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By:  Lara



It started normal enough.  I got home from running errands, and there was AJ, painting my girlfriend’s toenails as she sat at her computer. “What are you doing here, Bone?”  I asked.

“Just stopped by to show off some new purchases.”  He motioned to a pile of hatboxes, and I groaned.

“Don’t even bother looking through them, sweetie,” Lara said, turning her face up for a kiss.  “They are all godawful, and I am shocked that he would actually spend money on something that awful.”

“They’re not that bad!”  AJ insisted.  We both gave him a look that said, ‘yeah…sure.’

“Who ya talking to?”  I asked her.

“Lisa,” she replied, closing her eyes and sighing as AJ blew on her toes.  I rolled my eyes, knowing how ticklish she was.  She was probably just doing everything in her power not to giggle and move away.  “Why don’t you talk to her for a bit?”  Lara got up and carefully hobbled over to the sofa.  AJ resumed his pedicure.


I was innocently talking to Lisa about this and that when there was a knock on the door.  Nick was out running errands, but he had a key so I knew it wasn’t his.  “Hey, Alex,” I said as I threw open the door.

“Lara…I had to show someone these kickass hats.”  He barged past me, carrying a pile of boxes.  I groaned and followed him into the study.  He knew me too well; he knew I had been in there online. 

“Where’s Erin?”  I asked.  “Why don’t you just show her?”  I wasn’t in the mood to babysit Alex.

“Off pouting somewhere,” he said, beginning to untie strings and pull off lids.

“Did you guys fight AGAIN?”  I asked, sighing.

“She tries to keep me on some kind of fucking leash…it’s not my style.”  He plopped a blue plaid Stetson on his head.  “How about it?”

“I’m gonna be ill.”  I resumed my place behind the computer.

“Lemme talk to her,” he said, and I moved.  They chatted for a bit as I looked at the hats that could only be described as fashion nightmares.  “Okay…I’m done.  Why don’t you sit down and I’ll paint your toenails.  I did hers earlier and she loved it.”

“Um…okay…the nail polish is in the fridge,” I told him, and he took off for the kitchen.

What is this about AJ painting your toenails?” I screamed to Lisa through Instant Messenger.  She went into a bit of detail, and I was soon drooling.  Alex came back with a bottle of candy apple red, and went to work on my toes.  I was having great difficulty concentrating on what I was saying, and I’m sure my messages were full of typos.  Alex was gently cradling my foot in one hand while he applied polish with the other.

Suddenly I heard a car pull into the driveway.  “Shit.”  I hobbled to the window.  Fuck.  It was Nicky.


Before I knew it, I was deep into a conversation with Lisa.  As I glanced at the sofa out of the corner of my eye, I realized that Alex’s tongue was deep into the mouth of my girlfriend.  I gasped, but refrained from saying anything.  The sight was incredibly erotic, and I didn’t know what to do.  I mentioned it to Lisa, and I could almost hear her laughing.  She asked what I thought, and I realized that I didn’t mind.  I mean, I didn’t like the idea of someone else’s tongue down Lara’s throat, but the fact that it was AJ seemed to make the whole situation entirely different.  I wanted to watch…and I wanted to join in.

After talking for a bit longer as I pretended not to see the couple on my couch, Lisa put Kevin on.  After bugging him for a moment, I finally got Kevin to admit that on Memorial Day, after a huge fight that practically broke up the picnic, he and Lisa fooled around with AJ.  You could have knocked me over with a feather.  Kevin?  Mr. Stick Up The Ass?  I asked Kevin what exactly had happened, and how he had felt about it.  As I waited for his reply, I watched AJ nuzzle Lara’s neck with his goatee, and his hand began to slide up her shirt.  I swallowed a moan, and turned back around, grateful for the computer desk that was hiding my hard-on.  By the long pause, I knew that Kevin was flustered, but he finally replied.  He never could say no to me.

