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Very Cool

By:  Lara


"There.  There's your chance."
"Lance, this is perfect timing.  Look. That is the face of a person who
needs a friend right now."
"Lance, what's the worst that could happen."
"I could walk over there, say my thing, and hear, "Lance, thanks, but you're
my friend.  ONLY my friend."  No thank you."
"Lance, it's perfect. You've been pining away..."
"I haven't been 'pining away' for anyone."
"Have too."
"Have not."
"Have too."
"Have not."
"Have not."
"Have too...dammit, Chris..."
"Ha, gotcha. The oldest trick in the book."
"I should just kill you. Then my secret could be safe with me."
"The secret SHOULDN'T be safe, Lance.  You NEED to come out about it."
"What if I don't WANT to come out about it?"
"You know you do. You want to walk right over and fuck the living..."
"WHY do I talk to you?"
"Because I know your secret."
"And HOW did you find out?"
"Because I'm a sneaky little weasel who accidentally heard you talking about
it in your sleep."
"Right. Sneaky little weasel. Why am I listening to you?"
"Because I care about you and want you to be happy.  You'd be happier if
you'd come clean."
"But I can't."
"Would you like the reasons in alphabetical or numerical order?"
"Give me three."
"I'm not good enough...I'm not good enough...I'm not good enough."
"Lance, you're such a dumbass. If you don't go over there, I will."
"You will not."
"Try me."
"Do it.  If you do it, I get a hundred bucks."
"We bet.  They said you wouldn't, I said you would. I get fifty from each."
"You're betting on me?"
"You're a sure thing, Lance."
"Screw you, Chris."
"Nope, not me.  GO."
"Okay. I'm going. What if..."
"Don't think what if. Play it cool.  GO."
"Hey, Lance."
"Hey, Justin.  You okay?"
"I'm sorry they shot down your song. I really liked it."
"Yeah, me too. Just not good at the love songs, I guess. Gotta stick to the
mindless bubble-gum."
" was made me wish I had someone I could love like that."
"Really.  Hey...listen...Justin...would you like to go out with me tonight?"
"Go out...for dinner...get your mind off of things."
"Oh...for a minute there it almost sounded like you asked me out."
"Um...well...yeah...I guess it could sound like that."
"Are you asking me out, Lance?"
"Um, yeah."
"On a date?"
"Um, yeah."
"You like me that way?"
"Um, yeah."
"Look at me, Lance.  For how long?"
"Um, months."
"I'm sorry. I'll leave you alone."
"Yes, you can take me out for dinner tonight. I could use it."
"Meet downstairs at eight?"
"Lance...thank you."
"You're welcome."
"Chris, quiet down."
"What did he say?"
"He said yes."
"Very cool."

The End


Please tell Lara what you thought of this story!