Lara said softly.  “I don’t mind,” she told Lance.  He swallowed deeply and allowed his green eyes to follow the trails Nick was tracing across Lara’s breasts from one to the other.  His hands were aching to touch her, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it.  Finally Lara reached down and grabbed him by the shirt, tugging until he stood.  She pulled his shirt over his head until he was barechested as well.  She took a hold of the waistband of his jeans, pulling him close until she was sandwiched between them.  Lance gasped as her chest pressed against his.  He could feel her hard nipples rub against his skin and he closed his eyes.  The sensations were almost painful.  Nick took Lara by the shoulders and turned her around so she faced him and had her back to Lance.  He placed his hands on her waist and passionately kissed her.  Lance’s hands slowly moved from her stomach to her breasts, and Lara let out a sigh as his fingertips began to explore her.  She leaned back against him, unconsciously grinding her backside against his groin.  He began to nibble and suck on her neck and shoulders as Nick continued to kiss her, taking her tongue in her mouth and sucking on it.

Lara felt her knees go weak, and she almost lost her balance.  At the same time, Lance and Nick put hands on her waist to steady her.  Their eyes met and held a silent conversation.  Lance pushed at the waistband of her shorts until the shorts and her underwear were in a puddle on the floor.  Lara gasped at her sudden change from clothed to naked and shivered.  “Relax,” Nick told her, gently pushing her until she was laying down on the couch.  “We’ll keep you warm.”  He bent his head and began to gently suck one of her nipples, ever-so-lightly flicking his tongue across it.  She moaned and arched off the sofa.  With shaking hands Lance took a hold of her right leg and began to kiss up from the ankle, paying close attention to every inch of skin.  When he hit the back of her knee, Lara grasped at the cushions, digging her fingernails into the fabric.  Lance looked up at Nick once before moving further, and Nick nodded at him.  “Go ahead,” he mouthed.  As Nick moved to kiss Lara on the lips, Lance slowly trailed a line of kisses up the inside of her thigh.

“Ohhhhh God,” Lara whimpered.  Her blue eyes fluttered open, and she looked at Nick.  He smiled down at her.

“It’s okay,” he promised.  “I want to be up here kissing you while someone else makes you scream.”

When Lance heard that, he began to carefully flicker his tongue out against Lara’s wetness.  She moaned and tried to spread her legs further, but there was no room on the sofa.  Lance picked up one of her legs and placed it on the back of the sofa, and moved the other one to rest on the floor.  He placed his hands under her backside, squeezing gently as he slid his tongue inside of her.

“Damn…oh GOD yes…” she gasped.  Two of Lance’s slender fingers slid inside of her repeatedly as his tongue played with her clit.  She arched her back again, and Nick laughed quietly against her neck.

“Does that feel good, baby?”

“Oh…yes…fuck, yes!”  Lara exclaimed, one of her hands moving to push his head to hers.  She sucked on Nick’s tongue, mimicking the movement of Lance’s fingers inside of her.

Lance was feeling dizzy.  Lara was arching herself up into his eager mouth, and he could not get enough of the feeling of his fingers inside of her.  He wanted to be inside of her…all the way. “Come for Lance, baby…let him make you come,” he heard Nick say, and the idea of making her come made him work even harder.

“Oh, Lancey!”  Lara screamed, and he felt her contract around his fingers.  He quickly withdrew them and bent down to lick her sweet juices as she came.  Lara collapsed into Nick’s arms, panting for breath.  Lance slowly got up and prepared to lick off his fingers.  Nick grabbed them before he could protest, licking Lara’s wetness from them. 

“Mmm…good, isn’t she?”  Nick asked him, and Lance could only nod.  He looked down at Lara, who was pink and breathless from her orgasm.  “I think it’s time you repaid Lance, baby, don’t you think?”  Nick began to take off his shorts, and Lance made quick work of his jeans.  Lara slowly got up, and before Lance could sit down she gave him a passionate kiss, tasting herself on his lips.

Lance sat down on the sofa and Lara knelt before him, her eyes heavy lidded with desire.  She looked down at his cock for a moment.  It stood straight and hard, and she reached out one finger to trace a circle around the head.  Lance hissed in a breath and Lara looked up at him quickly.  “God…I’ve thought about this for so long,” he finally admitted.  Lara smiled up at him devilishly and bent down to lick him once, twice, then slowly engulf him in her mouth.  Lance leaned his head back and moaned.  She continued to suck him, occasionally reaching a hand down to gently caress and massage his balls. 