He told me that it just kinda happened…that before he knew it, AJ was kissing him.  That’s all that happened between the two of them, but that it was incredible.  I swallowed deeply, watching one of my best friends suck on Lara’s earlobe.  I told Kev to put Lisa back on, and then I would let them go.  I asked her if she ever thought that maybe Kevin was gay because he kissed AJ.  I mean, I didn’t want anyone thinking I was gay, but yet I was having these yearnings for my friend that I had never imagined possible.  She told me that it had never even crossed their minds, that it had just all been in fun and pleasure.  I was relieved.  I then asked if she ever thought about leaving Kevin for AJ.  Maybe Lara would like him better.  I mean, I had seen him move, and I had seen the way women drooled over the way his body bumped and grinded. I couldn’t do that…hell…I couldn’t even dance without practically falling on my head.  She was quick to reassure me that Lara loved me more than anything in the world, and that she had often gone into detail about how much she loved me AND my body.  I said goodbye.


As Nick sat down at the computer, AJ began to work on my other foot.  I closed my eyes, ordering myself not to moan as he lightly blew on my toes.  I threw my head back, biting my lip to keep from making any noises.  I almost bit a hole through it when I felt Alex’s fingers begin to lightly trail up and down the insides of my legs.  They never went up any further than my knees, but I was a quivering mass of oatmeal by the time I could bring myself to look down at him.  His face was serious, his dark eyes stormy.  He set my feet down, and came up to sit beside me.  His arm went around me, resting lightly on the back of the sofa.  I placed a hand on his chest to keep distance between us, and I could feel his heart beating hard and fast.  I licked my lips unconsciously, and his eyes followed the path my tongue made.  Before I knew it, he was leaning towards me, and the hand I had put up for protection was sliding up to caress the back of his neck.

As his lips met mine, electricity shot through me.  My whole body seemed to arch towards him, and his free hand moved to lightly rest on my waist.  His tongue flicked out against mine, and I shuddered.  He pulled back, and I quickly glanced at Nicky, who was carefully tapping away at the keyboard.  I couldn’t help but thank God for Lisa, because I didn’t want him to turn around just then.

Alex bent his head and began to lightly kiss my neck, rubbing the smooth hairs of his goatee against my skin.  My hand clutched at his shoulders, wanting him to continue but knowing he had to stop.  His hand slid up my waist to sneak under my shirt, and I finally let out a teeny moan.  Suddenly Nick turned around, and we froze.

“Talk to Lisa,” he demanded.  “I need to speak with Aje.”

I sat on the chair, and began to type with shaking fingers.  AJ kissed me, I told her, and Nick caught us.  I know, she replied.  He told me.  And then she confessed that she and AJ and Kev had played around on Memorial Day.  I was shocked at Kevin, but not too surprised.  I knew that she had always wanted to play with AJ, but was not going to go behind Kevin’s back.  Then she dropped the bomb.  The day that they fooled around, Kevin and AJ kissed.

I was floored.  I never thought of Kevin as being interested in that kind of thing.  The thought was damn erotic, of course, but still.  She went on to explain that it was ALL they did, but that it was something to see.  I heard footsteps behind me and turned around.  There was Alex in the black satin robe I had bought Nicky for his birthday…and there was Nicky, in the black satin pajama pants that matched.

Gotta go, I told Lisa, and quickly turned off the computer.


The look on Lara’s face was priceless.  Her mouth fell open and she gaped like a fish at the sight of AJ and I in my black pjs.  She stood and then sat again, as if she were unable to believe what she was seeing. 

“Go upstairs,” Aje told her.  “There’s a hot bath drawn for you…and clothes hanging on the back of the bathroom door.”

“O-okay,” she stuttered, slipping past us to practically run up the stairs.  AJ and I smiled at each other.

“I think you scared her,” I said.  He laughed, a gravelly sound.

“Mind if I smoke in here?” He asked. I thought a moment.

“Let’s go out onto the back deck.  She really doesn’t like smoke in the house.”  We wandered out onto the deck, AJ stopping at his bag of things to grab his cigarettes.  I plopped down onto a chair while he leaned on the railing, looking out at the ocean.

