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By:  Lara



“Now…does everyone have on clean underwear?” Chris asked, glancing in the rearview mirror.  JC groaned and I closed my eyes.

“Isn’t that supposed to be when you’re in a car accident?” Joey wanted to know.

“Well, I’m sure your mothers would want you to have on clean underwear if you’re in a plane crash, too,” Chris replied.

“Thanks for the positive thoughts there, Chris,” Justin said, rolling his eyes.

“My mother would rather I not be doing this at all,” I muttered as I stared out the window.  Joey, who was seated between Justin and I in the backseat, gave my knee a squeeze.

“She’ll come around, Lance. She seemed really cool when she came down to visit for the final show.”

I nodded but said nothing.  All of our families had come to the last show on the tour, back in Orlando.  I had noticed that before the concert my mother had cornered Justin for a long talk, and I could do nothing to get him to tell me what it was about.

Chris pulled up into the drop off lane, and we all piled out.  He popped the trunk and JC and Joey unloaded our bags.  “Good God…how many sex toys do you two have in here?”  Joey wanted to know.

“That’s Justin’s suitcase,” I said quickly, and Justin turned firetruck red.  Chris hooted with laughter, and even JC smiled.

“Do we have our tickets and passports and everything?”  JC wanted to know.

“Yes, Dad,” I said, annoyed.

“Have a good time, and don’t spend all my money,” Chris told Justin, hugging him.

“How do we know you’re even gonna reimburse us for all we spend?”  Justin wanted to know.

“He will.  Don’t worry.”  Joey crossed his arms over his broad chest and glared at Chris.

“God…it’s like living with one of the Sopranos,” Chris mumbled, ambling over to give me a hug.

“Keep it up and you’ll BE a soprano,” Joey warned him, giving Justin a hug and clapping him on the back.

“He already is a soprano,” JC said, smiling.

“Hey, what is this?  The babies go on a vacation and suddenly it’s pick on Chris day?”

“We’re not babies,” Justin and I said together.

I hugged JC.  “Have a great time,” he said, studying me in a concerned manner. I knew he still wasn’t comfortable with the fact that Justin and I were trying again. I pulled JC a few steps to the side.

“Jayce…this is it. I know it. This vacation is gonna prove it.”

“I just…I feel like he just seduced you out of your senses.”

“He didn’t seduce me, JC.”

“I know you think that, but I mean, really. I think…”

“Jayce, listen to me.” I stared into JC’s eyes.  “He didn’t…do…anything.”

A light bulb went off behind the blue eyes.  “You guys haven’t done anything since you’re back together?”  I shook my head.  “It’s been over a month and a half!”

“Tell me about it,” I groaned.  My dick reminded me of this on a regular basis.  “We kiss a lot, make out, touch some, but nothing past a hand job.  I’m not ready, and he knows it.  I wanted to make sure.”

“I’m impressed,” JC said softly.

“Yeah, I know. Justin has been SO cool about the whole thing, not pressuring, though it…”

“Not with him.  With you. You have a young MORE than willing hottie ready to jump your bones in an instant…and you’ve said no?”  JC asked, his eyebrows raising. I laughed so hard the others looked at us.

“Lots of cold showers,” I whispered.

“Are we ready?” Justin asked, walking over and standing next to me.

“MORE than ready.”  We gave the last hugs, then walked into the airport.  Security had been alerted to look for us, and we were quickly checked in and whisked off to a secret gate.  We waited until the plane boarded, then we were escorted on last.

“First class.  Love first class,” Justin said enthusiastically, pushing all the buttons he could push and flipping through all the magazines and flight information.

“Do I need to get you a booster seat or something?” I asked, mildly annoyed. It had been a long time since we had flown together, and I had forgotten how restless Justin could be.

“Sorry.”  Justin smiled his sunny smile and all annoyance disappeared. “I can’t believe it, Lance.  A tropical vacation…just us.  It’s almost like a honeymoon.”

“Yes,” I said, smiling back.  He reached over and squeezed my hand, then dug in his backpack for his Discman.



“Justin, are you sure you know where you’re going?” I asked worriedly, hanging on for dear life as he wove the jeep down the bumpy dirty road.

“Trust me!”  He shouted happily, whooping with joy as we hit a bump and flew into the air. I sighed, thinking that maybe I shouldn’t have let Justin plan the whole transportation part of our vacation. He had made the reservations for our stay as well as arranging the plane tickets and our road transportation, which was an old beat up jeep.

“I do trust you, Justin, it just seems like…” my mouth fell open as we turned around a bend.  “Oh my God.” 

A secluded cabana sat in front of us. The back sat against a lush woodsy area, and the other sides were surrounded by a wooden fence.  There were two floors, I could tell, because a balcony sat off to the back of the second floor.  I knew that from that balcony we’d have a gorgeous view of the water, since the road we had come in on went nowhere but up.  I swallowed deeply, but my mouth fell open.  Justin slowly pulled up in front of the cabana’s front gate.  “Are you okay, Lance?”  Justin studied me worriedly.  “I mean, if you don’t like it I’m sure we can get a room down near the town. I just thought that you’d want us to be alone…but we can even WALK down to town if we wanted…there’s supposed to be a trail and…”

I silenced him with a deep kiss, sucking his tongue between my lips. I fisted my hands in his curls and he moaned.  When I finally came up for air, I gasped, “Justin, this is perfect. I will never doubt you again.  OhmyGod.”

“And you haven’t even seen the INSIDE,” Justin said, grinning from ear to ear.  “The agent emailed me pictures.  There’s a hot tub inside and a hot tub outside.  And we can soak NAKED as we want, because no one is around!”  Justin jingled the keys in front of me. I grabbed them and hopped out of the jeep, running up to the gate. I cursed as I tried keys, finally finding the correct one. I threw the gate open and ran up to the door. I unlocked that and took a step inside.

“OhmyGod.” This seemed to be my mantra of the moment. The inside was cooled by lazy ceiling fans, and the rooms were big and bright.  The living room was a few steps down from the front door, with comfortable looking chairs and sofas.  I could see a dining area that overlooked the backyard, and I wandered to the kitchen. It was huge and well lit. 

“That door there?  It leads to the balcony upstairs.”  Justin pointed to a door in the back of the kitchen.  “That’s so the servants can come up and serve us lunch or whatever if we want to eat facing the water. I figured you wouldn’t mind the fact that the best view was on the second floor.”

I shook my head to clear it. “Servants?”

“Duh…Lance, this is vacation.  We have one maid and one cook.” Justin looked immensely proud of himself. “Man…this place is better than the pictures said it would be.”  He took my hand and led me up a winding staircase to the second floor.  “There are three bedrooms.  Two small ones and…” he opened a pair of double doors.  “…a big one.”

I gulped.  A king sized canopied bed sat in one corner of the room, the canopy fabric swaying in a light breeze that came through the doors of the balcony.  There was a window seat on the other side of the bed, and the room just seemed to be filled with ocean air.  “Oh…Justin…this is like heaven.”

“It IS heaven. My guardian angel is here with me.”  Justin took me into his arms and kissed my forehead.  “Lance…thank you SO damn much for this second chance. I really wanted to prove to you that I love you…that I’m IN love with you.”

“I love you, too.” I felt the need to whisper in this gorgeous place.  “So…guess we unpack now?”

“YOU can unpack…I’m taking a nap.” Justin flopped onto the bed. “Need energy for whatever is gonna happen later.”  Justin gave me a sultry smile and I couldn’t bring myself to ask him to unpack his bags. I dragged them upstairs and by the time I was back in the bedroom, he was fast asleep.



I unpacked all of our bags and Justin slept on.  It took longer than expected, because I had to keep stopping and looking at him. He looked like some kind of god on my bed.  OUR bed, I corrected myself.  Though we had decided to give our relationship another chance, I still didn’t feel as if we connected completely…and I was hoping this vacation would change all that.

I decided to waken Justin after I took my shower. I stripped out of my wrinkled traveling clothes and went into the bathroom. Even this room was gorgeous.  The shower was separate from the bathtub and had two shower heads.  The bathtub was large enough for two, and had jacuzzi jets. I sighed happily, stepping into the shower.  I started to sing.

“Sometimes I thank God…for unanswered prayers…remember when you’re talking to the man upstairs…just because he doesn’t answer…doesn’t mean he don’t care…”

“…some of God’s greatest gifts…are unanswered prayers…” a sweet voice sang in my ear.  I whirled around.

“Justin…damn you scared me!”

“Who else would be slipping into the shower with you?”  He asked, frowning then smiling.  “Lemme scrub your back.”

I turned around, sighing as he ran the sponge across my spine.  “Mmmm.”

“You unpacked everything, didn’t you?” 