Lara sucked Lance as if she had never tasted anything so good in her entire life.  She loved the feeling of his hardness against her tongue, and when she would gently tug on his head with her teeth he made a sound somewhere between a whimper and a groan that drove her crazy.  She felt Nick kissing her back, and then she felt his large hardness behind her.  He reached inside her wetness with one finger and then his finger was replaced with his thick cock.  “Oh, YES,” she moaned against Lance.  Lance ran his fingers through her hair, gently pushing her head up and down on his cock.  His eyes met Nick’s, and Nick smirked.  Nick lightly ran his nails down Lara’s back, something he knew she loved.

“Pull her hair,” he told Lance softly.

“What?”  Lance asked, shocked.  He didn’t want to pull her hair.  He wanted to treat her with gentleness…kindness…

“Pull her hair.  She loves it.  Trust me.” Lance gently pulled at Lara’s dark hair, and she whimpered slightly.  “No, PULL it,” Nick ordered.  Lance wrapped a handful around his fingers and yanked sharply, and Lara made a sound that started as a shriek and ended as a moan.  If at all possible, Lance got harder at the sound.  Nick grabbed a hold of Lara’s hips and began to slam himself into her, and she eagerly moved back to meet him with each thrust.  Nick watched Lance’s face, seeing the approaching orgasm in his eyes.  Nick pulled out quickly, and Lara turned to look at him.  “Time for something different,” Nick said, smiling slyly.

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Nick stood and took Lara’s hand, pulling her up with him.  Lance stared up at them in confusion.  “You’ll do whatever I say, right, baby?”  Nick drew a line down Lara’s jawbone with his finger.  She nodded slowly.  Nick had never been this demanding before.  She swallowed, fear in her eyes.  Nick smiled, a tender smile that showed her the Nick she loved so much.  “I would never hurt you, you know that, right?”  She nodded again.  “Good.”  He grabbed one of the pillows from the back of the sofa and tossed it onto the floor.  “Lance…” he motioned to the floor and Lance laid down with his head on the pillow.  He didn’t know why he was doing whatever the younger man told him, but so far he wasn’t disappointed.  He’d think about what this mean to his friendship with Lara later.

Nick stood behind Lara, kissing her neck as they looked down at Lance.  Lara’s blue eyes raked across Lance’s body, hovering over his still hard erection.  “I want you to get down there and ride Lance…I want you to take his cock in you and ride him good and hard…give him the fuck of his life, understand?”  Nick whispered in Lara’s ear.  She whimpered and nodded.  Her knees went weak at what Nick was murmuring, and she slowly sank to the ground.  She leaned forward over Lance’s chest and kissed his flushed cheeks, then gently kissed his nose.  She placed her hands on either side of his head and slowly sank onto his waiting cock.  They both groaned as he filled her.

“Tell me what you’re thinking,” she whispered in his ear as he grabbed her waist.

“I’ve wanted this…for so long…” he gasped.  “I love you so much…but I’ve wanted you…so badly…mmmmm,” he moaned as she sat down on him hard.  “I’ve dreamt of how you’d taste…how you’d feel…this is better then any dream I’ve had…”

“Oh, Lancey…you feel so good,” Lara sighed, closing her eyes as she moved up and down on him.  She heard a strange snap behind her but did not stop her steady up and down motion.  Suddenly she felt something teasing at her backside and she froze.

“Don’t stop.”  Nick’s voice was low by her ear.  “Whatever you feel, do NOT stop fucking him.  Understand me?”  She felt his finger teasing at her ass and she whimpered with fear, but she continued to move up and down on Lance.  As one of Nick’s long fingers slid inside of her, she realized that the snap she had heard was the cap of a tube of lubricant.  Nick slowly slid a finger inside, not wanting to hurt her.  The finger felt odd, but then her muscles relaxed around it.  She moaned as he matched Lance’s in and out motion.  Soon two fingers went in and then out, in and then out.  “I want to fuck you while you fuck him, Lara…I want you to be completely filled by the two men you love most…do you want that?”