“You’re lucky, ya know,” he said finally.  “You guys…and Kev and Lisa…you got something special.  Not that Erin isn’t fantastic, but it’s…it’s not what you got.”  He turned to look at me, his brown eyes serious.  “And if what happens here tonight is gonna mess that up, you need to tell me now.”

“I don’t think it will,” I said sincerely.  I paused.  “My worst fear is that she’d pick you over me…but I don’t think she will.”

“Thanks a lot,” AJ said, making a face.  I stuck my tongue out at him, smiling.  He flicked his cigarette out over into the water, then came to sit next to me on the chair.  He put his hand on my knee and I jumped.  “Relax,” he whispered, then looked at me intently.  “You talked to Kev, huh?”  I blushed, giving away the answer.  “It was just a kiss…that’s all.  I kissed him…to see what it was like…to kinda get into the mood.”

“Oh,” I whispered.

His hand snaked up to rest on the back of my neck.  He drew me close until his forehead rested on mine.  “You have intense lips, Nicky.  Did you know Lara and her friends go on for hours about them?”

“Really?”  I squeaked.  Damn.  I sounded about thirteen again.

“Really,” he replied, bending his head towards mine.  His lips were millimeters away from mine when we heard Lara reappear.


I stumbled blindly up the steps, surprised that I could even remember where the bathroom was.  AJ looked so damn good in Nick’s robe…and Nicky…well…we won’t go there.  When I reached the steamy bathroom, the smell of pearberry wafted into my nose.  I smiled.  Nicky knew that was my favorite bubble bath.  I quickly stripped and sank into the water with a sigh.  As I leaned my head back and closed my eyes, thoughts of the two men downstairs ran through my mind.  I sat up suddenly.  Why in the world was I soaking when there were two men like that downstairs? 

I quickly scrubbed myself until I was clean and smelling sweet.  As I stood and reached for a towel, something on the back of the door caught my eye.  My mouth fell open.  I reached out and carefully touched the satin garment hanging from a hook on the back of the door. As soon as I was dry, I picked it up and held it out in front of me.  It was a long black satin nightgown, with spaghetti straps and a slit up to the hip on the right side.  I quickly pulled it over my head, and it slid down my body with a satisfying whisper.  I looked at myself in the mirror as I piled my long hair up onto my head.  I would match what they wore…but I was sure none of us would stay clothed for long.

I padded downstairs on bare feet.  No one was in the study, and I smelled smoke coming from the direction of the kitchen.  They were out on the deck, I realized.  As I slid the door open, I saw AJ leaning towards Nick, their lips almost meeting.  They heard me and quickly jerked apart.


I jumped to my feet.  “Lara!  We were…uh…wow…” I lost my train of thought as I looked at her in the black nightgown I had picked up a few weeks earlier.  I had chosen that particular nightgown because it matched my pajamas…little did I know I’d be sharing my girlfriend as well as the pajamas.

“You look incredible,” AJ said, walking over and kissing her cheek.  “I’m gonna go upstairs and prepare a few things.  You guys stay here ‘til I come get you.”

I could only nod as he left the room.  Lara took a few steps towards me, her blue eyes huge.  “What’s going on here, Nicky?”  She asked timidly.

“I’m not quite sure,” I said. “You kissed him.”

“You were about to,” she said accusingly, then laughed.  “Okay…so he’s seduced us both.”

“No,” I said softly, running my fingers down her bare shoulders.  She shivered.  “He’s not seducing me.  The only person that will get seduced tonight is you…and Aje and I will be doing all the seducing.”  I placed a soft kiss on her forehead, and I felt goosebumps appear under my fingertips.  We stood that way for a long moment.

“You guys gonna stand out here all night?”  We turned to see AJ leaning in the doorway smirking at us.  He reached a hand out to Lara and she took it, smiling at him nervously.  He gently cupped her chin in his hand.  “Relax, Pet.  Come with me.”  He led her into the house with me close behind.