“Yeah…you looked so sweet I couldn’t waken you. I was gonna get you up after I took a…” I lost track of words as the sponge slipped to my backside.  It didn’t go down where I was mentally begging it to go, but it went pretty damn close.

“Lance, have I ever told you how much I love it when you’re all wet?” Justin murmured in my ear.  He pressed his chest against my back and wrapped an arm around me. His hand drew lazy designs over my chest.  “You’re so slick and smooth…and your body shines…” He kissed my neck. “And your eyelashes seem a mile long…and your eyes are so bright…”

“Justin…” I moaned, letting my head fall back onto his shoulder.  Our lips met and he sucked the breath from my body.  The sponge in his hand fell to the floor as he slid his hand down to stroke me.

“I know…I know you want to wait…but it’s so damn hard…” Justin whimpered, his hand working me expertly. “I wanna make love to you so bad, Lance…I want to…”

I turned around in his arms, pressing my body against him.  I ran my hands through his wet curls as we kissed.  “Justin…I want it too…” I panted against his neck. “But…I…”

“It’s okay.”  I could tell it was a colossal effort for him to pull away.  “You almost done here?”

“Um…yeah.” I quickly rinsed myself off.  “I’ll go in and get dressed.  Dinner in town?”

He nodded.  “Casual should do.” 

I went to open the door but he pulled me back. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.” I kissed his pink lips then hurried out of the shower.

I scrubbed myself down with a huge white towel, listening to Justin whistle cheerfully in the shower. I wandered out of the bathroom and laughed as I saw a pair of my shorts, one of Justin’s white wifebeaters, and a red button-down summer shirt laid out on the bed.  I guess he wanted me to wear this.  I pulled on the shorts, ignoring the boxers he had laid out next to them. What he didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him…yet. I neatly folded the boxers and put them back into the drawer I had placed them in originally.  I put on the wifebeater, tucking it into the shorts. I felt something odd in the pocket and slid my hand inside. I pulled out a Polaroid of Justin…with a cocker spaniel puppy.  I hurried back to the shower.

Justin was just stepping out. He began to dry his curly head and I froze in the doorway.  Water.  Water droplets.  Water droplets running down smooth biceps and abdominal muscles.  Water running down to rest in curly… “Hey…” Justin said.  “Something wrong?”

“Um…well…what’s this?”  I waved the picture in the air.

“Oh…a puppy.”  Justin wrapped the towel around his waist and dug in his small bag for deodorant.

“I can see that. Whose puppy?”

“Yours.”  Justin calmly applied the deodorant, then wiped the steam from the mirror to peer into it carefully.  “Shit.  I’m fucking twenty years old and I’m breaking out. No more candy bars, Lance.  Don’t let me eat any more candy bars.”

“But I don’t have a puppy.”  I shook my head in confusion. We had had dozens of arguments about cats versus dogs.

“You do now.”  Justin frowned at his reflection then turned around to smile at me.  “Her name is Bahama and she’s yours.”

“Mine?” My mouth fell open, then I smiled. “You bought me a puppy?”

Justin nodded.  “I know how much you wanted one. She’s staying with Chris for now.”

“But you don’t like dogs.”

“I could get used to her. She’s adorable. I figured naming her Bahama would give us good luck. We’d always have this vacation with us.”

I wanted to scream with delight. I wanted to cry like a girl. Instead I wrapped my arms around him and squeezed him tight. “God, Justin, I love you.”

“I love you, too.  Now get that sexy body dressed.  I wanna go get our island grooves on, baby!”  Justin threw a smile over his shoulder as he went into the bedroom.



“The maid and cook will get here tomorrow morning,” Justin said as he drove us down to the town.

“Okay,” I said, not really paying attention.  I was still staring at the picture of my dog.  MY dog.

“Wanna go out after dinner?  Or would you rather just walk on the beach?”

“Okay.”  I traced Justin’s cute face with my finger, then the dog’s cute face.  Bahama.  MY dog.

“But after that, I really don’t care. I’m leaving you for JC.”

“Okay.” I could build a doghouse.  No…wait…I could DESIGN the doghouse and have Justin build it. Yeah.

“He’s just so hot, you know?  His eyes…that sexy body…and his cock. I’ve seen it.  It’s pretty impressive.”

“What about JC’s cock?” I glared at Justin. He laughed so hard that the Jeep swerved on the road. 

“So THAT’S the word that gets your attention?”  I blushed furiously.  “I think you love that dog more then you love me, and you’ve never even seen it!”

“Never,” I promised, shaking my head. 

“Who’s cuter?”

I frowned as I studied the picture.  “Well…you’re adorable, of course…but…she’s so cute!”

He pouted. “Fine. I bet there are TONS of people around here who think I’m cuter than a dog.”  We pulled into the public parking area.  Justin swiped the picture from my hand and got out of the car.  He headed for the parking attendant.  After handing him money, he asked, “Excuse me, sir…”

“Justin,” I moaned.

“Who in this picture is cuter…the dog or the person?”

The man looked at Justin as if he had grown another head, but he looked at the picture.  “That’s a cute little dog you’ve got there.”

“Thanks.  We just got her,” I said proudly.

“Dammit,” Justin mumbled, grabbing the picture back.  I sighed. 

“You’re such a baby.” I took the picture and walked over to a group of teenage girls who were selling some crafts by the side of the road.  “Hi there…I was wondering…if you could have the boy in this picture or the dog…which would you want?”

“The boy,” five girls answered as one.  I looked over my shoulder at Justin, who was grinning broadly.  I thanked the girls, bought one of their little baubles, and went back to Justin.

“See?  You just need to know who to ask.”  I placed the pendant around his neck. “Can we eat now?”


We had dinner in a fantastic little restaurant with a great view of the ocean. I inhaled the sea breeze and sighed.  It really was a dream vacation, and it had hardly started.  We ate delicious seafood, and Justin had three drinks with the little umbrellas in them.  I allowed it…hell…no one was carding us.  We walked out of the restaurant full and happy. “Now what?”  I asked him.

“Guess what I found out?”  Justin threw an arm around me and whispered in my ear.  “There’s a gay bar here…right down the street…about six blocks.”

“Justin, are you sure…”

“I did research,” he said pointedly.  “I didn’t think there would be, either, but JC had this book, it’s like this Triple A thing, except it’s about gay and gay-friendly hotels, bars, everything…and there’s one here!”  He bounced around excitedly.  “Wanna go?”

“Why do YOU wanna go?” I asked suspiciously.  He was awful excited about going to a gay club.  What if he was looking for someone else?

“Lance, I guess around here it really wouldn’t matter, but I want a place where I can dance with you…hold your hand…kiss you…and not worry who sees.”  Justin’s eyes were very blue as he stopped walking.  “Don’t you want that, too?”

“Oh, hell yes,” I whispered.  I loved dancing with Justin.

“Cool.  Then c’mon!”  He took my hand and began dragging me down the street.


The club was an island paradise.  More of those drinks with the umbrellas, and tons of gay couples. I didn’t know what I had expected, but this was great.  Good music, lots of people, and we didn’t have to worry about a damned thing.  Or so I thought.

“I want another drink, Lance…can I have one?” Justin asked, looking very young and adorable.  We had been at the bar for about an hour.

“Of course,” I said, sighing. Already I felt like the parent in this relationship.

“But come right back, okay?” Justin leaned back against the wall and smiled at me. He ran his hand down his chest, smoothing the baby blue shirt he wore.  “I’ll be waiting.”

I swallowed deeply and turned around. Damn he was hot.  He had told me at the restaurant that the reason he had picked out my clothes was so I would dress a little more casual.  “Even casual is dressy for you, Lance,” he pointed out, reminding me of my usual polo shirt and shorts.  “I wanted to show off how sexy you are.”

I sighed as I waited at the bar.  I didn’t feel very sexy.  Justin had caught many eyes that night…trust me…I had noticed. I was proud that he was with me, but I was constantly reminded that he could easily be with someone else. I still didn’t see what he saw in me. I mean, I was just boring Lance.

“Let me get those for you,” a voice to my left said.  Money was handed over to the bartender before I could protest.  I turned to protest, but a finger hit my lips.  “Sh. I insist.  I’m Eric.”  A man with dark hair and dark eyes held out his hand.  He reminded me of Joey.

“Lance.” I shook his hand, telling myself to haul ass back to Justin.  But myself didn’t listen.  “Look, I appreciate it, but I’m kinda here with someone…”

“I saw.  The young guy.  Is he even legal?” 

“He’s twenty,” I said almost angrily.

“Sorry.”  He took a sip of his beer.  “You guys like serious, or whatever?”

“I don’t let guys pick me up in bars,” I told him. Why hadn’t I answered his question.

“Sorry again.”  Eric reached over and put a hand on my shoulder, his fingers tracing the outline of the wifebeater through the shirt.  “You’re really cute.”

