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By: Lara Bruner


Like anyone would be, I am flattered by your fascination with me.

Like any hot-blooded woman, I have simply wanted an object to crave.

But you, you're not allowed.

You're uninvited

An unfortunate slight*


Andrea watched out of the corner of her eye as the first notes of the piano began.  Sure enough, he was there again.  She could feel his presence during her whole practice time, but by now, he knew the order of her songs, and would come out to the arena and sit during this song only.  She moved to the center of the ice, motioning for her trainer to start the song again.

As the first notes of the haunting music floated through the arena, anyone else was forgotten.  This song seemed to lift Andrea outside of herself, making her body as light as a feather.  She remained immobile through the first two lines, then began to let the music lead her.  Every time she skated to this song her choreography was different, as if she were learning the song anew each time. 

She enjoyed the feeling of the man's eyes on her, but it was not something she concentrated on.  Her mind was totally focused on two things: the music in the air, and the ice under her blades.

Must be strangely exciting, to watch the stoic squirm

Must be somewhat heartening, to watch shepherd lead shepherd

But you, you're not allowed

You're uninvited

An unfortunate slight*


As a few more instruments of the orchestra joined the piano and voice, Andrea began to do simple figure eights, allowing her body to sway to the music.  She remained in the simple pattern, however, as long as the music stayed simple.  She felt the urgency in the vocals, the urgency underneath the restraint.  At the last line, both the vocalist and the orchestra seemed to burst from confinement, and Andrea burst from the figure eight and flew across the ice, doing a few single jumps, a toe loop here, an axle there.  There was no longer anyone in the entire arena; no one but Andrea and the music.

Like an uncharted territory, I must seem greatly intriguing

You speak of my love like you have experienced love like mine before

But this is not allowed

You're uninvited

An unfortunate slight


The strings wove in a melody that reminded one of a Far Eastern chant.  Andrea's skates flew across the ice in dazzling footwork that mimicked the flow of the violins and cellos.  She could feel the invasion of privacy of the vocalist, and angrily flowed from spin to spin as the music rose to a climax, then faded once again to the simple notes of the piano.

I don't think you unworthy

I need a moment to deliberate


Andrea felt the unspoken apology of the vocalist as she slowed her spin and came to a complete stop.  She raised her hands to the sky, and then crossed them over her chest, bowing her head.  Then, once again, the orchestra sprang to life, filling the arena with cross paths of melodies and harmonies.  She was suddenly in motion, going from spin to spin, jump to jump, with footwork in between.  She followed the tempo of the music, filling in motions that she had never seen before, and had never created until this moment. 

As the music came to a close, she slowly glided to a stop by the boards, not far from where the man was sitting.  She looked at him breathlessly, before skating to the other side of the arena to get her water and towel.

A hand tapped Jordan on the shoulder, waking him from the dreamlike trance he had been in for the last three or four minutes.  "Jordan, man, why are you always here when I come to meet you?  Let's go, bro," Jordan's brother Jonathan tugged at his shirt.  "I'm starving!"

"Coming," Jordan said absentmindedly, watching the petite figure put the guards on her blades before packing her bag.  He followed Jonathan down to the doorway, purposely loitering in the office and talking to Jim, Andrea's trainer.  He had been friends with Jim for years, and it had been about six months earlier when he had come to visit Jim at the arena, and first saw Andrea.  For him, it was love at first site, though she would say nothing but hello and goodbye, even after Jim had introduced them.

"Sorry, J.  There's no getting through that wall.  I don't know what it is, but something or someone hurt Andi bad, and she hardly talks to anyone."  Jim had explained.  "Skating is some kind of therapy for her." 

"Oh, well," Jordan said with fake cheerfullness.  "I'll just have to be happy with hello and goodbye, then."

He always arrived about ten minutes into her practices, but did not come into the arena to watch until she skated to this song.  The song had such power, and it perfectly reflected how he would sit and watch her from afar.  He loved her choreography for this song, for it always changed. 

"Come on, Jordan!  There's a steak with my name on it waiting at Mom's!"  Jonathan complained. 

"All right," Jordan grumbled, waving goodbye to Jim.  As they walked towards the door, Jordan heard light footsteps behind him.  He whirled around.

"Andrea, hello," he said gently, giving her his sweetest smile. 

"Hello, Jordan," she said shyly.  She smiled slightly at Jonathan as well. 

"Good practice," Jordan remarked.  She nodded, and slowly walked past them out to the parking lot.

"Jordan, why don't you just ask her out?  Ask her out or let it go?"  Jonathan said, his hunger making him snappy. 

"I can't, Jon.  She doesn't want me to ask her out.  I'm happy just looking at her." 

"Well, I'd be happy just looking at a steak right now."  Jonathan unlocked his car doors.  He got in, but Jordan stood for one more moment, watching the girl with the saddest eyes he had ever seen climb

into her car and drive away.



"Uninvited" words/music by Alanis Morissette


Please tell Lara what you thought of this story!