“I…I…” she gasped as he withdrew his fingers.

“Do you?”  He brought his cock up to tease at her entrance.

“Y-yes…” she stammered.  He placed his hands on her backside and slowly pushed in. 

Lance looked up at Lara, who was biting her lip until tears snuck out of her eyes.  “Nick…stop…you’re hurting her.”

“N-no…don’t stop!”  Lara gasped.  Nick suddenly popped past the initial barrier, and he sighed as he buried himself in her.  “Oh…my…fucking…god…” Lara moaned as he began to slowly move in and out.  “Lancey…fuck me…please…I need you to…”

Lance took a firmer hold of her hips and began to thrust up into her.  Lara could hardly stand the sensations that racked her body.  At first she felt only the pain, but that dulled compared to the pleasure of knowing that she was completely filled by the two men who mattered most in her life…just like Nick had said.  Her hands moved to clutch at Lance’s shoulders, and she buried her face in his chest.  Her mouth found one of his hard nipples and he moaned, thrusting up into her as hard as he could.  All too soon, he felt himself at the edge.  “Lara…oh baby…I love you…oh SHIT!”  He thrust up into her one last time.

The look of wild abandonment in Lance’s eyes drove Lara to the point of insanity.  She thrust her tongue into his mouth as she quivered around him.  She sighed against his lips as she came, thrusting down on him and then up against Nick one last time.  Nick pulled out of her quickly and grabbed something from the floor.  Lara sat down beside Lance’s legs, watching Nick.  He was rubbing down his cock with a washcloth he had brought in with him.  Lara grabbed the cloth from him and lovingly began to slowly stroke his thick cock with the cloth.

“Oh…damn…Lara…don’t tease me like that…I’m too close…” Nick gasped.  “You were so tight…felt so good…shit…” he groaned as she grasped him tight in her fist and began to jerk her hand up and down on him.  She tossed the cloth to the ground and took him in her mouth, moaning with satisfaction as she tasted his precum on her lips.  Lance looked up at him with a smirk.

“You like watching your girl with another man, huh?  You watched through the door?”  Lance snuggled up behind Lara and began to fondle her breasts once more.  She moaned as she looked up at Nick.  “You like watching, don’t you?”

“Oh…fuck…” Nick panted.  He put his hands on Lara’s head and pushed her down on his cock.  Lance began to bite her neck, sucking hard enough to leave a string of marks.  When she moaned hard against Nick’s cock, the vibrations were all he could take.  “SHIT…Lara…GOD!” He screamed.  She felt the streams of cum hit the back of her mouth and she drank everything down, something she normally wouldn’t do.  This made Nick come even harder.  He fell to the ground, pulling Lara with him.  Lara grabbed Lance and pulled him down as well, until she was in Nick’s arms and Lance was snuggled against her back.

“Now what?”  She whispered a few minutes later.

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No one answered Lara…the question had been rhetorical at most.  She felt Lance’s warm lips against her back, and then she felt a wet drop slide down her spine.  She tried to turn around, but Nick’s arms held her tight against him.  “I love you,” she heard Lance barely whisper in her ear, then she felt him get up.  “I’m gonna get going,” Lance announced, reaching for his jeans.

“Don’t go…we’ll order in pizza or something,” Nick said.  Lara quickly pulled on her shorts and tshirt. 

“Yes, Lance…don’t go,” she said softly.

“No, thanks…I got stuff to do anyway,” Lance replied, averting his eyes from Lara’s face.  “Catch you guys later.”  He almost ran out the door.  Lara followed before Nick could say anything.

“Lance, wait!”  She was almost sobbing by the time he reached his car.  He froze with his hand on the door handle.  “Don’t leave without saying goodbye!”

“I said goodbye.  I said catch you guys later.”  He refused to turn around.

“That’s not what I meant.”  She hardly got the words out before the sobs completely racked her body.  Lance turned around quickly and took her in his arms.

“Lara…sweetie…please don’t cry.  It kills me to know I made you cry.”

“You didn’t make me cry,” she said against his shoulder.  “I just…I know you hate me and…”

He cupped her face in his hands, staring into her blue eyes.  “Why in the world would I hate you?”

“Because…I…I…let…sex…mess up…our friendship,” she sobbed.