“Thank you, but I…” This was so flattering. I closed my eyes for a moment and saw blue eyes under tousled curls.  “I’m with someone.”

“You mentioned that already…but this is the islands…you need to let loose, relax…” Eric leaned in closer.  “You look like you don’t let loose much, Lancey.”

“Don’t call me that,” I growled, throwing his hand off my shoulder.  Only Justin could call me that.  I pulled some money from my wallet.  “Here.”

“No, I insist.  For you and your boytoy.”

“He’s NOT a boytoy, and if you don’t shut up about him I will kick your queer ass,” I yelled.  A few people turned to stare.  Eric stood up straight. He was at least four inches taller than me.

“Oh, really?”

“Lance, what’s going on?”  Justin asked, putting a hand on my shoulder.

“Nothing, Justin,” I mumbled, picking up our drinks. “Let’s go back over there.”

“Ah…the boytoy has a name,” Eric smirked.  The drinks smashed on the floor as I took a swing.  I connected solidly with Eric’s jaw.

“LANCE!”  Justin yelled, grabbing my arms.  “Let’s go.”  He dragged me out of the bar and pushed me to the alley behind the building.  “What the hell was THAT all about?”

“He…he hit on me!” I said incredulously.

“And so you punched a guy twice your size?”

“No…he hit on me, and I said I was with you, and he said you looked illegal, and he called you a boytoy and I said that if he called you that again I’d hit him…and I called him a queer.”

“You WHAT?”  Justin started to laugh.  He could hardly stand, but he laughed.  “You are so damn cute, Lance…getting all hero and shit.  C’mon…let’s go home before you get arrested or something.”  He put an arm around my shoulders and leaned his head on my shoulder as I led him back to the car.

I carefully navigated the Jeep up the winding road. I couldn’t believe I had just punched someone. My hand believed it though; I could hardly grip the steering wheel.  I sighed with relief when we reached the house.  Justin practically fell out of the car.  “Come on, Justin.” I put an arm around him again.

“No…I’m fine.” He reached for my hand and I winced.  “Oh…my poor hero.  Let’s get some ice on that.” He carefully held my hand and led me into the house.  We went to the kitchen and he told me to sit on the counter.  He dug around for a towel, wrapped some ice in it, then lightly put it on my hand.  When he looked up at me, his eyes were a blazing blue.  “My sweet hero Lancey…sticking up for me.”  He stroked my hand, then brought his hand up to caress my cheek.  “I love you, Lance,” Justin said, sighing as he ran his fingers over my lips.  “I love you…”

“I love you, too, Justin,” I told him, letting my tongue flicker out against his fingers. He moaned.  He placed my uninjured hand on the ice pack to hold it in place, then put his hands on my hips. 

“I remember the last time I had you up on a counter like this,” he whispered in a husky voice. “I had you for breakfast.”

“I remember,” I whispered.  He placed his hands on my shoulders, slowly pushing the shirt down.

“You act surprised that that Neanderthal hit on you, Lance.”  Justin’s fingers were gentle as he took my hand and inspected it.  He lightly kissed each knuckle, then slid the shirt off my body altogether.  “I’m not surprised.  You’re sexy…so sexy…” his hands slid across the wifebeater, finding my nipples and lightly playing with them.  I moaned, letting my head fall back.  “Deliciously sexy…” Justin’s mouth tasted the skin of my neck.

“Oh…Justin…” I moaned.  With a sigh he pulled back.

“Let’s go to bed. I’m almost drunk…I’m tired.”  He smiled at me and helped me hop down from the counter.  We turned out the lights and went up to the gorgeous bedroom.  I quickly brushed my teeth and went to get ready for bed as Justin did his before bed things.  When he returned to the bedroom, I was pulling off the shorts.  His mouth fell open.

“What?” I asked.

“You weren’t…I got…I had boxers out for you.”

“I didn’t feel like wearing them,” I shrugged, hiding a smile.  He moaned.

“You’re a tease, Lance.”  But he smiled.  I crawled in between the sheets and Justin lay down beside me, pressing his back against my chest.  I was grateful for the fact that we were laying on our sides so that my good hand was free.  I began to idly stroke his bare chest. We were both naked.

“You looked good tonight, too,” I whispered, running my hand across his smooth skin.  “I hated that that guy even knew you were alive.  I want you all for myself.”  I licked a finger and let it play with his nipple.

“I’m yours…Lance…oh GOD…” Justin wriggled in front of me, his backside grinding against my hard cock.

“Are you…Justin…are you all mine?”  My hand slid down into the curly hair that surrounded his hardness.

“Yours…Lance…please…” he begged. I sucked on his earlobe, something I knew drove him crazy.

“He called you my boytoy…I didn’t really like that.”  We both watched my hand stroke him.

“I am…Lance…I’m your boytoy…I’m anything you want…just…don’t stop…” Justin panted.  It had been a while since I had allowed myself to touch him like this. I didn’t want to tease him.  I allowed my thumb to dip into his precum, and I slid it along his length, using it to aid my hand.

“Justin…you’re so beautiful…all mine…my beautiful Justin…” I whispered in his ear. I knew he loved hearing things like that.

“Shit…Lance…” Justin was gasping as he thrust into my hand. I bit down on the back of his neck and I knew it was the final straw.  “Oh, FUCK…” Justin screamed, cumming in short spurts.  I continued to stroke him until he began to soften.  I brought my hand up and licked my fingers as he watched. He groaned as his body shuddered one last time. I kissed his nose, got up, and went to clean off. 

When I reentered the room, he was fast asleep.  I moaned softly as I watched his naked form.  I wasn’t going to be able to say no for much longer.


When I woke up the next morning, I felt Justin’s warm face pressed against my back. I sighed happily. I loved waking up like this. And we had two more weeks to wake up just like that in this beautiful place. I slowly stretched and carefully slid out of bed.  I stood for about ten minutes just watching Justin sleep. Even after all we had been through, it sent a thrill through me every time I realized he was mine.

I pulled on one of his wifebeaters and dug a pair of his shorts out of the drawer.  I liked wearing his clothes.  I did my thing in the bedroom then went out into the hallway, slowly closing the door behind me. As I padded down the stairs on bare feet, I smelled coffee. I froze. It was nine-thirty. There was no way in hell that Justin had gotten up on a vacation day and made coffee.  He was as bad as JC when it came to sleep during vacation time.  I cautiously made my way to the kitchen. I could take whoever this was.  I had gotten into a bar brawl, dammit.  Well…almost gotten into a brawl.

A short dark-skinned woman with a big smile greeted me.  “Good morning, Sir!  I’m Anita…the maid.  My sister Sophie will be the cook, but I told her I’d come in today…to see what you two needed.” She spoke with a slight accent that I automatically fell in love with.  “You Mr. Justin or Mr. Lance?”

“Lance.” I slid onto a chair by the table.

“You want to eat now or wait for your man?”

“My man?”  I faked confusion. How much did this woman know?

“We were told about you two…that you a couple.  That’s fine with us.  We don’t judge.  God knows…I almost wish my husband was into men…then I’d know he wasn’t with any women.”  The woman looked at me curiously and I had to laugh.  “You love this man…or this some sex thing?”

“I love him,” I said softly, and she smiled broadly.

“Good.  Breakfast?”

“No. Just coffee.  I’d like to eat with Justin, if that’s okay.”

“Of course it’s okay.”  She bustled about the kitchen, getting me a cup, filling it with steaming coffee, then handing me sugar and milk. 

“I’m afraid I don’t know when he’ll wake up,” I told her.  “But could you put breakfast out on that balcony?”

“Of course.  This a beautiful island morning.”  She winked at me. “Maybe your job to wake him up when you want him to eat?”

I blushed, then grinned.  She was something else.  “Maybe.” 


I finally took Anita’s hint and went to waken Justin at eleven. I was wasting good beach time.  When I made it into the bedroom, he was slowly stretching and making his way awake. “Hey,” he said, a sleepy grin crossing his face.

“Hey yourself.”  I draped myself over his body and kissed him.

“If I say hey again, do I get another kiss like that?” Justin asked.  I laughed.

“Nope…you need to get up. It’s almost lunchtime!”  I sat, straddling his waist.  “Breakfast is gonna be on the balcony in about ten minutes.”

“My breakfast is right here…” Justin whispered, sliding his hands across my chest.  I shivered.

“Pervert,” I said, getting up.  I had to turn around to hide my erection.  “I’m going to eat my breakfast.” I started for the door.

“Okay…okay…” Justin stretched again and I turned to watch him walk across the room to the bathroom.  Naked Justin. Damn.  “Did you cook?” He called from the bathroom.

“Nope.  The maid is here.  Her sister, the cook, will be here tomorrow.”  I leaned in the doorway between the bedroom and the hall.  “You told them about us?”

