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“Hey.” Lance fell onto the sofa next to Chris, who looked up in surprise.

“Oh, hey.” Chris tore his gaze away from where JC and Justin were curled up like little kittens, fast asleep in a ball on the floor of the bus. “Where's Joey?”

“Pouting,” Lance said with a grin. “I think he really hates you for teaching me to play poker.” He held out a small pile of German money and waved it a bit.

“You beat him AGAIN?” Chris asked. He patted Lance's knee. “Well done, Grasshopper.”

“Hey, I learned from the best,” Lance said, shrugging. Chris smiled. It wasn't often that he felt close to Lance in this way, but it was a nice feeling. It was nice to feel joined to someone…like Justin and JC were. Lance followed Chris' gaze back to the pile on the floor. “You ever think that they're secretly one person?” Lance said suddenly, and Chris gave him a sharp look.

“What do you mean?”

“They just fit so well together. I don't know if it's a Mouse thing, or what, or the fact that they're both so incredibly talented and charismatic.” Lance dipped his head and blushed slightly. “I get jealous sometimes. I know I'm not a front man, and never will be. Just the fact that I'm even IN this group amazes me. But they…they're different.”

“Jeez, Lance,” Chris said, surprised at the revelation. “You're a great part of this group. An important part.”

“You didn't think so at the beginning,” Lance said, and Chris had the decency to blush. “Anyway, I just like watching them sometimes. They're almost…beautiful together.”

If you only knew, Chris thought, but he said, “They're something else.” 

“God,” Chris said in a strangled tone. “I thought we were waiting for…”

“Do you really want to wait?” JC asked, his hands skimming up Chris' naked thighs. Chris had the single that night, and it was almost two in the morning. They had stopped to quietly awaken Justin before returning to Chris' room, and JC had pounced almost as soon as they entered the room. “You were so hot on the dance floor…wanted you.”

“Yes…” Chris moaned, letting his head fall back onto the bed. JC's hands were magic as they stroked him.

“I'm gonna show him what you like best, baby,” JC said, licking along Chris' balls.

“I thought…you were worried…about scaring him…” Chris panted.

“You started without me!” Justin said unhappily as he came in the unlocked door.

“He should see how to really please a man,” JC said in answer to Chris' statement. He lifted Chris' hips and shoved a pillow under them.

“What are you doing?” Justin asked, falling to his knees by JC's side.

“JC's horny,” Chris said, barely able to speak, knowing what was coming.

“Hey.” JC turned his head to Justin and brutally kissed him, pulling Justin's tongue into his mouth. Justin whimpered and grabbed JC by the back of the head.

“Me, too,” Justin managed finally.

“You're sixteen. You're ALWAYS horny,” Chris said. He kicked slightly to get JC's attention back. “Hello, remember me, naked man on the bed, here?”

“Mmm, yes…” JC said with a devilish smile. He took Chris into his mouth, sucked slightly, then moved down further.

“Where are you…holy hell!” Justin said, shocked as JC lifted Chris' hips to get better access.

“Ohhh yes…” Chris moaned, letting his head fall back. “Jayce…baby…” Chris said, his teeth almost chattering.

“You…you…” Justin spluttered. He watched as JC's tongue actually disappeared. “That feels good?” Justin asked in disbelief. The pure ecstasy on Chris' face answered his question. “I dunno if I can do that.”

“Not everyone likes it,” JC said, planting kisses along Chris' hips. “I like doing it because Chris LOVES it. I love those noises he makes.” He went back to his job and Chris gasped.

“Justin,” Chris said helplessly. Justin stood and quickly stripped. “Come here.” He pulled at Justin until Justin straddled his chest. “Wanna suck you.”

“Ohhh…” Justin sighed, letting his head fall back They heard JC moan slightly as he intensified his efforts.

“Fuck,” Chris grunted around Justin's cock. JC gave him a few pumps, and suddenly he was cumming hard, moaning against Justin's skin. Justin gave an accompanying moan and continued to thrust into Chris' mouth.

Some of Chris' cum landed on Justin's backside, and JC smiled. “Lean forward, J,” JC said softly, giving a gentle push. Justin leaned until he was pretty much on his hands and knees. JC lapped at the white saltiness on Justin's smooth skin, letting his tongue get closer and closer to his target.

“Oh!” Justin said in surprise as JC slowly spread him. Chris realized what was happening, and reached around to help JC.

“Mmm…” JC said, letting his tongue flicker out.

“I don't…oh God that's good…” Justin stammered. “Jayce…”

JC's tongue went in slow circles, starting wide, then getting more and more focused. He pushed against the tender muscle, darting his tongue until it was able to move inside. His finger joined in, occasionally venturing inside a tiny bit. Justin was soon shuddering, hardly able to stand the double torture of JC's tongue and Chris' mouth. “Cum,” JC said softly, using his tongue like a sword.

“God!” Justin cried, emptying into Chris' warm mouth. Chris drank it all, watching Justin's face the entire time. JC moved back, gently pulling Justin with him. Justin fell to Chris' side, shivering violently as he lay on the bed.

“Shh…” JC said softly, laying down behind Justin. He put a comforting arm around Justin's waist, kissing the back of Justin's head.

“I never…like that before in my LIFE…” Justin whispered. “So intense…”

“Are you okay?” Chris asked softly, and Justin nodded, squirming back against JC.

“Better,” Justin said drowsily. JC smiled at Chris over Justin's shoulder.

“What about you?” Chris said to JC. JC shook his head.

“I'm fine,” JC said. He tucked his chin against Justin's shoulder, and his blue eyes soon fluttered closed as well.

Chris didn't sleep right away. He lay awake for almost an hour, watching Justin and JC.
