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Total Request Live

By:  Lara


Lara paced back and forth in the hotel suite, cursing fans and any woman between the ages of thirteen and thirty.  Life wasn’t fair.  He was HERS.  HER man.  HER Nick…and she couldn’t even get near the MTV studios where he was appearing on “Total Request Live.”  She should have just gone with the guys when they suggested it.  Lisa went with Kevin, Kelley with Howie.  Lara wanted to do some quick shopping for her mom’s birthday, and told Nick she’d show up around two.  Impossible.  The crowd was already about two thousand people strong by then, and even if she COULD get within a block of the studio, there was no way she’d make it to the door.  She sighed and flopped onto the bed.  She glanced at her watch.  Ten minutes to three.  She sighed and turned on the TV.


Two hours later she was almost panting.  She thanked God for fans and all women between the ages of thirteen and thirty.  Thank God she hadn’t been in that studio.  She still got mental when she saw her fiancé on television, and this was no exception.  She lay back on the pillows, making herself relax.  She thought about Kevin.  He was so cute, and she was SURE she had heard Lisa screaming from the sidelines when he did the nose scrunch.  She was also sure she heard Lisa threatening him when she heard him forget where they had gone for their honeymoon.  The Richardson home would not be a pretty place to be in the next hour or so.  Howie looked better in the video than he did on TRL.  The straight hair was interesting, but it looked unkempt for some reason that day.  She knew Kelley wouldn’t be too happy about the whole “playing the field” thing, but the truth was that she hadn’t even told her family that she and Howie were living together…and she never knew how they might find out.  AJ…she wasn’t sure WHAT that look was all about.  Brian looked nice, as usual, and very happily married.  She was so glad for him.  She hoped Nick would remain that happy once they got married.

Nick.  Holy fuck.  Could he GET any more beautiful?  The shirt was adorable.  He looked about eighteen years old again…the same age he had been when they met.  His hair was just messed up enough to be sexy, and when he couldn’t explain what their video was about she rolled with laughter.  She started to melt, however, when he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively at the camera.  Then he licked his lips.  Then he stuck his tongue out.  Then he just…breathed.  She thought she was over the whole fan infatuation thing, but obviously she was living in a state of denial.  She continued to lay back and daydream.

At five-thirty the door flew open and she jumped.  “Baby, where were you?” Nick asked, his face a mask of concern.  “I looked and looked for you and you didn’t show.  I had MTV people looking all over the damn building for you.”

“I couldn’t get there.  Too many people.”

“Yeah, did you see that? Damn.”  Nick pulled the striped shirt over his head.  “That was amazing. I felt bad that we couldn’t spend more time at the windows, though.”  He began to rummage through his bag for a sweatshirt.

“Don’t,” Lara said quietly.  He looked at her questioningly.  She swiped his bag and his shirt on the floor.

“What the…”

“DON’T,” she told him, her voice a low growl.  She quickly yanked her own sweatshirt over her head and he swallowed deeply as he saw she wasn’t wearing a bra underneath it.

“You watched the show?”  Nick asked in a husky whisper.  She nodded silently, her eyes running over his bare chest.  “What did you think?”

“You…looked…so…hot.”  Lara ran a finger up and down the center of his chest and he hissed.  “I haven’t been turned on this way just by watching you for a long LONG time,” she told him.  She moved closer, pressing her breasts against his chest. 

“Ohhhh…damn,” Nick moaned.  He yanked her hair down from its ponytail and ran his fingers through it.  He pulled her head to the side and gave her a fierce sucking kiss on the side of her neck.  She moaned and pressed herself closer.  His hands shoved at her sweatpants and he moaned louder when he saw she was naked under those as well.  “Been waiting for me long?”  He pushed her down to the bed and quickly made short work of his brown pants.  He rarely wore underwear, and this was no exception.

“Mmm…for about two hours now,” she said quietly, her eyes full of desire.  Nick covered Lara’s body with his, and they both sighed with contentment at the familiar feeling of their warm bodies close together.  His hands wandered her body, seeking out all the sensitive places that he knew and adored.  Soon Lara was squirming under his touch, and it drove him crazy to know that just watching him made her want him this badly…and that it was all his for the taking.

Nick began to slide down her body, kissing any place he felt needed it.  “Damn…baby…if I woulda known this was waiting for me, I woulda left the studio earlier.”  He licked a quick line up her center.

“No…Nicky.”  Lara tugged at his shoulders.  “I need you now.  Not that.  I need you inside of me…please…”

He smiled devilishly and continued his assault of kisses back up her body.  By the time his face was level with hers, Lara’s legs were spread wide for him.  He took his hard cock in his hand and teased her opening with it.  “You want this?  Inside of you?  Are you sure?”

“Yes…Nicky…PLEASE!”  Lara almost screamed.  Nick chuckled and suddenly slammed himself inside of her.  Lara groaned and arched off the bed.  She grabbed at his short hair, pulling his head down so she could kiss him.  She sucked on his bottom lip, something she knew turned him on immensely.

“Oh…damn…Lara…GOD…” Nick mumbled, burying his face on her chest as he thrust inside of her.

“Yes…Nicky…fuck me harder…” Lara gasped.  Nick moaned and pushed into her with everything he had. It was rare that she so bluntly asked him to do her like this.  He suddenly pulled out and she whimpered.

“Up…on your knees…” he said, standing by the edge of the bed.  Lara moved to her hands and knees, and Nick grasped her waist.  He immediately was back inside of her, and they both moaned as their bodies joined once more.  “Mmm…Lara…so good…” Nick panted as one long arm reached around her waist.  She felt his fingers on her clit and she almost screamed.

“Oh…Nicky…oh GOD…oh…” Lara almost fell to the bed.  Nick caught her at the waist and slammed into her a few more times before giving one final thrust.  They fell to the bed in each other’s arms.

“Damn…I need to be on TRL every week.  Maybe I’ll take over for Carson.”  Nick kissed her forehead, trying to catch his breath.  Lara kissed his chest, saying nothing.  They jumped when the phone rang.

“Hello?”  Lara answered breathlessly.

“Oh…you, too,” Kelley said with a laugh.  “Were they hot or what?”

“Hot as fuck,” Lara replied, and Kelley laughed again.

“Excuse the pun,” Kelley replied.  “Just be glad your room is where it is.  We’re next to the Richardsons on the other side, and the entire time she was bitching at him about the whole honeymoon thing.”

“Not exactly mood music,” Lara said with a smile.  “How are they now?”  Lara was concerned.

“I think I heard the bedframe break.”

“Oh shit,” Lara gasped before hanging up.  She looked at Nick.

“Kevin and Lisa?”  Nick asked.  She nodded.  He sighed.  The way the Richardsons made up after a fight was legendary.  “Oh well.  We have insurance for this sort of thing.”  He stood up.  “Shower?”

“Okay.”  Lara watched his naked ass slowly make its way into the bathroom, then she jumped up.  “Nicky?  Wait up!”

The End

Please tell Lara what you thought of this story!