“Yeah.”  Justin rubbed his eyes as he walked to the dresser to grab a pair of shorts.  “I didn’t want to have to hide anything.”

“Cool…she’s a handful,” I warned him.  He kissed me sweetly, then let his hand trail down to grab my package.

“So are you,” he moaned, licking a line up my neck.

“What’s with you today?” I gasped, almost giggling.

“Can’t help it…I had dreams about this really sexy blond…”

“Nick Carter?” I asked innocently, and Justin glared at me.

Anita had breakfast almost completely set out when we reached the balcony.  Fruit, coffee and juice were on the table, and she was putting down plates of eggs at our seats. I had already told her how we liked them.  She beamed her smile at Justin. “Mr. Justin…I’m Anita.  Look at those curls!”  She ruffled his hair before he could protest.  “You one handsome man, Mr. Justin.”

“Thank you,” he blushed, grabbing his juice and taking a large gulp.  I smothered a laugh.

Anita grabbed my hand.  “What’s this?”

“Nothing…I…uh…hit something,” I mumbled.

“He was a hero,” Justin said, looking at me adoringly.  “He hit this hugeass guy…punched him in the face.”

“He talked bad about your boy…am I right?” Anita said. I nodded, amazed.  “You don’t fight much?” I shook my head.  “You the peacemaker…I can tell…I see things about people.  You take care of this hand, understand, Mr. Lance?” I nodded, and she went back down to the kitchen.  Justin and I stared at each other.

“I TOLD you she was a handful,” I said, shoveling eggs into my mouth.


That day was bliss.  We walked down the trail behind the house and ended up on a semi-secluded beach.  We laid out a large blanket and went running into the surf.  The water was an amazing clear blue, and you could see your feet when you looked down into it.  We assed off in the water for a while, then went back to relax.  Justin had the sunscreen out before my butt hit the sand.  “Justin, chill with that, okay?”

“Lance, you’re pale as hell, and this sun will fry you. Use this or else.”

“Or else what?” I taunted.

“Or else you don’t get any.”

“I don’t get any NOW,” I pointed out, smiling.

“Not from lack of effort on MY part,” Justin said, frowning.  He tossed the sunscreen down. “Fine, do what you want. I don’t give a fuck.” He stood up and went walking down the beach. I sighed, understanding why he was angry.  I decided to let him walk…he didn’t need me harassing him.


About twenty minutes later he returned. I had put on the hated sunscreen and was deep into my book.  “Did you use it?”

“Yes,” I said, my eyes not leaving the page.

“Do you want to go out again tonight?”

“Sure.” I turned the page. 

“Gonna get into another fight?”

I finally looked up and saw the smile in his eyes.  “Only if someone starts talking shit about you again.”

“My brave hero.” He knelt beside me and traced a line down my jaw.  “God, I love you, Lance.  Sex or no sex.  I feel with you like I have NEVER felt before.”

“I love you, too, Justin, and I’m sorry that…”

“Shh…” Justin placed two fingers over my lips.  “No explanation needed, okay?  I understand…it just drives me crazy…wanting you this way.”

I sat up. “Justin…God…I want you too…and it’s gonna happen…while we’re here.” I smirked at him.  “Who says I’m not planning a big seduction thing?”

“Who says you’re not in the middle of my own seduction thing?”  He raised an eyebrow and stood.  He started walking down the beach, and as soon as I could will my hard-on away, I followed him.




The next morning I actually got to sleep in.  The night before, we had gone out for dinner again, then came back to relax at the house. When we arrived, there was a bottle of wine chilling in the kitchen.  We opened it and sat out on the balcony, drinking and just talking.  I couldn’t remember the last time we had had a chance to just sit and talk. While on tour, there was ALWAYS someone around, whether it be Joey, Chris, JC or a bodyguard.  This was special.  We talked until around three, then finally went to bed.

I opened one eye and looked at the clock. I was shocked to see that it was almost noon.  I was even more shocked to see that I was alone in the bed.  I was so comfy and sleepy that I didn’t even care. I had almost dozed off again when I heard the door open and smelled toast.  I instinctively pulled the covers up to my shoulders, not wanting to scare Anita with any little surprises.

I heard the tray being placed on the nightstand.  My eyes flew open as I felt someone sit on the bed next to me.  I froze as hands moved the covers down to my waist.  Smooth lips kissed each and every vertebra of my spine as hands came up to run through my hair.  I finally rolled over onto my back.

“Good morning, Angel.” Justin hovered over me for a moment before giving me a slow sweet kiss.

“Justin, you scared the hell out of me!  I thought you were Anita!”

“She better NOT bring you breakfast in bed.” Justin moved and I sat up. 

“Did you make me breakfast?”

“I sure did.” Justin carefully placed the tray across my lap.

“Justin, you’re naked!” I exclaimed.

“I owed you. You made breakfast naked, remember?”

I looked down at the tray.  His bowl of fresh fruit, two pieces of toast, juice and coffee didn’t QUITE compare to bacon and eggs, but he looked so proud that I bit back my smile.  A thought occurred to me.  “Um…where was Anita during all of this?”

“Out shopping. I gave her a list of things we like and don’t like. She’ll be back in about an hour with her sister.” Justin looked at me anxiously. “I wanted to surprise you.”

“You did. This is awesome.”  I picked up a piece of melon and bit into it. Justin smiled and lay down on the bed, his head on my legs.  “When did you get up?”

“About ten. I wasn’t as tired as you.”  Justin snuck a hand up to steal some fruit.  I smacked his hand away and fed him a piece.  He moaned and licked the juice from my fingers. I closed my eyes and swallowed deeply. Justin had a very talented tongue.  He stopped licking and I actually whimpered.  He looked up at me and I blushed.   He slowly sat up, his blue eyes dark. Justin took the tray and set it on the floor. He slowly pulled the covers all the way down, revealing the erection that had been hidden by the tray.

“Justin…” I said weakly.

“Can I…Lance…please…” Justin settled down between my legs.  “I want to taste you so bad…” Justin licked a line up my inner thigh.  “It’s been so long…”

By this point I was ready to do anything he asked.  “Yes…Justin…oh…GOD…” I gasped as his warm mouth surrounded me.

He took his time, enjoying his task. He cradled my balls in one hand as the other stroked me.  His tongue swirled around my head, occasionally dipping into the precum and running it up and down the shaft.  My hands yanked at his curls even as I pushed myself up into his eager mouth.

“Lance…cum for me…” Justin begged, moving his head so he could meet my gaze.  His hand continued to firmly stroke me.  “I wanna make you cum so bad…”

“Justin…please…” My teeth almost chattered as I felt the pressure build.  Justin moaned and took me all the way into his mouth. I yelled his name as I came, thrusting up between his lips.

I lay panting for breath as Justin moved up to hold me.  “Whoa,” he whispered, and I almost giggled with embarrassment.  “That was…uh…intense.”

“It’s been a while,” I confided.  And it was true.  When I had told JC about the fooling around and hand jobs, I meant me taking care of Justin. I felt guilty for saying no to him.

“Lance, I’m sorry…I feel so selfish,” Justin said quietly.

“You are,” I replied cheerfully, bending over the side of the bed to pick up my toast. I yelped as he playfully smacked my behind.  “But you deserve it. I like spoiling you.” I fed him a grape.

“Am I your boytoy?” Justin asked with a smirk. I froze.


“You got so upset when that guy called me that.  Why?”

“Damned Neanderthal,” I muttered, flexing my fingers.

“I AM yours, Lance,” Justin said gently. “Your boy…your man…whatever. I was just wondering why you got so upset.”

I looked at him. “Justin, you call me Dad a lot. It’s like everyone assumes that I’m the responsible one and you’re the fun and crazy one.  It’s like I’m some sort of…I don’t know…Sugar Daddy…and I’m only two years older than you.”  I sat up all the way again.  “And I think it just makes you sound like some toy…some object…something temporary.”

Justin glared at me.  “For fuck’s sake, Lance, when are you gonna get the idea through your head that I’m here for good?  I love you. If I didn’t, would I even be here?  Would I be in a relationship that alienates some of my friends and that could possibly jeopardize the career I love?  No…I don’t think so.  But I think that you…that WE…are worth it.  God…Lance…” Justin stormed into the bathroom and slammed the door.

I frowned and looked down at my toast.  I hadn’t realized that he felt so strongly about it all.  I heard the shower start and I got out of bed.  The bathroom door was unlocked and I went in. I stood by the shower, one hand on the glass door. “Justin?” I said over the sound of the water.  “I’m sorry.  I just didn’t…I’m so afraid of losing you again…and I’d do anything to prove to you that I believe in what you say…I believe in what you feel.”

The water turned off and the door slowly slid open. Justin wiped the water from his face.  “Can I call you my boytoy?”