As we walked up the steps I heard the soft moan of a saxophone coming from the bedroom stereo.  I shivered as the music filled the hallway.  It was a sweet sound; promising as much as it delivered.  Our bedroom was bathed in candlelight; candles sat on every flat surface.  I playfully glared at AJ.  “Were you raiding our closet or something?”

“Don’t worry…I won’t tell Lara what I found hidden in your boxer drawer,” he teased me, though his eyes were totally focused on her.  “Nicky, why don’t you run down and pour us something to drink.  I forgot that when we were down there.”

“But I…” I began.

“Go, Nick,” Lara said in a whisper.  She finally looked away from AJ.  “But hurry back,” she told me, reaching out to caress my lips with her finger.  I shivered and ran out the door.


I had to smile as I watched Nick practically run out the door.  He was so adorable.

“I told him about your lip fetish,” AJ said to me, his voice low against the wail of the saxophone.

“Alex!”  I whined.  “How embarrassing?”

“Tell me, Lara…is there a lot Nick doesn’t know about you?”  He began to approach me and I swallowed deeply.  “Does he know all your needs…your desires…”

“He didn’t know about what I thought about you,” I blurted, blushing furiously.  AJ smiled a sexy smile.

“And just what was that?”  He took my hand and stood me by the edge of the bed.  He sat, and began to run his fingers up and down my leg through the slit in the nightgown. I tried to form sentences.

“Well…uh…that you’re…uh…fine…and sexy…and…oh shit,” I mumbled as his hand moved to the inside of my thigh.  He stood, running his hands along my abdomen and over the top of the nightgown.  His teeth suddenly attacked my neck and I hissed.  I clutched him for dear life, knowing that if I let go my treasonous knees would give way.

“Nicky and I are gonna take good care of you,” Alex whispered in my ear.  “I’d love to take care of you all by myself…but you’re not mine to take.”  His thumb fingered my nipple through the satin.

“You couldn’t wait five minutes?”  I heard Nicky say from the doorway.  He sat down a bottle of wine and three glasses.

“Take over for me, Nick…I’m thirsty.”  AJ moved away and went to pour us all some wine.  Nick walked over to me and claimed my lips with his before I could say a word.


                Lara's lips were so soft and tender that I moaned.  I couldn't help it.  I knew that having me and another man at the same time was a fantasy she had thought about for a while, but I never thought we'd go through with it.  I also never thought that if we did go through with it, it would be with one of my very best friends.  My hands moved to caress her jawline, and I felt her arms go around my waist.  She pressed her body to mine, and I felt my already semi-hard cock spring to life.

                "Ah ah ah...not so fast."  AJ came to stand behind her, his lips on her neck right by my fingers.  "We want this to last, don't we?"  He gently turned her face towards his, putting a glass of wine to her lips.  She drank slowly, her eyes never leaving his.  He smiled tenderly at her, then looked at me.  "Nick?"  He offered the rest of the wine to me, and I drank it, letting him tip the glass to my mouth.  When I had drained it, he sat it down on the dresser.  He turned back to me, his eyes dark and intense.  One of his hands moved from her waist to the back of my neck.  I swallowed deeply.  With Lara still between us, he gently pressed my neck until my face was inches from his.  "Let's get this over with," he murmured, pressing his lips to mine.

                I froze, and I could feel Lara tense up between us.  His thumb lightly rubbed the top of my spine, and I couldn't help but relax.  His lips were soft but firm, not as tender as Lara's but just as sweet.  I heard her whisper, "Oh God..." but I could not pull away.  When he felt my mouth relax against his, AJ let his tongue flicker out against my lips, and they opened to allow it in before I could control it.  I heard him sigh, and he began to explore my mouth with his tongue.  I felt Lara slip out from between us, and then she was behind me.  She began to kiss her way down my back, her hands reaching around to caress my chest.  Her tongue seemed to flick over every vertebra, and I moaned against AJ's mouth.  I felt him smile.  My hands reached up to run through his short hair, which, for once, was not gelled or moussed.  As soon as Lara worked her way down my back, I felt her move to stand behind AJ, and she began to repeat the process on him. 

