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“You know I’ll be as careful as I can, right?” JC asked.  Justin nodded.

“I trust you, Jayce,” he said, and JC saw the trust in the dark blue eyes.

“God,” JC said, licking at Justin’s long neck. “I never EVER thought I’d get the chance to do this.” His hand slid up and down Justin’s stomach.

“You mean you…you thought about it?”

“Yes,” JC said, and the word was a quiet hiss in Justin’s ear. “I tried not to. GOD, I tried not to. You were just a baby…you still are.”

“I’m sixteen,” Justin said boldly, his hand sliding down to slowly stroke JC. “I’m old enough to know what I want.”

“What do you want?” JC murmured.

“This.” Justin’s thumb ran over the head and JC groaned.

“Fuck, you’re gonna kill me.”  JC rolled to push up on his hands, lowering his body to Justin’s. “I want you so bad, but I’m scared. Scared that this is wrong.”

“If I want it so bad, it can’t be wrong, can it?” Justin said, looking very young and innocent. 

“Your first time should be with someone…”

“Someone I love,” Justin finished. “And I love you, JC. I always have. You’ve been everything to me. I just…I just kinda came to realize it within the last few months.  THAT’S scared me more than anything you’ve taught me recently.”

“Love?” JC whispered.  Justin nodded and bit his lip.

“Maybe I shouldn’t have said that.”

“No, I’m glad you did.”  JC kissed Justin, a soft, tender kiss that implied so much. “Love can only make this better.”  He grabbed the tube of lubricant that he had placed nearby, and he slid down Justin’s body. “I want this to be so good for you.”

“It will be,” Justin said, moaning as JC’s tongue lapped at his cock.

“Just relax,” JC murmured, slowly beginning to work on Justin.

Justin gasped as the finger intruded, his long fingers grabbing at JC’s head.  JC lightly kissed the inside of Justin’s thighs, trying to distract him as his fingers did what they needed to do. He wanted this so bad, but he wanted it to be good for Justin. Justin was all that mattered.  “Oh,” Justin gasped, arching up as JC hit a sweet spot.

“I’m gonna try to find that again,” JC promised, his breath warm on Justin’s skin. “I don’t know if I will, but I’m gonna try…”

“Want you,” Justin grunted, arching his hips up.

“Justin,” JC moaned, leaning forward to kiss the red lips.  JC pulled back and grabbed blindly at the nightstand for a condom.

“You don’t have to…” Justin began.

“Shut up!” JC almost snapped. “You think I’d really do something to hurt you?  You know I’m no slut, but I’m not about to just do this without protection.  And don’t YOU ever do it either, hear me?” Justin nodded quickly.  “I love you too much to take that chance.”

“You love me?” Justin said hoarsely, his eyes filled with hope.

“Yes,” JC said, the realization hitting him like a brick.


“God…” JC said later, his face buried on Justin’s chest.  He looked up at Justin. “You’re crying!  I tried so hard to be gentle!”

“You were!” Justin insisted. “It didn’t hurt that bad.  It felt so good, I promise, Jayce! It was just…I never felt like that before.”

“Me either,” JC swore. “Not even with…” His mouth fell open and he looked over his shoulder. “Chris,” he said softly.

“Where is he?” Justin asked, realizing at the same time that they were alone in the room.

“I don’t know. I didn’t even notice that he left.” JC’s face burned with shame as he sat up and removed the condom.  “Shit.”

“You and he…uh…” Justin began.

“We just had sex, you know, I don’t think it was anything more,” JC said, though he didn’t sound convinced.

“You feel guilty. Don’t. I asked for this,” Justin said.  “I’ll talk to him.”

“No, I’ll talk to him. I need to explain what happened.”

“What happened?” Justin asked softly.

“You and I…we…fell in love, I guess,” JC said.  He sighed. “That sounds so lame…like a soap opera.”

“Tell me about it,” Justin said. He smiled sadly. “I don’t want to hurt Chris.”

“Me either. I don’t even know where he is,” JC sighed. “Fuck.”


Lance sat up straight, blinking hard.  “What is it?” Chris asked, years of sleeping in tight quarters with his family making him a light sleeper. “What’s wrong?”

“Oh, Chris,” Lance said in relief.  “I just kind woke up and realized someone was next to me and it freaked me out.  Sorry to waken you.”

“No problem. What time is it?”

“Four.”  Lance rubbed at his eyes. “We have a few hours.”

“I’ll go back to my room,” Chris said, sitting up as well.  “Joey thinks I died, I bet.”

“You can stay,” Lance said shyly. “Tell him you were taking care of me. Thanks, by the way. I guess I DO need babied now and then.”

“We all do, Poofu,” Chris said, rubbing at Lance’s hair. “How do you feel?”

“Better. Tired. I hope you don’t get this,” Lance said, concerned.

“I won’t,” Chris said cheerfully, but he almost welcomed the idea of the flu. At least then he’d have an excuse for the lethargic ache that he felt everywhere, starting with his heart.