I smiled.  “Yes.”




“C’mon…Justin…it will be beautiful.”


“Justin, I’ve always wanted to do it…I thought you wanted to make all my dreams come true.”

“Just the dirty ones.”

“It’s perfectly safe!”


“Justin, look at that. People are doing it all over the place.”

“Lance, do you have selective hearing?  NO.”



“I LOVE when you put those two words together.”

“Stop teasing me.”


“Stop touching me.”

“Justin, please.  For lil ole me?  For Lancey…yoah boytoy?”

“Lance…stop with the accent.  Not fair.”

“I’ll do anything you want.”



“This means that much to you.”

“Yes…I’ve always wanted to do it…and we could do it together!  It would be awesome.”

“Anything I want.”




“I cannot believe you talked me into this.” Justin gripped my hand so tight the knuckles were white.  The boat splashed over the waves and I laughed as the spray hit my face.

“It will be awesome.  Imagine being able to kiss five hundred feet above the ground.  At least no one will be able to see us,” I pointed out quietly.

“Okay, guys, come on over here.”  The driver of the boat slowed it down while his wife motioned to us. We took our spots on the little landing area while she hooked us in.  “Enjoy!” 

Before I knew it the boat was moving on, and we weren’t. We were moving up.  Up…up…and suddenly we were flying. “OHMYFUCKINGGOD!”  Justin screamed, closing his eyes and holding on to the support ropes for dear life.

“This is awesome!”  I screamed as the parasail pulled us up into the air.  Suddenly we were moving with the current, the parasail lightly dancing in the wind.  The boat pulled out ahead of us and only a rope seemed to keep us from flying out into the atmosphere.  “Oh…Justin…look…dolphins!”

“I can’t look.”  Justin’s eyes remained closed.

“They’re so graceful,” I said with a sigh.  “Just try to look.”

Justin opened one eye.  “OhmyGod.”  He fearfully looked down at the boat, then seemed to calm down.

“I thought CHRIS was the one who didn’t like heights,” I said.

“I’m fine with the height…but this is just wrong.  This thing could snap at any second and…”

“Calm down, Justin. I won’t let anything happen to you.”  I reached my hand over and caressed his knuckles.  “Can I have my kiss now?”


“Why not?”

“I’m watching the boat. If I keep watching the boat, we won’t die,” Justin said earnestly.  I sighed.


In the end I didn’t get my kiss, but that was okay. Justin lived through parasailing, and I had done one of the things I had always dreamt of doing. I didn’t like flying in a plane, but parasailing was like flying in a dream.  

We ate lunch at a small stand near the beach, then started the trek up to the house.  Justin was unusually quiet.  “Was it so bad?” I asked softly.  I didn’t mean to make him go through something that he would hate this much.

“No…I’m fine,” he said, smiling at me.  “I just am thinking about how to get my payment?”

“Payment?” I stopped walking. There was an awfully evil smirk on Justin’s handsome face.

“Payment. You said I could have anything I wanted, and I’m trying to narrow it down.”  He continued up the trail as I watched his sexy body.  I swallowed deeply. I was in trouble.


“Why don’t you go in the shower first?”  Justin suggested when we entered the house.  “I’ll pick out your clothes.”

“AGAIN?  What are you, the Fashion Police?”

“Nope.  I just know that the place we’re going tonight is a little bigger, and calls for something less…casual.” Justin had found yet another gay bar on the list JC had given him.

“Okay,” I said worriedly.  He still had that wicked gleam in his eye.

“Mr. Justin. Mr. Lance.  Did you have a good time?”  Anita called from the kitchen.  We wandered in.

“Yes,” I said at the same time Justin said, “No.”

She laughed. “You got him up in one of those things?”

“I sure did,” I said, laughing as well.  Sophie, Anita’s younger sister, smiled at Justin.

“I wouldn’t go up in one of those either.”

“Well, since you’re going out later, I prepared a light dinner…some sandwiches, and there are other things in the fridge, okay?”  Anita said. We nodded.  “Have a good time.  No more fights,” she ordered me, and I nodded again.

We went upstairs and I headed for the shower.  After I had showered and was drying off, I could hear Justin singing to himself in the bedroom.  “You drive me crazy…why are you messing with my mind…you drive me crazy…why are you telling all these lies…you drive me crazy…stop doing all these things to me…you drive me crazy…’cause all I want is to be free…”

I tiptoed up behind him, grabbing him around the waist.  “Twenty-four seven you are on my mind…I’m going crazy…you are the cure and you know but you don’t care…you’re driving me insane…” I ground up against him provocatively. He moaned and placed his hand on my arm.

“Jesus, Lance…” Justin gasped.  “Talk about driving someone insane.”  He slowly turned around and tugged at the towel around my waist.  I let him go and grabbed it.

“Stop it.  I need to…” I stared at the clothes on the bed. “No.”

“Lance, you will look HOT,” Justin protested.

“Leather pants?  Not me.”

“Be ‘not you’ tonight, Lance.  Be someone else.  Be some hot little boytoy that I get to seduce,” Justin said.  I looked into his eyes. 

“Is this my payment?”

“Yes. You’re wearing that…we’re going separately, and I wanna try to pick you up.”

“You wanna try…” I began to laugh hysterically.  “Justin, this is crazy. You want me to just sit around at the bar and wait for you to hit on me?”  I took off my towel and wrapped it around his shoulders, pulling him close to me.  “Um, I hate to tell you…but I’m PRACTICALLY a sure thing for you.”

Justin swallowed and looked down at my naked body. “Well…yeah…but I thought this would be fun.  Remember that night when you got a little drunk and sang that Fiona Apple song? That wasn’t Lance…it was new and different and DAMN sexy.”

“What if I don’t do it?” I taunted.

“You don’t want to know,” Justin told me, a dangerous glimmer in his eyes.  He slowly ran his hands down his body, his gaze never breaking from mine. I forgot to breathe. I had once told him that the sexiest thing I could think of was being tied to a bed and watching him jack himself off.  I thought it would probably kill me.  Whenever he wanted to remind me of this, he would touch himself in a similar manner to what he had just done.

“Okay…okay…” I swiped the pants from the bed and looked at them. “I just don’t know.  I’ll look like a freak.”

“Lance…you WON’T look like a freak.  Get dressed and go. I’ll tell you the address.  Just be at the bar waiting for me.  I bet I’ll have to beat the men off with a stick.”  The pout appeared.  “Do this? For me?”

“Okay.  Okay.  Stop with the pout already,” I grumbled as I finished toweling off.


“He was wrong,” I murmured to myself as I sat at the bar. I had been there for about ten minutes, and no one had approached me. I felt like an idiot. I wore the leather pants, which were so tight I couldn’t wear anything under them.  On top I wore an off-white v-necked sweater.  My hair was teased up in the usual spikes, and I wore my usual cross necklace as well as the ring Justin had given me.  That never came off.  I pulled out my wallet to pay for my second beer, and a few bills fluttered out of my hand.  “Shit.” I slipped off the barstool and bent down to pick them up.

“Hi,” a voice said behind me.  I jumped as I turned around and looked into a gorgeous pair of brown eyes.  “What’s your name?”

“Um…Lance,” I said softly.

“You’ve got great…pants…” the man said, looking me over.

“Thank you. I borrowed them from a friend,” I said softly.

“Lance, I’m Nathan.  Can I buy you another beer?”

I hesitated.  I usually didn’t like drinking more than two, especially since Justin usually ended up getting pleasantly buzzed and I had to take care of him. But Justin wasn’t there yet, and he HAD told me to be nice to any guys who approached me.  “Thank you, that would be nice.” 

We chatted for a while as we watched both single men and couples come through the door. It was still relatively early.  Nathan excused himself to use the restroom and was soon replaced by Anthony…who was replaced by Sean…who was replaced by Matthew.  I couldn’t believe this.  One pair of leather pants could work wonders…though I figured out later that the flirtatiousness caused by five beers in a short period of time helped a lot.  By the time Justin showed up, I had my own little fan club on a corner of the dance floor.  We weren’t really dancing, just talking, but I noticed that I was getting touched a lot. And I liked it.

I noticed Justin out of the corner of my eye and took a large gulp of my fruity mixed drink. I knew beer before liquor was not the right order to drink things, but when a handsome redhead was offering to buy you one of what he was having, who were you to say no?  Justin made his way to the bar to get a drink.  I watched him carefully, though I was still fully aware of the attention I was getting, and drunk enough to still enjoy it. 


“Yes?” I realized that the blond on my right had asked me something.  “I’m sorry?”

“Do you like guys that are older or younger than you?”

