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Justin smiled as JC and Chris came into his room.  “This is so cool!”  He said excitedly.  JC and Chris looked at each other.

“I TOLD you he’s too young for this,” JC muttered.

“No, I mean, getting to tell Lance to go hang out in Joey’s room because you guys wanted to talk to me. He’s all jealous.”  Justin beamed.  He loved any excuse to be treated as something special.  “And the fact that you two skipped going out to hang with ME.”

“Well, we are on the move to a new city tomorrow,” JC said defensively, feeling a little sorry for Lance.

“Anyway...” Chris sat down on a chair.  JC sat on the floor. Neither of them wanted to sit next to Justin on the bed.

“You guys look nervous,” Justin said, laughing.

“Will you get serious?” JC snapped.  “Do you even realize what you asked of us? It’s pretty much illegal, Justin. You’re underage.”

“So?”  Justin lay back and stretched, looking every bit the sexy jailbait he was.

Chris sighed.  “The only reason we even DISCUSSED this is because we’re worried and we care about you.  We don’t want you going out and fooling around with some stranger who could hurt you.”

“How did YOU guys learn stuff?” Justin asked.

Chris swallowed. “From some stranger who hurt me,” he answered softly.

“Oh,” Justin said, suddenly serious.

“I still think that you’re just experimenting, that you’re straight, if not bi,” JC said. “That’s the ONLY reason I agreed to this.”

“I just want to know,” Justin said softly.

“You can’t tell anyone about this,” Chris said. “Not Joey, not Lance.”

“Duh,” Justin said, offended.

“And DEFINITELY not your mom,” JC said.

“Jayce!”  Justin yelled, blushing.

“You tell her everything else,” Chris pointed out.

“Not the important stuff,” Justin pouted.  “God.”

“Okay. So...what do you want to know?” JC asked.  He hoped that maybe Justin just had some questions and didn’t want any “hands on” experience.

“Everything. What you guys do together.  What feels good. How” Justin actually blushed.  “What DO you guys do?”

“Everything,” Chris said.

“Everything?” Justin squeaked.

Chris desperately wished he had thought to get drunk before attempting this. “Everything. We kiss, we jack each other off, we rim, we blow, we fuck.”

“God.” JC buried his face in his hands.

“Really?” Justin breathed, his eyes wide. “And you can teach me how to do all that? How to be good at it?”

“Heaven forbid you not be GOOD at something,” Chris mumbled.  “I’m better at some things, and JC is better at some things.”

“So you can BOTH teach me,” Justin said with satisfaction. “Good.”

“I feel like I’ve just opened the gates to hell,” JC said.

“Honey, not only did you open the gates, but we’re on the moving sidewalk,” Chris said, sighing.

“So.” Justin crossed his legs.  “What can we do tonight?”

“Tonight?” JC asked.  “We didn’t...”

“C’mon, JC. It’s not like we have forever,” Justin said sternly. “How often do you think you guys can stay back and hang with me without someone guessing?”

“I could get off,” Chris admitted, and JC smacked him. “What?”

“Fine,” JC snapped.  “Look, Justin, I know you’ve gotten yourself off, right? Doing it to someone else is easy.”  JC stood and took off his shirt. “Get naked, Chris.”

Chris blinked, but quickly obeyed.  JC was not aggressive very often.  Justin simply stared. “Wow,” he said softly. He had seen Chris naked before, but never naked and immediately aroused.  JC grabbed a pillow and settled himself against the headboard.  He waved Chris over, and Chris settled down between JC’s legs, his back against JC’s chest.

“Come here, Justin,” JC said softly, and Justin nervously crawled forward. “Kiss me.”  Justin licked his lips and moved up on his hands and knees. Chris looked up and watched as their lips tenderly met.  Justin sighed and leaned forward, almost crushing Chris. 

“Uh, hello!” Chris said, and Justin pulled back.

“Kiss Chris,” JC ordered.  Justin smiled and kissed Chris.  Chris moaned as he realized that Justin was a born kisser. Chris felt JC’s hands slide down to his nipples as Justin got more comfortable next to Chris.  “Keep kissing him,” JC murmured, and Chris could hardly stand the sensations.  Justin’s tongue was doing evil things to his mouth that no sixteen year old should know how to do, and JC’s nimble fingers were plucking at Chris’ sensitive nipples.  “Scoot up, Chris,” JC whispered, and Justin pulled back.  Chris moved up to give JC better access. 

“Now what?” Justin asked.

“Watch.”  JC’s thin hand slid down to grasp Chris’ erection. “The most important thing is to pay attention. You can tell by someone’s breathing and reactions what exactly they like.”  JC’s thumb flickered over the head and Chris arched. “See?”

“Yes,” Justin breathed.

“And the situation determines how you play,” JC said. “If someone really just wants to get off, you don’t tease.”  JC’s strokes grew more forceful, and Chris gasped, his hands clutching at the sheets.  “But...if you have all the time in the world...” JC’s hand slid down to toy with Chris’ balls.

“Jayce...” Chris moaned.

“What can I do?” Justin whispered.

“Stroke him,” JC said.  “Slow and steady.”

“Fuck!” Chris cried as Justin gently took Chris’ cock in his hands.  JC continued to fondle Chris’ balls as Justin kept a steady pace on Chris’ cock.

“ get some of the pre-cum...yeah...” JC said, his voice tight.  Justin’s eyes never left JC’s face as he worked Chris.

“Guys...I’m gonna...” Chris blurted. He thrust his hips into Justin’s hand.

“C’mon, baby,” JC whispered in Chris’ ear, biting at Chris’ shoulder. He brought his hand back up to pick at Chris’ nipples.

“Uh...” Chris grunted, shooting up onto his chest.

“Good...” JC moaned.  He let a finger dip down onto Chris’ chest, then licked it off.

“Euw,” Justin said unconsciously.  JC smiled and dipped the finger down again.

“Try.”  He held the finger out, and Justin put his tongue out.  He wrinkled his nose, then began to suck at JC’s finger. “God,” JC said, and Chris felt him harden against his back.

“Should I return the favor?” Chris asked.

“Not here,” JC said in a strangled tone.  He shoved Chris up and got off the bed. “Consider that lesson number one, Justin. C’mon, Chris.”  JC grabbed his shirt and fled.

“When do I get lesson number two?” Justin called after him, but JC was gone.

“Soon,” Chris promised, haphazardly grabbing at his clothes.