                "Damn," he muttered, finally pulling back.  He looked down and smiled.  I followed his gaze.  My pants had suddenly grown a bit too tight, and a little friend was peeking out of the front of the robe he wore.  He turned around and we both just looked at Lara.

                "What?" She asked nervously, beginning to back up.  Her legs hit the bed and she sat down hard.  AJ quickly pulled her back up.

                "Your turn."


                The sight of AJ and Nicky kissing was like nothing I had ever seen.  I could tell Nicky was hesitant, but it didn't last long.  Being pressed between them was almost like I was a part of things.  I could feel AJ's lithe body against my back, and the tender skin of Nick's chest was right in front of my face.  I finally squirmed out of the way and went to lavish Nicky's back with kisses.  I saw goosebumps pop up and I couldn't help but smile.  At least I knew that I was as much of a turn-on for him as Alex.  I decided that Alex must have been feeling left out, and I went around to kiss him as well.  Suddenly they pulled away from each other and just STARED at me...these intense stares that seemed to see right through me.  "What?" I asked as I sat down on the bed.  My knees seemed unable to hold me.

                "Your turn," AJ said almost savagely.  He cupped my face in his hands firmly and began to kiss me...deep passionate kisses.  His kiss with Nick was tender and intense, but this was far from tender.  His tongue plunged into my mouth again and again as if he wanted to draw the very breath from my body.  I felt a warmth behind me, and soon Nick's soft chest was pressed against my back.  He began to kiss the back of my neck, his tongue occasionally flicking out to touch Alex's fingers, which caused AJ to moan quietly.  Nick's hands slid from my waist up to my breasts, and he lightly caressed them through the fabric.

                Almost as if they had their own mind, my hands went to Alex's chest, sliding down the satin of the robe to the knot at the waist.  I struggled with it, my mouth never leaving his.  I untied the knot, slipping the robe from his body.  I pressed myself against him, refusing to end the kiss.  His body was hard in all the right places, and I realized as I pressed against him that he wasn't as short as I had always assumed.  I had been comparing him to my over six foot tall boyfriend...never again.  We were just the right height for each other to caress and explore. 

                Alex pulled away as Nick took my head in his hands and carefully turned my face to his.  He began to kiss me, lightly tugging at my lips with his teeth.  I groaned; he knew what that did to me.  AJ's fingers toyed with the straps of the nightgown for a moment, then slid them from my shoulders.  He lowered the top of the nightgown to my waist, and slid his slender hands up to cup my breasts.  As his rough thumbs hit my nipples, all bones in my skeleton turned to jello and I almost collapsed.  Nicky caught me at the waist, quickly shoving the nightgown to the ground before picking me up and carrying me to the bed.

He tenderly laid me down, and then he and Alex just stood by the bed looking at me. I felt a blush creep over my entire body.  “Close your eyes,” AJ whispered, and I gratefully complied.  I felt someone lay down beside me…Nicky…the body was longer than mine.  He began to gently kiss every inch of my face as his hands moved over my stomach and up to my breasts.  I moaned and arched my back, almost screaming as I felt AJ begin to kiss my toes.  My eyes flew open.

“No…close them,” Nick whispered, kissing my eyelids until I kept my eyes shut.  The feelings were so intense that I was soon involuntarily squirming on the bed.  At the same moment that Nick moved down to explore my neck, AJ moved up to right behind my knees.  Nick continued to caress my breasts, and Alex kept his hands on my feet, lightly massaging them.  If the house had caught fire at that moment, I could not possibly have gotten up to run.  Nick’s lips moved to my shoulders, AJ’s to my inner thighs.


Lara’s body moved on the bed, squirming and writhing as if she was in pain.  Her back arched up as my hands slid back and forth from one breast to the other.  AJ looked up at me as he kissed up the insides of her legs.  Our eyes met for a brief moment, and I nodded.  As my mouth moved down to capture one nipple, AJ licked a line up her thigh right to her center.