“Hmmm…I’ve been with mostly older…but I think I like younger,” I answered, finishing my drink and digging the cherry from the bottom of the glass. The blond laughed as he swiped it from me and dangled it above my waiting lips.  I was shocked when another person stepped in front of me and daintily bit it from his hand.  Long fingers slowly pulled the stem from between red lips.  Blue eyes smiled at me in amusement.  “I wanted that cherry,” I pouted.

“I’ll get you another one,” the blond suggested.

“Get me another drink!”  I called after him. I turned to the young man who had stolen what was mine. “That was rude.”

“I’ll give you my cherry,” he said, holding up his own mixed drink. “If you want it.”

I swallowed deeply as I ran my eyes over the tight grey sweater and black baggy jeans.  “It’s only fair,” I stuttered.

“My name’s Justin,” he said, licking his lips.

“Lance,” I said softly.  He grinned.

“Lance,” he repeated.  The blond held out a drink and Justin took it.  He turned his back on the blond as he handed me the drink, and suddenly my admirers were dismissed, and they knew it.  They faded into the crowd once more.  “You live on the island, Lance?”

I shook my head so hard I got dizzy and wove on my feet.  “Nope. Vacation.”

“Me too,” Justin said, smiling a sexy smile.  He took a large gulp through his straw, making sure that his tongue ran around its surface before he looked at me again.  “Alone?”

“Tonight,” I said, my eyes unable to leave his mouth. He ran his tongue over his lips again.

“Me too,” Justin said once more.  “Lance, would you like to dance with me?”

“I don’t dance very well,” I whispered.  All of my earlier bravado was gone.  Everything Justin said was like sugar to my ears.  I wasn’t doing a very good job at not letting him pick me up.

“I bet you’d dance well with me. And anyone who looks that good in those pants HAS to be able to move.”

“I can move,” I said, my eyes meeting his once more.  I wasn’t going to let him win this easily.  I put my drink down, set HIS drink down, took Justin’s hand, and led him to the dance floor. He was momentarily shocked as I pressed myself against him, slowly letting my hips grind to the music.  “I thought you were gonna dance with me, Justin,” I taunted, running MY hands down MY body.  He actually whimpered.  He put his arms around me, letting his hands slide around my waist to grasp my backside. I gasped.  “Do you always do that to someone you just met?”

“Only someone that looks as fuckable as you do in those pants,” Justin growled in my ear.  I smiled and nipped his earlobe with my teeth.  He groaned and grabbed me tighter. 

“I think we should leave now,” I told him, stepping back.  The front fell.

“What?  Lance…”

“I want to leave.  I want to show you how fuckable I am.” Before he could stop me, I was out of the bar and out on the street.  I fumbled with the keys.  I had driven down, but Justin had walked.

“Lance!”  Justin shouted, running after me.  “No way. You cannot drive.” 

“Sure I can.” I pressed him back against the car, running my tongue over his lips.  “I wanna take you back to my house and fuck you, Justin.”

“Whoa…Lance…this was NOT supposed to happen.”  Justin grabbed the keys, unlocked the passenger side door, and shoved me inside.  He ran around the car and got behind the wheel. “You weren’t supposed to get shitfaced!”

“I’m not!” I protested, reaching over to slide my hand up his thigh.

“Yes, you are,” Justin snapped back.

“You said you wanted me to be different…isn’t drunk different?” I giggled at my own joke. 

“Just…sit…still…” Justin ordered, shoving my hand off his leg.  When we pulled into our little driveway, he jumped out of the car and hurried over to help me out.  I stumbled and we both landed on the ground.

“Hey…we’ve never had sex outside,” I said, running my thumb over his lips before I kissed him.

“And we’re not doing it now. Come on, Lance.” Justin helped me up and we made our way into the house.  I pushed at his chest until he tumbled onto the sofa. He squirmed out from under me.  “You need to go to bed.”

“You’re absolutely right.” I nodded firmly. “With you.  Naked.  Now.”  I started up the staircase with Justin on my heels.  By the time we were in the bedroom I had the sweater off and was struggling with the pants.  Justin sighed and got down on his knees, peeling the leather from my body.  “Mmm…” I sighed, watching him kneel before me.  “Justin…please…” I tugged at his curls until he stood in front of me. Desire flooded through me.  “Fuck me…Justin…”

“No…Lance…get into bed.”  He gave me a gentle push so I fell onto the bed.  He pulled his own shirt over his head and pulled off his jeans.  I sat up and reached for his semi-hard cock. He slapped my hands.  “Not tonight.”

“I wanna suck you…Justin…” I looked up at him, my eyes pleading.  “I wanna suck you almost to the edge…and then I want you inside me so bad.”  I lay back on the bed, squirming as I looked up at him.  “Please…”

“Lance, shut UP. Please.”  Justin looked down at me, frustration filling his eyes. “I can’t. Not like this.  You weren’t ready this morning, so I know you’re not ready now.  You are drunk as hell and I won’t take advantage of it.”

“I’m not that drunk!” I insisted.  I stood, weaving on my feet.  “I want to have sex with you, Justin! Why don’t you want me?”

“For fuck’s sake, Lance, you KNOW I want you.  Not like this, though.” Justin fumbled through a drawer for a pair of shorts.  “I’m sleeping in the guest room.  You’re too tempting…but it’s too wrong.”

“Justin, if you go out that door I’m leaving!” I screamed.

“You are not. You’re too drunk to drive and I have the keys.  Go to bed, Lance.”

“I don’t want to go to bed.” I stumbled towards him, pulling him against me. “I want you.”

“Good night, Lance.”

“Asshole!” I screamed again as the bedroom door slammed.  I scrambled for some shorts and pulled them on.  They were Justin’s but I didn’t care.  I slowly made my way down the hall, stopping at the first guestroom. The door was locked. “Justin, you prick!  Open this door!”  No answer.  “If you don’t fuck me tonight you’ll never get another chance!”  No answer.  “Justin,” I said sadly, sliding down the door to the floor.  I curled up in a ball, leaning against the door. Justin would open it, I realized. He wanted me too bad to say no to me.  “He’ll let me in,” I whispered as I dozed off.



I woke up the next morning and didn’t know where I was. I wasn’t in our bedroom, that’s for sure.  The brightness of the morning gave me a headache, so I shut my eyes tight. When the headache continued, I realized I was living in the land of the full-fledged hangover. I moaned and the sound hurt my head. I breathed and it hurt my head.  Existing hurt my head. I opened my eyes just enough so I could see through my eyelashes, and realized I was in the guestroom. What the hell was I doing in the guestroom?

I ever so slowly sat up, holding a pillow over my head to keep the sunlight out.  I remembered wearing leather pants…and I remembered Justin eating the cherry from my drink…and I remembered Justin saying no to…something…but that was all. Where WAS Justin, anyway?  I got out of bed slowly, wondering why I had his shorts on. As I made my way to the door, I rubbed my hand over my head, and froze as I felt a giant lump on one side.  Damn, that hurt. I probably had gotten into another fight or something, and he was mad at me. Lovely.

I went to the master bedroom and pulled on a pair of my own shorts.  Justin wasn’t in there, but I could see dishes on the table in the balcony.  After finding my sunglasses and gratefully putting them on, I went to the balcony door. Justin was on the side of the balcony, leaning on the railing.  I carefully sat down and poured myself coffee.  My stomach swam but I needed something to dissolve the cotton in my mouth.  “Hey,” I said finally.

“Hello,” Justin said, not even looking at me. My heart sank.

“Justin…whatever I did last night…I’m sorry. I’m sure I was just trying to protect you again and I probably got us into trouble, right?”

Justin finally turned to stare at me, his eyes sad.  “What are you talking about?”

“I have this huge bump on my head…and I woke up in the guestroom…and you’re out here…so I figured you were mad at me because I got in a fight.”

Justin came to sit down at the table.  “You woke up in the guestroom because that’s where I had been. You have a bump on your head because when I got up to check on you after locking myself in there, you were sitting in the doorway leaning against the door. I opened the door and you fell, hitting your head.”

“Oh.” I rubbed my head carefully.

“So I picked you up, put you to bed, then went back into the other room.”

“What were you doing in there in the first place?”

“You really don’t remember?”

I shook my head, then winced. “No.”

“You remember me telling you to go to the bar and let me pick you up.”


“We did that…you got horny…you hit on me. I drove you home. You hit on me again.  I brought you upstairs and tried to put you to bed.  You hit on me again. I went into the other room so I wouldn’t do it…because I knew you really didn’t want to…and you told me that if I didn’t fuck you then, I’d never get another chance.  I sat in the bedroom…and you must’ve sat on the floor to wait.”  Justin stood. “I’m going to take a shower now.”