“Honey, there were three of us in there…not just you.  You didn’t do anything.  It was me.”  Lance kissed her hair.  “I let my love for you mess up our friendship…and it won’t happen again.”

“What do you mean?”  Lara’s head jerked up.

“I need to go away for a few days, think things through.”  He pulled back to look at her.  “I’m sorry, Lara, but I don’t know what’s going on.  Before I loved you but I could still be your friend, but now...after all this...after knowing that you know my heart...I don’t know if I can be around you.”

“Lance…no…” Lara swallowed a sob.  “Don’t just leave.  Let’s talk about this.”

“We’ll talk later.”  He kissed her, a deep passionate kiss.  “I love you, Lara.”

“Lance,” she whispered miserably, watching his car speed away.


The next few weeks were agony for Lara.  She was incredibly moody, going from quiet and miserable to loud and miserable, screaming at Nick for chasing her best friend away and then falling into his arms as she cried.  She couldn’t help but think that she had broken Lance’s heart, and it hurt her deeply.

She came downstairs from yet another sleepless night to find Nick out on the porch drinking coffee.  “Good morning,” she said with a sigh, sitting across from him on another chair.

“Morning,” he said, staring down into his cup.  “You had nightmares again last night.”

“I did?  I didn’t think I even slept long enough to have a nightmare,” she tried to joke.

“I thought I’d tell you…I’m going away for the weekend.”

“Oh, really?  Where are we going?”

“No, Lara…me.  I’M going away.”

“What?”  Lara whispered, her heart breaking.  “You’re leaving me, too?”

“I’m not leaving you, baby.”  Nick leaned forward and took her hands in his.  “I just need to think about things, and so do you.  You need to decide between us.”

“Between who?  You and Lance?  You’re crazy…you know my choice.  There IS no choice.  I choose you.”

“No, you choose me because you’re with me.  It’s obvious from how upset you’ve been that you have feelings for Lance that are stronger then friendship.”   Nick ran a hand through his short blond hair.  “This is all my fault.  I totally admit that I brought this all down on us.  I dared you to kiss him, knowing full well that it would blow into something else.  What I didn’t count on was the intensity of your feelings for Lance.  I did, however, know his feelings, and I used them to get you two in the position I wanted…and if he ever comes back I will most definitely grovel to him.”

“But I…I don’t love him like that…I…” Lara began.

“Don’t say that.”  Nick placed a finger over Lara’s mouth.  “Don’t say you don’t love him that way, and don’t say you still love me the same…because you don’t.”  He stood.  “I’m gonna pack a bag and head up to the cabin for the weekend.  You know where it is if there’s an emergency.” He kissed her forehead and headed back into the house.  Lara leaned her head on her arms and sobbed.

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Two Days Later



“Nick?  Nick!  Yo, Frack!  Open the door!”

Lara dully got up from her seat on the living room couch and made her way to the door.  She looked out the peephole.  Brian’s blue eyes peered back at her.  She sighed and undid the locks and the alarm system.  Brian had been calling since the night Nick had left, trying to get a hold of him, but she had allowed the machine to pick it up.  She wasn’t in the mood to explain.  She opened the door one crack.  “Yes?”

“Lara…hey.  Where’s Nick?  I need his help with this lyric I’m trying to work through and he hasn’t answered my calls.”

“He’s not here.  Come back later.”  Lara started to close the door.

“Wait!”  Brian put a hand up and pushed against the door.  “Do you know when he’ll be back?”

“Don’t you mean IF?”  She muttered.  “No, I don’t, Brian.  See ya later.”  She attempted to shut the door.

This time Brian stuck his foot in.  “Please don’t shut that again.  I like having ten toes instead of five.”  Lara glared at him and he glared right back.  “Where is Nick, Lara?”

“Up at the cabin,” Lara said finally.  “He’s been there since Thursday.  He’ll supposedly be back tomorrow.  Supposedly.  NOW will you go?”

“Why aren’t you with him?”

“Why are you so damn nosy?”  Lara countered.  She started to close the door and Brian shoved against it with all his might, throwing her back and onto the floor of the hallway.

“Gosh, Lara, I’m sorry!”  He helped her to her feet and finally took a good look at her.  “Holy shit, what the hell happened to you?”  Brian stared at the dark patches under her eyes and the dull paleness of her skin.  “Did…he…Nick didn’t hit you, did he?”