Lara gasped, arching until she almost broke in two.  “Oh…God…Nicky…” she gasped, her hands clutching the sheets.  AJ grabbed her left hand, placing it on the back of his head, while I guided her other hand to my own head.  I felt her fingernails dig into my scalp, and I hissed against her skin.  As I lavished attention on one breast, my hand softly played with the other, teasing everywhere but the nipple.  I glanced down at AJ, afraid of what I might think of what he was doing.  His hands caressed her hips, trailing up and down her legs.  I knew what she tasted like…what she felt like…

AJ stopped suddenly, as if he could feel my uneasiness with what he was doing.  Lara whimpered, her eyes fluttering open.  He moved up to kiss her, letting her taste herself on his mouth.  He then quickly captured my mouth in a crushing kiss, allowing me to taste it as well.

“Holy fuck,” she whispered. I was as shocked as she was, but was unable to say anything.

“I think you need to take care of something, Nick,” AJ murmured, his eyes never leaving mine.

We switched places.  AJ stretched out next to her and began to whisper in her ear. I took one look at how wet and swollen he had gotten her, and realized I couldn’t wait one moment longer.  I got on my knees, placing her legs flat against my chest.  Her eyes rolled back into her head at whatever Aje was whispering, and I teased her entrance with my head…just teasing…just playing.  She shuddered, her nails raking across the sheets once more. As AJ’s hand began to lightly tweak at her breasts I slid myself inside of her.  Lara and I groaned as one.  She was so tight…

“Please…Nicky…don’t stop…” she panted.  AJ looked up at me and raised one eyebrow.

“She said don’t stop, Nick.  Give the lady what she’s asking for.”

I thrust into her again and again.  Slow thrusts, but deep.  AJ continued whispering, occasionally stopping to kiss her full lips or suck on her earlobes.  Her pants and moans got louder and longer until she was almost screaming.  AJ put a finger in her mouth, letting her suck on it for a moment.  He then slid that finger down her body to her swollen clit, and that was all it took.  I clutched her thighs as I felt her tighten around me, her whole body quivering.  She put her hand on the back of AJ’s head, pulling it to her for a savage kiss.  I slid out of her, wanting to hold her until the waves subsided.

AJ and I lay with our arms around Lara, both of us kissing her cheeks and caressing her skin.  He reached over and ruffled my hair, giving me a sly look.  “Don’t get too comfy, Blondie.  We’re not done here.”


I lay between them, surrounded by their warmth. It seemed almost impossible to regulate my breathing again, and my heart was beating out of control.  The intense feelings…the mouths…the tongues…the fingers…it was almost unreal.  I closed my eyes for a moment, remembering the way AJ’s tongue had felt on me.  He had teased me mercilessly, going from gentle to forceful to playful to evil all within seconds.  When I felt his slender fingers slip inside of me, I had almost passed out.  I laid my head on Nick’s strong chest, attempting to catch my breath.  I felt AJ reach over and tousle Nick’s hair.

“Don’t get too comfy, Blondie.  We’re not done here.”  My eyes flew open and looked up at Alex.  He smiled, stroking my cheek.  “Don’t worry, Pet.  We’ll let you catch your breath.”  He looked back up at Nick, his dark eyes twinkling.  “We don’t want to leave Nicky unsatisfied, do we?”

“No,” I whispered, looking from one to the other.  “We don’t.”  I trailed a finger down AJ’s cheek.  “But we’re not done with YOU, either.”

I gently pushed AJ down until he was flat on his back.  I stood, and Nick took my place beside him.  I looked at the two naked men on my bed and decided that if the world ended that very minute, I couldn’t possibly think of any place more perfect to be.  I started at their ankles, kissing first one leg, then the other, dodging back and forth between them.  I heard Nick hiss in a breath, and saw AJ clench the sheet as I had done.  I smiled, feeling an intense surge of power.  I glanced up at Nick, silently asking for permission.  He blinked once, and I knew permission was given.  One of my hands slid up AJ’s thigh to grasp his hard cock in my hand, and I heard him groan.  I slid my body up Nick’s legs, licking a quick line up his cock.  I could taste myself on him, and I grinned.  I slowly moved my hand up and down AJ’s shaft, mimicking the motions on Nick with my mouth.  Soon they were both gasping…so I changed places. 