“Justin?” My voice was tiny.  He looked so sad it was killing me. “I’m sorry. I didn’t…”

“Lance, you were drunk.  I’m not angry with you. Believe me…I understand now what it must be like for you to take care of me all the time.” He shrugged.  “I don’t think I like it when you’re not the responsible one. I was scared, actually.” He went inside. I groaned, burying my face in my hands.  I eventually got up and went down to the kitchen to find Anita. Maybe she had some sort of island remedy for hangovers.


That day was long.  We did nothing but sit around, either in the house or on the beach, but for the first time we weren’t together. If I went to the beach, Justin walked up to the house. If I went up, he went for a walk on the beach. He wasn’t mad at me, exactly, just uncomfortable.  I think he realized he had unleashed some kind of monster in me the night before, and he didn’t like it. As much as he enjoyed having me play around with him, when I got out of control it frightened him, because I wasn’t the Lance he could depend on. Maybe he realized how much he DID depend on me. I wasn’t sure.

What I WAS sure of was the way I felt about him…and how he felt about me.  He had been teasing me for weeks about putting out for him, yet when I was eager to do it, he refused because he knew I wasn’t in my full mind.  THAT alone showed how much he respected me…and I was going to let him know that I realized this now.




That day was pretty much blown all to hell. Lance was suffering from a killer hangover, which I secretly felt served him right.  He knew better then to drink like that.  Only problem was, I drank like that a lot…and he never complained. Never said anything. Just took care of me, got me home, got me into bed. I rarely got as sick as he was, but when I did get sick, he was always there for me.  And I almost didn’t know how to act when it was my job to be responsible. I mean, I could if I had to, but I never had to. Lance was always there for me.

As he recuperated that day, I spent a lot of time walking and thinking. The whole relationship between Lance and I had pretty much come out of nowhere, and had been full of drama throughout its existence.  I had never EVER thought I would fall so hard for another man, but loving Lance was just so damn easy.  There was so much to love.  He was so handsome, had that porn voice, and the very softest hands.  He kissed like a dream, and when he touched me, even just to hold my hand, it sent shivers down my back.  He was so smart, smarter than me, that’s for sure, and he knew his business.  Nothing came out of his mouth that wasn’t carefully thought out, and therefore he saved himself from sounding stupid…a trait I hadn’t picked up yet.  He was kind and courteous, and totally unselfish, especially when it came to me.  He hated the fact that he felt like he was teasing me when we made out, but I knew he wasn’t ready for us to be together like that again…which was why I used every square inch of willpower inside of me to tell him no the night before. Damn, that was the hardest thing I had EVER had to do…but it wouldn’t have been right. It wouldn’t have been Lance.

So I forgave him for whatever he felt guilty for, though he had no reason to apologize, in my mind.  We spent the rest of that day just hanging out, and after a small dinner we turned in early.


The next morning we were awakened around ten by a knock at our door.  “Mr. Justin? Mr. Lance?”

I sighed. Anita.  “Hold on,” I called, stretching. I pulled on shorts.  Lance rolled over and fell back asleep. I placed a soft kiss on his cheek before padding over to the door.  “Hi, Anita.”

“I’m sorry, Mr. Justin, but I need your help,” Anita said frantically.  “Please don’t be mad.  Sophie, she’s not here yet, and I’m thinking maybe her boyfriend didn’t come to pick her up like he was supposed to.  Couldn’t you drive out in your jeep to get her?”

“Well…Anita…” I stumbled.  “We don’t really need her here if…”

“Please, Mr. Justin,” Anita said almost tearfully.  “She really needs the money.”

“I could just…”

“No, Mr. Justin,” Anita said firmly.  “We EARN our money.”

“Okay,” I said with a sigh.  “Let me get dressed.”

“Thank you, Mr. Justin!”  Anita said with a beaming smile.  I went back into the bedroom and shut the door.

After quickly throwing on sneakers and a tshirt, I sat down next to Lance.  “Lance.  Lansten.”

“Hmmm?”  The low mumble in Lance’s throat gave me shivers down to my toenails.  He rolled over and the bright green eyes fluttered open. “What’s going on?”

“Sophie can’t get in here…so Anita talked me into driving out to get her.”

“Do you want me to come along?”  Lance’s eyes barely stayed open as he asked.

“No.  You sleep.”  I kissed his nose, then the sleepy grinning lips.  “I love you, Lance.”

“Love you, too.”  He threw one arm around me in a haphazard hug, then rolled back onto his stomach.  I sighed again and went out the door.


As we bumped down the road towards town, Anita chattered on and on about the island. I pretty much ignored her. My mind was on Lance. I loved him so much…more than I had ever loved ANY woman. Sometimes it scared me. I knew that a lot of people wouldn’t see the love between us, they would only see that it was a relationship between two men. JC had started to let the truth out about his sexuality, and so far we hadn’t had much backlash. But I knew that the people who would suffer most if Lance and I “came out” would be Joey and Chris. People would start to question THEM as well.  I didn’t want that, and neither did Lance.  But I hated having to hide what I felt.  When he smiled at me, or gave me a compliment, I felt like I could hold the world on my shoulders, and I didn’t think he really realized that.  He felt that anything I said or did was perfect, and I needed to knock that idea right out of his head. I was as human as he was.

“Here, Mr. Justin, down this road,” Anita pointed to a side road that moved out of the town. I hurriedly made the turn.  “At that tree…turn left…there.  Here we are.”

I parked the jeep in front of a small shack.  It was one of maybe seven shacks in the small cul-de-sac.  Children ran up to us, laughing and shouting. Anita smiled at me.

“Oh, Mr. Justin, I’m so glad you came!”  Sophie ran out of her home. “I’m sorry.”

“Come, Mr. Justin.  Meet my family.”  Anita took my hand.

“Well, Anita, I should get back to Lance…” I said hesitantly, as a little girl with no front teeth took my other hand.

“Mr. Lance is sleeping.  He won’t even miss you.”  Anita tugged me on before I could protest.


I ended up spending the next four hours in the little neighborhood. I had brunch on the floor of one of the shacks, a little girl on each knee. They giggled as they fed me fruit sweeter then I had ever tasted in my life. I made a mental note to bring Lance back sometime before we left. It was so relaxing here. I wasn’t Justin Timberlake. To these people, I was only Mr. Justin, one of the men who employed Anita and Sophie.  Anita had three daughters and a son. The son was working, but the daughters were all under the age of sixteen, and they eyed me up shyly.  Anita ordered everyone around, daughters, cousins, nieces, nephews, even me.  And everyone obeyed her.  Even me.

At two o’clock I finally stood. “I need to go.  Lance is gonna think I died.”

The children let out a wail of dismay. I was something new and exciting in their daily routine.  “I understand, Mr. Justin. Thank you for the ride,” Anita said with a beaming grin.

I looked from Anita to Sophie. “Aren’t you coming back with me?”

“No. I think I needs a day off.  And dinner is gonna be ready when you get back.”

“Dinner…” I was confused. 

“Go, Mr. Justin. Thank you for bringing me back.”  Anita kissed my cheek and shooed me into the jeep before I could protest.



I squealed into the driveway and jumped out of the jeep. I took a deep breath, running my hands through my hair.  This was odd.  Anita asked me to go get Sophie, yet when I got there, they decided not to come to work. I froze as a thought struck me. What if Lance had left? What if he had decided I wasn’t worth it, and he was outta here? What if he was gone?

I stumbled as I ran to the front door.  “Lance!” I yelled as I shoved the door open. “Lance, are you…” The words died on my lips as I looked down at the floor.  Exotic flower petals were strewn all over the floor, down into the living room, even up the staircase.  I smelled a strange smell, but it was a good smell.  Some sort of incense.  Even though it was still afternoon, candles were lit in every corner that I could see.  I slipped off my sneakers, not wanting to ruin the beautiful carpet I saw before me. 

I padded around through the living room and kitchen.  No sign of Lance.  I went back around front and slowly made my way up the steps.  I followed the petals to the master bedroom. Still no Lance.  I frowned as I picked up a piece of paper from the bed.  “I have a bath drawn for you. Go relax.  Clothes for you on the back of the door.”  I couldn’t strip fast enough.

I opened the door to the bathroom and gulped as I saw my bath…and who was in it already.  “Hey,” I said, my voice a squeak.

“Hey,” he said in that damn porno voice.  Lance smiled an innocent smile.  “I missed you.”

“Yeah, well, I got caught up and…” a light bulb went off in my dim brain.  “You set this up?”

Lance shrugged, sending some bubbles up into the air. “They needed a day off…”

“…and it was an excuse to get me out of the house.” I smiled at him. “You devil.”

“Are you gonna stand there all day just being naked and sexy or would you like to be naked and sexy in here with me?” The green eyes roamed over my body.  I pretended to think about it.

“Um…well…okay.”  I carefully stepped into the giant tub, but water still sloshed over the edge.  I sat down facing him and sighed. I loved this tub.  Lance grabbed a sponge and picked up one of my legs. I moaned as he carefully washed every inch.