“Hell, no.  Didn’t touch me.  Brian, I’m not in the mood for visitors.  Could you please go?”  Lara said with a sigh.

“No.  I’m not leaving until…” Brian wandered into the living room.  The shades were open to let in the tiniest amount of light, but even in the darkness he could see the three bottles of Jim Beam that sat on the coffee table.  He grabbed Lara by the arm and started dragging her up the stairs. 

“What the hell are you doing, Littrell?”  Lara demanded.

“You’re taking a shower.  I can tell by looking at you that you haven’t bathed since Nick left.  You’re at LEAST taking a bath, if I have to dump you in there and hose you down myself.”

“Brian, go the hell away, okay?  I want to be alone,” Lara whined as he pulled her into the bathroom.  He held one of her arms as he adjusted the water temperature with the other hand.  She tugged at him one last time.

“I warned you.”  Brian carefully shoved Lara into the bathtub.  She squealed as she sat down in the water.

“Littrell, you are such an asshole!”  She screamed.

“Take…a…shower…” Brian ordered.  He left the bathroom, closing the door behind him.  He stood in the hallway, waiting.


Lara almost fell over Brian when she opened the door.  He was sitting on the floor directly in front of the bathroom.  He stood up when the door opened and smiled at her.  She looked comical in Nick’s fluffy blue bathrobe.  “Come on…I’ll make you something to eat.  I bet all you’ve had in your belly is booze.”

“I’m not hungry,” she pouted, but she followed him to the kitchen.  He dug through cabinets until he found a can of soup.  He put it on the stove and sat down across from her at the table.

“Talk,” he demanded.

Lara began to sniffle.  “I can’t, Brian.  I can’t tell you.  It’s…”

“TELL ME,” Brian almost yelled.

“Well, me and Lance were playing this game and…” Lara continued for ten minutes without stopping.  Brian silently served her the soup and she only stopped talking to take small bites.  “And then he just left for the weekend.”  Lara stared at Brian miserably, tears falling into her ABC soup.  “What if he doesn’t come back?”

Brian came to kneel beside her and took her in his arms.  She cried on his shoulder while he tried to keep the sleeve of her robe from falling into the soup.  He finally pulled back to look at her.  He wiped some tears from her cheeks.  “Lara, I’m gonna be honest with you about something, because you are the woman my best friend loves.”  He pulled his chair over to sit in front of her.  He took her hands in his.  “Lara, Nick loves you so very much.  You have to understand that.  You guys have been together for a little over a year now, and I think he loves you even more then he did at the beginning…if that’s humanly possible.”  Lara replied with a sniffle.  “I know he’s not one to really get all romantic or anything, but he worships the ground you walk on.  He knew he’d get something out of this little thing with Lance, but he also knew it would turn YOU on, and that’s why he sacrificed you to someone else.  And not just someone else, but the person he knew loved you most in this world besides him.”

“Yeah,” Lara replied softly.

“Lance is a great guy, don’t get me wrong, but he shoulda told you his feelings a long time ago, not just let you drag him along for the ride.  And he is also an adult.  He shoulda figured something like this would happen if you three did what you did.”

“But I broke his heart!  I hurt my best friend!”

“He’ll get over it,” Brian said gently.  “Unfortunately, though, you MAY have to find a new best friend.”  Lara burst into a new set of tears.  “Lara, think of this from Nick’s side.  I bet you’ve been moping around ever since it happened, right?”  She didn’t reply.  “How do you think that made Nick feel?  Here he thought it was just some fling, and you got all depressed cuz Lance wasn’t around.”

“But…” Lara began, then realized Brian was right.  She had chased Nick away.  “What, are you Dr. Ruth’s secret child or something?”  She muttered.  “Will he come back, Brian?”

“I can’t promise anything, honey, but I’m sure he will.  Lance will, too.  If he loves you like he says he won’t go away without a goodbye of some sort.”  Brian picked up the spoon.  “Eat your soup.”

“Yes, sir.”  She took the spoon.  “The position of my best friend is open…interested?”

“No, thank you.  I don’t think I’m man enough to handle the requirements of being your best friend,” Brian replied, making Lara smile.