AJ was not as thick as Nicky, but he was long, and I almost came again just thinking about how he would fill me…but I had already decided that I couldn’t possibly fuck AJ like that.  No matter how much Nicky was into this, or how much permission he gave me…part of me was for him and him alone.  I moved off of Nick and he whimpered, but I ignored him.  I draped my body across AJ, moving up to gently kiss his lips.  I kissed my way down his stomach until I was crouched over his midsection, my backside up in the air.  Before Alex knew what was happening, I had him completely in my mouth.  I cupped his balls in my mouth and continued to take him all the way out, and then all the way in.

“Oh…goddamn…” he muttered, arching his hips towards my mouth.  The man who had been in total control up until this point was now completely at my mercy.  I felt Nick move off the bed, and soon his hands were on my hips.  I felt the head of his thick cock teasing at my entrance; I was still good and wet.  As he pushed inside of me, I took AJ all the way in my mouth, moaning against him.  That made him groan louder.  His hands pulled the pins from my hair and ran it through his fingers as Nick took a good hold on my waist.

He began to pound into me, knowing I liked it hard and fast like this.  I took AJ’s cock in my hand and began to steadily stroke it as I sucked him.  I felt him arch his hips up again and again and I moaned, loving the feeling of giving and receiving such pleasure all at once.

“Damn…baby…you’re even tighter now!”  Nick gasped.  I glanced over at the dresser that was near the bed.  I could only see the top half of Nick’s body…his head was thrown back in ecstasy.  He reached around to stroke my clit and my mouth tightened around AJ.

“Shit…Lara…I’m gonna…ohhhhh fuck!” AJ growled, spurting into my mouth.  I drank every drop of him, them my head fell against his thigh.  I kissed his sweaty skin, feeling my own orgasm approach quickly.

Nick’s hands clenched at my skin to the point of pain, then I felt him go in as far as possible.  He hissed in a breath, unable to even moan as he filled me.  My walls clenched around him as I shuddered.


Lara servicing us both…a sight I never had dreamt of seeing.  Her hands and mouth danced back and forth between us, and I liked the way she asked my approval with her eyes before first taking AJ in her mouth.  When she bent over him, sticking her cute little butt into the air, that was all the invitation I needed. 

Seeing her go down on him…damn…that was the biggest damn turn-on I had ever experienced.  It took all I had not to just cum all over her before I even made it inside.  When I did finally make it inside, she was so tight, and it was almost as if she was milking me dry.

We all came at the same time…something I never expected to happen.  But then again, the whole situation was unreal.  As we all collapsed onto a sweaty pile, I made a mental note to drill Kevin for more intricate information about his experience with AJ.  As I looked over Lara’s drowsy head at my friend, I wondered if this would happen again…and if I really wanted it to.


I met Nick’s gaze over Lara’s sleeping form.  His eyes were full of questions.  “No,” I whispered.  “Never again.”

“But I…” Nick began.  I gently put a finger over his lips.

“Nothing could compare to his,” I told him softly.  “I never expected it to be this incredible,” I admitted.  “And I’m afraid that if it happens again…it may start to do something wrong to your relationship.  I don’t want that.”

He seemed to think for a moment, then nodded slowly.  Once again, I reached over to ruffle his blond hair.  A yawn almost cracked my head in two.  “Let’s get some sleep,” I said.  He smiled a sleepy smile and pulled Lara closer before letting his blue eyes flutter closed.

I watched them for a moment.  I studied Nick’s blond head, remembering the boy that had grown into the man before me.  My eyes moved to Lara, the sweet girl that I KNEW was his soulmate, even if he was too dumb to realize it.  I threw an arm across Lara’s waist, laying my head against her dark hair as I dozed off.


The End

This story belongs with a group of stories, also read the following:


The Final Seduction – By Ari

The Situation – By Lisa

The Situation . . . My Turn . . .  – By Kelley


Tell Lara what you thought of this story!