“It’s hard taking care of someone, isn’t it?”  I looked at him, but his face was sincere.

“Yeah,” I said softly.  He massaged my calf before picking up my other leg.  “I guess I never realized how hard.  But I didn’t mind doing it.”

“I don’t either,” Lance said, making me laugh as he squished the sponge between each toe.  “Because I love you.”

“I love you, too, Lance,” I whispered.  His hand stopped moving.

“I know, Justin. I think I finally know…I finally have let myself admit how much you care about me.  I still had doubts, stupid doubts, but doubts nonetheless.  But you proved to me that night that you love me.  Loved me enough to say no.”  Lance stood, and I watched the water run down his handsome body.  “You get cleaned up. I’ll be out in the bedroom.”  He grabbed a towel and went out into the bedroom, closing the door behind him.


I took the fastest bath known to man.  Got myself squeaky clean, but did it in record time. I dried off hurriedly, then saw the clothes on the back of the door.  Baby blue satin pajama bottoms?  I had never really thought about satin but…ohhh fuck.  When I put them on it was like sliding clouds over my body.  Like my dick wasn’t already hard enough; the constant smoothness of the satin was making it worse.  I ran a brush through my curls then opened the door.

The door to the balcony was wide open, and the sea breeze filtered into the room.  The canopy on the bed danced in the breeze, and on the bed was Lance…stretched out and smiling at me.  Lance…wearing dark green pajama bottoms.  Lance…with a sexy inviting smile on his face.

“Come here,” he whispered. Suddenly I was nervous as all hell. Usually I was the flirt, I was the one who initiated things.  This was all Lance.  I almost tripped over my own damn feet as I walked to the bed.  The tent in my new pants was quite obvious.  He looked down and smirked.  “Horny much?”

“Tease,” I said, arching my eyebrow at him.  He sat up and moved to the edge of the bed.  He ran his hands down my chest, lightly tickling his fingers over my nipples before resting his hands on my waist. I gasped as he rubbed his face across my erection, letting the satin of his cheeks rub against the satin of the pants. His hands moved around to grasp my backside.

“OhholymotherofGodLance,” I gasped in one breath.  I heard his low chuckle and whimpered.  His hands slid up and pulled the drawstring of the pants.  They puddled at my feet and I stepped out of them.  Lance ran his hands my thighs, brushed over my balls, then began to stroke me. His eyes never left mine.

“Today is all about you, Justin,” he whispered. “I want to show you how much I love you…how much I feel your love for me. Anything you want…you just say the word.”

“But I…”

“No arguments,” Lance said in barely a whisper. “Just…say…yes…”

“Oh, YES!” I almost screamed as he took me into his mouth.  “Yes…oh FUCK yes…” I gasped as he flickered his tongue out over my head.  My hands bunched in his short hair.  Just when I thought I was close to the edge, Lance pulled away. I almost cried at the loss.  He stood up slowly, pressing his body against mine.

“Is that what you want? Do you want me to just suck you until you cum?”  Lance’s eyes were dark with desire, a sight I had seen many times and could never get enough of.

“N-no,” I stammered.  His hands were gentle as they rested on my shoulders and brought me closer to kiss him.  Our lips met softly, then insistently, our tongues fighting.  As I moved my head to nibble at his neck, I reached down to untie his pants.  I made sure to touch every revealed inch of him as I pushed the pants down to the floor.  As I stood up, I reached for his cock. He lightly slapped my hands away.

“No…Justin…this is all about you.”  We fell down onto the bed as we kissed once more. Our cocks pushed against each other, both rockhard and drooling. I couldn’t help myself. I grabbed them both in one hand, rubbing them together as I stroked.  Lance’s head fell back as he hissed in a breath. “Justin…shit…”

“It’s been so long, Lance…I want you so damn bad…” I whispered, sucking on an earlobe as I stroked his balls. 

“Make love to me, Justin…please…” Lance asked quietly. I froze. 

“Are you sure?  I…”

“Justin, I want you to make love to me. I want to make love to you. I just…want…you…”

I reached over to the nightstand where I knew I would find condoms and lubricant, even though we hadn’t used any yet.  Lance stroked me as I fumbled with the condom.  “Jesus, Lance, stop that!” I finally snapped. “I’m not getting anywhere here!”

“Sorry,” he said, though I knew he wasn’t really. He patiently lay with his hands on his chest until I had myself sheathed.  I carefully worked with him, and it didn’t take long before he was arching up against my fingers, begging me to go inside of him.  I brought his legs up on either side of me and carefully guided myself in.  He winced for a moment. It had been too long.

“Lance, I’m sorry, I…”

“Don’t…stop…Justin…please…” he begged, and I carefully thrust again.

“Fuck…Lance…so tight…” I closed my eyes, all of the familiar sensations washing over me again.  His grasp on my thighs lessened, and soon I knew he was enjoying himself as much as I was.  I could really let go now.

I pushed inside of him again and again, moaning as he let his hands roam over me anywhere he could reach.  “Justin…so good…I love you so much…missed you inside of me…” Lance panted, reaching down to his throbbing cock. I slapped HIS hands away this time, and took him in my hand, stroking in time with my own thrusting.

“Lance…I’m gonna…oh…shit…” an orgasm like I had never experienced washed over me.  I let go of his cock unconsciously, feeling as if I was going to explode from the inside out.

“Ahhh…Justin…” Lance gave his cock one more stroke as he came, spurting between us. 

As soon as I could feel my body again, I pulled out and tossed the condom in the trash. I lay down beside him as we both panted for breath.  “OhmyGod,” I said weakly.  “That was totally incredible. I don’t think I’ve EVER had sex like that before.”

“Was it worth the wait?” Lance turned on his side to face me. I lay the same way.

“Lance, I would have waited forever for you,” I said softly.  He brought my hand to his lips and kissed my palm. “But thanks for not making me wait.”

He laughed and bit my hand.  “You’re a walking hormone.”

“Hello…who seduced who here?” I pointed out.

“Yeah…I guess I DID seduce you. Go me.”  A crazy grin flew over his face.  “I love you, Justin.”

“Love you, too, Lance.”  He moved to snuggle against my chest and I wrapped my arms around him.  Already things were changing, and not in a bad way. Usually I slept in his arms, but this time I was the one doing the protecting.



“Lance, will you PLEASE sit still!”  Justin snapped as we started our descent.  I looked at him.

“God…I don’t know if I like this new responsible Justin,” I said, smiling sweetly.

“Well, you’re acting like a child…no…you’re acting like CHRIS, bouncing around like that.”

I raised an eyebrow.  “That was cold.”

“Cold but true.”

“But I wanna see my puppy!”  I pulled my best Justin Timberlake pout and batted my eyes. It didn’t work.  “Justinnnnn…I wanna see mah puppy.”  I threw in the Southern drawl and he wilted before my eyes.

“Not fair,” he grumbled.  I laughed and he joined in.

This had been a dream vacation. We had connected on so many levels…gotten closer then we had EVER been before.  We had finally lost all the insecurities that had hounded both of us for so long.  Not that it was perfect…Justin could still be an immature brat, and he said I still had a stick up my ass, but we were learning to deal with all that.

The plane landed and we held back.  Heaven only knew how many fans might be in the airport.  We were escorted in through another door.  Joey and Chris were waiting.

“HEY!”  Joey gave us big hugs, squeezing the breath out of us.  “Did you guys have a good time?”

“Look at you…all tan and buff…I didn’t know you COULD tan, Lance.”  Chris eyed me up and down.

“Either did I…and Brillo here kept so much sunscreen on me I’m surprised I tanned at all,” I said as Joey threw my backpack over his shoulder.  We headed for the private baggage area where a skycap would be bringing our luggage.

“Didya buy me anything?” Chris asked expectantly, jumping up and down. I met Justin’s gaze.

“Okay, maybe I WAS acting like that,” I admitted, and Justin cracked up.


We finally got our bags and piled into Joey’s car. I couldn’t sit still the entire drive back to Chris’ house.  A puppy.  There was a puppy waiting for me there!  Joey hardly had the car in park before I practically fell out of the car.  “Chris…keys…” I demanded.  Chris tossed me his keychain and I fumbled with the key. I finally found the right one and threw the door open.

A bundle of fur threw herself at my legs and I sat down hard.  A wet tongue lapped at my face and I laughed.  “Hi…hiya Bahama…hi…it’s your daddy…” The puppy wriggled with excitement as she licked every part of me she could find. I looked up at Justin, who was standing in the doorway.

“Like her?” He asked, unable to keep from smiling.

“Love her. Love YOU,” I said.  He came to sit down next to me, and as Bahama kissed me, I kissed Justin, unashamed of who might see.

The End


Please tell Lara what you thought of this story!