Lara was up bright and early Sunday morning, even though she and Brian had sat up talking until midnight the night before.  She cleaned the entire house from top to bottom, then soaked in a bubble bath for over an hour, rehearsing her speech to Nick in her mind.  When she saw his car pull in the driveway around four, however, all her carefully planned words left her brain.  She planned to run out to greet him, but his whole body showed nothing but exhaustion.  She opened the door for him and stood aside for him to come in the house.  “Hello, Nick,” she said, grateful that she had decided to put on the dress he liked best.  At least she knew she LOOKED good.

“Hey.”  His blue eyes raked over her.  “You look nice.  Hot date tonight?”

Her smile faltered.  “Uh…no…just felt like dressing up.  Why don’t you go take a shower and I’ll make you a sandwich.”

“A shower sounds good.  Thanks.”  Nick trudged up the steps without another word.  Lara went to the kitchen, tears in her eyes.


Lara was sitting on the bed when Nick came out of the master bathroom.  He wore only his boxers, and was towel drying his hair.  On the bed next to her was a tray holding a ham and cheese sandwich and a glass of iced tea.  “Thanks,” Nick said, motioning to the food.

“No problem,” Lara said softly, watching the muscles in his back snake back and forth as he dried his hair.  She moved the tray to a nightstand.  “Nick, could we talk for a second?”

“Sure.”  Nick flopped down on the bed next to her, leaning on one arm.  “What’s up?”

“Well…” his calm exterior unnerved her.  “Well…I was just wondering…I mean…I’ve been thinking and…” Nick’s blue eyes never wavered as they stared at her.  She could read no emotion in them.  Lara choked back a sob.  “If you wanted me to leave, I’ll need a few days to pack my things.  I’ll get out as soon as I can, though…find somewhere to stay…”

“Leave?  You want to leave?”

“No, I DON’T want to leave!”  Lara exclaimed.  “I want to stay!  I want to make up for how I’ve been acting!  I want to apologize for letting my friendship with Lance interfere with my love for you…” Lara finally broke down.  Nick yanked her into his arms.

“Oh…baby…I thought I’d lost you.  I thought you wanted to be with HIM, not me.  When I pulled in, I thought you’d run out to greet me and everything would be okay…but you didn’t…and you didn’t even say you missed me.”  He buried his face in her hair.

“Missed you?  Oh, more then you could know…I missed you so damn much…tried to drown my sorrows in Jim Beam…then Brian came over and threw me in the tub and…” Lara babbled.  Nick silenced her with his lips on hers.  Lara returned his kisses hungrily, making up for all the days she had been too mental to kiss him.  “I’m sorry, Nicky.  Please forgive me.”

“There’s nothing to forgive, baby.”  Nick kissed her forehead, her eyelids, her nose.  “Now, what’s this about Frick throwing you in the tub?”

As Lara snuggled against her boyfriend she simply enjoyed the warm and safe feeling of being in his arms again.  She made herself stop thinking about her best friend…where he was…what he was doing.  She was with Nick and that was all that mattered.

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Two Months Later



Lara hummed as she held up the long blue nightgown, eyeing it critically.  Yep…Nick’s eyes would just about fall out of his head when he saw her in it.  She smiled as she carefully folded it and tucked it into her overnight bag.  She was doing last minute packing for their weekend getaway to Nick’s cabin.  She looked down at the bag and sighed happily.  Things were better then ever between she and Nick…they made love almost every day and spent every spare minute together.  Two days earlier, Nick had snuck home from the studio early and surprised her in her study, throwing her down on the floor and making love to her with wild abandon.  She sighed again as she zipped the bag shut.

  She froze for a moment, her mind wandering to Lance as it usually did when she was alone.  He had come back into town three weeks earlier and already had a girlfriend.  He had not attempted to contact Lara, and she made no move to call him. She felt that when he was ready he would call.  She missed him horribly, though, and often just sat and stared at the phone, mentally pleading with him to call.  She just knew he hated her, and she wanted to apologize. 

She lugged Nick’s bag down the steps, groaning from the weight.  “Whoever says that men pack lighter then women never met a Backstreet Boy,” she said out loud to herself, then laughed.  She jogged back up the steps to the bedroom, just in time to hear the phone ringing.  “Hello?” Lara answered, carefully flopping onto the bed.


“Nicky?  Hi!”  Lara closed her eyes happily, enjoying the simple sound of his voice.  “I can’t wait for our weekend to start.  When are you coming home?”

“Lara, I need you to come to the hospital,” Nick said quietly.

“Why?”  Lara sat up suddenly.  “Are you okay?  Was there an accident?  Oh my God, Nicky, what happened?”  She began to tug on her sandals as she fired questions at him.

“Yes, there was an accident, but it wasn’t me.  I’m fine.”

“Who is it?  Kevin?  Brian?  Oh my God…Brian…is he okay?”

“Brian’s fine, Lara!”  Nick sighed in frustration.  “It’s Lance.”


Lara shoved the heavy doors of the emergency room open, almost knocking over a woman and her son.  “Sorry!” Lara called over her shoulder.  She found Nick’s blond hair over the heads of the other people in the emergency room. Everyone from NSYNC was there…Justin, Chris, JC, Joey…and some girl that Lara assumed was Lance’s new girlfriend, Shawn.  The girl had a large gash on her cheek, and her left arm was in a sling. 

Nick opened his arms and Lara ran into them.  She buried her face in his chest, inhaling the familiar scent of his aftershave and soap.  “What’s going on?”  She demanded, holding her breath.

“We were driving back from this b-bed and b-b-breakfast,” Shawn said, beginning to sob.  Justin put a comforting arm around her.  She couldn’t continue.

“They were driving back through the hills outside of town and a truck swerved out of control, cutting into their lane.  The truck hit Lance’s side of the car,” JC explained softly.  Lara’s blue eyes met Nick’s, asking him what she couldn’t say.

“It’s pretty bad,” Nick told her gently.  “They don’t know if he’ll make it through the night.”

“Oh…God…” Lara collapsed against him, tears streaming down her face.  Nick helped her to a chair.  “I…never got to…apologize…” she whispered.  “Lancey…”

A doctor came out fifteen minutes later, and everyone stood.  “He’s awake and asking for someone,” he informed the group.  Everyone looked at Shawn.  “Is there a Lara here?”

Lara slowly stepped forward.  “That’s me.”

“Come with me, please,” the doctor said kindly.  Lara looked at Nick, who kissed her cheek.  Lara followed the doctor down the corridor, trying to keep up with his long strides.  He stopped in front of a private room in the intensive care area.  “Just a few minutes,” he warned.

Lara opened the door and stepped into the room. She took one look at the figure on the bed and leaned back against the door, closing her eyes.  A bandage was wound around Lance’s head, and terrible gashes covered the smooth skin of his face.  Lara slowly approached his bed and sat down next to him.  She took his right hand; his left arm was in a cast from above his elbow to his fingers.  She looked at the wires running from strange looking machines down to his heart, his nose, his arms, and took a ragged breath.  “Lancey,” she started to say, but nothing came out.  She cleared her throat.  “Lancey?”

Lance’s green eyes fluttered open, and he slowly turned to look at her.  “Lara.”  A slow smile crept across his face and she swallowed a sob.  “You’re here.”

“Yes, sweetie, I’m here.”  She reached up and gently stroked an unbruised place on his cheek.  “I’d love to know what the hell YOU’RE doing here, though.”

“Damn trucks,” Lance muttered, and Lara smiled through her tears.  He gently rubbed his fingers over hers.  “You and Nick…”

“We’re doing great,” Lara told him.  “Better then ever.  I think we both realize now what we have in one another…thanks to you.”

“Sorry…I ran off…I just…” Lance struggled for words and Lara stroked his cheek.

“Shh…don’t overdo it or the doctor will make me leave,” Lara told him.  “Don’t apologize, Lance.  You needed time away…I think we all did.  I just hope you don’t hate me for loving Nick.”

“I…could never…hate you…” Lance told her, his green eyes devouring her face.  “Love you…too…much.”

“I love you, too, Lancey.”  Tears finally splashed down Lara’s cheeks.  “That girl, Shawn, she’s pretty cute.”

“Yeah…turned down Justin…wanted me…” Lance whispered, and Lara laughed out loud, knowing what a coup that was for Lance.

“Well, then, you damned well better get your ass out of here before he sweeps her away with the Brillohead charm,” she ordered.  Lance smiled, as best he could.

“Tell Nick to take care of you…or I’ll be back to haunt him,” he said softly.  Lara didn’t like his wording, but she nodded.  “Lara…no matter what…you’ll always be my best friend…no one knows me…like you do…” he rasped.

“Oh, Lancey…you’re my best friend, too.”  Lara cried openly now, a dark feeling filling her heart.

“I love you…kiss me?” Lance asked, growing more tired by the minute.

“Of course.”  Lara bent down and gently touched her lips to his, intertwining her fingers with his.  Lance kissed her back as hard as he could, then fell back against the pillow.  “I’ll send Shawn in now,” she told him.  “She’s going crazy out there.”  Lara kissed Lance’s forehead.  “I’ll come back tomorrow.”

“Goodbye.”  Lance held on to her fingers for a moment, then slowly let her go. 

Lara went out to the waiting room.  “He wants to see you,” she told Shawn, who rushed past her down the hall.  Lara looked up at Nick.  “I want to go home.”


At four-thirty in the morning, Lara felt Nick get out of bed.  She had finally fallen asleep around three, and didn’t allow herself to wake up enough to wonder why he was getting up.  She had just about dozed off again when she heard him come back in.  She heard the flick of a light switch.  She sat up, rubbing her eyes.  “Nicky?  What is it?”

Nick held something in his hands, which he slowly held out to her.  “He wanted you to have this,” he said softly.  Lara looked at the silver cross and chain dangling from Nick’s fingers.  Lance’s cross and chain.  The chain she had given him.  Lara looked up at Nick and started to shake.

“Wh-where did you get that?”

“That was JC at the door, Lara.”

“He stole it!  He stole Lance’s chain!”  Lara jumped out of bed and began to pull on some clothes.  “I need to take it back to him.  JC stole it!  What an asshole!”

Nick grabbed Lara and made her stop moving.  “Lance died an hour ago, Lara.  He asked that you have the chain.”

“No…NO!  It’s not true!  JC stole it!  Lance isn’t dead…Lance is fine!”  Lara collapsed against Nick, sobbing as she dropped her shoes onto the floor.  “Lance is fine…”

Too Much Information


Three Months Later



“And now, by the power vested in me by the State of Florida, I pronounce you husband and wife.  You may kiss the bride.”

Nick slowly lifted the wisp of a veil that blanketed Lara’s face, smiling down into her eyes.  “I love you, Mrs. Carter,” he whispered.

“I love you, too, Mr. Carter,” she said, a smile lighting her entire face.  Nick sweetly kissed her, then turned her to face their applauding friends.


In a rare solitary moment later that day, Lara stood in a corner of the reception hall, gazing out the window.  She heard the dull buzz of the music and laughter behind her, but she didn’t pay attention to it.  She looked out the window at the setting sun, watching the last golden rays filter through the clouds.  It was supposed to be horrible weather that day; black clouds had loomed on the horizon all morning.  Right when she had arrived at the church, however, the sky had begun to clear, and by the time they came out as man and wife the sun was dancing off the windows of the cars in the parking lot.  She had a funny feeling that a certain angel had something to do with it.  She looked down at the bouquet in her hand.  Wrapped tightly around the handle was a silver chain with a small cross dangling from the end. 

“You okay?”  She felt a pair of strong arms around her waist, pressing against her slight bulge of a belly. 

“I’m fine,” she said, smiling as she watched Nick’s hands absently stroke her abdomen.  About two weeks after Lance’s funeral Lara had discovered that she was pregnant, and at the same time she realized that there was a VERY good chance the baby was Lance’s.  When she sat Nick down and told him, he was ecstatic, even though he knew the baby might not be his.  “I’ll have to make an honest woman of you now,” was all he said.

“I love you, ya know.  Today is the happiest day of my life,” Nick whispered in her ear.  She turned around to beam at him. 

“I love you, too.”


“It’s a boy!”  The doctor announced happily.  Lara sobbed as the wriggling slimy mass of baby was placed in her arms.

“I have a son?”  Nick asked, amazed.

“If you faint, Carter, I will kill you,” Lara told him, smiling down into the blue eyes of her son.  She stroked his almost white-blond hair.  She looked up at Nick and he nodded.  “Lance.  Lance Nickolas Carter.”


The End

Please tell Lara what you thought of this story!